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-A lew hair-breadth capes. e]o]'nn nts. run-awavi wllhoot ny Bn ons accidenta, lost, fontKt, nyfhing upon ■whioh we cim bascan art iele f ra loc! itflin In timei Kke thee, when evrj suhj.-ct of local interest is lo t Bight of end Ihe pubHo mind is oeeüpied itli malt m of the governmeut, It I not so owjr íur u 'local' lo find ao incident, narrowed down fis lie is lo the email territoi'V of a town, wliere nothing but an occasional run fuvay, or s dog figlit, dislurbs th quietud of the place 'i lie reader of the local column will imike all due allowai.ces for the scnreity of local newa, or olse furnish us a fubject eo bat we can ut Least make a respeoiable npolrgy. L-L" The Stïobbji Guaiid3 Band of Ihis city has been cceptfed ns the liegimental Bnd of Col Stooetoxs regiment - Someof the mem tor belonged to lh regiment! band of tlie Firw Michigan, whosu eoul stirring music eomewhat surprised t de 'uativi's' of uld Virginia, an.í was the, cnck Imiidof the amy, and the favorite ol OU Abe while in Waghinjfton. The Steux'n Biind , undt.T the leadership of t iie Gwin.nlu Ixi3's, will sus: nin the rtputntion t niraiben eiiriU'd in tlieoid Firar. nnd we doulit not will be oue of :he best bafidfl in the arniy. - mM+ -mê - n iy We Doticed the other evening n dtsccndant of Ilam eeeding on doubléquick dtwn Main Et , niiiius hal. foünw d liy a large crowd of boys, ho evidontly took delif;lit incha-ing colored individual - We know not the cause of the !i turba nee; heevidently was on the 'seceh,' as jüdging by bis rapid alrïdes he-wnuid tqual the time made at Buil Kun by the 'Injiany Banker, ' or the füsler tiine of Z. Chan Ier Ksq. JS2C" Tiie "Webb Sietera" assisted by -Mrs ftebb Mr Htmtley and Mr Hattel' have given two per for i anees in uur City this week, and we uviv un l'uitituaie euougli to be present at tliat of Welnedny wenrtig 'lhis company bavesouiti taleut ua delineatorfi, bu, tliey ut i MitLUi ■; it to the p i lol inance ot very luw oomed) I In y ;-huuM seKet a üï' r ent c!as of pilcos, or should Ceasc to adver tie " Drawing Hoem Ent et ainnients," for im lady or gentleman of rtfineDH'iit can ïst.eii u a'id witness the rehearsa! of BÜoh piecea as were re-t-iited on Wednesday evening without ftli ig lli3Ír eirs tiugl and their clni ka mam !■ wnh ttaamt. SboJi is oor private opinión and h.'tving í.-ivoi-aiily no iced the coming of tlie company, we feel bouni to niakc it. p'tilic. L thi ' Sutton Di-nr.H.ns" Gapt. Quackexdusii have tendcrid tlitir servici'S to Col. Kèlloge; and been acccpled The Caplaiu and Lieutenant James Kingsleï are busiiy Engaged filling up the company. Any one wisbing to j in ihe ocmpany can do so by calling upon the Lieutenant in Kn geley L MtTgau's office fs" Tl e J;ukMii Brass Band Kas been accepted ns the First Rfgiment Band, and is now 011 duty at Camp Fountain. It exorllent nn:sic JtT Dr. Taitan. deiivèred n very intertstirgdifCiiuree to the soldier? at Camp Fountain on Sunday last. yíL" A corre-jKindcnt f the Simule Paris, the _'ovii nmctit orgau of Frunce writes from Tunis. Algiers, as follmvs: - "Our College of jïhi'uipupliers at lióme, m y. and probably do aceonipliali a great d'al for the cause of sci.iiice lint the Ancncans are the pi ople to turn these di-coivriis to praciical account, ol the modern in rentions ir. use here are American nnd one imerican chtmist. Dr. J C Ayer of Lowflt, suppües much of the medicine con-uraed in thii country His Cherry Pectoral. Pili. SarsupiirUla and Agüe Cure constitute the staple remedies here, bccausethev are of easy aj.plication, sure in their resulte, and have ;he confidence of the people. While the science of Medic'.ne is carried to a bighcr perfeítion in our own country (Franco) than any other, it strikes u Frcnclitnan asa lit.tle singular that an Annriean Fhysicinn shculd furnish ths medical skill and remedies for our Principal Province. We are happy to infir-nour reiders that these superior me licinos wliicli the Empiror's Ducipal Province is obliged to g t from Rrica may be had by our neighbors at# Maynard Stebbins ifc Wihon'g.


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Michigan Argus