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A Great National Work. Somotlnng í'or evory Citizen, Evcry i ' Firesido, evcry Reader ! ! !. #y Xo Man, 1.0 Family, ou Oliicc .IhhiM bj without i! T'te onhj ('w retí and Complete IILtory of tl War. On WEmm3UAY, AUOUST 2M, wnx n : 'i ni i iin, ÍHEFIRSTNUM 1'. ■ ::;' T '"'l'I.AH XATION'.. WORK.' F INESTIMABLE VAIXE 10 AI.!., VI.: TÏ2K SOUTHERN REBELLION, AN'D TII1Í WAR FOR THE US ION : A Hl.-TOilY OF THH ; Risa and Progresa of tke RebelJioa, j a n n Consecutivo Narrativo üf E.ycnta aml dents, from the Fiiat. Stares of the Troason tiguinát the Rfpubho down to the close uf ' the Gu&flkrt. ín Weekly parts, 32 pages, large 8vo, PïllCE 1O OJ3JSTrJ?s. The want of au autkentic and tknrowgK ttUtory of the Rebellii n, for preseui refwenoe an i fu ure pre terratii n, ie aubj et oí general remurk. No work "i1 tbt nature Um t been otfettd L the public, and all who wi.-h ojwlled to gvope fhroufrh the mates ui tUe rumnrs, jeyort, diapatahes. letters and edí1 brittU ni the -laily att.VHpa.per, tü precipítate, from) lts . ..:..i i c laam% the gieat facts and ncidenta oí the or I lic { iiion. lo ni. -vi tilia wan;, ai 1 to produce a vork of permalu i) valuo a vítíü aa üf present nUT.-st, the publisher Ua.-i irruuged Furtha issue oi the frirtory set forth- n a fWm an 1 t a i rice wltich shall retraer t acceptable Bu aU Thifl hlstory will teil tbe Stoy as ir L3, gíving a clfl&r, c narratire of the entire ni veraent, tncluding il i the Jnoidents and ereota io their exact order, anl coa&iuing the importftitt ducuinentn and extracta ir m r. nu rkal !■ npeecfees. 'i i'1 nuj be a mere diary, ii. ra mem euumcration wf dry and nèked dates, l;t a compila ü'rn of lipa from newspapM,bot portray in conoteted itil iriereHtiog narrativo, fehe revóïatlonarj lep . , . -ii ;i-i !)) naeaeunM of the öovernment. Ir m ;i e LTdfully digeM aU eyidcmje- uillift all rumora au i rep r1 ■ n ill Q ( upon i;u-t.-, and correct bo ferr aa poASible the erïurB and lUsciei-uuctes incident to tfeft bast y nuTratives nf the newKpaper. lt will be written in a style suiiel to tta tliomo - at once fraphic, earnet a ml lutninoun, ntr jducing nuch perflonai aad í ociad ineidcntn as may Ktwve to rUov th relations ■ ' and communities Vj the gra-ftd '■vt n's of the timp. lt is true, everyVpdy reada the niwapaperti, bot tlip r.-o:!s of tlu; munu'iit. are not a oorreci eottbected :md complete history The above publTcatiou, after warda buuud 'vu a banjXsuua voluaje, wilt be boolt for the family, whict wril li iliïwd tHte the rcconls of the (War of iDdependeaoe, er the Á::- of Wasblagtun, and wm-ihy to be kept (WehUdTen and 8;randchildrefi, a i o) ihe presi-ffi time lt wilt ihu.s nove deyirable, available an 1 satisfaotory to cvery citiztn &jwy family, e v ry office, every library : and is gveu to toe' public n the lull aatuancé that it wiü coiumand the approba iun of ererr patriot, everv U ttion man, evry guüd altíaen in tur itill Glóriu Umd, Tu bu bad oT all uewsdealerfl and postmasters in thé paited Status, and ef bonksellan and newsdefclera m pana a, Ureat HriiHinaiHl Australia, tu bae ribera aeudi k ü.vk Doi.uaiin a good bilí or poalage stampa to FKD'K GtRHvRI, Gineral Agent for i'uS'.i'Mnnii, SI N'aíiaaii str -ct (i'.j.-t Box 4(ÍOl) New Vork Ciiy, to wbom all ordtra to bu directea, wiU reoeive '". mail,pOfs paíd, ten number Partie winning tu i urrii-.Ji HuHr Meada ínGireal Brittin, O lifornia, Canada and Australia wlth the publica patd, bjf iMiin-r, wll hi4 (Cor ten nun includiog i lie io.-taK', t tireal Btitain, -.lü ; lo ( nli f(,roia, $1.10 ; to Australia, 12.20; to Canada, tl. 10. In nrtlering copies the full aud exact ad Lress, witb town, cuuiíty and Mate shonid be giren m every intance. JAMKoD. 'luKKKY. 81-1 w4 rui-UNh.'i.lü j.rntc Mnot, N,Y. Great Reductiou inthe Price of SINGKR, & COS standard Machines . WíU knoivn to be the Bert for Man ujacluriny P'urpMt. No. 1, Stü'tidurd Shuttle Machine, formcily Bold ni 800, reduoed t( 7ü. No. 2 of samo kind of Machine, for morly soid ai $100, reduced to $75. SINGÈK'S LETTER A MACHINE : Machine ha the vrorld ror Family Seving snd l.ight Man a f act uring Fürpose: twiti Hemmer,) and beuutifully uinaroeuted %b). i Ué Su: 1 and ' MHchinéa are of great eapnelty and ■ ., ii i-.r man ilacturing purp Uur No. u HucíitQCS ai e ep c a lij adapted to all kinds ffCfl hrrj hentbér, in r.-trrii_c Trinen mtng, Bont and tihva Uaking Hanuwii Wakiu ,etc, Btc. . . . ■ - , p, aud Bitb n arm long euo I ■ , r i: and Jitftcbí the largè&t i.c diislirs. Tliere any part ut ii Ti imraer' títohing tbai i be bvtter dou witb Ibwn thn by haod ; mi, too, the taving ol timí anl labor te ve'j great. The ti i i, 21 inohea Long. Rad theabuttle will i uhual ouantitytol thread. Thelurge ; i - siiiail olies. We wuuld ank tur uur ilcf A Machine tbe 8peeialatU'iitiun ol Ve and 1 v." Maker and a! i t'.'i-r wUi want for ligt-t rnnitufrietiritijpurpíse T.i-'.v i'iitbo.i_ tl e trklt:ijitt (í' ilio rttuf1rd ■ l m '..■■,.■.,■! i '1 sil di. i'ii'l i or J '.in.i fli g ir d iiih'. mauutac arjng purpoiwa n our (taodard bu ... . , ' inuiulaciuiiQxjiurjH8t a general V lia ve a way.-un hami, iibmsujiu GAroitn.MiA twi-t U.fKN JlWD "■ TÜBB LD, OH HPoia, BES! MJOB MU iIL ín .... ele. We mauufaci ure our own Keedles, aad woald warn i ■ i ,■■■ nihetít. v f knw t1i3 ure i bu of v t mo8t hjer'mr (llltL'l V ■ ■ : . ■ , ■ . ■ ■ uetidleh sola by u ■ ;i '■ mafitij turc3 fi m ;. . A iad needU may tender thi bi ■' ma ■ f :, . SíW. ., , ■ -■ - ínnv rest aísured tliatallour fracch rith the ' tieouim acl ; 1 Kmati purebaue , the m oe maj b h;íin i uk u ti -. ■ .ite thcir ñames distii cti ia n rínüi tlii shóuld', ineachcasf, kno the iVsi i ■ r , - I peí ons requíring informal ion abimi Bevmg ■ ; : pj ,:c-, vrorkinf . ufi tlit? besl me1 ■ . , can obtati ■■ ■■' 'ling to us, !■ .n_ ui i i i; lachOflicesfor acopy of I. M. Slager & Co ' Oazett, Wliich Uabettutiful Pictorial Paper t-nlirely ievoted to : iject- Jt will he scuí ir alia. 4-WehaVemaílethtábuveRKDÜCTIONlN í'RK'KwiHi the two-fuld view of benefit ing the publ c and our pelves. ïhe i ublic liv b( eo swindled bj spuriQua ma■ , o:i!--. T b meta I Ín iln ■m, (rom the ron catiog ti the mi ll ' pOor ((u.iiii y. 'i r makers hare aot tbe meana to d i lie ir prurk weil. ïhpy arehid away in seowt pit-;c. heie it woiéM bo Impoahible to have at theír command thepropprmecbanieal applinc e. II moni) by doing ■■ greal b:is ne s,and haA'ingextfinmve manufacturing establiahi . , ■ i , ■ , l ■ ■ . ' ■ :' moderai - pricofl I ':uil inifhiiu-s, HAi'l.V MAI : i ■ out f oríler, an-1 a re tire lo eoêe coi ■ . ' and moi ey to keep thera tn repairí The c { s i ; i 'i ; : U s lo be looked lor ín Maehine are : c r tainty oí r trect actirn at sil ratea ol upeedjsimplicity oí chis:: . ■ riurtftbüity, andsaptdMy ol operatinn, witli 1 I labor. Machine to c mbme thf-e es -ii tial qualítU'F, Lmun1 he madeof the best me al and íiui hd toperffetion. We hare theway and means, on h ■ i . n ■ se ile, ' ■: thip, l h" pi rclwwpiü vf machines, vboso (';ii!y bread it may i, will find that those havingthe abovequalities pul oniv work ell at rapid as well as bIow rate ■ f .-H-e ! ti i. t 1 1 ■. ei n ■ . ■ :;■■■]' - ible wrk(ng order. Our machinen, as made by ii-, wiïl earn move money with lene labnr tiwajarty otlafers whtether in btuitatioa o oiws or not. I u fact, tiu-y ai echeaper thnn a ny other ín .. , neaasagift. I. M. ÍNGfcR & CO., ,. y New York. jOletroit Office, 78 GriAVold Streot, oppOítft íhe Post OfSce. kt i -tf M. Tí. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Albor. Important Kational Wcrka, Fubliihed by IX AITLfTON & 00., 346 AND 348 BROADW&yKEW YORK Th folio Ing uorl.s are ni fco Snbscribera in any part of iliL' country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail ir pxnri f A Populiir i.ict;,nry of (feneHi Knïedge. K.ïitetl by Gk. Riplet and Cuarlb a. Dasta, alded by r aumeroufl . p al writers in all branch of Sciences, Art and Literatura. Thia h dTE being pubUsbed in abont dvi lnmcfi,eacb eontaining 75Ü two-oolumn I . i., 11., lil., IV. '., VI.. Vil., VIH.,, IX. BrO novr rwwiy, endb eónlaining ber S.&Ob&rigina] arü etc-. Am additionftl volume wili be publtshed once In Èiboui ' tiree mooihs. I'ricejiö ( Loth, 63; SheeffcöO; Half RuB8ta,$4 50 The NVw American Cyclopseilia is popular withoul beiiifi supei I witnoul beiu pèlanti6, comprelieusivi ImiI Buf)iei?i)tiy detail - . free ■ . w peí ona! pique :uil part prej idice, 1 i ano v. i accu raí e. II is u i ■;■ nt ofallthai ís knowu upon everyiinporttint ' ■ ipe "(' human ■ ■ Evpry Important nrticle in it haa been upeeiaUy wnttru fat [tf p ■ i rhoare authftriúes upon thetopre ■ il ey -p';ili. They are required to bnng th mibject up tii the pre atejuat Imiv it KtiimU rimo. All thé wtátTstical kifoi'tüRi Ion i.-1 Erom the ln', report j the geographical acoouota keep paoe with the Latosi exp) Corical niatlrvs ïnciiü'.c the iws; the biographïeal nnticen 9d ■ ' nol only of tbedoad but alsoof the living, t is a bbrary a mnrafS!TRT w tur dkïiates of OXOHIilS Being a rolttical History of the United Btates, !i ■ h1 th nrga Dizathjn of the ftrid t'edeptl ConKrenAÍn i"8 to L85Ö. Witeflan 1 o mpiied by tími. Tüo rews. The woi'k h II I 'f;iI octavo volumea i ] ■ ■.!, t of whwh tw how ready. An a volume will be [)ublihe4 once in threemonthi Cloth, 3; Law SÍieep, Half Mor., 4; Ha eacli. a s'ay orniociTTxc th;.cyci.oiu:i.ia uw vy.v.xw Y rm ' 'lub of four, and remïi tïiepriceof fourbooka and five copiei will be Bent at the remltter'a expense f( carriage; or for ten subacribern, i-le en copies will b sen', at oiw éxpeoae inr carrife. To Ancnts. . ir work uiíl so liin-i;t!ly rcwjinl Hm axertioj uf AS A':;:,i WAJfTBD l TIUS COCHTT 'l't'lli ilication to the PubHsherfl. Aon Arbor, March. L8fi K .unt ; ■ . IVriüht, igont at Kinne .t Smit] Book atore, Yp llantl. Waahtenaw Mutual Pi e Iii3urauce Co rnj-ii? Seoretary wiirbe fbr a Fè ireeka ;if P( 1 v.4ii"-''ay, it Aim Arbor on Thursday and Batur dn v. Jiü1 at "Viwilantl on Kritiay t ► aocommudaU suc 1 ai uierw a may wluh to boe ome m in"6 ra. M. KKNNV. Ann Ato. Au?. 15, 1861 S18w8 COTICE lT WTTB PAÜL0WJÏA ri'QWL, ha ving lef t rny be jl ani baard without ja t oiuiBe or provocation all pei nis are t'urbil barboriiig or trustlng her on my acouun a;ï i siia-U nay uodebts ol hur coa trading Salem, Aüffart M, 186112w'j 2 gr OLÍ.) PKiENEH JgR IX THE UI GUT PLACE. lïorrick's Sugar Coatod Pilis■HP THE BEST KAMILT Cas'' & '4" tluirtie in tb wurl'l, ■,y s L 'J llSf''' twcBty years ty V In millidiis of penona j XJ -"■'- ' ■ aniiualty : alway (five ■■ (i '. in-t ' n , i-i 'iit.iiti -.- ■'■-, #-.Yi itifi mullink injurious ; l ''--r - "■ ■,- . M ' ' 'i-nio! juin ■'"■" - S"ivSrtA L''l :i1 pliysicuin.s ni.l V m surgeom in the Union ' , ' Vff '■''■■-" Il"' cuaied wit li '.""TJk sfxifc.' y f.arfri Boxos 25 cent; v'l?Wg' Fulldirectiuüb with cach TATlABWaBK, T.R'iV TorXTY, ) Florfda, Jalj 17,186u. ƒ ToDb. IIekrick, Albasr, N Y - y Dstr Doctoi :- I wriM lliiH lu ie lm ni y ui ut" iii f wrmli rt'ul - tTi c t of' your Siift&r Coated l'ills on iny eider d&ugfctef. Kt three !ic bas been afBicted wltb a bllUous üeraogement of the lystem, B&dij tmpwing hef bmítli, wliich lias been steadly tüiling ounog Ihat period. Wheo in New Vork in April Last, r friend advised me to tPMt your pill. Ha ving tb$ fulïcst eonftdence in juí"nmert oí mv frifinl, I oètetaed ;v BuppiTtrf liMflrflf. Barnes 4 Park, Etruggists, Park Huw, New Votk. fhi returnin home. we ceasoa all ntlier licalmcut, and ftdntmatered yur l'ili-, OM each fililí! . Tlif iuipi"'vt ni ent in hf'r feÜDgs, ciiuJitlcxion, digestión, etc., surpnsed uk ají. A rapio andersi&nenl reHturatUxi to bealtb haa been the result, We tiaed l8a 1h;ui livt1 boxea, aul nm-iili r h-r ent'rely veil. I coDBÍder tlie above a just tribute to you as a Fbysicl íi , and trust that it will ba th6 meaiu of rlucing nuuiy to adopt your Pilla ns their fmnily medicims. I remain, dè&r sir, with many thankA, Your ubiiJ.eut Mrrant, S. (J . MüRRIiiON, Henick's Xïd Streuntheiiina Piasters ira in (ivo houwa, paioa and ireakneH of the braast, (U aad back,and Rheumatto OotnplaiBtsiD an equally HTt period oí tinn. Spread on beautifu] white lamb ,it.. tbeiruM iubjeots the wearer to do inconvenit'ce, ons uillwtur fiom une wosk te i.bree mnnths . rice 18X cenia. HerrickT8 Sugar Coatod Pflls van Kid Piaatera ure Rold jfistii and Herchants !n all parte of th United at81 Cunada and South Amnica , and may be obtaJrn.'d y calliüg for thc-ru by thir I nlï uamp. Jybüü DR. L. B. HERRICK, k Co. Albany, N. Y. 1861. 1861. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.H.MILLKJ&CO. ave removed to their gricl; Store recently occup'.ü-l by A, DeFoieat, and are now rooeiving a SFLENDID STOCK OF GOODS FOR THE SPRING TEADE Araong whicli aro Stapio Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NEfV oTYLES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &e. Choice FA.MILY Groceries, B00I3, SHOES, L1 CROCKERY. ■Uso an enlire New Stock of Cárpete and Oí' Clofhi, of New and Beatttiful Pat eras, THESE GOODS WERF. BOUGHT AT PAIsTIO PEICES! Anl ciin aatlsfj ;ill wl)f wilT cali anl exumine om' tock,that QooBare Ctutaptiis Spring fut CASH OR READY PAY. MlLLKN)jfc CO, nn Arbor, Murcli 20 1801. 2mT39 S'JHOFF & MILLEH 1 RE STILI. ON HAND at their oM Staad, No. 2, Franklin Block, i'li themoat complete assortment of 3ocks and Stationcry, RFÜMERIES, PANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, 8HADE8, ROLLERS, COKDS rASSBLSj GILT CORNICR, . OÜRTAINS, IOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEW3 &c Ever offered in tbis Market ! inl they would suggest tothose in pur-uit i f anythingin SANTA CLA US' LINE hat they can aecure a [)ouble Christmas Present ! y p!ircha?ing from tliis stock, a-; acli purchaser ti n a.Mitiunal present of Jewelry, Sic, [langing ïnvalue trom 50 ctB. to $50. tW TLoyTu-t that th!irUm'jr experienoe inselectlBg oi i.i;i-; market, and triet attfintios to tb e fran if fïi.-torm;i-ri, may eulitle tluin to a liberal ihare "I 'atrmnjfe. Ann Arbnr,D(c. 5. Tfii 0. 777tf J). L W00D & CO., HATE JUST OPEN'ED A LARGE & WELL SELEGTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING ácSUMMER Tnde of 1861 Having purohascd their stock at muoli loss thnn the usual prices, they uro prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash & Readj Paj Buy rs. Thankful for past favors they rvïll be ever ready lo show their Doods and by fair and liberal dofiling'liope to reocive tlicir full shiiT of the public patronnge. West silo of public square. Ann Arboa April 1861 . New Hemedies fob S P E It VI A T U K K 1! (E A . HO'.VAP.n AS9OCIATION, PHII.AI)] I.l'IIIA. A Bc nrnyiti't Tnstitution têtabtitkêd bu ipwiled9wmaH& for tilt rr.lirf nf ihe S'-k and DlttretMtd, aJUic.led icilh V'rulrni and Corante Diseatr, and tspenalUj far the Cure o Dldeaím ofllic Sexual Organs, . '.un tir.u-: hy Ihu Acting SurV.UXABI.r: on Hpcimil'oirhoo., unit othir DiHs-ukOJ of the Sexual Oreans, and on tb. NEW REMemplnyed in the lHspensary, sent In waled wv-i envelopes, fvee oloharge. Twp or thre sturopa for tl !!o. Adi res. Dr. J. SKII.1IN HOÜtiHt(JPS', Hovera AsBooiatioti, Vo 2 Ntoft Wftefc


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Michigan Argus