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A Dinner Speech At Camp Fountain

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Caup Foüniain, Au;:. 30th, 1861, Mi:. Editor : - Ascvery thiiuz eon'nected with tlic war ia uf public interest I end you tlio followiog froui Ca np Founta.n : A ítunibcr uf the frienJs of racmbörs . of Conipanv A visited the camp, bri j with them u plcLtiful supply ot' ihc coraforts of tife, resölviug (o partake of (it maj Le) ;i farewell dinner, 'J'lio larliea of the party aesisted in the preparation of the repast, aitd pre.sided at the table with a delteacy and graoe wliic)i was tm!y affcctillg, and whioli UO doubt eaused more Iban one heart to throb with thoughts of tlie lovcd one.i it home. Tlie company formed in two ranks in front of their tents. and were marchad to the table by Lieut. Chriatiancy the front r;mk taking the left, of the table and the rear th;: right. Being seatcd, tlie following Bpirited address wan made made by 8.0. Lord, Esq., hilo of Mempbia Tcun : Capt Aloott, Soldier, Frieiids, A few days sinöo ire had tlio pleasure of greeting somo of yon as neighbors and friends, of mingling with yüu in the social relations of lioine lif'e, and above all of taUring upon a subject whieh Dot only interested us, but every patriot, cvory lover of' liberfy throughout the wurld. To-day you'r Augusta friends oome to greet you again, and to extend the hand of fellowuhip to your brothcr soldiere, and to invito yon all to partici pate with them in the rofretbmeöts bofore ! you. Mr. Jame A nderaoii present you ' with a twin calí', iot beoauso you are prodijfal sons, but beoanse you represent ' blood that cannot be sepflrated, and be cause you go i'or the Ui. ion, and thu : port of the rights of all men, and the maiutenaneo of that llag undcr whose proteeting wing liberty has lived These little homo offerings, what are they but a pica to look at comforts again, :j;:iiii to bring you words of charfty and congratu late you that you belong to a noble regiment of brave men. Alrcady has the historian beau their fair record. Wc mourn with you over tbeir dead, and wi!i your brave Col. W.illcox, Capti Witliing ton, ]ieut. Parks, and all oifiers aid soldiers a speedy release trom ifnpriaon mentsaiid rcovery from wbunds, again we congratúlate you, and througti you the whole army as you go forth to battie For your country. No nobler offering vas ever giren to liberty.. Your home circlvs will inisa you. God oriy knbws how niüeh.. I look with mingled feelinga of admiratïon aud regret upoii onr heighbor, Jarvia Penney, as fíe stand before me with liis threo sons, w!iio!i lio has give'i as au offering upou tlio altar of Itih country. - How raauy cases of serf sacriöce bas and will be made since t;ii Qii.happy war began, are kuown only to iiiin wi.o holds ! the nations in the hollow uf i.i h-ind.- Father lias paríed from the Bénj sister froni brother. the widbw fnun hor only 3011, and the inifeband frönj tlie ivife - Soldier.-i, as we take i u, reinCTn bér your trnst. We shall wateh you nè Vi.i advanee stci by step ripóu the foe, aud to viotory. And wliilo you tfiilJUph over foea reiieruber all are ï'.ot ucli in the South. Uive protec'riqri to 1 vers of liberty and the defeüSoleáS everyv -here. - i Tbere's many a noble heart, many a téarful eye WHtcliing your apprnach n mes sengera of meroy. ]jct them kriow bv your a;:t that yni'.r euise ia tbeirs, that you eaunot be olher thañ iihüi, and nrfiilo you réineinber the nnxious golicitude of frienda at home. and ot' men thröughout our country, rennüiilu-r llim wholeadsyou all Nevtír let a shadow fall upon the i face of that that noble Patriot s ildier j and statesinun, Gen. Winficld Scott, becatise you did not your hole duty. tiito your hands we eomirmit tlie surcees or défeat of self-government. As the great heart of hum.inity i# throbbing, and look ing to you aud asking "Watchman what of the night " lel your response come inudêÉ than wind and wave, our eouutry is iree, is PUB. A blessing wás the;j askód by Rld ir Penney, of Augusta ; aftei' which the attiiok was eoniinenced and sustiined in a maniier whteli did credit to thacompany, the veul and chicken pies, biseuit and sweet cakes vanishing in a mantter truly astonishing In fact, the couipany su3t.iined its credit for energy and promptitudo equally well at the table aa on drill. After dinner, Joscph Beunett, Esij, dclivered an address detailing the causes of tuis unhappy war, and urging them to prove thetnselves woithy the blood of their anecstors and savo the glofioua Star Spangled Bunner from the traitorous grasp of the perfidious South. A very able and soldierly re]ily was made by (Japt. Aloott : after which the couipany was marched to their (Hartera when they gave uine cheers, and tbon retired to their teuts till the drum beat for roll cali. JJ3L" Wc giVo place to full details of! the recent Naval Expedition from Fortress Monroo, resultiug in the capture of Forts Clark nud Halteras, witli a. largo tminbur of prisoners, anus, and stores. - - Ainong the prisoncra aro Commodore Barron, the Confedérate fatates cbief naval offiour, and to bo Assistant Seeretary of tlieir Navy. The capture of these Forts gives tlic government entire control of llie coast of North Carolina, ind prevenís the sheltering of privateers n lbemarle and Pain.iuo Souods. It is tightonitig the blookádo uúth aven , g-,eanco, and Virginia aswell as Nortli Curolina ffill foei it. The reader has onlj to luok at a good map to sec the iiupurtauce of the Hiovement. fsiLT Somitor John-ov n-ct an entliusiastic. rcL'.cpiion it Newport, Ky., la.t weck, and rfiadé d rróbhs md foiling speech. Ile puiotud in 'w n x ruiors ' Jeff l);iis :mr his co tniitoiv, and flayed Jelui 0 Breokinridge ulive. Jiiiin.son' siit'P'irk-d Brwfcfftfirtèè in : 18G0, luit says that he vyas dfceived hy him. The resnluUons dóptfd liy the meetinar wei'tí une Union, , iiijr not tlie loiirit nayj r lif noufnility. Seniitor Jöiinson is Éipetikiiisr dtdlv, aml is doinjï i good win k He h thu kind j oi a ■' Coinproinisii Détnocrat" we propasa to train unrli.T. It is bli) patriotic and difnoöratio to follow wheno Andt Johnson and Jor: Holt tead. X'3T The death of Jiff. Davis is reported as having occdrred at Riehuiond a few days aince. Thore is souie plausibility in the report ba we are inclined to doubt it. He is reserved for a different end ,.v We heur duily roports of 8kirmisiles, and figlitiug. and i innouuiliiig dpposito Wuithiiigton, lint vhen tlie sinokt' ü Jeu ra awiy il prnves ; Du (lic firiog of .u.k(.'is thu " trying of yiins." Tlu rebels muy bu contemplatinr iii nroiid intd Muryliind tiad un tttiiuk on VVuehpigton, lut vse have fnilh in, ; leel thai he h letidy ihc-iti. Tliuy öaóDoi urosí tlic Porppmc the shelter ui tiiiisked butlenen', nnd toben they come !nío ihe ojmn field ilicy wil] íliid tfieii mntch - and more, tm . ' Am oatbreák in Ke&taekjr is regnrdeU iix imminent, the Western pórtión of Siv.U; sliowlug Dcreasing proclivitj for accesaiOD. l( tlic Legmlature just C'iiivciKxl is out-aiil out Union, and wilt thraw no obstacles in the mty thu Peder' ;il Government maniïesiing its military power it may be saved. Otherwisè wc i;iy look i'or 'a repetitioo ntensified ;f the acenèa in Missouri S-iST ï'lu öcventli Regiraeut, Cul GXaOBTONOlt, nuiiiberitig 101-i rank and file, left Monroe or. Thursday via cara tn Toledo, boat to Cleveland, by ears via Pittsburg, ilurrisburg ;iüd Baltimoro, to Washington.-: They will receive thuir anas at H&rrisburg. Tlie rejriiaent was roviewed by tlm ÖóVernör andstali'on Tuesday. O5' Tho Fiftli Regiment, Col Ti;ui;v, is ncarly full, aml is expected to leayo Fort Wiiyiic on Ijjeaday nest, for Washington. Thoy will go by bout to Cleveland, tliencu via Pittsbürg. 12O., Ilon. YV. A. KicflkRDeos, of IIliuois. bas been appoihtcd Brigadier General, and will enter into immediáte aerVV90. IIq is o gi od ofiiecr. Z'ST Tho Rev. G. D. Gillespie, of Pahnvra, N. Y.. will preach i St. Audrew's Church on Sabbath next, morniüg and evening. L-C C0" WiLi.iA.MS is to be given a brtgnde oomposed of the new Miehigan Regimeuts uuw göing fórwaríL


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