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Hon Edward Everett On Northern Secession Journals

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Hon. Edward Evcrett has written a lng paper on ihe rights iind duties f war, f rom ivbich we estraot the fol[owing passage on eecession papera in ui North. Mr. Everett Baya: Th ere aro prenses, tor the most part in the Border States, though soine of 'iIkjui are' found in cilios inoro remoto Irooi the scène of action, which nre duily pleadiog tlie canse of the enemy, inisreprosenting and villilying the Government ii tlie United States, exaggeiating every article of unfuvoruble intelligeDce, and exerting themselveö to the utmost to disheai ten the friendti and defenderá of the Constitution and the Uuioo, But suoh is the all but superatitious devotiou of the people to the liberty of the preso, tb at these peroicious journala have, wtth the excc-ption of a singla CBtunee in St. Louis, never been interfered vvi.h. h seems to have been thought better by thoBe in authoiity lo tolérate the iniíchiuf of these unputriotic prenses, than to elévate them to greater iinpor tance by piosecution, or to encroacb in tho süghtest degree úpon tbat freedom of public diseussion whicb io ordinary times is ju-ilv regardcd as one of the great saieguards of liberty. 13ut it is preposteróos to sacrifica the end to the means. 'e should in this respeot learn wisdom from the eneinies of the Union Wbilo we regard as uubocoming oor Cbristian civilization tbat reeort tu lynch law by wbioh every expresnion oí opinión lidverse to the popular sentiment is suppreased in tho séceakig Statee, we ouglii to remember tliat in tolerulihg u traitorous piesa amung ouoelves we practise a liberality wliich awakens no gratitude at home, and is t.ever reciprocated by the pposite party. It is in tact an absurdity j in terms, under tho venerable name oí thy liberty oi tbe prees, to permit the systomatiu and lio.ntious abuse of a government which is tasked to thu utmost in tleluuding '.he country froui general dibintegration and politicul ! cbaos. Tbe QoVorbpr o(' Maltu was once censared in Parliatnent lor some alleged severity toward the editor of a jounial in that islaud; and toe liberty of the prèss was dectared to be in danger. Tho Duke of Wellington said ho wiis as frienctly as anybody to th'c liberty of the presa in Loncion, but a freo pross in 'Jio island oi Malta was as rnuch out of place us it would bo on the quaiterdeek ol a man-of war We eupposo tlie motst enthusiastie champion of the liberty of the pi ess would hardly ihink il right to publinh n journal within tho wiills of Ftrt MoHeDry, in which tho lífticeM of the garrisuu sbuulcl bo daily udvisud to desert, aod tbe men be eoDölantly exborlad to mutiny, and culiimns should bo tilkd ith persietont aliuf.e if the Government and all engaged in ita defbime. hy should journals of that doBcrrp', ion be altowed to oifluso tbeii1 poison Deneath ita wiills fltniddt lbo excitable populaco of a large city?


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