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Gen, Fremont Proclaims Martial Law In Missouri

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St. Loáis, Au. 31. Tho following proctaniation was issued tliis raorning : HíADQUARTEBS, WustFBN DkPABTWSSTJ St Louis, Ang .'0. Cireuinstances, in niy judgnient, of Bdffioient urgeiicy, render t neeess' ry that the (Juiimmding General of tliis department sbould assurne tho Adininia tra ti ve powers oí' the State. Its disorgauized con.dition, t he bejplessncaa of tho civil autfiority., tbo total inaeeiirity of lifo, and the devasta don of pmperty by hands of njurderors and inarauders wbo infesl nearly évery coünty in the .-"tate, and avail themsilves of tlie public mis for tHD88 and tbe vieituy of a st i 1 1; forcé to gratify privato and neigWtiorbood veng?nc, and wbo ünd bd enemy wherever they íind plander, fmally dumand the severest measariss to represa 'be daiTy incrcasini; carmen atid o i tracen which are drivini; oír' thc iiílíabitaCllt, and raining thc State ín ibis eóadition, tlie public Birfety and tln? BWMesa of our nrtns requiro tmity of purpose, without lot or bindrance tq tlio prompt ídininistratiu;i ofaffairs. In ordi :-, il.i rei'urc, tn suppress disorder, and uini'utáin, a. far a now practicable, the public poacê, and to give ppcuritj and prutèction to the persuns aiiid property of loyal qitizuna, I du hi.Tcbv extüud a tí] d aclaro esíabllstíed iiiartial lajr tbrQugliout the State ofMissoiiri. 'fhe Iines of (ie aruiy of occupation in tiiis State, are for lbo proscut, declarad to bxíciid from Lè, by w:iy of ibe posts of Jeffers 'il City, Rnila, ükI Iroutmi, to Gapë Girardeau, oii tïi'o ■'l'p; tiver. All persoiis w'hn sliall bi' takeii ivi'fli arma in tin ir llanda wíthiú üucsshall be tried by coart-mrtial, and if fouud guütv. to bc ülrct. Tbe property, rt il or pi :■- rnal, of :i!l pe in the Si ito of Mi.-.souri, who shnfl bo taken in xst the (Jnited Stat s, who sf'ail bi direétfy precen tii have Uken aij active part t;i their enemii.-s in tbe field is decWed lo bc coufiscated ■, and tlifefr slavee, if any tli. y liáve, aro bereby declarad free óeu. ' AH.pfföotis who shall be ,!i to liavë . . . i'ftcr tbe public tfou of tbis order, railrond tracks, bridges ur [élcgraphi, shfifl suffer the cxireh' penahy of ibis lay. All pcwong engaged in trcasonablë bórresponïfenee, in .iviiig or procurtttg aid to tbe enenjieí of the United State?, o fomcntiug tamalts or diiur i:.'g the public trauquüiry by cruatitig i'id cicoulating falso reporta or inceudiary docunients, -iro warned that tluy are ex pasing themselvea to sudden ver-] uuishnterit. All persons who have been led awüy from tlu'ir allegiance aro required to return forthwith to their homes, any sueb absenbe without strffioient cause wi'l be held to bo preaumptive evidence against theiu. The object of tliis deelalatiOn is to give into the banda of the military authorities tbe power to give instan tan 00U8 eifect to esisting laws and to supply such deficienciea a.f the condifions of war detir&hd, bat it is not intended to sjispeud the ordinary tribunals of tho coin.try, where tho law will be adniiuiatered by the civil auihorities in the usual inanner, artd with thcir customury authority, whilo t!ie same can be peaccübly exeroiséd. Tiie conimanding General will labor diligently fqr the pubüe welfare and hissfiorts for their safety hopea to obtain not only the ac.juiesconce, but the active support of tho people of tho country, üi-n-d. J. C KtEMONT, iinj -Uvn. Cuniiiiinding.


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Michigan Argus