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Dreadful Casualty In Mo

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Hudaon, Mo, Sept. 6. Wo have learned thefallowing addition:il accounts of i terrible disaster ori the Hanoibal and St. Joseph Kuilroad furoisbeá by a St. Lou3 reporter. The cataatrophe occurred at Little Platte l'ivcr bridge nine miles east of St. Joseph. The bridge was aaubetantial work cf one hundrod and sixty fuot span, and about thirty-fivo feet above the river. The timbers of the bridge had been burned undernoath the track until they would sustain but litdu more thnn their own woight and the firo was then extinguished, leaving the bridge a mere shell. Tho train bringing frojn eighty-five to one hundred passenger?, ihekiding women and duld run, reaehed the river at eleven o'clock at night and the bridge looking secure passed oh, but no eooaer had tho locomotivo meascrrèd its longtb upon the bridge, than sorao forty or fif'ty yards ut' the structure gave way, piecipitating the entire train into tho abjes below. All the seats in passenger coaches vvere torn and shoved int i front, oarrying men, women and childreo, in a promiscuóos heap clown tho declivity, and buryingthem among the crusbea timbera or throwing them out of the care. Throngh the broken sideá,' 1 jagged pieces of lloonng impaled some, süiiiu were mangled by tho inaohinory teaiiug Ihrough the timbers, several ! were caught between planks pressing together like a vice, others woro Btruofa by parts of tho roof ;s it catne down with mighty force, still others woro cut with pieces of glass, while wounds and blood and agony prevailed all over the frightf'ul acono, and shrioks of pain wore mingled with cries of terror. Iñ this wtiy tho tvvo last cars of tho train went down pitching the passengers into the wreek, or throwing them into tho water, which at this point is about a foot and a half in tho depth. ünly three persons. Mr. J. W. Parker, Superintendent of tho United States Expreas, Mr. Mars, Mail Agent, and Mr. Iiage.', were able to aflord assistance to tho sufforing, the romainder of those who were not killed outrigbt being so disabled as to bo helpless. After doing ail that it was possible for lho.-e requiring immediate attendanco, Mr. Hager aD mid night left the wreek to go to St. Joseph íor medical and otber attendanee. Ho walked five miles of tho way, when ho found a band car, upon wiiich ho proceeded the rercainder ot the journoy. Two hundred yards Yest of the bndgo ho discovered a heavy oak railroad tio strong]y Btropped across the track, and two miles iurther on he found the trestlo work over a stnall atream on fire, which however had not' as yet been 90 badly burnccl that traiiis could not pass over it, or coúld not be casily ostinguished. Arriving at 8t. Joseph tho alarm was soon spread throughout tho citv, and although it wu3 onö O'clock at" r,ight, Beventy five men, including al! tho physicians in the neighborhood, quickly volunteered their services and at half past three o'clock a train fully Mipplied with medical stores and other necessaries was at the scène of disaster. The wounded had all emerged f'rom' tho wreek and were lying on the bunks and upon a sand-barin the river. Seventeén dead bodies were recovered, and it is believed that this number embraced all who were killed up to that time. Two were so badly mangled that it was not expected thev would 6urvive till morning, while many others were dangerously wounded and would have to bc wcll taken care of to recover. Many who will escape with their lives 11 be severely maimed and crippled.


Old News
Michigan Argus