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A National Fast Day

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In Bcoirdance with Lhe rfqwtt of Ctmgress, the l'nsid. m. l,:.s ued llie lul uwing pi-oo hnnation appoiuting Thursday, Sej teinber 26, ss a dsy i fesliüg. huruilmtiou and pruj ir: A PEOCLAMAtlOS, I!v thf Pnriii i.i "i thi i i ■.:■ ! t tw oí Amone. ]]itrtas, A joint oonimi ttwof both Houses of Gongrtse Ivas waitej or tb PresMeul ui' the Umiud Si airs. miuí requested hun in reconiicend l:iv of pul)lio tiuraiiiation prayer and tüeting, to bê obeerved by the people of the Unit cd S lites with religious ftoWmnities, nnd the of ferveHl upplication to Aliniglily öod, for the safel.y and welfuro of these Stutts, His blcssinga on tln-ir arm, in.! i8f)((.ilv !■[ ov!i t i'.n oí' penes ; nnd nherevt, H is ñt, umi brouniing in all pople al all limes to and reveru ihe lupreme gnvernniem of clod, .o bow in ! humble Bubnii-eion io liis chastifcnteiit. to conf. ss aml deplore their eins and tr nagregtions in the lïili cnvüstion lliat the fear ol the Lord is the hvginning of wisjom. and to j'i'av wil.h ;ill fervenc ftd c ntri1 ion for tlif ] pardon uf their pw uffenees, and for a ble 3 ing apon tlicM' present mij proBpectiveaa liun ; und Wherem, When onr beloved eountry. onco j by tlie bli-ssiitg of Qud, united proaperous and li :i ] i . y . is now ufil end wilh facti n and civiJ war i is pi-niii.Miv li' lor us loitcoir i nize the 'and ot Godin hiB visititnon, lid in s -rruwfiil n-nu'inbrauea ui iur own f.-iu ts and crimeN at i ua'lon ;■ u 1 ::s :l:vi.!u:i!s to humljle ourselves befoie hini. und to pray for liis metvy - o i rey i Imt v. may be spa red furilier punÍBliment tliongli deerved : that our nniis m y bi? liles nnd made ffeel mil fn' the re-establishmer.t of luw, order nr.d penee throughout our etrontry. uii'l ihat ihe int'Sii dable boon ot' civil aiul religión litwifty, oariud ïindtr hia guidance and blessiug ly the lubórs and suffering f onr futhera may be resored to uil lts original exrellenoe :! Therefore, J. Abraham I inc In. President of the CTniieil States, doappoint the lat Thursday in 8t] tember ntxt as :i i ay of Inniili tii n. prnyei' and fasting f r all the peopl of the Nationiand I do ïttrnestly recommend to ; uil the people. nnd especi:illv to all ministers and teachers oí religión of all denominations, and to alineada of f miilira, to obs' rve aml keep that. itay according to iheir sevcral oreeds and inod-s uf wursliip in hII humility anr wit li f.11 religión s lemnity, toihe end that the uuited praei o!' the imtion may s eend to the hrone of Giaee. and bring down plentiful bleesings iipon ourown eountrv In tesiimony wheráof, I hare heic untoBct my hand onoted ihe great. seal of th' Uinied Statisto be effixed. tliit 12th day of August, A. D., lGl. and of lliu Independ nee of tlie United States of America the eightysixtli. By the President : ABFAHAM LTNCOLN" William H. Pewakd, Seeietnry of State.


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