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Grand Lodge United States, I. O. O. F.

Grand Lodge United States, I. O. O. F. image
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Considerable unxiuty has been mnmftíbted by the mombersof thefraternity of üdd Fellows in regard to the annuui Gession of the Grand Lodge of the United States, on accDunt of the present distrocted state of the cauntry. R. P. Boylston, M. W. Grand Sire, who resides at Winnsboro', S. O., and who ia in iietive service in the Coi, fedératearmy, appenre in the Charleston (S. C.) Courter, recommending; "that all meetings of the Suprema fcegisktive Hend ot the Order be suspended during tho present auMimn, as impracticable, Dnnecesary and inexpedient." In consêrjufeüce of the dlffieulty of effoding a correspondente with tlio Grand Sire, and before the röceipt oí this reoommenduti n, or its promulgati'n was kiiown in the Northern orloyal States, the Grand 8ecretary niado known to all inquirers that the nest eession wil] be huid as usual at Rultimore, er. the I6th of September nest. The D. G. Sire, Dr. M. Kerndon of Crawfnrdsviüo lnd., and the foor repre.-entatives from the Grand Uodietí 10 thia State will repair tI3i!tiinoro ot the appointed time and the regular annual tcssion will be held it a quorum !)■ ; rottent. The Pree State. Bi. nier State?, nnd possibly Tenneésee, will be represented. J3ut as the Tre;isury is wholly impoveristied by the terrible state oi atfiiii into h hich onr country is rww plunged the (irand Sécretary recoinmendu that the representatires phoul] come pre-pared with the necessary funda to take care oí theniseives during théir stay in 15;ilt':ir.or3. Probably tho merabers will dra neither mileage nor per diem this year, which will prove a great hardship to those frora distant jurisdictions.


Old News
Michigan Argus