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PBINTING GF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT TUE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have reoontly purchaaed IVCXÖGKLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the int'St atylea of Card Type, whicli enables ua to print INVITATION OARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest style, and na clieap ns any othc-r houso in the títute. Wi aru ulso [jivI arcd to priut I'OSTERS, UANDEILLs, BLAIS'KS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPIILETS, c TJEIB ABQU8 BOOK B1NDERY is in chargo of ft FIRST GLAS8 WORKMAN; LEDGEUS, RECORDS, JOURNAL?, HOTEL REGISTE RS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERK And Manufacturad in bbst sttlk at New York Prlces, Periodlcals of all kinds BOÜND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books -Tle-Bound. f All Work warrantod to give entiro satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main fe Hurón St Ann Arbor Marble Wor's. I_ 33Litolxol c3Loi k I AS uu hanil a ftne assortmout of Aüierican aud ITAL1AN MA BLE whicbbeia prepared to ïnanufaclure into in alltlieir vnrietics. and in a WíMiKMAN'I.TKK matine Haring had conldrabl nperleaoe in Ui busines lie Uattfrs liimsoli tlcit be will !■ nl.ic to tifus all who may favuc me with their orerf. His prict LO VV AS THE L O WEST tliose wi.-ililne any thing in my l'.ne nre respectfull m.itedto cali D. C. BATCUhLUKH. Aan Arhnr. Uay 10,1861. 801tf SE SION LA.WS, 1861. THE ACTS OK TUF. LF.EISI,ATÍTRE OF THE Plato Mlohlgan, psBEdat the Regiüar aud Extra Peasioi cif 1801 . haw been raoafved at my uCQcc, nnd are road tor dtoWbutton. J.9iXEr,Cmair.CM. AttaAibOr, ing. 13.1SÍ3, ?■■■?. 8,776,994,650 VOLUNïkVRS WAiYÍED! TO ASSI3T IN' THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! White folka, or of whatever color, caste or nat.iviiy, wbether marricd, single or of doubt lul eoniiexion, wil 1 bE enlisted in llie noble cause of EMANCIPATINO THE C0S1MUN1TV - FROM ÏIIE- TURA.LDOÏÏÏ OF HIGH PRICES ! and will receive thoir outfit at tho EutoEBivo Fuiuishiüg Establislinisut -OF ÏIIE- G U ITE U MAN" ' IIEAD QÜARÏERS! Laving been establieliccl ftï the LAST TEN Y E A K 8 . our known rulo oí' wariare is an Undi sguised Destructiou OF HIGH P RICES.' :pon. o xj o rr n 3: 2sr Gr For all ges! Sex and Cond'dions ! In consequence of the very fiattering encouragenient wliieh wa lmve recrived smee cur location in this city, we have increaeeü our Stock of SU MM EK OLOTHlñlC! To meet tlie dc-mands of our customers, and having become more fully convinoed thau ever, tbat our mude of deiüing, namely: nt vle lowest poasiblo ratea for U the only true plan; we wlll eotitinlie t: serve the public as herebofijr duriflg tlli' coming fall and winter. Our fctock consista ia every variety of KEADY MADE CLOTHINO ! riiin nnd Fiincy CI.OTHS. 0A8SIMERS. ÖILK, AND SILK VELVETS, AUrwlot of GKN TLKMEN'S FURN'ISIüIn'G GOO0S, wliieh are all wamii.ted DON 'T FAIL TO Ok-XjiX. 'I? GS-. X3C. E, For past favors we are prateful U) all. The Piimc torlargeorvea int prportiui!, And those w! ü sec nt to c-all Shall receivo our best eirnlcs aiwü devotion. BI. Guitermaa & Co. N. U. Students and nll otliers -who wan! to sec SONDHF.IM' nrw mode ofcuttinp will do well to cali and leavethoir measnre For a Nice Fitting Fuit ! 3-TjriTI3XT3VI%. KT fis Co .Vmi Irhor, i(pt . I'IW "i'7t ÜNIA R V L L E L V! ü V CCES SECOND AKHIVAL Gr O O 3L 13 -AT THE- DOsmxiox fötoro, A. P. MILLS, PR0PE1ET0E. (ï:;!s bunaht nader punic pric And snhl at pricet that wül make hard times come arain no more ! Facts for the Fcopï -OP"W -A. SHTENA "W" - .n;-- ADJOTM'U COUNTIKS And thrir numci-ous question amverèa Whi in Everybodf trading at the "BAKNKi STORE? '-Becmise A. P. MILIS the Propriet or of that Establishment hasjust retuined lVom the Eaaierü Oitiewnh tlw Zargeit, llandsomest, Cheapent, au Most Attraetiüá Stock of SUAPLE AND FAN C Y DRY GOODS! vor brought to this part of the State. j Why w Emrijbody pleased with kis Stock? Becauw hisstyles are mort beantltut, qoaHtj botter, anrt ncc-s lüwer tï;an at any other store in the cüunty. Why has he altcays Sotiuthing JN'fU) and Gleap to Show? Bocauiolis hiia WeiKl oouaectod with oro of the lr.r,.,,,. t Hrvl! Is llraws in New York, v.iio is contim Ij 'BOBBIJHQ ROb'yD" tot ohep bargiMnii tbe lates ftylc as tliov apoea.1 from limt to time and in ! keep hlmïupplied with f'.vir-. :■■ I -' eostouierf cauHl-v.iys Snd sonu-thiugFrosh, KBW ClIErVPaiul DESIRABLE IVy doe he selï sa much Chcaper (han the rest? lïoeauschohusa buyer in the city all the time. totafcf mJYttPtstgg of thn oonttnual chaofl of thö oaarket, and In thfct u tu s his gdoda inncii dhE ■ ior tiiau others can, ana thoi. be marka theta don W7ii (oes Ae '" Lüdiet' and Childrent' Shoes so much c'ietiper than was ever Iward obij the oldent Shoevtakas? Beeftum he buya his stock in toe lun'. of thoemakert, oí th mauufaokurers, fully 25 per ceil cheaper Lhon Uu New Vork Jobbers ml] them, ;t:i! maoh b1 ter work than thev Kt-'ueraliy Leep. Ihis oousae enables him to aeil a better Gaiter fór 35 Cents. thnn othereaen ai 50 ccn'snn.l a be'ttèr TOXED ÜAITEI' at üOceat-s, UiaQ othrs scil at 7ö ceuis. Has he any Kats and Caps? Yes.I Bhould think ho has stad: of them, enmiffli to supply the !;iio, at prioea than was ever beardol rouuilthesñ parte. W7iy ia his Tea so much brtli-r for Üuprua say than you get al utlur place t BMUMbctakugivat la wisctlng; it, nn.l gWsa.h custoiuers tlie benolïtof a re&l %''o 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. Itisawayif hafso-t Wtere shovld you ao to grt ynur CLOTHS ar.d have them Cut ar Made? To theBAXNI'R SJpRE, jrhisre tieP.epple'l Bauucr u unfurleil I''"i!r - '; ',. ?ui!ih side of Public Square, a fawdoors west ofCook'ï Hotel. A. F. Hiu:s. INFIRMAR Y. Fmher Work Wt-otiward Ave Itroitt Dr. S. J, tAUPRKTKH JSi KA1AIU. D:S (fea, raUji prvtind tbat Ctnsumpiii n 1 iiiiiiít cure ii tlituin(.'le-f but tii. ■ . '■ i! i :i ' ke il : .V;;ii .- tuf. u:,n .■ - viilvrtrk on :i j[ob all day and nf■ ii '1 .il r but -i"1 I the Kiaficrïjrl they wiil t yon i aei ne n tbe ay ou want it. Lu . vroil liii.n - i-ni' who tbcrougLl ■ D . nes - you wil) get yuur v.irk acIn t] thero Is the same diiTf renee to b'e founlin ; 'i (ratte ;;■:■ p'rofeiwion. Tbc bnngWtw in in . .n l in1 ;i i ti. in luw, in Ihfoliïgy, fcUd in liyVic, wíl) -:.y .-■!'■!. .!..:■ ,- c&nr.ot bE done. And it i rueihutti i could nol beH aUmen ven Ifha thais ■ r elaw of nnnr ind tbese, wl I -jour eau In bami, do th ■ ou tn lir-iiltli , iucf-rt ing 0 "!c ■];;■. We bV6 i 11') V, r. Uil niLi r tl i act Xq itand whi ■■■ liauld jroiicuDct that ■ in me I ;m ■■-. i Dn I m ■ fl&d tl;;it bj a posaoiisiott (f TOperii-y ni nwstkm, of wliich Ii i;t s t ; . ■ i ■ : . , i :i'u ingenitj ol hi n . , ' ■ ■ ■, ■ i wíU j ;..!■( i t v -.'■■■ cji -i' can. Kxuetly ;t m&y bo so in phyelc, And tbta 'm the vi v iva .son wliy 1 bare Biicb gw&t tuccewi o ver all :,-ia. By he Tin j the ; nií-ilcttr, Ljch euables m ti o tbe rut ture of the r ('i'11-iiaij.ition a 00 ;], I .'i J ÍCÍ ti . .( fftj tbt I i.s diese bij oiul Ui reach nf ay , ■ To ] ove i'n lo hn )' tbe i I ■ ;. u i: iinci i i '■'■. iihiiiljt-ri nf cci ; ■ ■ !;,■ ■; : . 1 v. i ;, nvt'f to t) : tO liraltlt my i i' r Pootumiit3on . : r". fot 1ljO ■ ■,,(] d( V IH ' r ' '■■:' ! '■: T.ll'it. i i i ilic aMitnpUve Trices furlucr j-roní ffcan thíí, I can ♦;.]■ say, coitM i by triil ol my tkill ia U- ■ I nr!t p Cftr tittr - : ' i) Arhfir, . i Arbcf ■ Vw :■■■■'. Sd nnd moni : ilavti, Stb ei , ■ . ; i t tb Hbii b . ■ . i r 'n'.i i:i,m y i ti i ttroit lyTTü :"- ;: . -..■-.'; ,-s, ■ -- An ezperíen ed Niarse aml male l'liys'can, pMtMWtt t" llie u!tníiin oí uk tli'Ts, In r SOOTHÍNG SYRUP, POR CIIILDREN TEETHIKG, orhlcn greatly fecHitatoa tlie ppocws of teotliing, by d , ti 11 iztHanimfttiun - will ill.i v .i.í. PAIN and s ai t' n, i i 3ÜRE to REGULÓTE the BOWELS. ad.upon itj m Littrs, it wiil givo reut ti yourtí'.vt, n l Relief an:] healtli to vopr Infuntí ■ put ii] :i : and - ; .■ ' i . ■ ;. irffl íor v t?n ypar, ad CAN' SAY. IN míM11,í.N(K AM i I : í_ 'í il i i ii. w i ■ ' t W1 í.ít vo ■ ■ ■ r i ■ .i a ble lo naj !'. ni ín - WfcVl i BAt II FAlLtli ÍN A i..:; !a.'j.N(i. U HIHT A (II.K, wLíb E nielj i i I'. ■■ ■ r ' '' we I t.. w j i iu ! üce íif JisBt ■■{■■■. V' ■ fy atii i w wlin i nefl it. t)n ti" ( MrRy, i!i . i ■ .. .;. , .T u i r ;" ;, . ;,n ■ ■ i ■ i 1. in ttro. i c rámendatui ■ ■ - pels umi mcdicul - !. .n ti. s H ■! r 'VI HAT WE 1 O ü.NOV."a( ■ ■ ■ ti.ii-". AND híSXii% ■',: R! I ! :.■;:■ N ' I (:■ Ttík J í IHLLMlXt fF , i. ■ ... . i ■ tv. ry m-tunf-e v: r the m Vnti f '' r o ■ 'i tn ]■;■ ti and exhauíofion, ■ i ■ : : n t.rUtU tfftWilit) in.autM aflcr 'Ín k} ru i r lar-'tíoa í . thfi pTP ciptlov of rne if-the.naosl EXPEKiíXCEI) atid SK1UJ-VL NlTfeá D Nwi ,.■;■ . bueu uitcd witli KiA LR . 'II. N ..-!''!: THOUSANP OF CASI'S. Itnot a be-cb'Vlfi n a n. but invigí rafes ) ■■ -t .it. hahí b'nwi'ÍAc rrt. t ... i t nnd rívm t r :Til energy tutUe wLoIe yslem It w.ii alíauti ii1ti RIPING IN ■ ', ATCO WIND COLIC t, ■ . ■ ■ .■■■'■'lljr Tvne .'■.", a-i ,. Ntit. . ■ hM'íe if tt. l'tT aiivl : KK I ;:: ■ : V IK 1HJ V R] r ir, II eatw of A'-KN'!'; ;;y i ni : INCHIlJfMIT, wetlir i :tr -i-8 friin ■■fin; t ;r munyoDiT chus. W i ir ti : ■,:■■■ ■!-..,,!■'■■ tTí-T .'-; v i:1 :■;■■, mí t ,.. ffrogon? t-inpiant - r MOT 1 KT .'H.;k ..;■■! ;■!.":' ■ kI;F.IUJJ( tif O ïill "-. stím] bi r "si ■■' r na chitd, ,-■! ■ - .V!S. .Mí OI.t'T) I.Y1 . üli ■. ■ u u ui meJici. if tnikiJy tuod, 1 fir iiKn WÏH ■■ . phcê bottt, t'.ic sïmüe - í' ( tfltild íí Pfilt oiitside '.'■raí P'ri : r ■ ■ t . VI nf l)i'i : ; ftf 3 ''I '' 9rrmt, Pf. T. NLY CENTS PEIÏ Col I r V r ' ■ ■'-'■. Iy77. Jbr Ae Speed' and Permanent Cure of Seminal Wcakncxs, Nocturnal and Dlunuil íJnus.iion, Keratons and General J)cbil't, Ifnpotence, and all Viseas arUinrjfrom Soliiary Habité or Excessioc Indulgencc TIIETÏE aro thousnnds of Yocnü MES, retí as Middl Ackd aml Oí Mkn, who are nffering to som t-xteno 1 from the abovu lUeaM. Maav, perhaps, .no sot kvwr t trae ooaditiun, or wiien assi.-tanee ífl reallv needdH. For the bemlt of snch, we ber6ri(h give a fw tr tho ioi eommoti ■ymptoms, vi; Wmkneêê ■ t7"1 nd iMtAj. j'aiíi ; íí liid ad Side, Bimne of Sigkt, u M w&t beforo tlia fitfM, Pulpitatitm the fleurt, Oyipiia, Lo% líeninr, ConfiUHon of l.l i, Dfípreftftkm f Sun(i, AWW lo Society, SéiJ-Disinwt, TimUlity, et-. For eftch and all tf the abore ivaptonu those remeafn vill Ijj fouuJ a "8ovreign Bain.1 Tliese remedies threc prwcripuon; A box of Pafil'li, a box of Vartfoiu 3fHr FÜi, fiud a bol yf iiril Tonic I'ilh, all of whicb hayo iroporUot offliow to j.frfi-rm, and shouM be usud togethw n every ca. Tliir luuerioriM ove; other módoa of trcatuieut m:iy bo Lrieíly Htateu 3 wilows, viz: Thcy diminia!) thö violence nf 5CTnaI excitemewl. 0i" ïhey iminetfjateiy arrMt noc-iurual aml diuriuU tai JfThev remove local wn1cne, causiaj the orgaaf assiuno their natural tone and vigor, jpg" They Btrengthen the oonscitutioo by overoominj; morr ousüubility'an'1 roñara) waaknea. JBfg-Tliev enlíven the spirits, hicll nre amtklly dipreès, by exptiUinj all azoithig causea fnnn the iyteui. JK-Bv tlwir invianratlnK prype.rtiea tbey tlv patiënt to hia natural health and Vigor of maníi U jgcg- They cura when al) other meaos have faiiea, j(" Thcv udutaiu ii' M'i-'iri. wt Vj'ntm, not íiuytlmg ! that can iu ';uiv BVíioi prov i iiyurioiw, jK3Th(jv ara aasy and plaacant ti use; wid tul nnt íate 1 fare wlbh tilo patiaut'tf asnal i.u-im- or ( kaaur, jS They oan bo used witliout iiupJciou, or kuowioas) or i ve a That they may enme wíthffl thc rench of al!, Tinv flxed the price of the PtuM at SI per box, and tlie 'i7v at W cents per box eaoh. In órderin by mail, in aúdition io th price, twelve cents iu stamps aliould be iucloaeii for veturn , poátao. I.ADIFo in want "f a mft nnd _ffectnl fjjtf'-. jtl Wt afir or nnv dieHií peculiar to thi'ir ex, Jra Bhonid ine Un. Qtes"8 Kemam: Mosihlï 1 A - JT ■ ri"-s. Price, liy mnil, SI and nne Rtamf i fMmmt '-' CAunov.- These Pilis slxntM n he u.4 sBk' ''Á tlt'.ring pr'-fj-ut, !;, m tiUeun'Mge will be tha "" "ÍVaoVkS who. froto ill-liesUh. dffnrmitr, er any other humine and rftMonabU cante, dem it neces' tary to avoid an i florean of family, oan rt i'i wiib .til mcurrine daneer to health .r conatitution by the n of M. Lm Crauz'ê French Preocntice Puwlm. Trice, by mail, % ana , two stampa. . . Tliesa favt-ders can only te oUaincil by auJreasms ta Qeneral Agenta, m helow. ' Send for I)r. Oatks's PricaU ledical TreatiM oi% Semtmí J)tw#, Fuice Tía Custs. A(ïdre?8, H. Q. MILLAR & CO., General Attent, LouiivilU I For hy UAYNAliD, STEBÏIN, fc Wil HOS. yS3in Ann Arbor, Mich. PROF. h. M JLIEWS HAIK INVIGOKATOlt. iU VA'ïï.fVW I ■ i QXOMiG AL COMiOCNO i V fcLUR t-i i nigioal ti-U-r ?& ■ ■;, ; = i i ! ;r' venía tlairTrona turrio t3?' rüR I UKV i'N'HNV, HAU-NKSSninl enring it„.hu t'ier i.s Lhi; ki.-t partido ol i ( e-upeiativ fntrjfj lililí, ORRËMOVING SCÜRF AND IXDIU'FF, mi all out. oi !m-;.1 i!l, ■ IH, imj-artUjtd it an unequalled trlosAM . inaking tl softundiUkj in it lexiure nn i caut rag il t.; ctwH i edily. , i-r tlkll . . ■■ ur tl rt1 '■!■ ttlul id i'!il ai aenMttj lo satisfy a iWkcí ruingr pabfk nï Km , nj i i bei f: i . . .■■ ■■ ■: .1 Jt.-eu ,i -v,.. ït lenaea tl.e he:id anl seftip !r m dandi vj" an ■:ther :utGttos (lisem-is. tau ■ ■ the i air t-gr li nrtniitly . . - lUxiWi ai. o wher# ♦hfliairiii loosening aud thin' inim.ii wiU give ttlreugth autl vioi Ui the j-ih-Ip, dJ i'c ;.' Jhy g ;;..- whicii bave brcorr.o b.ilil, COUsing il 1" J '■' ' ' if-8 ''S l'C'h. T.leivjire bumïrwl i'f fttdies ana gentlem'en ít. Nrw Ynik who l,;i: lüi'l tb lh '; t bt ■ rator, when all other piepnraiionf) bad fuilt ii . I,. y. i.i I win tetteae iui ■ - 1 f ïng . ■■. '■ faets, !n m i"-r ■■ :■ liiiilr. Il wil! f: ■ win ï.r btnr frorn'-a graij until tlw latesí perM oi lífe; i ■ ■ wbfr tlTi liir 1 a chai ■■.-■■! its c lor, the '■"'' ofthv Invigft'tpi wül vi1liVt'ri;!int rt$!rt iiioitu nrifthtrl hüf, pnine it a 4rk. t'1w. Af ;i ] ei e toilM uvl :i ! [air I-'1 hra1 ive it is partioul . ■ i ;. d, ■ it Mincp; ; nii I ■ litii f i t alibi In i ii drituinf tkeh&ir, vvhieh, wfa h njnis) 'iili th In vigora f ór cao ;:■■ required forin no a ■:■ plain it n ciirlM- lierr the ureat demantj fr i ' nñ ñ ttandamd toilet art í rfhtch none onght ti be without, as the prJc I of 11, tu-intr ONLY TWKNTV-FIVE CENTS ut lnitiU-,lc bo ha t i '..' aud ir j' I H wobM cftlí Hm rtentfon of Pri? r Guard-íi tp the e of hiw imigorator, Is - 1 1 ns' Hair ri i ïïie uso of it lnys the foun latior Of b ■ -■■ hi Ihfi ■■. h rrmpvva i ii v hfipuritiew thai may K'n Imwt ■ n with .. the i riH'.w.: n'l n i ;. -. ï ..ii fpt tb he&Itbefthe chl ftofttré ípe" q " ef'fli Ilaii. CaOTIíÍN.- None rf1hrnllie0iCRtiPlli T "Ï'IS ! H ;i ui; i I i ■ ■,"; tiippViacï pip Mei ■ ;).■ n oi d. !..!■(■ ,,i ■■ roytti '■■ , 'I;C tjURIltity, 1 nlsd o. .irr i t r ■ ■ :■ i'uMic my New & lm provo ñ Tnstnntanccus Iiiquid Hair Bye vfeifh aficr Tfurl qf i ■ ■ niinff I hrrr ps black r lnfv. n nKtani'j witiirmt iit; . rv if) tlit HnivorSkin warratrta the bert priöb pNlOT rxFTY cf::ts. íí. 63 fe y sffs. i r%


Old News
Michigan Argus