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-As :i general thinj the best article is the eheapeat in ilie end, and espe;ially ia iliis the case vi h D. B. De Land & Oo.'s Cuemioal Saleratus, an articlewhich everv one who luis Meé it will say is just the tliing f. ir the puipoió it was made for. It is manufnetured and for sale, at wholeaale, by the proprie ors, ut Fairpopt, Monroe Co, N. Y., and for sale by most wholesale and retail don 'era verywhere. taf We have rweived the American edition of the August number et the Norlh Brüish Reriew It lins I ba following papers: The British Universities and Acaderaioftl Folity. _ Montalomliert, and Pai-liaraentary Institu tions i'i France. Bri'ish Co umbiiv and Vnno Over Island. Stanley 's Enstern Church Edwinof Dvirn. Recent ric?iiv.ri(s in Sco'tish Goloy Fne.lotn of Religióua O inion- It Conditions nnd Limit 9 Marriag' an'l Divorc- The Luw of . land and Seolland Du l'hnillu's ions -ind AdventurPs Mr. Bucklr on the 3ivilUfltion of Seol nnd. $3 a yeiir; with the othcr three Revtetetn] Blackwoad. $10. Ad.lrc8 L ScoTTACo.,ñ4 Gold ötrpet. Ni-w Yi rk. Ed" We Iiüvc receivofi two nuinbcrs of a ecriiil pub'i-niion emi led 'The SautUrn Pebellion and tht IVar f„, the Vninn," whicli the author designs .is .1 ronni eter) and permn nent.histot-v of the pi.-a-n!, r-l, lü„n, nnJ tne efforts of the irow'mnent fco crusli n, out, und preserve the Union 1 1 is designed torelate preliminary chusos and t.o give a tru'hful nnrraiiveof events as thev cru-. Oflioinl papéis will lic c.inenlted, and in maiiv instances ven in frill ánd the .werk when complete will be in shup to bind and preserve, and will be worth preserving See prospectus in anothei column Specimen number8 may be seen at this ftiee. L3C The Aliando ikntMy, for Scptcmber. has been on our table tejreral days I nd we have givtn mnny of its anieles ' careful n-ading. Somt of thein we find too higl'iy seusoned to suit the times- advi-ing infactan tttter „,Wcl,ion of th( C[,ns.i(u. Uon ,n the attompl to put, dcw„ rebellion - The Atlantic during the lat t lu-ee toont hs ha given papers from the pons o( Lowell, Holmes Curtis, Bwewcll, Derby, Pllr8ün8, Jn,lge' Hoar. Higginson, and ths Ute Maj Wintlircp, a lietofoontributors whieh guurnntees '] the inte est of nu:nbers, even if it promiae eome radicalism. J3 a yenr, five copies, $0. Addreta Tuaao & Fielus, Bostonj Mas-. HF The lürge iron front bleek up Jluin st., s b1ng pushed forward ond will som bc rc:i'.y tur occ.imrK-y. It 3 a iplndi(l buiUling umi ftdds radtirially t9 ihM portion nf t he 6t ri'it


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