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"GJíEATBARGAlJXS : Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. TÏ7E HAVi'. (MIX R] [XKÜOSHED OTE STORE W1TH i V tlie moat spk-uuid Stock of Gr O O X Üi'it "XV AS ever offMrfid in any ODO eslablishim-nt it: the State, a!t ui' which wo oflfeï for talon ís can be fouml In Uiu Unii d We want IVXoney ! md will Greai Sacrifices on Anjiíiin u fjutw to obtain it, not oxcepting OLD NOTES AKD ACOOUKTS VTc cordially invita ALL CASH CCSTOMERS to cali and examine our Goods and Prlccs. Wo alsí invito uur Prompt Paying Customers to come buy thetr supplfes for tlio Winíor. Totliosi Bashful ones that ure afmiü lo cali, we saj to tliuiu, tuk COUUIÍCO SE3CjXji Your "OeHU-A-T! without longer waitiug for hlgher pric(it come in, oíd scores, aud tlien :vt such pricea as ill nt-ike up all Iosrcs It is hardl; ucccesaarj to enumcrateüur Goocls} l'or We have Everything! A large assortment of CARPETING, CROtKERY D11Y GOODS, MEDIIKES, GEOEEIES, PAJNTS, OILS, II AT", CAPS, BOOTS, 8HOES YANKEE NOTIOXS &c, &c, &c. (715tt) MAYNARD, STTÏ3BINS & WILSO Stoves &. Hardware Ï RISDON & HENDERSON II .ic now in Store ii large ussortinentoí mm c a? 7W jb3 ai 9 Hardware and House Furnishing All Ti ork WÜ1 bc BOld U C'IIJ-'AP as :it ;my othoi Establishment in iVlichig?in, They have got tho Best Assortment of Cooking P A Ti LOR AND l'LATE I3XT THIS STA.TB, And will sellthem Choaper than THE CIlEAPluST, 1 srt'. All Icinfls of tin ware kop1 on hand. Particular attention jiaid to all kind of - will be done wlili NEATNES8 AND DISPATO. 'lease callana see theír STOVE BOOM In 2d Btory of Kow Block. RISDON 8e HENÜERSON. Auu Arbor, Jan. 5, 1861. O . BLISS I I , f Still in the Field! ■VITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS in my line direct ficon New York, Boston, and tlie Manuiacturers! I luive juit received a large &ud woll selected asüortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, J E! "W E3 Xj T TT. SILVER & PLAÏED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a great variety of Yankee Notions. Ac. I wouldcall particular attentlon to mj large stock of SJPECTAC'IjES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated, with PER S C O P I 0 G L A S S K superior artHc, rail l gront rirlety of artlcles In the line, OHEVX for CASH. Persone harsng diíTeaJt mtoliosMIlo irithgtañ, enn ' ■ ■ aplete, I" 8, REPAIEING of all kind - of I U6 ■ ;, as Making & Setting New Jewels, ri.MOXS, STAFFS nnJ CYIJNDERS, also ' CLOCKS, AND .TEW ELE Y, ■ N'eally Repalred and irarnnttd. C. BLISS. Auif'i'it 2?. 18Cn. 7fiB(f PATENTES November lst, 1859. - _ THE aj ■ '.nA B i" B tl' ïoke. 4 iftfiÈÖ '" C ""' M:'ev0 hP" - " "!?■ ' i''tiiK'e ƒ 'i around the Body I ■ ■MIjM El" E. the Píllente ; lmptefvtl Ficncii Yoke SHIRTS. PaTENTED NOV. Ut. 1859 ANewStyleof S.irt, warranted to Fit By Bonding the abovp meiuinfcfl per mail canguar a ii !(■(.' a jn'rfcct fit of our ncw glyle of Shirt, and rel uin i ■■;■:■■ - ■■ .!.. pari o!' United Stat 9, at $12, fl :"), %] 8, S-4, &c. ; otc. t per down. No ordor forwa rdetl ! r!.-;. Also.ImpQrtora au.. Dealera in MEN'8 FÜRNISHING U i] . tfcs Wholesale trAdeupplie1 on usual terms. BALLOU BROTHERS, Sü'Jtf 4üj Broadway, New York. MOORS & IiOOMIS Have Removed lo the STORE RKCKNTLY OCCU1MED BY C. MACK, PhcEiiix Block,East side of Main St., AND -, H.VViO ís &■ ■ "V In Store 3.i Y,:, ■. A Largo find " ' plete BOOTS $c SHOES Of every descripúon whioh will be & O Xj X OHEAPEB TiíLiV C;V 5fí BOUGH? 7JV This City. lso a largc assortment o' HOME MANUFACTUEE, Of ;ill kinds made in tbe mest Fashionable Sfylc BW tlOOD AND EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -OUR.FEENCfl CALF BOOTS tin X'iT'M-Ki'AssKn Ibis v'V of KewVovli City, and art warranted not to éudp. Uur ?TOGA8AND KIPSs ave inneïu of the bost malcriáis Ouratuckof Morocco B o ot e e s for Ladiee is the tin bs1 in tovn, wlth hwlfl or vrfthon) We Mnïtc to Ovilcr, and liever dqIm of BCmMG tin first time bo gïve usu cali and we II show ym rtur stock We have ■ ■ m i ;. I wo Ex tt i Joi : o ourraendiiiíí in the iVcat cdt .laiiitci-, and On shortest notice. Our mullo is Qiilck Sales and Snmll Profits Tlüinkful 'or past fa vors we hope-bypajlng strici attentioii to our business to inorit a liberal Rhare f youi pfttronaf for tli1 luture. írí" líemtíniber w; are not to be nndersold. Stt MUOBE & LOOMIS 1STJ-J! VV GOODS VYLNES &KNIGIÏÏ Are now recelvingtheir SECOXD 8prin and ISiumiier STOCK OF GOUDS Ia consctiuonce of tbo Great Pressure in tlie we have been cnablcd to parchase many kind of Goods at our own prices. AVc can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LES? THA1Í WAS PATD FOR THE SAirK KIND OF GOODS in New YorlSIX WEEKS SINCEi We invite the attention of all to an inspeotion of our stock. WINES & KN1GHT. May 10, 1861. GKEAT BARGAINS X zx CLOTHINGÜ Cleveland Clothing House Iluron Street, a birdcorsWeat of Ccok'E Hotel, AiVN A.RB0R, MICH., In consequeneo of hard times, and being comprllcd to raise meney ,n some shape, we have concluded to scll tvery tliing in our line, consisting of Clothing, Hals, and Caps, GENTS" FURNISI1JNG GOODS, $c. At wlintever prioe they may be it ever so liltlo, This is no timo to staat] for trifles. Profits is no object at all ! Give uí a caU, and get good Goods AT YOUE O W N T E I C E S ! ID" Remember the Place, Huron St.,5 doors West of Ooófs Hotel. A. & C. LOEB. Ann Arbor, June, 1861. t!04m3 Ariil Picture Frames ALL KEES, STYLBS and PRICES just reccived nd for sale chcapat CHOFF & MILLER'S. GREAT.GREATER GREATESl BAIiGAINS EVER OFFEBEp 1859. JlQ1859' 1 11 thisCity,, now íit the CHEAP. CLOCK, WATCH, & Jovpulry StoxO'1 HE Subacrïïï'ir wouldsay to tbeoltlzeniof Ann Ar' bor.i particular, mi tbc re of Wmhifínaw CrmDtv in genero!, tbaí hehaajnat 1MPORTED rIRÉCTL1 from BUROPK.í Tremehdons Stock of Watchesl Al. oí wtaich blnda hinuelf to Mil CHE A PER than c:ii be botigbt vi s' of Nr'w York City. Open 'Pace CyHnder Wj tobe trom 86 to Si o út do Levar do ílo rt to 21 Jluntiiifr C'Hñc ío do do 14 to 35 ' iiu do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 ' Qold Watebej Brom SiO to 150 1 i ave also tne i CELÉBRATE!) AMER'CAN WAT CHES,, wïiiih [ wlll soit ter $35. Eví;ry Vvatch wurrauUid to i pertorm well, or th monoy reniñded. Clockfl, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Pancy Goode, Gold Pens, Mttslca] Instrumenta and St rings, Cutlery, Ac, and in t'nrt n vari et y of ovrryhin; utitially by Jewuiurs can be tughtfor lbo noxt nioety days at vur O W N I' R I 0 E S ! Persona buyinfr tmythinfr at this wo ttnovtn ostablisitmri nt can re!y upnn gotting good OXAOt'y as represent d, orthemoopy refunded. Callearly acd se cure the best bargalDs ever öffered in thil 'ity. One word in regard to Repairing : We are preparad to ranke any repatra onfino or cominon Wjitohes, e-ven tomakfngoer the entlre watch, il itacesvary. Rcpalrlng nf (Jlocka and Jewelry ns uaual. Also the manufactoring oí RINGS, BROOCHS, or auythinir dos 'red, f rom California Gold on hurt notice. EograiiPA in allits hranchuaexeented withneat ncds nnJ dtspatch, J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thtP59. 7L4w 1IORACE WATERS, AGENT 33 3 Droailwaj', Scwïork Pitbllshcr of Muslc and Muslc Uooks AND DBAZSR IV Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organa Qrgan Accordeons, Martin's celebratcd and other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violinoellos, Accordeons, Plutinas, Flutes, Files, ri'i-iangles, Clari inutl.s, Timing Forks, Pipes andHamrners, Violin Bows, best Italian Stringe, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S li o o t TSX. oa. S i op (Trom all tlio publlBllOTi in ihc L". S.t Hertini's Huntin's, and Modern School, ;ml all Irinda of Instrnction Booka for the above nutran ■ I Uoslo Ucií.Iís; Muslo y bounJ; Music paper,' and all kinds of Music Att heLowest P rices. New Planos, At $175, $200, 9226, $250, and up to SSOO. Bseond nos from $25 op to 160: Now Melodoon, S45,( . 3Hïm.;ih'1 un to Í200; Socond Hand Mvlodeons ; -,.;,; ■■ : i80; Vtexandrei hrgans, with fivo Rfnps, 3160, i ■. 1.86 anfl $226; Ihirteen stops, I S0, 75 nnd $300; Bftc d stops, $320 and $376: A liberal discount to Clergymffli, Chnrehes, Sabbatu Schools, SeminaTlea chers. The Trade supplied at the usual rade discouvts Tcsiïïuonïalsi of the Horacc Waters Planos &ncl Mclotlcons. John Hewëtt, of Cartbase, New York, who had onc of the Horaci Wa "■ iiii e aa follows: - ■.; frlend of mine ■■■.' hes me to purchase a piano Tor her. fflie IHces the one you ïrold mO In Deecmw ■ opalar Jt Uils plaee, aad 1 Uihk l :ucv one or two more; they wÜl be more popular than any olher m:ike." 'We ; ..:itors' Pianos ín use in onrSeminary, one of whïch has been severely ested for three years. and we can ted Ify to their good qáality and dura'biliiv.'" - Wood & tn y, Mouni Carroll, 1U. 'H, Waters, Esq. - Dn R Sm: Having uwd one of jour : orles for two years past. I have fonad tavery superior Instrument. AiQNzq Geat, Principal Rrooklyn Hftjfkts Setninarjj. "Tlie Piano I received trom yoa continúes to giye t isfaction. ï regard it as one of the besi Instruments intho place." !-'.-■■: - U Clarkr, Chartuton. Va. The Melodeo . arrived. I feel obligedtoyou fory our liberal discount." Rev. J. M. UoCoBHlGk, YarquesvüieS C. lTbe pi uo was daly received. Eteame in excellent .. and is vt-rv much admired by my numerom (amily Accept my thanfes for yóur promptnesa.V - Robekt renham. Bradjoed Co. Pa. 'Your piano pleases us well, It is the best onc n our county."- THOitas -. Latkam, CampbétUon, '■■. "We : l '■ very mucb obliffed to you for having sent shoIi ;i fine Instrument for $260." - ïkak,Hi-:i.i) s Co., Hu ff al o Democrat, 'Uk1 Horace Waters Pianos are tnown as among the i Wu are enabledto sp ■ nslroments witfa oonfidencei from personal knowledge of tlieir ibte quality." - N. Y. Evangelist. "'c can speak of the merite of the Horace Waters pianos from personal knowiedge, asbalng the rery lim-st quality.'- Ckriattaa InteUigmcer. "The Horacfl Wateria pianos are ouilt of the best and ■! material. We have no doubt . at this than at any othetnouse in the ünion." - Advocate, and Journal. Waters1 pianos :i : i t mei v-ith the inywhere in the country."' - Home Journal (Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and even tone, ■ ' Iftwfaaï ïlevew. "Oujt (rienda wUl SndatMr. Waters' store the yery besi assortment of Music and of Pianos tobe found in the Qnited State, nd we arge our southern and western frtonds to give him b cali whenerer fchey go to New Voile' - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100,000 issued Ín ten Montlis. The nnpxeoedented sale of thid bonk has indacedthe iiiHiymns toiU present sise, without exti ept ou thecheapedition- Among tliemany beautiful tuius and hymns added may be Epund:--"! o ■ " ':( PU be a good child, iadeed I wilt" These and eight othera from Bell, p knniver UTj of the K. Church m the AeademyoC Music, with greai applause The Bell coi tainu neariy 200 tu ï.yiiin-, :md IS ony of the best ColleCtiOlU evci c; Sio perhundredfpostage lv Elegantly uund. 10 tt has been uitroduced Into man) - I the Public Schools. The è ia pubjUshed in smal) numbers entitled Annivarsary and Sunday School U 12. 3, & iotam date the milUon; price S2 & $ per lni:tdreü N'. ó wil] inent of . . io, Revival Muslo Books,No. 1 &Jfii . llore thaa ;i00,000 o above books have been issued the past o months, and the aoinand ist-upi-lly int" ■ fubliBhedb „ul'.ACK WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 33 3 Broadway, New York. Yocal,"Kinl Wordscan neverdie;'' "The Angels told me so;" "WBdfl of the W-i;"' "Thoaghts of God;' "Gtvemebaok my Mountain Home;" "fiay DreamB;' "Dandv CockRobin;" "Tm with thee BÜll;"Petname8;I "There'sno darllng Uke mine;'1 "Saiab Jane Lee;" "Ever of tlit'i-;'1 I'm Itiiiving tbee in Sorrow;1 "Krdóf Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Orare of Roáabel,'' and i ... ■ price 25c each. ' 1 ixsTRrMKXTAU - 'l'íilíice Garaon, or Pfnging Blro Polka," 40c; ' ' ' "Mirabel j tiiich;' Thomaa akar'a Scbotüsche;" ('Piccolomini i Pollifti 86 '■ 'i'l'f abovepioceahavebeautiful vignettee "Wi ■ t;" "Ai ibian : eryMarch," rianna Donlells Mozurkk; "Rea U Crinoline WrKz," and "Lancera' Qua drille,n26c eaoh. "The finpire of Reíd 's Quadrille;11 a new (J&nce. and The Ilibornian Quadrille," Süceach. Many of these piecefl are played by Baker'a oelebrated orch"st ra with ffroat applruse.49B Mailed free. A Urge lot of Foreign Music at fialf prico. Pianos, Melodeons and Orgaus. The Horace V and Melodeons, for dppth, pnrlty of tone and durability, are unsurpaased. Pnces rery low Socond Eland Pianos and Melodeons from $25 to Sló'o. Muslc and Musical Insl all kinds, at the ] lowest Drices. H0RACB WATERS, Agent, No. 888 Broadway, I?. Y. TJBBinffONiAia; - "The Horaoe Wattfn Planos ave known as amon,' Uxe.very, ''■■ '■ - Fvangtlist. y "We can epeak of their meritw from personal knowledge." - Chrhtian Intctvgcncer. "Nothingat the Fair displayed greater excelJence -"- Churchman. Waters1 Píanos and Meloóeons oballeagaoomparlsoa ' with tho flnest made anywUei'Oin the country." - Home Journal. TlÜtf Irvings "Works - National Edition 'Pilis riño [Mitlon of the Works of Waphujoton Ib I ving (Including thellfeoi VaihingUu willbopubished lor SU3SCRTBERS ONLY In Moullily Volumes. Prico $1.50 Pagable on Delivery. Beautifully Printed on heavy superfine paper, of th( r; !-t quality, and substantially bouud. in he;iv bèvelled boards. ' njEach Volume with Vignettei on Steel and Wood. j K 1 1 i e.!;(.' r bocker's Ne w Vork, Sketch Book, Cloth. Oolambus, 8 vois. Braccbridge Hall, Astoria, f a Traveler, fr:i'.un ftüsceDany, Oapt. Bonnevllle, Oliver Goldrtiaith, Mahonift 'J vols. AlhambrAf : ' Roost, i ton f 5 vola. Q Siilmn Thls edition wil] b sold bxcttísivtct tn Bobscrlberc tnd wH! 'joRrcatly superior to any ever before Issued ve: y handsome set of these anlversally popular worki s thiia placed within tho m-ans of all. C T l'ITTNAAf. ttt. PnhltuliPr


Old News
Michigan Argus