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F5RE! F8&E! WESTERN MASSACaUSRTTS Insurance Company . CASK CAFÏTAL& SURPLUS; ■O"7"3E221. 32DOjOOO. W. ft. KT11ONG, Aeat Ann Arbor, Marcíi.20, 1?G1. 792tf LIFE IWSIJKaNOB. The Conneeticut Mutual Lifo Insara.xc3 Company. ■Wumnhited Capital, - So, 500,000. TTII.T.lN'.SniK I.iVlví for nny amount . V 6 ' trhole term of Life or taf a term of S.U Che Comnany is_purs land thé pollcy ül uil Uie surplus oti ■ I Insurilates the insnred In Ibe ettlemont of ox UKË l'OLICIB5, il ..-■■ , by tnfclng ! pone half the atnouui, hearing interest et Bil per cont, per uu Dividends are Declared Annually! and sime théy now ameunt to vifiy per dent on the pre . :, ;i i ' nol !, and are inoreasing tliey mny bo ■ ow r s : tv other rem 1 lo lavr, on Ale tu ;, .il Aun Arbm . V JAMES GOOÜW1K, I'rcst. (ïit !i., Si-cv. For particular applyto JAMK8 C. WAT3OJÏ, gent at mn arbor, Micli. NEW YORK LïFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accurnulated Jan, 1SG0, $1,707,13,21: BfORRIB FRANKLIN, President, J C'. KJE.NDALL, Vire President, I'LÍXY FREEMAX, Actuar y $100,000 DEPOSÍTED witli tlioCnmptrollerof the Puto of New York. Dividood avrgs W per cent. onnuallj. Ctahinl , 8185. ,:,. of S'ow York and ■ CMm ' ■ B.i 25870,79 io kam Bonds and ilortgnges drawlng 3.998A9 ; Motes raceived for 10] mlamson hfe pohetes, bearing Interent, tilo.88 Quarterlv and rmi-annual premiums, duo subscqucn'tfcjMBary 1,1860 ír'5oo--? luptoJan. l,180i 8rS!] Rents.aceruediiptoJan.1,1860, ...",':■',':. Preminma ou pollcleê in hands of Agenta, ,445.M $i.:t'.v ngM I-CT'Tr'H1JMi"l. Agent Insurance .gency I C. H. MILIiEN IS THE -VfiEN'T for the followlng Srst clau eompanies: IIOMK INSURANCE CO5IPAXV. i .-.i Vork Qty.- Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000. CITY PIHE IXSl'RAXCE COMPÁS Y, of Bartford.- Capital and Surplus, Siao.nW). CONTINKXTAI INSURASCF. CÖMPAJST, or Mew York City.-Capit '1 and Surplus, $100,000. Three-quartersof the nett prontü in tbis Companj '- dividctl auiiually among it e. il .MII.I.1-.XAnn Arbor, December 13, 18ii0. 6ruTT8 Conway Flre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Maes. Capitnl paid up, - S150.000 00 Asaets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. O. Itojcers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar,. Prenident. DIRECTORS. J s WHIÏNKV. L. BODMAN, W. Kl.I.JnTT, s HOU I. Nft,D r. McQILVRAy.E.D. MOROAN WAIT BRNENT, JOSIAI1 AI.I.1S. A. H. BlI'l.EN W. U. DIU.KINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGKItS. Ann Artor Refercnces: Dr. E. WEl-I.S, 1.. JAMES. I.. TIOPOK, BNOCH JAMES. CAPT. r.S. GOODRICH J, W. KNIGHT. Agent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COlirANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - S-ÏOO.OOO ono of the HEAVIKT, SAFEST and KBT Iifturance CVs. In the U.S. Insurea on reasi nablo term , v;iyi i;iy promptly. There is no bcttcr Klxe Issarano CompêjnjT' Mo ney Wantei VVlio will"ïendMoiiey 1 T AMKEQDESTED BY SEVERAL l'ERSÜXS obtaln L money for them at TenPorCant I itero st,(Or More.) Fotanjone wflllng totond,] can at once inv-t on joodniv abnndanl -KAL ESTÁTE si-cunty anynums of monoy and sce that tlietitlc and secuit; are US h .. Tho borrowOT paylog " expenses, tncludlngreAnlrArbor, Gct. 7 ■ 1859. 715t? General Land Agency. PEUSONS wanting farms, o r resldenccii n orne Ann Arbor, can by calllngonmo selcclfroma Hit ofover 1OO Karms For Salf! OfvarioussizeBtrom :t, to i:J0 acretoaoh ;(iom as goodisinyinlhisConnty.) Morrthon SO IÍWCÜIIK HOHBCB n'hlsCütyromtw lundrod to lourthousan fdo - un -indi : and over % o o r. (Jir.niv G i ors: Amonsriherarmt nrrtbp Klsbcpsrarm, .tOOncre, tho Potter farm. In Green Oak.ih. Plaeefarm a i 13) aeres, theBlaodonand Jenki . ibter Ulcbael Cíancy, Newton Bengin.ftnd Pallaba, farms. 1 Ani' rhor: Kin-'sN-y A Itnrm, InPlttsfleid-theHatch and Hlck farms In l.odi.the Patrie f'l.iyufnnn in Freedom; w. B. Dsvimn. B. f!, liakerï and üuck's farms n .iylvan . MostM thosr and maoy uíhers can be .ilvldod to .uit purchascr E w. H0 10AW. AnnArhnj. Jnn 1 1SJ __ f. VV. M O K G A N , Agent for Mutual r.ifc Insuranco Company, X""'.X'wir, AeeumulatedAsseta, - - rauceCompmy n. u-8. Knickerbockcr Ufe losorance Company, Nok o, _e,BrstcbustaCo.- tem reaonbre. Mum'. anceCorapany, N"!lSrin Capital, with alaria Burpíns, - - - "" ""■ feorlá Harin ■ fance Co., rf 111. Chmv' N' l F"e I"!"ruaC" 'i? . (HO, L. F. RANDALL, DEALISG IN PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music tf Musical Murchandise. from the manufactory 6f A. II. OAlÊ S CO. of N. w for whom I am agt. I ml! warrant inferior to nono, : ■ : : : ïuality ei ini;c and promptness of a MELODEONS , manufacturad by TREAT : 1 1N.I.1-;V S'cw üaven onn. fcESTEY&GREEX, of Brat l.!m Vt. I ill warrant superior to any in fbe markèt in every eet thatpertalns to tbe if ood : o Uelodeon. 1 hv i han 1 and am oomtantly ïocciTing ín. m the publbbcn large ijuanIks of tho mi SHEET MUSIC which I wil! ■íími.I by nmll to nny p.irt of the country, po recoipt of mai I :oii nssortmon I GUITAKS, VIOLINS, TIANO Stools, Bows Sti'ings, Instructions Books for all instrumonts, CHURO M UtílC BOOKS Glee Boolcs êfc., Sfc., !(c. Tbensnal dlseooni to t!" Profeston. Musical In'ln;nn.-utiitunpd and ropaired and satisíactiíguararitco io . every luspect. 77a1 t. F.RAXDAIi OTI (JE VTY WIKK PAULOWNA ORQWL, liaving left mj bed 1)1 and board without juM caunoor provocation all por sous aro forbid barboring or trusting her on my account as 1 shall pay uu dobU ol her in : ilAKTIN UROW. Salero, August 2J, 1S61. 13) C " ' - ij" ■ ' . '■. '" f '. " ' EtPSmmË 1 i;wr-ito the Vj Tf ■A Fi'unklin IIou.m' j ]■) 4 RBNOW OPfcKlN'G, tl I i A Ni) AÍMUtiHict urcrd, n New mul C'om LAW & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Books, SlitceUaneous Book, Mank Bonjcs, dun Wall au:! Win Drawinjj And kfathamaticalTniitrunientSj IIuslc, Jiivoiiilo Librarte? , Eurelopea, luk.s and Caids. ■'■ IM I I , I H I ' ■ - -. .." ■■_ -. """ GOI;D And af Oher kinds oj Pint rind Prncifs ' Win ton Cor&l ■■. tthadea atvl fc'ixturo, POGJffii CUTLEKY! A ud evüryUiiii jt pertainfng to tlio trade, umi mon to Of the country. Inoonductingour bi ■ ncsa, uro shaíld' til thai cfin ■■■ le man, womau or cbild hall ■ Wc pos ■ Wlfioh will ciiabK' u to . our stomers at tlie Lowest Possible Figures. imall advaoco. ". ;i profit OD OUJ g iu.'.-, but Cash Sales will Admit of Lcw FIGURES. ÏT hT 1 '1'" ■■"'- ": J4MKS F. SPA1 bcrefore pi Visiins?, Wedding and n1 oher Ctirrlx wni'i to order, toilh ncattet and dispatch, by mail or cimici.ic. Tlip liKMl'inlc IV? ikSt i:f," i niantu'il by &2QOf1 'crew,' Tl'l tIl"V wi'i al - 1 ■ 1 i'M Ihl '■fjll-'U'i' i ■ ead u all witta pletuiare, wko wil] favor I i .i!!. Kemember tbe "Empire [}ook Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann ArVjor, ray, 1SCO. T f ANTOHER L& ARRIVAL AT THE wjÊA OLD AND RELIA BLE BJTË CLOTHINt EMP0RITJ1I!! ftfti jL 3ST 0 . 3 F x. CE3 IST I X BXjOCB:, MAIN STREET. rctarfted Arom the Sasten) OitSea, wiüi Uugi and deairabt stock uf F ALL AMD WINTER O O X JS S wVicb he s now offerlng at unuuully Among bis AssorUncnt maj bo-tpund BROADCLOTHS, 0ASS1MERES, DOESKINS, XVESTINGS, uf all tlcscriptions, eepecially for PALL AND WINTER WEABI whJobboiscuttingan ■ ■ er,intbelatetani best ityles, togeílicr wtth a superior aasoitmenl of READY MADE CL0TI1JNG! TEDNKS CAKPCT B;iüS, U.MBUKLI.AS, and Gentlemcn's Furnishing Goods, with numerous oftier art'.cles usuiilly roand in dmfla: establishmeikts. As ANEMPOKIÜM OFFASHION, tho Bubscribor flaltct hilriself, thnt hls long PTporionce : i to givc the greateel [ion ("all ivlio m:iy trust liim ia the wj of manufaetnri:i:: earmenta tu order. 769t( WM. WAGNER. Ho for the Mrnnicth Cafotnet Ware Kooiuü. MAETIN & THOMPSON, TTAVK JUST OPENED Dl THEIRucw aml Elegant War e-R oom :- KAST SIDEOF HAIK STREET, 1Ï0SEW00D, MAHOGANT PARLOR IMjRNíTUHE 1NC1.VD1S6 Snfa?,T I, lüack WalDtit, Plain :in ! Mar fle 1 "n'.l O g BflTT ! K YOIL1O. 1 Ml'. MAHOGASV. ' StT, . GE CHAIE8, &c., .Ve., jso.) í:c. ..-- TK-é ■ 9 Elegant MlUltOltt'. DO I RETARIES, Complet BEDROOM 1 ís, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, - pMATTEESSES of the bul i'Kility and Dtfleranl Haten! In Fart tlu-v Hare Ëverythlug witn wbicb to furafoh PAJEUXIR, ' BOUJ :-l i 1 ivc moM. OB :.i; Hl N, AND OUR CITTZEN8 NEED NO long W go tó tleirui't or clsew ■ larg assort ment. Tliis PTJRlNriTURE muAi: t ' ;l be SftW nt V E IÍ Y L O W 1J1UCES! g% ]. . man and 1 - orgmng to be wift ':. TbeyalBO I II KA RSE CARRIAGE, And aro alwaya to attend Vo the borla] er t!is dead In tbe CítyaúdadjoiníngcoAífitry. Ware i!" ■ I sido of Main .-;i '■■■', '■ Umand Uberty o. M. n:.'.i::I. Sn'aB C.B. THOMPSON IlaiJgsterfei's lilock. DEA W CO., 1HVITI ■■ tlifir new 61 ing a'.l kin I C oclïery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andUou '■ ■ k'M'dall ol" whc'.i thf-y are offer Ing At the Lorccú Possible Tintes. Frencli Chinn Ten -i ■'- rrB $5 O1,: to 20 on Kroncl' '': i ' ■ . . : 1 1 1 ■ . -'■' l [rom 'Jó "O to 70 OM I fr.-m 8 ! ' to B 00 si tic china dinnex .--i is !V"m 8 60 to 20 OO i ; . . ' Marb! mps complete from 80 tolooo Fluí'; 1 IS to 02 }á 43 Iterad ad repaircd. Slimmer Hill ttfursery. THE0D0RE K. DuBOIS, P-.o T.iKTor.iir rin:riiM:-.i:iin.i.M"r.-ra:Y,ANN Arbor, " n-w v.T)y tp receiïe onli i ■ !"r Falland -priiig: setUuir, m 'onlcrs for PVnH and Ornamental Trees, Vinos, ,etc., 'il beffllpd l r m and bis personal attcntiori will 5 gÍTnto the Retoctian andOUingthesame. Having beenregularly ed i tïreiint ■ ': tbal v,-;iii prompt andolosQ :i' ' ■' ion, and sirid bon will be nblG to (?ivo BatUfactiou to vxiy uno confidlüg thoirordera to hun. AHfarroerfl or brni1 growers wlU il-t well tpgive bima callbefor roughother p ■■ of tin; i.'Üy nu.'i ■ . -liaidüfhim thiï 14 si Spring for the qiiülïty of trftrs brongbton bj' bina, aa i-tler in 1 liy wtrerecreiTwi anidohvered ?0-Jm8


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