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Gen. Mcclellan And The Politicians

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Corrcspondonce of the X. Y. HeralJ. Washington, Aug. 10. Wc are now tcld that a new order of things has been iuauguratod in Washington. It is due to the public as well as to Gen. McClellan that ono or two iucidente should be made kuown. Tho public are already well posted in regard to tho goveruniont suimnoning Gou. MoClellan to conimand the forces on the Potomae. Immediutely after the arrival of that gallant olïicer ho sought for and had a long interview with Gen. Scott, and the convorsation as a matter of eourse rau upon the Buil Bun allair and the condition of the army around Washing ton, during which Goa. Scott revealed to McClellan tho obstados ho had to contend with ever since tho commeuecment of the break ; how that this clique of politiciaus demanded this, and that clique sometMog else, until ho was hampored by them, ai.cí advisod McClellan to niuke liis aceeptauce of tho coramand of the división conditioual ih;it ho (Mc'lellan) shouid have full control of the cutiré división, uot on!y in tho arrangement of tho foroes, büt the selectïon of bis brigade, división and otber officers. On this point it seems that McClellan had made up bis mind beforo he arrived at Washington, aud in hia subsequent interview made those poiutá a condition in his acoeptanee of tbo cominand. Tho excitcment over tho rout at Buil Hun was at its height, the President and cabiuet all had long faces, and, after a littlo parleying, all agreed to the conditions asked by McClellan. - With this understandii;g he acceptcd tho position, and immediutely commenced tho arduous task of bringing order out of olíaos. He bad been at work but a few days beforo tho politiciaus began their work again and were found importuning tho l'residont and the Cabinet. Congressmen were prevailcd upon to name a list of brigadiers from thu different States, and tho appointments of these offi cers was demanded through tho samo sources. Tho pressure upon Lincoln fiually becanie so groat thu: ho was prevailud upon to ask Gen. McClellan to chango the agroemeut with him, sandiug wïth the request a list of names that ho should be obliged to appoint, who bad been demanded by so streng political partios iu the sevcral States that he could not overlook their demand. Gen. McClellan looked at tho list, and at once informed President Lincoln that ho had do use lor tho partios named, and eould uot givo them positions, adding that if that was his programma Washington would certainly falL They had to couteud with cdueated and expurieuced officers, and 110 civilians or politicians could discharge the duties required of officers holding positions asked for in this coutost. Ile would not stake his reputation with such meu as officers uudcr him ; if the anny on the Potoinac was to be officered iu the main by inen without military experience or education, he would uot remain to bear the odium of their failure it would bo, and thorefore tendercd his resjgnation, whioh he immemodiately wroto, and asked that it might be aceepted forthwith. The resignatiou carne liko a peal of thundcr upon the President and Cabinet ; uo little flutteriug transpircd in court circles for some time after its aunouncement. Tho Cabinet was convened, and u long oouneil held over it, wfeicB finally retulted iu a rolïisal to accept it, and a now pledge being givcn to McClellan that his plans should not be interfered with, and that if he would go ahead lic should not be again molested, but every facility plaeed at bij disposa!. Under this nuw pledge Gen MeCleu is to-day at work preparing the army or woik to be done by them. To his prompt and decisive rebuke to tbc machination3 of the poüticiaiis is the country iudebtcd for the saicty of the capital to-day. He having thus showu that he will not be tampercd with, we shall prubably have no furthor interiereuce, but tho army will go on changing from a political to a military army, rapidly gaining tho coufidenco of the public


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