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Gen, Wool At Fortress Monroe

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1 he Fortresa Motlfoe corfessponpent oí' ilic Nuw York Commercial Advtrtvter w.ritea, uudr date oi Satiirduy, aiüiounoing the airival oí' Gen. Woo!, says : The anival oí Major-Generul John E. Wool ha.s created quite1 an exciteinent all ft round ülii ciiint Comfort. - The Louisiuna mail bout carne in íit an earller hmir than usual this morning. - The presente of Gen. Wool was soon mude kii'jwn to us by the firing oí' the Major-GeBuruTi sálate- tbirtewa gur.s. l'hey were well sqrved, at ibu wter batiery of Fortresa Monroe, There iras no firing lm:i thé sbips-pf-war, thougfi t is ptesnmed there wili be, when ho visits thein oíticially. Gen. VVool rodo hito thü tort tide by sjde iviüi Gen. Liitler, in au opon carAíter breiiufast tbu two comtó'e visiíod Nuwport News Point eaftnp together, wnere there was moro saluting. Gen Pbelps did bis part weü on the occasion - as be aiways does everythiag pertaining to bis duty as au at'coitjplihhed soldier. Gen. Wool looks vigor.ous and active - by no inoans as oíd as BÓctie of tlie uevvspaper;: raprWent him to be, 11 is reputation as a drill otíioer and attict disciplinariun lias preceded h;n, and produces i uooided effect. lt is exÜ tbut thero will bu ahirge interesse guiar aruiy otlicer.s in n short time, It m lo bu hojied that they will soon ue followpd. by a suíücient forcé oí toops, eapeomlly cavalry and ai'tiilei'y. It has boen uiy judgtnent, frotn tho commenoement oi bis most righteouti war to put down a tao6% ttíilighteous treason, liia:, aí'ter the pro'.ectiou of WusbJDgton was secured, Fortress Alouroe shouid be madti the base ol' operations. My conviotions gatter strepgth with the experienee ol each suoceedinglay. With a cuir.poU'.nt army and a ileet oí gup-boata hére, strong in cavalry and aítillery, vith riiiud cannon of long range, tho affaírs oí liotbel atfd Bul J.iiui wou'a liever havo huppetiefl, ind we should tu-day have baei m po t-ion oí Norfolk ur.d Yuiktown. ïha traitors mighl thns huve boon deprived or the largest part of their gans and other mumtions of war, and Blchm"nd would baan invested, if nat u oouquered city. Gen. Wool a?snmefl the commnnd of this departrnent ander (hese ctreomtunees, but with a bright presaga around hiin. He will brini an influeuce frnm llio Empire St:ite of greut power. Muy kind Heaven sencl tlie bravo soldier a sale deliverunee from tlie party politicians ! Heaven knows ii' hu escapes tlieni ho neecJn't fear any otber enemies.


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