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T Taw -Advertisements. thegreaFpïcïïjreI Hang:sterfer's Hall. For a f vr dsya only, c m:nenjing TTXEsxxA.-sr, sept, 17TH J. INSCO WILLIAMS' Grand Hoving PANORAMA of the BIBLE ! Exhibition exory evening. Doors open nfc 6J-L to coïnmence at 7jC o'clock, ftlso WedDOftday fttid Saiurday atternoon's fit 3 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents, obildren ander ton, half price. Packngos of five tickets $1.00. STATE TEACHERS1 1NSTITUTE, AT SAIjISE IX OQMFUANCK wilh the request of a Inrge numh'r of teachers , a tul cSti zens, tbe Superinf rndcr.t of l'ubli'"1 lostructiOD du itpsolDted a, Imwati' Institnte to bo heW at Saline, beginnfng ilninïay morniug, Hpjit. Í3.1, anï continuing in seRsion FIVE DAY8. Able nnl cxpricïict'O leulurors have been pngagod to givo tnitrno Uon, mul the exercises wilt le froc to all. Toachors and persons jiroparinfj to tach are-especially invitcd ti avail themselves of the benofit of tbe Institnte. School ofSoera are reitpeetfully requwted to aid in aaouilng a full atteodonoe of teacher; nrni i istnet Bonnis wiphIng to procure good teacher ore invited to rply to tho tecturers in charge Saline, Srjit. Ctb, 1361. 81Ttt2 Chanccry Sale. BV VIRTUE of a decretal crAcr made an-1 entered in tbe Circuit Court of tho United átales fnr tho Diatrict of Michigan on the thinl day of June, 1-Sfil in tb causd vhrein NeLsoo II. Wtog is coniplttinaut, amt í?. Efeysj and Jane E. ffajf, ro defenJanta. I shail sell at public auction, at the Coort Hmse. in the city of Aun Arbor. Connt; of Wftsbtenaw and State of Michigan, on the lvthdft} of October, 181, at 10 o'clocfc in the forenoon, all the folloirinffdeflorfbd taod situ.ited u the viïlage of IVxter, Ulomguj, viz : I,ot mimher cloven (11) of block mimber one (1); rIso a fttip twen ty four (_1) iV-ol in width on the westorly sido of lot numbor tfn, íilong tlie lie on Pai'l lot, twolvo rods, moanijiffto ooaveyastrip of land twenty-rour feet hy ta on tho WWtsrlj Bidé oí lot ten in block oae Lu said vit lage. GKO G. B0LLi Jins+rrja Chancery ofsaid Ccvrit R. P. TnMF,Cnmf,luinantTs Solieitor. DateijSiey. 10, US9L. tlM


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