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8,276,994,051) VOLÚNTELAS WMTED! ' j TO ASSIST IS' THE LIBERATION OF CUIJA ! A'liite folks, or of wbntever coW, cnsle or ' nativity, whether ir.iiriivil, lingt or Í of doubt lul comí ex ion, will been■ i litttd ia tb noble cunse oí j EMANCH'ATING THE COMMUN1TV l - fp.oji un:- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! nr.3 will roceive tbeir outfit it tbe Extensivo Furnishing Establishment -OF THE-. G U I T Eli MAN' á HEAD QUARTERS! baring been cstuLlislied for the LAS T T L N Y E A fi 8 . our known rule of varfare is fin Uiidisgoiscil Deslructioi; OF IIIG1I P Rl CES! POH CLOTHING For all J.g6 Sdx and Condliions! [n consequence of tbe very flutering encour agemeot wbicb vi havo iic ivcd v.nee cL:r lucntiou in this ciiyf we have iiicrouüei our btuck of SÜMMER CLOTHlñSG! To meet tli o ricmnmls of our eustmner, am! haring become more fully convinced thrui ever, Linvt. onr idu.Iü of dealiiii;, D! elv: itt lowoat [os3iblo ratea for is the only trne plan; we will continue t: serve the public 9 heretofore duriog tb" üuiniiig full nnd winter. Our Mock consista in eyery var iel y of READY 51 A ü E CLOTIIIKG! in nnd Fnnov CI.OTHS. CASSIM'KRS. SILK. AND SILK VELVET3. A Urge Int of GENTLEMEN'SPURCnSHINQ GOODS, wbicb ure all warranted I3O'Ï FATL, TO caLXjXja .t1 es. het. q. For past favors we are grateful toall, Thepame (orlarle ones in proportion, And tliose vv! o see rit to cali Shall receive our best smiles anc! devotion. M. Guiterman & Co. N li. Btudents nnd nll others who wnl to see SOSDHEIM'"8 ntw moile of o o 1 1 i ■ _ will do wcll to all and kuvi their neoiure For a Nice Fitting uit ! G-TJITEZlIVXyrir cfc Co AanArhor, jDt. '_'. lino Tf.Tt UNl'AKALl.ELi:!) SUCCES SECOND AI(R1VAL -OF- Se SXJ3VE3VTEK, G-OOI1S. -AT THE- Banncr Store, A. P. MILLS, PR0FEIEI0I-. (JfMitis buiiilü Buder ywk prlc And snld al prices that icill tnakt hard limes come ctiain no more ! Facts for the Feopk "W" ASHTBNA "W" -.'NI!- VDJOIiMMO COU.NTÍF' And lluir ninverous question? niiFvpred W'hil f Ewriihnily trading at the "BANNEI STORE? '-Brcause A. P. RflBLLS, the Proprietor of tlint Establiilineat bas jus! itiuriied from tlie Easu-rn Ciúeiwiifa the Larg'nU Uandaomest, Uheapett, an Most Attraciivn iStuck of SFAPLEAITDFAKCY DRY COODS! over brouglit to tbis part of tbe Stato.j Why i Evtryhody pleasea wiih hit Stock? P.ecrinze hisst rUJ ure mnro bautitul, qua'ity botter, and pnces lower thau at any olher store in the county. Why hat he alwayt Somcthing New and Cheap to Show? IS.'-.insolio hasa rrieni connected wlth on of tVo !nrgsat DryG 1 HouiwsiaXew York, who is oontinualy " IIOBBIIiG ROUW" fnr cl"i]i brgaDBiiniJ the latea .tyle, a they appoar fi-oui tim to time and In tui Wlij keVs Wm supiJiorl witli ylt, and cüuaequnut.v cuUuncrii can aluays lind aouoathing ï ftEW OHEAPand DESIRABLE Wliy doei he teil so much Chcaptr than the rest? Benauw he ba 11 buyer In the city all tbc timo totakt advantage of the coutinual ehange of !':.' m.irkei, aml in that waj buyH lii yooUa much obeaper thuu uUu'i can, and tiioi he mark 1 them down to die Why does lie te'i Ladies' and Childrens' Shoesso much chenper han was nt hard ofby the oldest Shoemakets? Bccauso he buvs his stock in tne lan''. of hocmnVcrn, o( the njannii"!uicis, fully !it percent chca.i'r ili.ui Ihi New Vork jobber bbII them, and much In-tier work tban tbey generaBy li.eoi. Ihif, courao cnablcs Uira to bou a bet'ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othcrsspll at 50 cout.-.and n botter FOED GAITEP at &Ü ceats, thaü othors soU at 75 cent. Has he any Hat and Caps.? Yes,T fihoutd thlnk he has Rtacks of theni, enouph to supply the tftaie, at prices lower tha;i was everhearduf routiti tlicsp parts. Why is kis Tea so much betttr for theprtcc say than ytu get nt ntter place ? Becaupe he tokei graat care n selocting it, and givcKbis customors t!ie btoolil of i reul goofl 75 cont ÏEA FOR 50 CENTS. It Is l is-tty 'z.t t.aFKO't Vuurt ehoultl you qn to gH ynur CI.OTHS ar.d have them Cut or Made? To the BANNEB STORF, wl-ero the Peopl"i B.r.nor it uufurle'lfor the Fe Pon tb hMo cf Putiilc Sütia, a fewioors went of Co o!' f Hoú. . P. MILtS. & B3LGÜD INFIRMAR Y. PicAfr'j fflock Wiwltcafd Ace, Ditroit Dn. S. J. CARPKATJCU A ItAlSABD. Dl ■■ rally irettnd ihat c osi-anptii (■ bru rabie, becaue liiey cafti i w ui-tiw&; j ll 'i' ■- ii i m; ke t trae. -:. mecban ...-.■■ m 1 i - iiji.iiii! but Hp ! tin nurti-nml tl. cv Fffl ta ron t bv r cu Ik dtne Dl e ■ . you waitt Lu tv app:j io . ti u-' ü- ffhti i!ji rongkl ■nlrr-E i'. ' ■ l:'j kis ny-.i- . ou wiH fwi yor work an!üii ü-l.' d Ui i ■ In thid resptci thr9 la !i ■ - stoimk to ft "i'tinl m all tr.r.ifíí and prfieiwioii. 'jU-j tngkll in ; . in law, ir tlit "'i-io , t i in .1 .-:,y : ;: 1 1 ■■ ï1 Cf.tILl.1 i ■ !.■ t - truêthat Hm.v ca ■ en we lik tit-iui oi 'ju-r, ind . . ■ ;:■ hand, de tb b i s yon want itt ur rpiti rf ou to hcaltb , aceon ing; ■ have ( rj: ■ tl :s act to . ' . . ■ I : pVOBGUDC tbüt e whieh unutbi r can euie. In meubatiicA, wenotmi mtrii find tbn.1 by n. postIiB ,' ' ■ ■ ■ iiicb :9 iíis ttic Ruh) ui-, of iiy (.ii'K'ir ingfiiitj1 ol hit nlnd, onc pwion wiïl mulo ■ r o whfci do cthsr co. Exactlj t mi.y be bo in i-hy -.;■. And tfcli is the rtrj rofton why I have uch prent nuccew uvw all otlteri m ttw trcaítntnt oi ' - ■■ ampti n. Bj lsTins íog Hw I i'ng-Mcitr, whicb enabl j na t i learl deU rm i u the ntura of th nd by bav'ag ftmh rera ' ■ ter uw rption ns no otherl'ijysieiaB i1 , bold tü bhj Uu.t i bave, and cn I Ef : .i core óf this cHeiw bi yonö 11 reacb of aoy ot rr hb. To prov thw t" bn béi 1 ■■ . . ■, I m'iit ti'ijon nurnVrcr t'rom men and women f'.vcn i r to tiia :r.'ivf, wbo have i ed to liualtU by tlio pfersever,itjg iií1 ol niy r me"i b for ( i ■ tíon. 'ïVit i t ii, ]!■■ ; .-■--'■.■ y me to do ro bcre, for i he Tact of riiie i;i ti domg wb&i another cmiih t o mot, ii i . Ir ttie K' tre ri !■-■■ furthei proof ilihu this, 7 can on?y r,'', :, i í-atisíy uiseli by í;i I oí my tÜU iu t'L ■tire jf your cinbtU i arp n r rïli v;s:1 Vpsibntl, and Arn Aibor. ■ -' ■ . n Arb r, at I ■ ■''! and icli month; I i r:t, 5th ïnd r,t!; ; , rj tUc tune, h riil bc fouaá t Lung ln'.i [qai _v Q J c-tiolt jj772. Mrs. TOIlff&LGW, n exporten eJ Ncrse nnd I ; . i.kíodm SOOTHÍNG SYRÜP, FOïl CÏÏÏLDREN TXSTHIKO, vhicli ffrety faci'itfiU-s tVo proceM of tttliiff, br ' ■ f t ■ ■ n ng Ihe y unas, i :;- 4l illiiv AI.1 i ' n, bÍkI : SÜRE to REGÚLATE üio BOWELS. epcnd upon -t ra tier, it will giTe rot l yourielvw, iBd Relief and healtii to venir InfaDt fre hftve pal np mi :j; .-vM lliw pl;cl f í-r ov -., tnJ CAN AY, IX ' l'M lliKNCK AM i it, vi : t n liáve revi? bu b! lu m ■f. i ín i.'ii rir.i-' n -Sl.Vi 11 M.1HI 1 ' ÍN A INGLE i.:l.Xii. Kl 1H17 A 11,11-, nhe! cmtlv iis.'. Niwr'l'M ít 3 i.a nn ir:t ntc of rtiai ííhc li 1 ■ BJ (W who i s.-.l it. Un cc.ntnirr, illiT-l-' r t! n . Mi ! [ ' n!. ni lirn.l 'í' cdinmeniluifi ñ if ir:i"c;;l efirct iml medical We .■.■ k :n tliií niatt r -V I 1 Wfc 1 t ICNOW,'' alter t yei' cs . ri n-t. AM) IIXTC.Ï H ■■; RHTTATK3 ' VOl: IUK L I 1 ■U.l.MI N I' fV tfHATYTl IlkUl Ih'MAIl. !nv-''í ■ r jrj 'r. m pa n í:n I ixhi .i-t" n, rí-'.'.eí w ':n ir nmiiy n'auUI af;f ■ ivil Thís vi i ] rrs':j ;:.- n ff rnfl if the a II N :K1I and ;-.n. ! II. NI'BhM n Ni Ii,-,.i!;, and bu Iceu u;cJ witb NLVUt ili. N ! Sl'Ci fcüS In TüorsAxn of casis. [1 Qi t ■' 1 r ' ■ ! : fr'in pji ü. bi t ínrfgi r t'. hPRt mnchani boirels. crrwt-1 Acirt tv. ;:t'! kps r -nlcriorv tothe boíytem It nr.ll a:mait laituiU r li". c ;Rir:xn m Tns rcwrLj, ano wind cclht ni oreríome eonvolsirn, vrh'rh if 1 r-Mlv ri-mi lici, ni in ('enth. We Iw-I;pve ir t!.L' Utal wl l KK-T ÜIMEI Y !N lliE V' Ri P in nll cn'P vi íiY-ENTI RY ..!,! ; IABl 1KEA ]N CHILl Rl K, bft)iT i ;■ r -" 'r 'in tntMix "i' 'r ni nny otlwr ojiwhí W ffould mj to fvery mi tbijr who !i p a c-1 iif' HuCTer'M r.TO nnv i ! t' ;■ '■'■ r ■: ti - ci mp' Bt -'■ U KOT 1 1-T voi ü im.i.,l' jrfci, no:i THK iki.ü'ikf.s tir iíTUKRS, i peí ii : ' ■ ■ r Mil'irnj ch;Wt ■in'l tl-cr-'i.-l ltotwiHheSUBK- VfS. A HLLTELY - ro fúUov i f N F tï-i motlic n?. if t'mely iiscd. Kuil diert'nln fi t K'nít wiJl t arli b'.itla, ' n-pni i -n'cü, í ■ fc simi'.o .1 (Ül'.lL-i ir 1JER ! N . York, fc olí tli nutsirt . i , i r, -iM bv D.iig'aN 1 1: r -ii ;r" t tH wrrï.l. Principal i Me n r.d r svc. N. X. PilR'E i NI.V :.", CEK'i'í i EB DuTÍI.K F.n-' hv ' - ' '■■■. 17TS. For the Specdt and Pentumtmi Cure of ScmmA yVcakncíS, Nocturnal and Diurna! Jmission JVert'OM.s and General DchiUty, Impottnce, and all Diseases ariswqrom Joitari Habite o JSxC038ÍVE Indulijcncc, TIirRE are thoawiadfl of Yoümq Ukh, as w11 ni M;omj ASKU ftnd Or.n .Mk.v, wl are sdffarlng to .oint xtenk from tlie ftlrave tlUea;e. Mftov, .erhajis. ne imt aw&ro tt tlteir tnta oonditluu, or wlien asi! lance ta real y m-edtH. For the bOMBt of inch, wa In!'-ewiíh jivfl & fw of tlic mti eommou íTmptom, vii; Wmkne ' the Bwk utd J.xmb, Ptiu in itv. td aiitl Nirfa, Dunuann ñj $iyht, Dnt and Ií'4# befare the L#. P 'V" "' '" 'V ''"' ""'f, DafX&ta, !. of ilcmort, í') if'mi'ht nj' 'I-i. DKpnmron nfSpirU, Arerit% t S'fir'i, s ''- Distm.i', TimidUtí, et-, t'oJr eoh wtd nli of the ftboVfl svnipMuu tlidu re.ueJios Ijü fuuud A "8T#Íign Bihii." Tlmse remeliea wntraoe tlirce reRCrlpUon: A box ot Pastel, a bnt of tftrvomi rüh, nuJ a Utx of FVfe Jlíiiic 'ts all of Áfob lmve Inportatit oAceJ to perfono, and slioulrl be used tnjtftlier in evuvy i'8. Tboir K'iperioriMr ove. other inodja nf tatmcut inay ba britlly Utc4 tÁ 0V8, VÍi: #y T!u-y (iiminisli the vlftUon of Pegual TCifeTn'n. JQ They immedjatuly arrest uoütuniai auü diurujil & ion-, JöfTliey remove loeál vnfticnMt, emnng the orgaw Manine their imtural tone aiul vi_'r. Üf 'l'hüy ifcrangthsn the constitución ly orereoming serous dehility and geaer! vrQaknwt. j8-T!iev enliveti the spirit-", which aro araaüy GOprftt--j, by expuMing all excitins oauei froto the svftent. thelr invlcoratlng pnfirti they restor tU patiënt lo hi3 natunil hc;i!tli and vigor of msn1iol. jS" Thy curo wfaen all other meaos huv failed. WSj-Thay eontain na Ntrrñrg. no Opheft, wtt ftythtag that can in anv event prova liyurion. JOS" They are aasy and ploowint to we, and will not intrfore witii tlie patliiat'i asnal huKineaa of iilewtu J85f They can ba used without euspiciun, or kttoitied f Ton a roitní-inate. That thev univ sonta withln the rsacli of í'1. ve niTt Bxedl th prica of tti'i PaáttíA :t $1 per box, and the t'ÜU 3tf cents per b'ix eaoh. I orderinp by mail, in athlitfon to t)i pnce, twülve cents iu stampa sliotUJ ha iucloseil lor return MfCage. -tssvv LAMES -r. want cT n saffl snd (Teetnril W romeUy for Irregularitiei, Sup}wein of Mm W.rwl ■tfWi "r n.v 5íww peculiar to thelr ■, jM r bottldu Dk.Gaikss Keüm.k Monthlt #4ft i: % Tu i.-í. 'i-ico, bv fnait. Si nd dñ ump. gJ@BV-'jSL Cal'-iov. - Theso l'üls stionld not li n4 yB8 "S, iïarliijï prrganncy, as mwcairwfa will be tha " ladiks wiif. fiv-m itl-ïteaHh. defcrmlfrf, er any other linramc and rfasnnalila KM, tlm it ne ary to aToid an ínorase of fannily, can dn sn without inonrring danser to h&Hli r oonütíttftion by tbe use of M. L CrtiuxU French Preceníice 'oicders. Trice, by ntait, $1 o Tlieae Fúwdttn can fnly be obUinect by addressinj ta General Agenta, a bel"'. Send for I)r. Gatks's Prirate Xedical Treatüe on Scjmftt Di$aa, Puice Tes Cems, Aldr38, H. G. MILLEH & CO., General Agtitta. LOUÍ.IYÍU, KT. For U l.y MAYNaKD, 8TEBBÏN. A WJ' LUX. yTSSín Atn Arbor, Mirn. PlWh '. L. 31 L L EírS HAIH INV1G0KAÏ0U. AN EFKECTH B, SA1"K AXi' Kí OXÜMICAL COMPOCND ï'O:i REOTOUJJÍUCRaY SAI] ■ nal aokr ■..:.- uní djemjf, un i ppeventfl tüe Ilafr fr m turning gray. FOR PRRV1 NTINO üAl.DNKSSand enring t'iem l.-i-t partióle of vitality or reoupvrttivi entjj remainin'j. ■ovyü SCCKF AM) PAXnnuiT, ní alIcoHluniks a ffo! iow of id'1 &alp. FOK KKAUTIF iNO 'ilii: HAIH, 'iiif.nríir.pto it an un. equalti I i feiug i i soft and silíiy In ita texture and cauHiog it tocuri readfly. Th gr ;lí ceiebi'ity anü tho iucreaitUí Xt-iuand for ii unequaileti prepafatiOD, i.1' nvince tbe proprietor that or. trial is "iily uoce.-.viry to u I i ■ uing public cf -t -:[■..,.,.:-. i i ei oj ; ion ;t (i ce En use. i ■ ■ head nd ecalpfrnm daitdntffan uther nitaveoHR (t&tasêS. Caunefl H.í Luie togr n !u unantly,ati I give: il a rich, soit, gl( y m.' flexible pp, , . ::i-i ,il-,! v 'Ín ];;dr i ; i-..; ; g . : ;; i'inn.■. ill give rtrci oí t iIh ruftts, and thgrowthto thoce [mrt wbicli licve bccoi.-. bald, muKing it to yitld ;i ƒ?■-.'- cocfing ofhair, i B illiu4fWÍH i-t laii ■■ 8Od gV&i '.' ti :í T i il, N'rw Ycuk who hav haJ thoir hair restorpd i,v tho vt of IWb ïm ■ I ■ ns hd fAilrd. ha ■ sion letteas innumf:alt ti tn the it.nvr facu. from pereons of the UigfcpAl res] -: -■.- biltty. It frill effVNiti nllj prevcni i roy until tlie lteel pr!od of Ufe;áud w tita &? tlio lutlr has changt ii oolor, íbí will niUiVertainty rrsior t ■ . ■ ; T ir i t a darle, Rlossy nrpnri ■ an.l a llalr Reí iorat!v hftrlbg ■' in di n a hh th ■ or ca ii '"■ ■' : ■ mi ed foi m im ki to preserve lt pHci , .$u ■ ptain 6r ín eui !-- hfnr m al i' by tha Lwiíe asa mandará tai I i artu-h: wWch vme rmpffit to hé Hbrtut, as ;le pric il . ONLY TWENTYFIVE CENTS pr bottte, to be bal at ;ill druggists' tal ntfrfuSD ■!■.-- I UIIjLEB n-cul'i rail ih" nttentfon of rjirrnte ir4 GuardUinnio thf ue-of hln iuvigora:or, iü caifa wlrr the cblMrefta1 Hair íncünea u b rrak". Tlio use of it taya the foaadatfftB for a e11 Lf-ff1 oflwíanil nméTri any impuritietj that nray hpve bteosje cnnrcitfl wíth j in for !" . pd the future hpperaB i Hiir. CAtrmvN .- Kone rrnnlnr witfcpfl Ti'I'IS HUXERbrlii "ii rnr-oiiior wiitprer: plA 1. M II I R' HAIR INVIt ORADOR, N V. bl Whlp ■■■ :■ D - ■ I ■ "'.: ■'■. u 1 1 i)f principie Mercl uní ■ . tV,-c s rty the f, ■ ' ■■- rr.y "New ftlmprove'i Instantaeons Ifiquid Hair Bye whicj; nfter yean of eífntifir .s-v-in'r: I ba brnoght to perfectn. !í flyi ítrftrji irnrtun'fy. Inltiry t . . . ■ -;i:0 ít arUel ■ ■ ■ -t.--. PRICB ONI3r PIFTVCENTsf vÚEfV7m ÜEY Sf,, 5


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