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Si ECIALNOTICB3' Ö. IFt. R, Pasaenger tiuiíjs riuw leave Ostroit aal the several Ëtatious iu thit. Uuiirity .as followa. O O I N U IVKST. Mail Ex. .Tack.Ac. !ttght Kl. l'ctroit. ".Tía. m. 4 .VI P. K, BSOP. M rpailanti, sao " 688 '■ 7.50 '■ lr:n Arbor, SJ:l " fi.:.O " R.15 " iicxtcr, '.1.15 " 7 05 ' 8.40 " l he)i-ea, 8.! 0 ': 7.30 " 0.01 ' Ar. I hk-.-igo, 7.0 P. M. 7.(;0 A. M. ( O I.N 0 E A S T . t NightEi Jack. Ac. MsiiKx. !ii!ra, 6.30a. M. ' si. 'ctr, 6 55 '■ 4 lij ' mi Arlii.r, 5.13 A. M. 7.30 " 4.38 " .'pwlut, 5 35 " 8.00 ' 5(10 " Detroit, 0 40 " 0.40 " 8J36 ' Tminf do nnt to;i :it síations whore figures are omit teil in the table. kJICHIGAN SOUTHERN & U NuKTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. L861. tüMMER AlUlAN'l.HMKXT. isOi. 'Imins nuv run Ou thís road, iuminys escepted, as folien: Leave Toledo ror Chicago at 9 03 A M.,uu)9R M., and via Air lm ' at !'.( 6 A. M. l.iaiT DetroH lor ( liiiu al 7,55 A M. and ;.:,(! K. M Arrtriog n Chicago fiom Tok1'! ard 1 etroit al 7,!ill l' M. and 7,00 A. M . aml via Air I.iiio at 7.Ü0 1'. ',I. Ar.i-.t at Detroit rom Toledo, at t:50 A. M. I'. M. Leavm DotroH for Toledo at 7 15 A. M., nnd6-C0 F. M. Arrive in Detroit frora Chicacro at 6. 05 P. XI. , and ö.fiö A. M. JrriveinTofodo frum Chicago 4,C0 I'. SI. and 4.30 A. U„ and via air lm ■ at, + .1S I' M. ■ mm' Jacknoo fur Ti'Uclo it -I.J5 AM. and 1,05 1'. 5!. Arnve tr. .ni Toledo 11 8 .44 A IL, uul 4,20 r. U' CUSXKCÍION8. At Toi.eoo- With Cleveland . loledo Rail Road, with KVbah Val,._v Koad. at Dktroit - Wiih Trunk Railwav, with Greal Railway, al-o, with the betrvit and Uilwaukee. Kailr 1 Al BKW ALBAVT c 5aLBM Iï. R CROSSlxa - VithTra;l)? fcir [afajelte, New Albunyand Louisville. T Clllc.V(i') - With Chicago all I ttoek 1-lainl, GaU'na. Milvrajikee, Chicago, Burlington and Quiocy - N'orth West üiilway - Chicagr, Alton ;'.nd rt. Lottift, Illinois an I to all i'.iints West and South. Ti-.iin ai'i-nn bj Chicago linie, uliich is20 minutes alower tlian Toledo time. Ua Patent Sleeiing Car acoorr.pjinv the Niih1 Tr.üns on th (Rcrate. t3T "Mmr'y Patent Ventila tol - aa 1 Durtera a re q ed ui all flumnu r Tr 1 las. jLg Tinii; and l'"ar(; the same as by any other Ral! Road Route .1XO. 11. CAMPEELL. 'iene-al Superintendent. Important to Ladies. D-. .io:iv UAüVI.V, iiaving lor npwarl of twerty I :' OU" ' t mi' rXrlllMVÍ'ly lo Uit ir-ituM -nt of Feiniüe UilMculties, and liaïins HUC If'l .11 1 u .'■;,, 1 .1 r lí tin t -mol bealtb, bas now entire coofidence ín oile.iug i iiji ei ir.s "GREJ.VT AMHrC&JJ nTTVTBDT," CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wiitcü üftTe naver yet 1 ( üeu directiona liave Oei 11 b riet ly foltowed,! in remrvisg 'lifiiciH.r-ai -[n ■ ft ra Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or ia rktoting ytein tu itilVt;t i.i;iltl. , when tutrom M'iv.M. ' n, rR iLApsrs Ctcbi. the . nr other we k ie ? iri the Utbbine ibhax... AUo ill BU CIlH'-nf IUIII!TYlR'i;i(V(H.v 1'lCiirilATI t, IÍY-t.i'JTAr. ! 1 té. te) &c. which are the torerun ditb of more nerlönft disSjte. Tke$e VdU me perfectly ka mi on the etmtjtutiont avd mny be taken bj the móet de'ïcatc femdlc withwt cauëing díttres; &1 the -am ■ tln-.y ACT i.j k :■: a cu MtM i y ,-t untheaing, le ting. ;iii-l rest ring the sy tem to l li'-ahhy n i : ■ .n . ftnd by bringiag oo the manthly period witfi r rjlu.-ity, no ui tttiT (Voiu w}i;il c.iusi' tlioiibtrndicms in.iy arine Tlicy slitml'l. lm we ver, ííoí be taken AuHog the Bral threenrfounnoaïhn of pregnaocy, though anfe ataay otbei tim . 'Mild b th" tl-.-uII . Kucïi i) ■■■- co f; n '0 Pilis l'ri'-e Doitar, and . ui. iit pr ipai 1 'iy ftDj advei tbed Agi t. mi eeeipt "f the mooey M)d !}■ üruejrifttH io Aun AfboT J. BRYAN, Rocbertér, N. Y , General Agent & L. SIMONhAU, Droit, WböifBale Agent fo 1M PO RTAMTto FEM A LES THEHEALTn ,,..u ,.,rt Ut'W'OMAS Is ciint'.nnnlly üi perll If U ma I i-nou _'h to Dgll ('t r maltreat tbose sexual Inegnlurlties to whicu twotliinl of her sex are more or loss buBji ■ '■ IK. CHEFSEMAN'sYlIX.-', prepare I Eroai 1!." sumo formula whioh the inventor. CORNFilUS L. OtEESEMN M. I.,n! N'c.v l'rk, hu f'T twinty yi-ais nsr-,1 nucceasfuUj inanextonde I private] wctici - ramsdiately rellnve pain, II disturba ■!' Uie periodical disobnrge. ÜMher anmng from relaxatlon or nppresion. Tbeyact liko cliarro Inremoving the pains that acccmpanr rhfficult or. immnderate m" struntion, aad arethe-onljruaroand rvliabls remedyfOT Flohs, 8ifc Beadache, Palas n the I. ns, Back and SI lei, Palpitntlon r tlic Haart Nervous Tremors, Hysterii . - BrofcenSfetpand otaer unpleasaní and Aai uf an unnat iral condiflon "f" ii! s aial functions In the worst canes of Fluor Aïhti tír Whites, '.hoy pfiéci :i spooilv cure . To WIVES and JIATEONS. II';. 1-ü are niT-M as tbe only Bafe nwtns of ;iierr ipted meastruatitm, bat. LIDIES SILST I MISD There is onëconiRriov of (kefenalt tystem fehich the Pi'h rn'ivol bc taken irïhnut prnducmg n PECüZTAIt RESL'LT. riecmdtfloxreferrdlB U PltKGN.INCYthr rc-i,7, ttlSCK IIKIAOE. Suek U the irremttitU trudency uf lite medicine la rttlort thr stmal fuvctim '" a normíll amdititm, tkat mm the reproductie uiuicr of nature eanüot rr.eii i'. ExpHril dhectionst stating whrn, andwhen tficy shon'd nol bc nsfd, ivith o:iciï Box, - lbo Prire Ouc Dollar each Bar, r.dntaifntr 50 PiUê. A i .lui1'!' '';i nphlet t bc hnil freo of the AgeBtfl PtUs snt hir mntl promptly ly oiiclosirii j r:ci; td any A tont. N'M Uv li; i: l v. ; : [II TCH1VOS. Propr'tor. 20 Cedar-St . New Yor';. Fir =alc bv MAYVARD SIEBBINS & WILgOM, aöd GRESVIÜE 4 ! L 1.1.1:11. MOTHBR3 READ THIS. The foUowiog Is an extract from a fetter wrhten by the pastor ni a íf-iiti -t Cnolch to the "Journal and Meaxwjer,'.' Cincinnaii, Ohiu, and wpeakf volumes in favol 61 ti'.::t world rt-nownefl i;i" i",1 tl ■- Mi;s. Wins. iou's OOTDISU SYB1 I' f l I EULDK1W Ï..1.I IllMi : ''Weieean advertiement lo your column of Mr. WTinslow'aKjthlngSytop. Kow we nover sairt a word n favor oí a iati'nt medicine befcre in our lito, we feel oompelled to i. bo j mr readers, thaj tÜls is ho hainbiT; - WÊ iavk TBÏKÖ 11'. ASO KyoW irniiKAMiT CLAIMS, lt fc8j pl'obaldy (iun i't' tbe lüoct 8UI medicinee of the day, beoause !t is nno of the oeat. ie rf yonp reader- who havo bablea rau't do it better tUan tu 1 yinasuprly " roo a lvartisement i another rolunia Mew Medical Diseovery. For tbe upaefly an ! perro ■ at al cure of '; Gonnorhea, Glcet, Urethal Discharges Affections of the Aldans and Bladder, wtnch lf.i; befn used by upwanlH uf ONE HÜNDRED PHTSICltfKS, in tlieir private. pcacticewitl) cutir.1 succes, super r ding Ocbkbs, CoPamA, Capsulk i, or aoy compound tiither "bEIjL'S SPECIFÏO PILLS, an' ipeedj in Botton, often effect ing a ciir' ín ;i and whtu acure is effpeted it ia permanett. They ure i ' caCtS t!,;tt W ui? tl the syfitem, n 1 nevi n or ii Date the brea ( h ; aod l ■ r: . I . utal. ) rfinnnc. of iH i. ie neet ■■■■■-■ ■ whHsl ushig them : Mii rit erf e e WitB busi D68S pitrSU ts. K i''l 'i p ■■ 11 t ')- Hij inzeil I'ills. I'R::k ONE nUtXAK, Jitil wil] Ik' -T)( bj ni i Í! pit-! -;■;;:! b' ,'i n v ad vet tiPï Agent, nu rceïpt of the money. Sülil by DruggUta in Anti Arbo l' Nimegettufne witbout ray signature on the wrapper J. BRYAN, Rochester, X. V".,6eneral Agent IT. fe I,. 5ÖU4OHKAÜ, DeU-oit, Whoteeale AgeotR foi Michigan. " 83Gtf PRIZJB POËTfiY. Let Chieftfthi i b aal i rtei " In war, And I:n--: i -ls 'uiif 'li"ir sweel iruitar, A ooMer tii' my hrart fi'lcl - Iu praise ol HsKRiCK'd tpatchlea piHa. Thelr cures ar$ found ín erery tand- Ami'i RiiMia)1 -ii'uv - and Ifrie'tf anda ; Th ■ on Ir i r -.- - the pa p im !ü. Proáu l Hls, Doét liseww fflid yi7 BfTer Inubt '1 h - eli r mi i - ■ I 1 out, And ti i ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ . : . If yniL 'Ay at OKCi ' ■ mft for il! - '-■ t '■ "Í ' ' 'i1' ywing - Tl ir ;!■■■ ■ t ■ ni ili ) mi ■' - n ■ S ■■!■■■ h lw ■ i!K iTïf P ■ - - F ■ n -'i ItietíMus ■ ■ ■ ■ . - - . C aUd - ee ■ . I ■ -! RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES BK Y A P ü L M f) N I C W A FE R8 ■ ■ , umi ':■■ Bra 1 ■ ■ ■ nti ■-■■! tuMÏi r Ihe n ,. ■ p '■ .'i ' ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ r all dI r 1' ilm ui c W kfur - iré c untm ■ .. i k tio wii by il e aameBUYA3 l WAFKii. Bry in ; 'ui Moxic Wafkrh Rel] ■ ■ I ■'■■': . :-■ r ■ i hroat, l loarsepëw. ■ ■ . . Qreathing. Bryas's !'m:,i imc Ky lieve Spittingf fi e Chest. Hl'.VA.N 'S "IT.M XIC W Relieve Jncip eni Conui . . -aseR. BbYAN'ú Tni"M' W.M'KS üi'lit'vu [rritiiJ on ui Lha l v tla nd Tanads. HRTAJS'ö PülMOSIC WiFBR Relieve eabove Complaiatfi ia Ten Minutes. BKTAN's l'l 1-MOXIt W1 HRB Are a lies ing to all öt aod Cnnstitutloni !;■:■, ws Pui m mc i Are adapted to VocalistH an I Public Speakers. BtTAN'd I'fLMnMC WaFJCRM Are in i simple furm, nl pk-asant to thé taste. Buya f'a i:' i mosic ''■■ .■ r:,;s Notonly relieve, but effect rapld and tasting C Blt A ■■.-; l'l LM ISJC WaFEKS Are srarxanted to give itatisÊictloD to e-ery nr.e Xoramily xhould be witlionl ft box of ' Bryan'ti Pulmunio Waters ■' til tllL' ijUUM'. }?o tra veler ahonM be withoul a Htipplyof ' Brynn's Pulnwmic ffafer" i:i In . po kei . Efopersoa will ever oliji 'tto give for ■ ■ l'.i ;i ■ 'ulmon c af . " Twenty-five Cents. JOR OSES, SuleProprietorjRociebterjN.Y. S W by (-onvilir - Puller, aad all g'eo ï draggista in I'HE PJ3LIJ 8CH00LS. MMHE FALL TKK.M of thé Wveral Public Scboola oi I thüsOity wlll open onMonday Au#. lüih, and continue 14 weeks. Il U desiruble fit at Öc wlata Ou in tbeir pin ■■■- on the ffrst day of the tcnn, Tüf tïuan. Uirii'S uf lh: S'vimhI W'.ml Scltools WÏU r(muil as atrretofure, oxeept t bat pupila ín the Priraary gra Le withïu lbe folla wing territorj will be required to altend 6th War i Lchel Ksbï nl Pontino aul taf 0treetand N rtb il L-'uller treek and Lhe tiiver Ruad East to PUchi r streel, South cm Pitcher wtreet to Oaïi ; itrej t . theuce Kast to diatriot limit - nctudiog residentu uu siüen o] fctreeta nam'd, t age ■ t cel excepted. Nochil ren uih'lt fiee yttva uld rilt bö t Itnitted. TEé fóllowing guueral rulea Por the gnvernment of ihe ( Beveral achui'lfl in aidiUon to auch au have btten heretoffre announced, have be na,'] ■■ I, and the especial attontioD 'í' pa ri1 n" are iuvittjil tu löai ; I. Pupüs are expected tu c - ir nticn-Jancp proiptiy at tlie begkuiing ol each term, aud bft regular and pune . ' " c Mii'ui'ni in the reyiUationa oí tne scliuol anvi to obdj jwompttjr ali the directfrwa oi the teachers ; to obterve good order aud pruprietj( uf depurtmeu1 ; to Dedilijfêni matudy, ■ i I to iv.ii'li'Ti, unrl kin i i i ! i 6 aclioulmatea ; to rtfraia entirely Irom the ueoi pro'anfl or ioiproper laaguage, aüJ tu be cltian an l □ at b perron and attiie. II. Pupila of Wur.l school departments are fequired to atteod th söhóol establishïd ín tLediviMon ol the dUtrict where iln-y III. No pujfil liis or lier ssoiw in Bghool shall be allowe l tu depart befuie the uual time uf elosug, except i)v npecial written leuest if par guardián or on aoeuunt uf bickne ; - and pupiUper mitted to prep ire the r tessi nn ou1 of . ■ ter at the rtpemng of the seBion or at reces, umi 'cavo or eiose of sesnion. I . Any pupil who is Ii.iUitiiaüy t&rñy or traant, or guitty of opeo disobediertce o in.-iaborrfinauon.or wlio indulges i:i the i .■ ui' profttnor Iinpn'ji i wfao Uí;i..C-í int' Of tuli.iccn iriMiiy lorm ■ hu.irs. ir irhuse general oon-iuc isii uriu . report ; to bid berui pil an und to th (-cUoul Bard, aml öhfCil be suVjecl to huiíj'm q i n ij VI. Any pupil who fihttUbe guflty ut injui 'i.-í nr le faoïng th sc:i'Mil n--inry, nhll pay all n dcfauli Uitrnf íball be hupended ir m ucuuot, ard i li-' ie-. n!in" t ■ I ■'■)■ ■-} peí mísf ■■■' i '.(■■ i .-, . Vil. otLfi rtfltta ti t in'cnuii giiverniutöi 1 eiplíne of Ihe 'i p ctfve stíiuols, maj Iw IV ua trm tö i tjine adopted and annoimaad bi the teachers thtrein, ■n re cilecuiilly ii carry wut tberujtfíi ;m-i rtgulalionM pry i ribed by lUe lWrd K. D TONO. 8tcy. of BuArd. Aug. 8tli,. 18ül. A. DEFGREST, Alwayjs aJuiuí in í (.%v 1 iíio HWIN'ii MoVI.ii MY S10RE to U.r Ênsi -í-lr o Main Btreot, n door nortb of tíiiilértnan's. I am Don r caivingNu Uoodn, cbJiiunkIuh kmOji of i, uceren Fruítc, J ráete, in, Laoapf, Lookiug qImíh, TableCutiery, ilvei . epUi ,4ie„ LOVI-:ií i. HAN EVER! Frenoh Chin i T ! :■ , frora Si ' t., 18 no rreueii China D nn t octí, freía ■- ' u to !)0 OU 1 .i.n.i ru.-(!l, Irma 3 011 ti -J 5ui -t .lui'l'iiina U.utiiT Si-t., lrum 6 50 I üUa (jobletü, -.00 prdoeu iilaMHKeroiwQe Lomiia Trom 07 to ' 1} Muí ble üero 1 ue Umpa hura 7 tq ;; o 1 Fluid i,;un:. n-.,m j, l( 6 , Kfirunene Oil, goodqualít, 8(!cpttr gavión Atl oUwr ü'iu'ls at Correspondisg ■ tSf Lams of allkincjí altcrcducd lepatred. l"wj)les Store, 7WW A. LYFCT.íHST.


Old News
Michigan Argus