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- M.ij. Mordecai, lato of the Wütervliet Arsenal, demos iny cornpliuity with the rebola. lío is living with a daughier at Philadelphia - A torga numbör of veesöls, èhe ' property of sowsMonNts, havo benn eeized at Boston, New York, and Pbiladelpbia. - Ex-Gov. Bngg.-,of Mftssachusetts, had his ft shot off by tho fjeciden; tal clisehargu of a musket on the üih ' inst. - Mrs. Lincoln and ohildren av ! retupoed to Washington. - Tvvn cnvnli-y companV8 have left Battlo Creok to join Gon i'rernont- Ciipt. H. S 'h, of White Pigeon, hus rniao i cavalry cornpuny. - Oen. Rpörejiard'e official report cnlls clio li-'il liu ri fight "a remarkable artillo':' drill." - Gen. Burnsido has been assigned tho comtmind of tho unbiiguded regimentf at Washington. - Ooi. Marcy, Inspector General of the TT. S A., h:is boon desinatsd as Chief of Gen. McClellan'aataff. - Gen. McClellan baa issued an order aguinst "picking off" rebol fiic.kets!. - The acting Govcrnor of North Carolina i.s roported as a re'iable Unionist. Doubtfu!. - It is also said that the Unionista ol Norlh Carolina will organize a Provisional State Govorriment vvithin a few months. - And that two full brigades of loyalifita are already enrolled - Tho Fort Halteras priaoners aro confined in Fort Wood on Bociloe's Islond, and in Castle William on Gav ernor'a Island. - Maj. MeKinstry, Provost Marshtl of St. Loui-;, has been appointed Brlgadier-öeaeraf. - Arch Bishop Kenrick, of Balti moro, has directed the obeervance o: the national faut dny. - It is proponed to nominate Col Corcoran lor Shsnff of Nüsv York City and county. - Ex-Governor Adams, of South Carolina, ia dead, - Col. McCunn, of the'N. Y. 37lh court-martialed and reprimanded lor insuborditiution, has resigned. - Bev. D O. Jacokes has acceptec the Chaplainoy of thcöth regiment. - Rev. Jonathan Hudsón has been appointcd Ohaplain of Col. Brodhcacl's cavalry regiment. - Maj. B. F. Fifieid, of Alonroa, has boon nppointed by Gov. Blair Commiaaioner to look aftor the genera! wants of the Michigan regimentó. - The War Department has been notified to discontinue HSiiing1 passes to Wotnen and ehrldreü goiog South. - An order has been issned ?nppressing all seeession cmblems in fcJakimore. - Flora Templo was Heized on the Brooklyn raee coüsè, on the 5lh, as thé property of an active BQCessionist. - The Confedérate troops have abandoned tbeir fortt&catioDS :it Ocracoke Inlet. - Col. Havrkins, in charge of Fort Hatteras, reports kirge number oí North OaroliaiaHS nscnmingin iwd volunturüy taking 'h" o:!h of nllegiaace. - M j B B. Frcnch has been sp■ cd (Juiniiiixüiiinurof Public IJuikiii-g-. - 2000 Fedwal prisoncrs are reportod il R ( bmor.d. - Au extra Be'snion of tho Confeder-i'r ConreïS was held on tho 3d Aiturti iuiiiii of twi hoii'"sit adjourned to Nuvernbcr I8th. - Oen Bpügg ha been trrinsforred from I'iis;i,-i.1;i to tho Potomae. - G:-n Wool hu boen instrncied to penniinunüy hold fl..lteras Inlot. - Wounded uril iiore of the present '"ar are already rocoiving pensions. - W. B. ftedfiold, Washington correspondent of the Chicago Journal, liep. haebeen arrested, charged with ommunicating with the robuis. - A son of Secrutary Cnmeron ís reported Bs having cleared $20,000 on a singlo horse con tact - ïhc late Postmastör fit New Oilcan.s iias sijvuircd up hia accounts with the depurtment at Yushington. - Corn. Banon, capturad at Hatteras, was recently commander of tho Minnesota whose brig guns brouglit ho fort .so gpeodliy to terms. - K. S. Dygert; of Detroit, is rn8Íng n company of Sharp Bhootere 'or Gen. Williams brigade. - Ilon. E. II. Thompsnn, of Plint, ïas been elected President of tho State Military Board nee Gen. Wilhuns resigned. - Baron E. Von Vegeaauk, n disoguisfaod Swediah officer, has arrived n thia country, and tendered his ervicea t.- tho President. - Thü Harriot Laño, grounded in he attack upon Fort Hatteras, got off ate, aod saved her best gun. - Out forcea have found six brasn ix poundei's buried noar the railroad tation at, Alesandria, and takon them o Fort Ellswortb. - Purser Gallngber, of the Washngton N;tvy Yard, ia a defaulterln tho urri oi $130,000. Chargcd to the ottcri;'s. - Tho President has been offioially ssured of tho friendly position of tussia - Thirty soldiers have been courtTiartialed it Alesandria, íor varióos tïünces, and senteoced to be shot. - The Becéssionists ;ro rallying in oroo at Fort Maoon, Beaufort barbor, earing an attack. - By a voto of 77 to 20 tbc House rdered Cniled States flas[ hoisted over he Keotucky Capítol cu tho 7th. - On the 19t!i of August the Conjderate Congross passed an act for iic admission of Missouii into tho outhero Oonfederaoy. - (íen. Butler h;ift been authorized o order eigbtoen Sawyer rifled can non, vitb 200 shells for each - All foreign ministers and crms-ulR re to bc requirod to takè tho oatli of aüegiar.ce. - The Northern Ligbt brought to New York on her last trip 30,000 stand of arma f rom California: - The largo merchant vessels eailing from jNow York to the West Indias are being supplied with heavy cunnon and esperioced gunoers. - St. Josoph, Missouri, is reported in tho bande of the rebels. - News of b arenera] Bght at Paducnb, Ky., mny be looked for daily. - Tlio officers of the N. Y. Central Rnilroad liavc boen instruoted to transfer no stock lield by southern owners, nor pay any dividends to Fuoh liolderp. - The Sanitary Committee urgs the incrciiso of hospital accomodations to 15,000 beds. - The Sixth Michigan Regiment is in camp at Bnltimore. - New fortificstions are boing erected at Baltimore. Gen. Dis is preparing a warm reception for '' ye rebela." - Major Alcxandcr has csuaped from Fort McIIenry. - General McClellan has reprieved the Vermont soldier ordered shot for sleeping on lüs post. - It is said the government bcartily endorses tho proclamation of Gen. Fretnont, tliough made entirely on Lis own authority. - The Ilarriet Lano arrivcd at tho Philactelphia navy-yard on Sunday aftornoou, for repairs. - Richmond advices report Joff. Davis nol dead, but convalescent. - It is announced that 22,500 more iroops are to be sent to Canada. " Why for'i'1


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Michigan Argus