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FIREÏ F I JUS l i: rsrc-is massachusktts l Insurance Company , CASH CAi'lTAL& SUliPLUS. . O"VJESSÏ. S2OOjO0O. .V. N. STttONU, Agent Ann ArW, Mliroh, 20, 1SC1. 79f I,1FK IJISÜKaSOIü. The Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insuranoa Company. . Accumulatcd Capital, - ,500,000. j (-Tril ; ■ "' amooul nol exc ■ 1 W 19 : l.:fo l..r a u-rni of reara, 01 ■ ' ' . '-., .. , y mutual and 1 1 ■- ■ ,e surplus over tbeexaet oost W : . letllemcnt of l, i y laking ■ amimiit, beatlng Intartet at ax percent, por annom. Divithnds are Tpedared Annualhj! ■ are mcreaaingthey uiaj be LL- j . arcaslott as any other rerund of ;. li) thi ILIl '" ofUieCounty Ann Arbo J.lMK UO(! For partlcnlarsapjáj to jilIES C VATTIN, Agent at Aiuj Arljor, Mieli. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NT. Accumulatcd Jan, 1800, 1,707,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J 0 KENDALL. Vtce President, PLINÍÍ FIÍliEMAN.Jctoí $100,000 DEPOSITED wlththeComptróöeroftbeftatöof New Yuvk. Div!rago-10 per cent. aimually. ASSBTS. ■!!niv=ur;eH,;rrato,lu..'riliM-l-.vs..f s , ..v Yort anfl ofthe O.&, 5S.8iO.j9 :., Fixturea, Nos. 112 rf ,.,., 450W BoKT&ortg " Noti-sn-.■ mlnmBonBfe nimnis.doesuD-.ouur ï,-iU'-„ptoJan.l.lSeO, "fiS-JÏ :: rueduptoJaiiil.lSSO,. , . - Premium., on poUclea in hands ui Agenta, ii,44.i.u ei.7G7 ,133.24 i&Ta i.jgËSiamM. ASent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS TUK (ÏEN"T for thafollowing ftrut class companiea: HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, fork aty,- Capital and Surplus, Sl.500,000. CITY PIRE INStTBARCB COMPANY, of B irtford.- Capital and Suri)luH, $400.000. COTIENTAIi WSOHASCH COMPA.VY, of Naw ïork City.- ('upa il and burplu, $100,000. rhre.quarters of the nett pr ■ Company ia Qnually among iUpdicy houiers. C MELLENAnn Arbor, Daccmber J3, 1860. tmTTS (jouway Fire Insurance Co., Of Cornvny, Mass. Oápitftl paicl tip, - S150.000 00 Assets (Oadi), - - 269,963 i 2 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rokers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y. President. DiRECTOFlS. 3 B WHITMEY L 1ODMAN, W. EI.I.1OTT, S IIOWUND D (". McGH.VKAV. V.. 1). VOIiGAN WAIT BENENT, JOSIAH Ai.US. A. H. HU' IF-N VV.II. niCKINSON, W T. CLAPP', O. CROOÊRa. V ti ti Arbor Rpfrrences: Dr. E. WELLS. 1-. ÍAMES L. IiOïiGE, UNOCH JAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOOBRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Airont. Ann Avhor. Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 one of the HEAVIESfT, SAFBSI aml BEST Insurance Co's in tUe l'. S. In I prompily. Thèwfis no better Kiro liisuranc Compauy. Mo ney Wauted. W h o will Le ïi cl M o n e y 1 ÍAM i;; f SEVERA! PERSONB tu obtain for ili'.-m :it ïen Per Cont Iiterest, (Or More.) Por any one willing tolend, I can :i! a ffooí'nnencumbered abundant REAL ESTÁTE ícurity BnyBiims of moHeyand 5etn1 tho tille asdaeeority are .mi.. . , ,. ew The borrowcr payingall expenjes, includlngrenordinff ? MORGAN, lnn Arbor, Gct. 7.18B3. 715f General Land Agency. PERRONS wanting farm, or residencetm oincal An'n Arbor, can by cRllinu onme íeleclfroma llat ofover _ ' 1O0 Karms l'or Sale! OOarioue slzee trom :), tt. 130I' acrceaacli ,(ome ai goodíaanyinLhiCounty.) Moruthan SO Divcling Hoiisfis n-.hií"ity,froratwo iiundred to fourthousanido - aroach:and ovar 1 o O &0ILOIKO I4ÖT8I Amonpthefarma aro the Blshcpsiarm, ISOOacrea, the Potter fnrm, InGreenOak, thePlacefarm, ■ i 4i acres fheRlaodonand Jenkafarms, la vebstnri th StabSs, Mlchae)CIny.' Newton Boegan and KBllaho. r,rm.. in Ann Arbor J . KlngrteyM farm, lnPlttlleid-the,Hatch.and ''■ Lodl;the Patrie ClayoíaVúi ln rreedó; W, ,B. DavUon , B. O Bakert mid Buck'a farm In Sylvun . Hoat-f nd tnany otbors can be Jividedto lult purchaser R w. „0 lc;ABr. AnnArbnj. Jan 1 BM " s 7 W .MORGAN, Agent tor Mutual Ufe Inautance Company, New '■ AecumnlatedAiueta, - - - - --,3üO,UuO. '■' intne u. B. f Insurance Company, New York, taf Co.- term roauqpttbleHnmboUh Pie [naaranceCompany, NnntSm urplue, - - 1 ;"'■""■ ae Fire lnurance Co., Ul _lmt v No. 1 l'irc Insurance Co'8. "" l' Capital, - SSúO.OBO; -f'u. DEAL1NG IN PBANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Muñe 4' Musical MurcJiandise. JACKSON - - - MÍCIT. VI NO PORTES froro tho manufactoxy oL a. ii. GALE & ro. of Now fot ffhom i :un agt. I will vrarrant Inferior to none, in style ol ünKIi ruaotil v oí qualitj of tone and prompt nesB of o MELODEONS, manulactural '■ ■' Uiven aun. & lTKY & Brattlebow Vt. I wül warr-iui }aporforto nuy in the markot in ewry rcpct thatpertaiua to íhegood qua'; ' :.;'- Od bond and un o nstantly rccoiviiig from i be py bli br tare cuintft oï ih rnwst póbi i.i iSHEET MUSIÓ ■rfalph I n II end 1 f malí to ar.y p.irtof the coxitüry, ' u asttOTl m 'üt or GUITARS, YiOLINS, TIANO Stools, Bows Strings, Inslructions Eooks for all instrosoenta, CHURO MUSW BOOKS Gfee Books fy-., ty&:, Sfc. ! The usual dis&rani Lo tlU ffOfa aioa, Mu leal Tni atrumcnU tañed andronaired and aíiíiííittíoDguyrantco ni fv(-rv fêflpoot . 787ÍÍ I,. F lï.WDAI.'x N O T I C E. ALL Persons indebted by note or secoasfc to Michnnl UamploQ are horeby rèquested to cali and sii I ftttiQ wil li J. i). Iriííli, ono of the MñlgUBtñ of tho Baid Michael Campion,ana thöroby save eoapi, m 1) ifi. Ann Arbor.. June 10, 1961. WÊÊÊk EmpircNÍOT , ■ 'fl SOOK S'iORE Ijffl ABE SOW ■ ■ ■ -Mi 1:.AN"It Manufactúrenla New un i ! i ck of LAVV & MEDICAL BUOKS, School Books, Misccllancous Books, lilank Books, dan V:illan(l Paper, DrawiDg anrl M;ithem;iU'.;il Instruments, ■ivfíiilo Libra] alad Cards. '■:,- - '- -ijJlSSS" GOLD (4nZ aW otf'ír kinds of Pens and Penáis . Vflndoir Gornl . :n: n-'ixture, POCKET CUTLEKYl &dBverythiog mrtainicK to tUe trade, i'í more to vhiehthy would the attention ot' Ihe country. &fcOondttCtÍBg our business, we shfüldii n 11 that can ouable man, woman or child shail iri'l :my fault. whlota will enable us to supply )ur stomers at the Lowcst Possiblo Figures. Wo prnpose tosoïlfor READY PAY, ata si;Ulal vanee. Wa ftxpecta iii''lit Qiioui' gouds, but Dash Sales "uill Admit of low FIGURES. ranina of JAMES F. 8PALDING, I to furiiish VisHing, Wedding and all olhcr Cards written to order, icith neatness and dispatch, by mai' or otherwise. Tho "EmpibbBook Stome" ís ipann(Ml by a oorl 'crew,1 6e fónnd oa ' ii'ck," ■o:nlv and vlUing i" attendto all vthilcasurc,wüo will favor thejp with a c;ill. Uememb'er tho "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Aun Arbor, .:y,lSCO. 7Jft AÑTOHEK M, A AERIVAI AT THsá loLDAND RELIA BLE ilfi CLOTHIWt EMPORIÜMÜ s PHCENIX BXjOCIS:, MAIN STREET. Itasjast rtíturnert froia the Eastern Cities, v.ith a larg iüü tle-sirablo stock of FALL AMD WINTER Gr OOBB! wVjch he Ís noiy oíTering at unusually low riiossí Amor.g Lis Assoi tmout niay be fouud BROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERES, DOESK1NS, & VESTIKGS. of all dcscriptions, espeolally for FALL AND WINTER WE AR ! which liéis eutttng and ' 'Uclatestanc ■;.;tjipr wiíh a 8Qpni ii of READY MADE CLOTHJNG! TBJÜNKS CARl'LT fiACS, P1TBREIJ.AS, nml Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, otner articles usually found in simila: esfabliahments. As ANEMPOFIUM 0FFASH10M., the ( ■'■ rib -.- '.'■'■ r bímai lf, th I hi Ipng expi i ra. BuocésüjV ■ ■ rea test n:iv liusl bimíu tlití way ofznanulaeturin i order. 79tf WM. WAONER. Ho íor the Mxnmoth Caiilnet Ware Rooms. MAETIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JL"ST OPENED IN TIIEIR new and Elegant War e-R o o 111 sBAST 8IDE.0F MATN':": : tpUtO tlck Of ROSEWOOD, MAUOGANY SKT3 OK PARLOR rURNITUHE INCLUDIMG Sofa', Teto-a-Tetes, Slahogany Rosc-Wpod, Black Walnut, lJi:ii and narblfl 'J'ojtpöd EO3EV MAHÓGANY, 1 NTT, amts, &c, So., ít., &o. m. JCi - 9 ■ KETARIES, Complete I'I.'MKJOM INOLUDING LATEST STYLES, -or,,.,... , ., .... ,. ,. , ■Witli MATTEESSBS w tho b ; 'l Different Materuil In Faot they H i :ig with which to fuvüiah Olí KíTCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longtr go to Df-troii or elcOwherfi i" ñnd a large assortment. Thta FTJK3SriTURE ñasut be ko1í aad will be soliï at V E R Y LOW FKICES! #&■ I. ■ i ui'l liywifp or going to bo wife COMEA-■ alsobare a iA'yl tó ÜARRIAGL, Ati iré always ready to nttvnd i the bula) of thz -: ■■'Unlry. i I sido o! M:iin sí )■-'. , bèvween WashíngionliQd Liberty O. :■[. MAUTJN. Bm739 Cj.B. THOMPSON Hangsterfer's tílock. DEA fílfe C O., TNVIfh ;it'ci:t.iun Lo thfir HtW ítock Complisl 1 hn I Croc&ery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures íwdLtoii'ie-fiiraishinLg90cU;ll of wli cli they ucoiicr ing At lie Lowent Possible Rotes. Frcnc'i ■ t-.'i 0 ; to -0 00 Freo rom to 70 00 ir -ín 8 50 to 5 00 ::-':m 8 50 t -0 {0. m plet o froíD 87 : ■: '■'■' . , from B0 Fluiil I-auii' '■■■ i:i 18 to 62 49Iamps of all . :il repaired. Suffiíncr Hill Nursery. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, P') : 1. MTK:;Y,AN-V ArUor, Micii.,is now ready tu reeftive order.for Il'm onAcra fox I'i . . lenta] Tree, i aml hispersojiftl aUoiigp will bo gii aml lilliii .;■;;■■ &m. Éavlng beearegiilarV ni (bal witU aronipt atfanwtiO, :u: . .:iy,lic will he átale to g nutisfactiou to ovejfy onu cuntitliug gTOwera will fio wéll togive him a callbefoi i He woul Irefe ■ Co maoy citizous of the ('Mv and County whopurcbasedofhim the past Bpm talltyof iighton by hlm. us weUaa for the goc3 order io n li id u #ld r !■■ í. -!■ lar n n tai i il jl ■ - " - - ■ uní n


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Michigan Argus