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The Teacher's And The Country

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At the recent moet mg of tiio tato TuacIiuVri1 Assjciatiou, ut Kalamazoo, the füllowiug ' crisis1' rusolutiona rere unanmoush a i ipted : Wlierea, u portion -ot the pcople of thu Uuitutl Otates ot' América have risen up ag.nmt the riliti'ul authority of the nent nul n.stituioJ wiiat ih&y oall t!iu ■' Confedérate Sues of Auierioa," aud in dofeuse ut tlieirsö ealled new gpVeruneut, have made war agatust tho Uuitud tí Ules, havo seized tho property aud 6red au and iusultud the tiig oi' the Fedurai (iovurnmeut, and aro iiow in open rebulüoii lureatuuiug tho vitty (Japitol of Uuion, wo ilic " i'eachera' Assüji.itiuu of tlio State ut' Micnigau," eannot tbrbeor toexpreifta our nbhorrence' Ot' tho wickadHui ut sudi pruceeduiga, and our aLiazclueilt that Mty shuald uc lnuiiii ubcttiug aud upholdlug their treasouablo aots. Titer fliat thia Associiitioa aud tiio toachors ït reproseuis duuidü tu expresa rtioir uitdimiutsimd attaohineut ti t Uu great pniicijiles ot' civil liberty upou wliioli our lailicrs eátauli.slied this govcruumut, ai.d uuder which all the iuteresl ot' oducutiot, wlnch aro so dear tu us, as Wull asoivn, anj rehgious t'ruedom have prospured m au uupreccdeuUd luaiiiit-r down tu Uil' presöut uino. lUsulned, That in as mach as we belicvc aud leiic.i uur pupila tliat 'yovernment is au ordiuaiicc of ijd," and that the civil inagiitrate ''is his minister to bear tho sword and oxocuto wratii sgaioBt uil evil-docra " aud traitors, therefore it is tbe judgmeut of fnis Asociatiou that auy atuouiit of meu and t reasure uecessarj to uit down this u;ihuly rcbolliou should be dévotwd niewt eheerfuUjr to the ! of our country, and thai we will gladly- in ooftiwctiwi with our fellow teacbi'n wlo havo gOiIB torth to the war - boar uur part in whatcver way may be demaüded tor tho perpetuatiou and the dot'onse of our country. llesoked, Thai wc will never be discournged by auy reverses or diilicuhie3 inay lio iu the p.ithwajr of our couutry's progresa and that wo will ov r upli.dd tho oonstiuitiou, and inaintaiu our góvertiinent with truc and luyal hoarts ia the cxeroise ut' all lawfal preroatives, until this most wickd rebelliou is put down, för thi'a noble purposo wo will devote all tho iutollottual, moral, it' need be, physieal sirougtli wo possesa, so that, ' living ordying" we shall bo consocrated forever tu lüe dtffmisu ui' iibjrty aud conatitutioual rights. Resolved, That bolicving this to be a conflict of principios whicli mast result in thé maiuteiiauüo Of tho right, wo eatertaiu tho tirui couvietioa a lesson will be taught tho youth of our land ia favor uí ooeaieitoü to rightful autfurity, that 11 eauaa tno futuro of the IJiiited States to bo brig.itor, aud hor bouoiicout iullucuoo more widoly feit thau thoy have bitherto beeu, so that tho Uorou of States will continuo through coming ages ' the home ut' tiio free, aud the asyluin of the opprewed of all agos."


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