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GSEAT. GREATER GREATEST ááKGAINS EVER OFFERED 1 QïQ I O 1 Ot)C7 "k &)' In tlmGity, are now being offer cd ut the C1IEAP,CLOCK,WATCII, & Jowelry StoxO1HK .nbscrihnr wouldany to the oitizonsoi An?i Arbor. i particular, and the ro.t of Wantenaw ('oiintv in genera], thal hohasjuat IMPOKTKD plRECTLY from WJROpE.a Tretnendous Stock of Watches! Ah of.wbicli hfl blode blnuelfto 11 CHEAPEB thnn can be boogrbl wesl ot" New York f'ity. Opon Paco Cyllader Watches trom 8fi to SlO do do Lt'Vf r tl o do H to 2! j Quntlng ('hbo do do do l ■ to 30 : do do CyMnrier do do 9 to 28 Qold Watebei from 20 to 150 1 avu abo tbs CELEIÏRATJCD AMERÍCAN WATCHES, wblch I wlll sen ttr &35. fívaryWatch warranted to perioiin well, or Üic inonoy refunded. Cloohf, Jewclry, l'Inted Ware, Fnncy Ooodt, Gold Pens, Música] Instruments an'l Stringe, Cutlrry, tfcc, and in l'mt Hva.icty uicvfiv blng Ui-iiiilly kept jyJeweitti'Acan bebou . xt. iiinety day ut v[ur O W N i'RICES! Poraoits buyinL' at t bis w known entablititno ut can rfly ii.'iii) iTc-iïing goodd rxiict-y bs reprt'i"'i)t' d, orthemonfy rpfundcd, ftal leai ly Hui se euro the best bargaioa ever oflferod tn thl (1ity. Oiio word ín regard to Repairing: We are preparad to make any r In onÜne or oommon Watches, even to mskfngo jrr tlii en lire vratch, [j noei siary, Repairing of docks and -U -.■ Iry as usuni. Airto the raamt facturina o UINO'. BROOCH8, or auytblng deüred,frotn California Gold onshortno til--. BneraTÍp in nlïita branches exeenfced with oeal nota itü'i dlflpatcn. 1 G. WATTS Aan Arbor, Jan. 38tí)16S9. 7f-lw - 1 HOHACE WATERS, il G E N T 3 3 3 llroidïïij'i N e W' Y O r k PublUhér of Mu-lc bik! Aluslr L'inilm ami ]i:ai::h in Pianos, Me}odeoii8, AJexandre Organa Organ Accordeons, Marti n 's celebratod anc'i ülher Guitars, Violins, Tenor 'io!s, Violincetlos, Accordeons, F) u tinas, Piules, Pifes, Triángles, Clari joetto, Tuning Forks.Pipea andHamrrver, Violin Bows, beetltalian Strings, Basa Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. m 3a. o o OVE xx S í c, f rom all the publisbcrB inthcU. S.f6crtlnra SanUn's, ■ rnScbool, andali kinds of lostrnctton liooks for the al ' ' Books: Uosic ly bound; Musio paper, and all kinds of Uusfo adise, A t t heLowest Prices. New Planos, At S17Ó, S20O, $228, $260, and up to $800. Beeond ll.n- Planos from S25 up to lfiO; Xew Bfelodeow), M6,' i,$l00tand up to $200; Second Hand Holodeona i to $80; Alexi , with five stops, $160, 5 and $226 ;thirteenatops, $250,1 I i fteen stop, $320 and $:í7.r; A liberal discount to Clergjmen, ChurchWj Sabbatt Schools, Semloaiiea and Teachers. Tha Tradfl supplied atthensn&l trade dlscoosta Testimoniáis of ttic Iloraco Waters Planos and ?.li-li(tt-4fi(s. John Efewett, of Oarthaeft,New Vork, whó ha had oue of the HoraccWaters Pianos, irrites afoUowsí - "A friend of mine wishes me to parchase n piano for her. . e in ] iec naber, 1853. ning popular in .his place, and i tliiwk I can introdnee one ":■ two morej they will be inore popator timp any other make'1 ilWe have two of V;itcrs" Pinnos in usp ín OUT Seminal . one 'r wiiïch ii;is been seTerely tested for three vfiii-s. and we can testify to thetr good quality aitd durability."- Wöod - Qregory, Monnt Carroll, IU. '1I, Watera, Esq. - Drar giR: Having used oneof your rtes fQrtwoye&ra past. I have fosad ftavery superior Instrument. AlOSZO GkaT, Principnl Brooktyn Hcijfkts Semmary. "The Piano, J recoived fn m you continúes to glve watUfactEon. 1 regard H asono of the best instrumenta in the place." a::i - 1.. ( i ::. CkarltêlOH, Va. '♦The alelodeon haa b rfelj arried. 1 f'1! obligod to you fory our liberal diwount." Uov. J. U, ikCoRMick. YarqueficilltS, C itThu pi nu vaa duly received. Iteame [nexoellen.t o, and is very mucb admired by my numeroui . Accept my Öian&fl fr your promptness." - ..ïiftdi, Bradjoed Co. Pa. 'Your piano ] '. ■ ■ i"';t. une in our connty."- TH ■ '-- Cnmphdliov, Ga. "We are very much obliged to you forbaTing sent Baob e I :.: for $2oO."- BiunkSbu) ï Co., íiuffaio Dan ' [orace tTators Pianos are known asamim the very bet Wv. aro enabled to epeab of these instrnmonis with eoüfidence, firora personal knoTriedire of their excellent tone an l durable quallty."- Jf. Y. Eraiigelist. 1 on i Bpeok of í ii1 menta i the Horace Watera pi anos from personal knowledge, aa being the Teryflneal '-Christian Intelligenter. '■Th Horace Waters pianos are onütof the best and mosi oroughry Beaaoned material. WV have no iloubt thai boy ere oen de aa wcH.perbapa better, at tbtsthaJD at any otberhonae in theunton," - Advocate, and Journal. Waters' pianos and melodeona challenge eompariaon vtth thöfineatmude-anywherê in tbc country."- Home Journal "Horace Waters' Piano Portes are of (all, non and eren tone, and powerftü- N. Y. Musical Recrea. Our MendswlllflndatMr. Waters' eto the very best aasortment of Muflió and oí Pianos to be found in . .■.(■ arg onr Boutbern and western frtendfl to give him a cali wltónerer they go to New . ,'Ai. ' ' - Grakam's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N". Y. SabbathSchool Bel], 1OO .OQO lssced tti ten Muntbs. Tlie unprecedented sale of thisbookbas induoed publishiT I ■ 80 new tnnesandhymnstoitfl pnsnithout extra charge, oxoept nn tbecheapedy 1 :, Among üic t.i:iuy beauliful tuned audbymn m:ty be Found: - ;'I ougUt U love my mother:11 "O PU o I ohild, Indeed i wil!." Theso and tent othera from tin1 B.-ll. uw1 mjiiií at the Sunday School AtaniverBarj of th a. E. Churcbal the Academy of Mnnlc, ïrlfl) gre.i1 applause The Bell coctaios nearly 200 tunes and bymntt, and w one of the I ■ ■ ; d per ln'Mihiii. ■ ■ bound, i per 100 I: baa been introdubed iv of the Public Schools. The e Is pul lishedin mail nninU.r entltled Anuivorsary and Sonday Scl 1 MusicB ■ -i. in order to accomme lalt the mUUon; prlce K fc s:i iit hundred No. ' rill eoonbe Mued - ooumencement oi another book. Alao, Revival Umie Bookft, No, 1 & 2, prlce 1 - 2 pet 100, pogtag lc. More thaa 800,000 oopiea of the ■■ '■ a-Te been i-suvl the paal eighteen montos, and the demandifirapidlytncreaatag Tublisbeü bv IIORACi: WATERS, .A-SPnt, . . BroadiMjr, X. ï. Publisod by Horace Waters lío. 3:J3 Broadway, New Vork. Vooal,"Kind Wordcan oeverdie;'' "Th AamIs told i : "Wllfli of tlic W bta ol 3od;" (16iv me back noy Uountain Home;" Öay Preame;" "Dandj C "l'in in thee bUII; 'Pi t ui There'ano dafilng likO mine;" "SatAfa Jane Lee; er of thee:" kii'in teavingthee En Sorrow;" ClBirdof Beauty;'1 ltHomo of our birtb;M 'Gnwe of Roaabel1 aml ;v.iU, b'lv, v.i!-, ' price 26c h. [xsnu-BüNTAl.. - ' Talace Garden, or Rlniring Hir.1 Polka.' 0c; "Swinging Schottinche;" "Mirabel Pohottiacli;" Thomaa Baker' S?chottlohe;" "Plccolomiul Polka, 8o aenta each. Phe bovepieee have beau Uf ui Vignettee "Weimer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cry M tho verylaxt; "Vasnoviaiuw DonieUsMaiurka; "Rea-lj m" Polka1" "Crinolino Hüliz," and "Lance' Qua drille," 2oc eacl "The ■ Reieu'a Quadrille;" a ii. m dance, "'l "The Hibernlan Quadrille," 85ceach. of I wtobrated orcli'ïi ra t!i great :qplruse.Ki Muiled free. A largo !ot of Forelgn Music at half price. Planos, MclOílcoiis iid Orgaus. ( The Horace Waterê Planos and Melodeons, for depth, p-ivllv of tone and dorability, are u I'ricea iM-y low econd l:inl Pianos and Molodeonafrom fSÜ to $150. Music and Hobíc&I [witructions of all kinds, atthe lowcst prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. :;:ï:: Broadway, N. V. Tfl8tntOïnAïL; - "Tne Horaoe Wntpra Piauosare known ' as among the rery best.' - Evan#eti.i. "Wecan Bpeak of thpir met-its Trom personal - ct1t[e."_C7ii'ííí;on hitdligcncer. "Nothingat tho Pair dliplayed greater excoUmco -"- - Churcluna.l. Planos and HeloüeonB challenjceiomparison with the Inest made anywhereln the country. "-Homt Jnuraal. '1 j Irving's "Works - National Edition 'pniR Fine EJition of tlu VTork of WiStOKOTOK I I vi.vo (lacluding the lifo o( WaahiDgU; willbepab. i tshcd for J SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montlily Volumes. Prico $1.50 Piijrtblo on Deliv. iy. Beantifully Printed on heavy superfina paper, of th t rj ir !;:-, and nubstantiallv buund ín heavj t lli'.t'llS. OEacli Volume ed -wilh Vignette! on Stool and Woed, .L! Enickerbockec's New V. , Columbus, ■'! vola. Bracebrldge Hall, A hrt, ' Tafesof : Traveler, ellany, Tapt. BonaeviUo, Qllver Goldsmith, net. " volü. ( Grviui la, Alhambra, Roost; I.ife of Wanhlngton, 5 vol. Salmn Thia edition wil] be sold exoidsivilt to ftuliscriberi ami will be ffreaflv superior trt ftny ever boforo iss-.iPd,ndsomeaet of thoso universally popular wovi. i thnï rl ict'J witbUi the nv :n of II. e p. PUÏNAM, A;t.,Publisher, IKN'attan ítreet, Nw York City Cheap Lumber SasJi, Doors Blinïls, Plaste? Paris Grand liiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cfic, die. . D. DeForest, HA VING incresaod hit Fnciliiico for doiig busl neaa and enUrged liis ïrd and Stock, la pro patod ths preteol easo:i, willi ttcbea. largesi ■pd chetDettscuoaedatockeTerlotbU martn to satis I y the rntunnnidr expetitBlioaa il aH. Oui tnoito is notto beuodertoldJJor eaah on deüvery I wlll oot undert&keto frlsblentbe public by saylna thnt thry will getSBAvedll they boyelsewberft foi wc. presume that oiher-.wll3cl]H6low A6tli :: ti ti o r d t o . All kinds of Timber, Joists, nnd Scnntling, Pino, Wbitewood, Basewood, Hem loeit, Planed and Matched Fine, Whitewood Ah!i Kloot lag. Pinnodtnd roaffh Plnaaod VVhitowood t!dlng,Fe3C I'osu, OekandCedat Poste mul PlckeU ol all kinds. Jpine fatl), anö mijitcmoob L. .r I'tne, Así) ;i:i I Wbttmrood Sblngtaüi Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, Black Wi..(Ut, uid CJit'rrj and thln ntuft', WHfron nnrt BUGGY AXLES and TONGUE, Boxtind Body Larobr,Maple Log Tlmber, Ilickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, OfalUh!ckneaea,wldtha aDdlengtba,&o.. te, Piaster Paris, and Piaster tada. 'JSTz,if=t "t 11 atzea, te, e. 8A8IT, DOORS. ik BUN DS, vado by hand toordei h Iuwbh tftory prieep . t n tlio hortettnotlce y t Ih' best oí workmen. and Best Seasoncd Iumber. Bi 11 of all leasiiptloii in thr übovr building lint furnishedniitlif h'jrtpatof notie r TÖT Wc have Mills Cstfing liegularly. A fu 11 wnda perfect nstiortinent of the abovc nu otht'i kiude pf Building Matei ials C'onstantly onhnnd :it th lowestpossibli' ratei Cali and be Convinced. A few rods south f mm, R. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Artn Arhor, Miei, I! O O F I N O. I am now operating Extensivelj in tüe Patent Cement Roofing. SCÍI0FF & MIL LEK , ftESTILL ON'IIAN'D ;it tliciruld Stand A No. 2, Franklin Block, wi'.h t!iciu't complete assortirent of Books and Stationcry, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIAUE8, KOLLERS, CORDS. TASSELS, GIJr CORNTCES, CURTAINS. IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered m this Market ! and thcy would suggest tothoso in pursu't Lf anythingin SANTA OLA VS' LINE that tlicy cao secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! I.iy iin-i'liiising f rmn thls stook is eeh purchaser geis an adiUtional present ui' Jvwelry, &c., Kanging in value trom 50 ets. to $50. Thtjytrast that theirlonj opsrience in selectiug rirki't, and striot attenticr to tbs wants of Custotners, maj eotitle tbem to a liberal sbare oí Patronne. Ann Arbor, Dee. 5. 1860. 777tf 1SG1. 18G1. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.H.MILLBNfoCO. Have remorad t' Lhefr Briok tore receakly oecupied by A. DeForeat, anü are now recciviog a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS TOR THE SPRIISra TEADE Amoog which aro Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFÜL NEW üTYLES, TUIMMINGS, SHAWLS. CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &c. Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, & CROCKERY. Aho an enlire New Stock of Cárpete and Oi ' Cfoths, of New and Beautiful Paterns, THESE OOODS WERE BOUGHT AT PlsTIC PEICES! Anl uII w'i.i will cal. and e:tmiue our : i tioodsarc ChtaplhU spring fr CASH OH READY PAY. i O-.BMILLEN4OÍ). Ann Aruor, Miirch 0 1801. -n1 ! : - ■ i SPRING GOüDS. RICH G O O DS . ; CHCEA.F GOODS. ' BAGH & PIERSON c HAVEjust opened a l.irge and well J led stock of Spring Groods. atost stylcs and pattorns iiicluding POPLINS, CHALLIES, DE LA IX ES, TitL.MMINGS, S U M M E R STÜFFS. f DOMESTICO, STAPLKS, all 3arefully scloctod, Wai-anted to pleasJ, and ] for aale ohcap. 0O3VII3 A3Sri 33313. BACn & PIEBSOK Maroh 26, 180, 973tf Mort ga ge Fereclosnre. DEFAULT having i, nade In the pnj ,t „nnw 'l1 ■■ executed liy I i d d;itcd ilic Br I -'.'y of July, .. I) 1837, and recorded In' the 11 ! (iT.y of J"'.vi ■ o'olock, a.'m in 'm'ii I i r pro■ recever 1 raorlgage or m ofeurhundredand sixty non el tim '':M' "' ' ■ i liat tlia 'l !" f ol themortInctor parcel '■■■■i N'o. t.i'cntv-u'iiia n townahlp No. two soufli or range N... ,-i , uf nterrc r'"ii "f o line Ihn ■ ( .„ i t :M1 til ü ctri ■ I jakt section, thence wet lpl rith toild line atod streel unlll t atnl ■ p in April 1; ■■!■'.. El „,,rth by ald F ' ■: until ,t Mrikes Uventyi t Xo Ï5 on ' rmaby'fl additicn to tfao villoge ol Ana Jbbbr, tbence . t the ; ■■■ 1 1 ■: - : pal I .i i. q I bei ■■■ soutb "u tbe ■ .? fury Kuis td the place of foor aem. r sotne part thereof, I rt I! ■ ■ ■ ■ - - la tin., cilv of Ann AiUr on Uie ii.ntli i'ay of NovcidI r -■ -t. al noon. KI.I'A BOTSTORT, Jlmigagee. E. w. Moboas Att'y. August 14th, A. n ,1S61. 813M Ohancery Notice. gTATE 01' :,cllit Court r„r „,„ ■ : ■■. Bofore the rnvClreu)l .ludgcat Chamber. WootLcompialoant, and John W n ir 1. William S. Uaynard, I.uilier nono, Al Fairar. Ceorge Ihó, Alonzo Parrar, I!i-nrv w. Chandler, SVaibington Warren, J-M v.inl ümi.i it. WiUlam II. Uajor,j ll.-nrv Stone, W.lliain W Wiijilit Darigbl 'I. Babcock, John Nickolion, James V ■-!!':■■■ Ketciium, .luiu J!. Jalfray, Arthui W Blchmond W. Jaffiay pearing lotbe unOereigiwA, Cirmlt ruurtb Judfanal olrcuit, bj alfidarit "' " ' 'o defrndanta in cause reaide out of tbi ;■.'■■ in W. Farrar.George l-.i-.v w. ci,:.,i.i;.-r. ,„. Wanhing i ■ ol M8íachnwttt ana ■, '■'■'■ Üam II. M,.. , ,.„ rv ,„„0, 'I Batcock.JobnlfickolMa Jamen r l'i , Jobn K .lalfray Arthur W. JalTray, BcJward S Jsffray, and Kichmond . Jaaray :tll in tln-:-:.-it, ; (.;V VorkOn molion ofO II.. ,., „p.,;,. ll ' 11 endanta : oarance tethis i cause iobe entered withln throe months Irom th. order. Anditlsfortherorderedtlutt wjtliin twenty dayi the coinplainant '" this ■"■ ' order to pu ilisbed in the Micliig on Argot, a ne bliahed n tl. o City of AnnArb oty ol ffaob enaw and Uial soet pnblícation be oontini peral least once in eacli week ( ... v, ,i. , „ auccengion or Ihat lie oause n ■ pj ol tlui ■ rsonally serñd ■ ty day koforo nth'ii ord.r tt their appearauce. (.'. true ecpy ut Ute or gioal i r Iw.) I . t,AWRJ n E, CfecnlUodgfc O. Hv,-:;l..-.?t.]loitor for Cuniplaiuant Ann Arbur, August, 1801. 812M Öhaucerj Notice. T1HE aRCDIT COURT kor thkcuv.viv „f WixmitiW, 1 toChaneery; -Hoberl Kline, Complainant, vu. st,rr a. Mnulton, Ariel Houltun, Iton, Benjamlo Aibi rl G. :■: tá, de: ■ pearing the uri'U-rsigned, ('i.c-iit Conrt Cmmisaloner , by amdavits, that the deAriel Uoallon iaa Don-resident of tlus State, on : I and of Counsel for tiant, it is ordercd that said defaodant Ariol pearance in thfe cíiuíc' to bo en■liin thrce minth from the date of vhis order an.ltbat, inooseofhi . ; ,.,sW,., to oomplainant'i Uutobafilod and a oopy thereoi t-. be serred m the complainaat's solicitor! vithii) twenty days af ;■ I acopyofsaid i.iii and nuMoe of thw order, nnd In default tne f thnt tlie said uili !,c taken asconfessed b ,t Ariel Houlton. And t furtoer orred;ibat within twunty day tlie aaid complamant eaiue tbia (.nier tu be pubn Axgus," a n.'ivsp.iper published In said County, and that said publication be continueil in mid paper at least onoe In-eaob veektbralz weeka in succesnion, or tliat be cause a eopy uf this urderto be peraonally iervcd on Uie sni.l defendanl at k-ast a. ut., dayi bofore tl,e time ab:,ve preserlbed t'.r his appearunco. Date!, Julvllth 1801. IX P. TWfrCHELL, r.-.n't Court Com. fot WasbtenawCo.,llieh A. FFI.CII, Sol rord : AUuecupy, 609w6 R. .1 IUxrv. Rogifer. Mortgaga Poreclosure. DEFAULT hiivinir 'i-i-n raade ín tl. e cniitionof a M.irtgageexet itedby IViüiau.' UTalker, andf vKanin, lii fe, to V] . A D. iï 10, and recorded in Ibe ::■ i - Jfficii in W.mbtenav 'dunty, in Ijbei Jo of Uorlaget, :tt pago 736, ..i, the day of il ntv-iive min oteaba . p. m by.vbichdeiaalt the power rative, and nosutt or proeeedlDgl litatedat law toree debt sesure ..r any jart .: I the s-.ün f one hundred and eleven dollars b.-i. , ! J.. !..■ Ti i ■■ Ihereon .is interest .. . aml further um.s to bec. . Notice i tlierefuM' bereb; giren tib&í Bald mortgage irÜU ■ a Bale of i be m ri prei -.-..- wit: All tbat rertain tract or p ro i .t land knon n and aa follows, wit'„:i and belng in tliecity of Ann Arbor. I Lhaidoof block Nii.twi., nortn f Hurón -!:. ■ t range oneeast, to c:i.:i.i vhole length of saiil blook oost :in.l west, arceably to the reour led plat of tho rilUge ol Aan Arbor, or aome part th. . rcncue,a! rlie f.'ourt House in tlu eity oïAua Arbor on the üfth tlay of OctoI at noon. WILLIAM S. MAYNABD, Mortagee. !■;. W. Korg iy, Attv. Dated, July 9th, A. D. 1881. 8CSt3 Chancery Sale. OTATE OY MiCiHGW, Tilfi C.BCVIT CO1TRT FOR THS Cm my OF V.'.Mii;...i , hliza A l'crkins vs. Sebrah Perkillï-- In Ch;;' In ponuano Ol a decretal of the Circuit Court of the of Waehtenatr, in Chanc. ry: made in the above i i tin1 second day of December, A. f), cighteen hundred and flfty Dine, ajld ■ fnrthcr onler of this Court 1 the sixthdayjof February, A. I) ejghteen hanrire.J and slxty-one. wilj be 8oH, ander the flirection of uit Conrt Conmi&sioner for thvCounty of Wash!.■:.:... . at public aucli.m, rit ti. soatll -T front door of the Court House, in tle city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the sixlh day of luly, eighteen hundred and sixtyone, at Uvrlve o'cloek, noon, of aatd day, all those oertam tract or parcela of land lyïng and heing in the towhshi of Sak-iii. in iho Ci.unty of Washtenaw aforesaid, and de scribed in sai. 1 decree - : The veat half of -east Quarter of section Uiteen, and the west half of the unlll i ;,.-: qaartcK ofsectlon iwonty-two, tal tovnehip one soutli, of range seven cast, or so much thereoi as m:iy be oeceasary t" Batlllly the amouut du uponsaid óecree, togelht-r witb „icn-st and coste. 1). s TW1TCHELL, Cir. Court Com. for the Gonnty of Washtenkw. O. HAWJCINS, ïjolicltor fT Complainaul and Assigneo Ann Arbor May -ft, 1861. sale is adjourned until the 15th day of November next, :it the same honr and place. Uated, July 6th, 1801 D. S. 1 WIÏCHEI.L, Circuit Court Com Wah'.i.;uv C..., Mich. C'aanccry Notice. SÏATK OF MICHIGAN, Uie Circuit Geurt for the (■i.ii;tv..: Waahtenaw, in Chancery At a sessioo of eald Court, held at the Couri II. use In the city of ■ .i:,:;. i.i eounty and Mn'.e, on the tllteeiith day of June, A. 1), 1861, rreent Hon Efiwita Lawrentie, Clrcnil Jurig. In t: e snit of ttoberl Mc( lcllnnd, Complainant, Hgaiust partira-to hun unhDown, whereiu lie 1 r-..v for j-.n-ii! n f cerlxiii bxndn and premlseB in his . ,;. :U, t .-.l U-il UI. i in Whicll da U1S tO 1.l ,-t ii interest: Ii natisfactorily apparitig to said Court t,a i,tl:i-r partífH mterested m aaid lands and to liic ;t:. Cuiii;.l .ili.i n: ;iilv!i.ivil, - on in1.: i'.n ..f A. Feïch, Solicitor for said Cnmplaioant, it is ardered tbat all partfesinti reted m s.. i-l lan i and jiremises (partition of whicll la Rooght in this cause), appcai er the bil. ot cnmpiatni H!"l fn thi caufte by Irati r. A . 1 '- , ISrïl, or that such iill tf complami lx1 taken aa confeesed by them S;ii.l landu and premfses are eltoate in tl. e eounty of WaehteoMfj and State "I ! ire deacribed ns t'ullows. to uit: the aontb hal of section twenty -four} and the weet half, and theeast bajf i the norih eait qnavtêf, th of range ievcn cast, in the district óf lnnda formerly subject to lale nt Mouroe m Báid State, coatainjng fn aii sevrn :.:i.i 'v.intv acres, according i., tbc l'atent And t i fui . tl n twenïy ■ the ei t y of Una i i ilalnant causa i copy ..i nrVl) r i" be publishe 1 in Michigan Arrus, a newgpapov printen n4 pubh'ahed In s.i.d city oí ■ cl, jiublication be continued at i ■■ . for six wceeks. E I.AUIMNCt:. CiiTiii; .lu.!go. A I"i:i.( :i , @ollcitot] and ol Uonnsel Tor Cinuplaiaant. MANÏI00D Bow Lost and How Restored. Just Puhhshed in a Sealed Envtlopt, ],:yri'li;K ON TUK NATL'RF. TÜKATMEXT AND :í:oí:a, or Semteftl i! i)-biliiy, Noi-vuusufss arrl Involuntaoaa iuduclog lmnotcncy, and Mental aud bysical liicii] acity. BT ROB. J. CtTLVERWELL, M. D. Author of the "Green. Book" JC. The -flrorid-renowned ;iu(bur, in this :u1mirablp I.ecturO -l,-:ui proves from hls own Orpcrienoe tbal the awful lonaequencea ofself-abusemay W ríToctua'.Jy removed ritlmtit mediclDoand without d&DgeronsBnrgtcalóperaiii.)-. bQugiea .'.ii-tr iiuiMtls, ria.'s or apnlUlo pnintinir luta mO(l or cure at once certam and efiectual, by ■ry sufforer, no matter wbat liis eonditlon may ' cura tilmself chcjphj,pritatdy and radiratly.- rhia Lectuie wlll prove ;i boonts thausands and thous mds. Sent ander wal to ny addre .1 ■ ld, on the reeipt of two poKtage stampa, bv addrëMiorf Dr. CH. J C. KLINK, 1-7 Bowory, -New Vork psi Box,; 686. Ï8fi vBYE and E AR. Plï F. A. (lAD'ELL, "JslH.(ir. on nu: i.vk asp ku. Vat D)afsit)M. Bllndnw, nml ;tll defectsof Slght ai.d IUniL.i;. DR C. REIJia A RECULAR Pbyalci in, jrith TWESXX r ín the tréatment "f daases of 1' ' ' ' ' !" :; ' 'i'i.'ilifiod to .v,-. reiiei cure In any case within the reach if hiimnn pkill tty Ko i:harfe for au ezamlnutltin oran opinión, ir for untuuet'fitl unica. i)„ C.'a CRÍAIlSt O TBB K'. K .NDF.AH, of SOO pp., ontainlng reíffrenees, TeBttmonisls, Descriptlon of Disate ■ GaaWi ; otUe im ■ r. iltustrated rlth ('iit, ló be had qraits, by ronding Ten Cmts to p.iy .ostiiítc. Addreaa Dr. Cauwkll 83 Kandolph Street orner Deaborn, Chicago, 111. Iy768 Wool Wanted HOR WHICH I WII.I, I'AY CASH OR GOODS. Cash or Wool not refuted on Notes, ni accounts due me. Po n'.easc fetch on your Cash or A.P.MHXS. Ann Axoor, Juae 18.1801. 605tí Ayer's Gathartic Pilis


Old News
Michigan Argus