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From The Rebel Capital--sickness In The Rebel Army

From The Rebel Capital--sickness In The Rebel Army image
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The correspondent of The Montgomery Adv rtiser, writöfl as folio ws: " The hoatth of oiir army is not verj giiotl :it present, and I :irn sorry to say tliat the fataJity sunon'g the slak, has l)_i'u gruiit. The Central cara of vesterday brouglrt down 35tf wiek soldiere, bnt the 'u:ijwiity of thora were sufforiog witli sliyht diaeases, liku measeis and severe colds. The hospkalu in ihocity are íüled to oerflowing, aivl every huilding suitabiö tor tho niek is being titted up fV.r them. Scarc;e!y a ilay p ;..-.cs without bringing a Dumber oí ik Inun M qd thuoihur campa in the Statt. 'J ho neceesitv for new iii ppituls and the increara of thu mediual -tall is vcry üraat, and I am Lílul to sej t lm ijuo[lü impreseijd th the dañger ff crowding too in-inv sick in onn tuiilding "lt is nw prnposed to establish branch li"p:t:t!s h% somu of tf,e mineral tprinK wiili which thi regft(n iibolinds where thö vt-niimled an] siiili;riti si1üers c;iii h.iv'u the liurifiit if puru air, l'h.mI water, and (ïarefiil atteodance. [n ad'Hition to om1 rnvn, wö have in Riclitnond over 500 wounded Yankees, lio uro dependcnt tipon the charitius of t!iu pL1 iiplo to provide for their wants. Tbts effect of t'xtivinely hot woather has been verv serions upoti our men wonndëd at Minsa8, hn, wuakaned bv the suppurating prouesi, are unabté t'i stand tlie anervjjting influenee t tho c'iiüate. The sortJ nirhts, nlsd, bejin In h ivu an eflfeol upon t!:ose frorn the Sourli, aid thuiv nv manv cases of inicnni tent arld reinttteitt fovor now iinder Irií'itn ent ,:'


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