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President Lincoln's And Jefferson Davis' Replies To Gov. Magoffin

President Lincoln's And Jefferson Davis' Replies To Gov. Magoffin image
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GoviM'iior Mngoffiii ni:ulo complitinl to President Lincoln :md to Mr. Duvia of the violation of Kentticky's nen Irulity, wbich brough't rwponsoa n the i form of diplomatic notes. Pm-hap I Mt. Mngoffin bopéd to maleo a littie i capital for eecespiuD out of the corras pondence. If so, he has signalij fuüed. President LincoJn'e noto to Üie {..oint, and devoid of anything thut eao g';vo offenoe to tho Union men of Kentuoky, while the lust pori'.enee is a shot pluinp at the Governor himstlf. Mr. Davis' has a ehade of tartness which can hardTy be rélishêd by the Goverdor or his associates. lloro are ■ the Presideol's and Mr. Daris' nous: Wasiiinotox, D. C, Aug. 24. [ To His Excellency B. Magoffin, Governor of tlie Slntc of Kunlueky: Snt - Your letter of tho 10th inst., n which yon "urge Ihe rotnoval from tho limita of Kdiitucky of tho military force now organiz.dand in oamp within that State," is received. I rnay not iiill and precisely accurate knowledge upon lliis subject; bnt I beliere it is true that tl;rre is a military force in camp witliin Kcntuckv, acting liy antlioiiiy of the United States, which fprce is not vory largo, and is not now beiüg augmentad. I a!so bolieve that some nrms have been fnrnihed to this forcc Dy the United States. I also bulieve this force consiste e.eluively of Kentuckians, having their camp iu the immedialo vioinity of tboir owo bomes, and not oaaaiÜDg or menacing any of the good pèople o Eentucky. In all I havo done in the premi8, bnve acted npon tho urgent soiiaitation of many Kentuckians, nnd in accordance with what I beüevod, nn-1 still believe, to be a wish of a mnjorifcy i f all tiioUnion-lovingpetijileof Konlucky. AVhile I have c mvérèed on this subject with many etninGüt men ot Kentucky, including n largo tmijority of hor niembers of Congross, I do not remeniber thatany ono of tbera, or any otber person, except your Excellency nnd the bearor.s of your Excellency'a letter, has urged me to remove the military force frpm Kentucky, or to dis band it. One htber very worthy oilizen of Kentucky did soiicit mo to have the augmenting of tho forco suspended for a time. Taking all the means within my renüb to fórm a judgment, I do not believe it is the popular wish of Kentucky that this torce shfáll be removed heyond her limits; and, with this impresKÏOD, I must roípectfully declino to so remove it. L most cordially sympatliize with your Excellency in tho wish to preserve tho peace of my own native State, Jientucky; but it is with regret I search, nnd caDBOtfind, in your not very short letter, any deetaration or intimation ihat you entertain any desire for the preservation oi tho Federal Union. Your o'uedient servant, A LI N COLS. JEFFERSON DAVIS' REPLY. '■I lose no timo in issuring yon that the govcroment f the Confedérate Status oí America neither intends nor desirea to diaturb the neutrulity ot Kenlucky. The assemblage of troopa ia Tetinessce, to which you refer, liad no otbor object than to ropel the lawless invasión of that Stato byhe forcos of the United States, sümild thoir Kovcrutnentseek to approach it through Kentuoky without respect for ite position oí neutrality. That such apprehemiona were nit groundless, has bcea prüved by the courso oí that governmcot in the Otates of Maryland and Missouri, and moro recently in Kentucky itsulf, in which, as you inform me, 'a military forcé has been enlisted and qnartered by the United Status authorities.' "The governrnent of tho Confedérate States has not only ref=)ected most scnipnlously the neutrality of Kentucky, but has continued to nnüntain the Iriendly relations of trade and i n terco urse which it has suspended with the poople of the United States generally. "in view of the history of the past, it can scarcely be necessary to aaauíre your Escelluncy that tho governrnent of the Confedérate States wil] continue to respect the neutrality of KenüJoky so long as her people Qi maintain it themselves. 'But neutrality, to be entitled to respect, must bo strictly maintained between both part íes; or if the door be opened on the otie sido for tho aggrossions of one of Ihe belligereot paities upon the oiher it ouglit not to be shut to the assailed vvhen they eeek to enter it for tho purposo of self-defence. "I do not, howeyer, for a moment believetliat your gal lapt State vvill suffer lts soil to be usüdjibr tho purpo3o of giviog an advantago to those who viólate ts neutrality and diaregard its rights over otbers who respoct tham both." II 1 il


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