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The Ohio Union Convention

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The Obio Union fútate Convention was held en TUursday of last week, and the fullowing ticket nominatcd :■ For Governo;' - Dathd Todp. For Lieut. (iovernor - B. F. Stanton. For Treasuror - Volney Dorsoy. For Supremo Judgo - Josiali Scott. For Secrotary of State- R. 13. Oowen. For Board of Public Works - John Lawrence. The ticket stands, three í)emocrats, tbreo Rcpublicans, and onc American, and gives generáis atisfaetion. The rcsolutions adopted unanimously, ainid great enthusiasm, aro as fullows : Resolved, That tho present deplorable civil war lias been forecd opon the country by the Disunionists in tbc Southern Staten, now in revolt against the Constitutional Government, and i:i anus around tho Capítol; and in this national emergency we, bauisbiug ali feeling oí uiere passion or resentment, wiil rccollcct only our duty to the whole country; that tbis t war is not waccd upon our part ia any spirit of oppression, nor for any purpose of ooaquast or subjugation, nor for tho purpose of overthrowing or interfcring with tbc riglit or ostablished institutions of the States; but to dcfend and nuintain (ho BÓpaeroacj of the Constitntion, and to preserve tbc Union, with all the digüity,equality and rights of the several States uuimpaired, and that as soon as tbo5C objeets are accomplished tho war ought to cease. Resolved. In the language of Ilon. Joe Holt, we are for tbis Union witliout couditions - ono and indivisible, now and forever - for its preservation at any or every cost of blood and treasurc ngaiust all its assailants, and against any and every compromiso that may be proposed to bc made undcr the aunsof the rebels. We can endorso that platform. It I digavows a war of subjugation, and : toiids " to rebels in arms " all the " olive braneh " that should be teudored tbem. i Tho ticket is hcadod by a lifc-long ! crat, and wiil probably draw largely on the demoe'ratic voto, though the democratie ticket is hended by a thorough Union man. li ■!■ ill U3C The Seveath Regiment, Col. GuosvEXOit, arrived at Washington on Suuday evüiiing last, and on Monday aftcrtioou crossod tho Pqtomac, and quartered on tho " sacred soil " of Virginia. A Model Spjskoh. - Frcmont's speech at Cairo was a model, i Ie said: " My friends, I havo muoh to do and II 1 1 lo time to spare, and thcreforo oaiinot address }7ou to-night as I could wish. I wiil be very busy, and tho interest you manifest wiil strengthen my hands. I hall be glad to seu you after my work is done." i - Armed Rbsibtakob to the Wab Tax. - Tbcre is ati organization in Albion, Main, and tho adjoining towns, numbering süveral h mul red, composed of men who havo banded togethor to resist the govermueut ín coüecting taxes, &c. On Haturday last tbey had a muster at Freodom, wliere over onc hundred paraded. One company had umforms and muskets.


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