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South Carolina

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The annua! messoges of the slaveholding Governors may be expected to contain the usual tirades against Abolitionists, oud Northern Fanaticism. The Governor of South Carolina leads ofFthis year in the usual stile of bombast. He declares that these funatical efforts "must be arrested," and that "it is indispcnsahly necessnnj that they should bc arrested in the shortest possible pcriod o time."' Well, ndmitting the premises of the Governor, what does he inlcnd to do abou H? Some very terrible thinff. no doubt, a willbe scen by the following extract:'lcannot doubt that yon wilt be jusl'Jied by God and future generations, in adopting ny measwes, hotoever slurtling they may npprar, thnt toill place yonr righls-and propèrly cxchtswely under yovr oivn control, and cnable you to repd all inte-ference with the whatever shapu it may u asume. As you incu a danger of no ordimiry charncter- one s subtle nnd insidious in its approaches that tliere s no aficertoininsr liow soon it may be too Inte to rcsist it- I believe you wtll be njually htsiiñed in taking these mensures as early and dcdsivehj as in your judgment you may deern proper ." There, that will do for a quietus on Abolition till next year, when the dose can be repeated, if nocessary.


Signal of Liberty
Old News