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SÍECIA.LNOTICE8DvT. C. II. Et dow li'iivc ,'-i and the fieveral . Dn in thiaCounty,as foliotes. Q 0 I X U ll'ESI. .. JïCk.Ac. üíigíii E. T.'ó A. M. 4 oO P. M. (i.öO P. M mti, 8 30 " (#.o5 " 7.50 " "- Arbor, 6.63 " 6.1 0 " R 16 " tXfictér, O.M " 7 Oí ■' S.40 " 7.Ü0 " !.()!) I' K Ar. Chicago, 7.o0 P. M. 7.00 A.M. G O I X C E A S T . NightEx, .'i'' '.:. Ac. M.iilhx. :']iclsoft, n.: i. m. 4. CO p. II. 0 55 " 4.15 " inn Arbor, 6.13 A.M. 7.30 " 4..S " rp.silüiHi, 'i . ' " s.oo " 5!oo " Detroit, G 40 " P.40 " C.C5 ''■ T..i!iis do not stop at Btations where figures are oraitled ij thi; ta'ule. IOI1IGAÑ SOUTHERN & 1X NORTHERN INDIANA RAH.ÜOAD. 1801. SPHMER ARRANGEMENT, 1S01. Ir lina now run on this road, Pundays excepted, as 1,-ave Toledo rnr Chicago at 9 00 A M.. and via Air Lic a: 9.66 A. M. Leave Detroit forCbieagoat 7,16 A.M. and 6.80 P.M. o from Toledo and Detroit at 7,30 P. 11. lid 7.0(i A. M . and vin Air Line at 7.80 P.M. Arrire at Detroit fiom Toledo, at 6:55 A.M. 0-G5 P.M. Leaves Detroit tor Toledo at 7 16 A. M., r.ndG-SO r. Arrire in Detroit frim Cllicaro at 6. 05 P. :■:., EnriOiöó A. II. JrriveinTo] ago 4,C(i P. U. and 4.30 A. 11.. asd viaair Iineat 4.16 1' M. lave Jackson for Toledo at 4.46 A-M. and ' .' " Arrire trom Tu)h1(j a' 8.55 A. M., and 4,28 1'. ilfECTIÜNS. At Toledo- With 'Cleveland ti T Road. ;:oit - Witn (rand TriinU I }■ (ïroai o, with t:e Detroit abd Miïi At New Albaxt & P.ukx II. Ii. Cbosbho- WitLTrains Cor I afayette, New Alban; and Loui M CmcAoo-With Chicago and Rock Ialand, Galena, Uüwaukee, Chicago, BorUngtoxi and Qnincy - urth ' ■ Railwaj - Chicago, A!r.nn and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Polnta West and South, &f Trains are run Chicago time, rhïoli is 20 minlower than Toledo time. ív Talent . ' : ra accompany the Niphl nthisRoute. üSalsbar'jja Patent Ventila and Oosters are u ed ;i all Sunuu r Tr i i-h. Time and I'are the same as bv any other Rail Uuadl:. .1X0. D. CAMPBELL. Gene-al Superintendent. THE GREAT ENGLISH BJSMEDY. Sllt JAMES OLARKE'S Cclebr.iled Frmalc Pil!. PS0TECTED ÊbiLxiS IIItïBf EY E0ÏAL JSfflliföpX PATKST Prepared from a pretcription of Sir J. Clark!, M D., Pkysician Exiraordinaru to the Queon. Tiiis bnatóablt medicine is unfiiiling in the cnro of il tiiose psinful sd1 dangerouu diaeanej to which the frmiil ; 3)npütutioD in subject. It moderntes all oicess und reaoven all obstructioBg, and a ppeedy cara may be r%lie3 on. TO 3IAKRIED I.AK1ES It is peculiarly snited. It wül,' in a bort tim, bring on the iconthly periort with igulanty. F.fteb botUe, prie Oce Dollar, b#ars tbo OoTOrnmeat Stamp of Groat BritAin, to prevent couDterfeitA. Tkcst Pili! thonld not bt Ma ty fem&lti dtring tilt FIRST TJIREE MUXTHS of Prignancy, lluy art ture to bring on Mitearriage, bv' ai any ethtr timt thty ere taf e. In fcU casei of Nerrous and Spmal AfTectionn, Pain in tfce Back and Limbs, Fatigae on slight eiertiort, Palpita tioa of the Hewt, Hysterie, and Whitii, thene PSls wiD eíloct a cure when aü othoi meaoi hare iailed, and hlthough a pen-erfa! rtmdy, de not conUin iron, calonvt] autinu-nj, or &uy tbing hïirtfttl te the coaitituUea. t'uii dlrectiona accompary etch package. Culo Ajtnt for tho United SUtei and Canada, JOB MOSE3, ÍLate I. C. BaWirln It Co 1 Roeheiter, tí Y - Í'.,M and 8 pontage itanpi encloied to aay ux Agent, wül ümn a bot'J of Vet Billj by rctnn 8 9 Sold te GRENTIIX & FI'I.I.KR Ann A:bor, and by Drugists in every town. PRIZB POETBY. !,'■( rb ie fteinH boasi f '■ eds ín war, And Minstrels une their sweot cuitar, A nobler theme roy keart is alled - In praUe ol HsbRICK's iratcliless pllll. Their cures aro found in every land - Amid Roñia'l snows - and Afrio'a sands J The w on tro tapera ftll, Produced by Okuuce1! matcaleas PUI. líeeaae affiict yon t r.ever doubt charraing compound ivill search it out, And i '"'r ïj rtem litl, If yon, üy al once lo USBSlCK's l'iils. ='ifi Tor all - both old P.nd young - on f ngue ; ■e, disariiied - no [oner kllls, Sinco we are bleisfd wlth Hkriiicíí s Puls. ÍZf Put up wit'i i.nlih. tfpaniBb, Cerman and ■ ' 26 cent ptr b.x. Svga O)atcd Beo advertleement on third page. 804 New Medical Discovery. l'or the speerty and permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, ïïrethal Discharges Gravel, Strlcture, aiul Affeclions of the Kidncys and Bladder, has been n rda of ONE HUNDRED PHYSIC1ANS, in thplr private pïacti ■ tire ucc'ms, mperse"I'aiba, CAi'sfLEs, er any compound kither BELL'S 8Pí:CIF1O P1LLS, Bfffctioga cure in a t Ti nted it is pei mant . '; ible extraéis that ar. ha] ■.:.'-.i or i ipregar coated, ::] avniiiod. Xocltangeof dict is neecssary whiUt ■uBinsihm, nor their action intarft mth buni. I nass pursuits. Each box contaim six iozen Pilis PRICE ONE DOLLAR, aod will tie sent by mail ponl-paid by any aflTertwed Agent, on roceipt of tho monoy. SoW by Druwists in Ann Arbo r . "onl turo on the ivr.ipper J. BHYAH, BoctiMter, X. Y.,Onai l II. k. L. SIJIOHEAÜ, Detroit, Wboleule Agents for Michigan, S00tf MOTHBES RBAD THI8. The foliowinf il an exti-act from a letler wxitl i I i ' the "J ttl, Qfcio, and sj.-al-s volumes in ■ ':■ n ._■[ I' fot; CHILDREX 'it ' 'We . .i in columns of Ure. Winrtoir'a So. t' i N.,.i -,■ nerer sal ne befi re ;n our Ute, but J"feel mrreaders.thatthi is no j -wk hav-e ra it. axi it to nr, au. it ■ ly. one nf the mo.t uceiiifol ! 5i,ln I ii one of t; 'hohaybaWe can'i ño 11 ly." ' ?" ' i " onothM 'I-.rr.n IMPORTANT" FEMALES I S Jmh HE, VL v THE HEALTH AND LIFË OFWOMAK I Ts continually in peril if bTiö la mad enoogb 0 Q ffleci i nr maïtreat thoae sexual Irrealarïtica to wbich twothti II of hr sex are more nr less subject, DR. CHEESEHAN'3 PXLLS, prepare-t from the formula wbich the Inventor, ríORNTSLIUa f HEESEMAN, M. D.,of Kew-Torft, has fr tweaty yeara'uBed 'ully in an extended primate pwetïce - tmaoediately ■ without pain, MI dfüturbanccd of tlie pexiodical 'lisc'iiirfo, whethor ansing from relaxation orsuppresBion. They act Uke o ehann Inreroovmg Ihe paina thnl. dtfficuH or imtnoderate metstruahun, :n are thêonly safe and ruliable remeyfr FIuküq, Sick Head&ebe, Paüii in the Lojns.BaekAnd Sidw, Palpitaron Of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterie, ftpfm, Rmkcn Sletp and other üftpleaeant and'dangeroui effecta of aa unnatiuul eondifioo of tbe sexual functions. In the worst o&sea of Fluor Albus or Whites, lliey effect a spce-ly euro. To WIVES and MYTRCXN'SDït. CHEKEMAN'SPICJLfiifcfreofferedaB ta only safe mcans of renewinaiterrupted roenatritótiotl, bot. Ii ADÍES Mt-ST BE Alt IX SIIXD Títere is one condition of the f cíñale $ystem ii irhtch the Pilis ennnot bc tahrn irifhovt producing a PECULIAR RESULT. TktcondUionreferredto is PPEGXANCT- the Pmtltt MISCAlillTAOE. Such U the irresistible , 'ftc toristors the stirual fiwctions to a normal cnndüicn, that even the reproductive poteer of nature canïiot resigt it. Explicit direct ions staiing whcv, andvlicn thry should not bc used, wHh wch Box,- tbe Pr'tce Oue Dollar cach Box, tidntaining óO Pilis. A raluaMe Pa nphtet, i i pi had free of the Apcnts. Pilïs $ent 6y mail promptly, by encloaiög ptice o any Agen.t. Sold ■ I ral v, R. ;;. HUTCtilNGS, Proprïetor. '20 Cedár-St., Ntto York. For ■ Palo by MATXARD STEÖBIKS & WILSON, and GRBNT1IXE & iUIJ-KR. Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHNT HABVEi', r upwaris of tweriy yeara devoted his professiona] t me öxciügivelj to the I treatmentof FernalO üifficizltioe, a:ni ha ving succeeded io thousanda of oanen ia restoring the alllictc.-l to aoand healtlï, lias now cutiré cmifidence n oírerinj publicjy 1) lfl "GRBAT AMHRICATT RBMBDY," X3Jct. HAKVBX'S CHaOKO-THERSIAL FEMALE PILLS. Which bare oom r tai led (wlu-n the directiona have bc-i-n striclly followed,) in removiBg difficuitiesarisiDg from Gbstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or In restoring the system t perfwc! health ,' when sufrerlDg from Ofisal Ai fbcti iks, PaotAPses Dtübi, tfir Wüitks, ai other wenki,csf oi'lhc UxpBiXB ÜaGASS, Also i in all caaeá jof. Pebiuty ORNlïavora I'rosttiatiox, Htstebics, Palpitatioss, fee, &c,, which aro the forerunnera of more serious di a ■ t. T,w These Pili are pcrfertly harmle$ on the con $i futió, and nay ht taken by the most delicate femále without caiising dieres.; at the uune time they act ukb a chabm ty strengtheniug, invlgoratintr. aiwi restoring the system to a healthy eondibon, and by br inging on the monthlj period wïtb rsjuUtrity, no matter from srbal causo the obsttuctloi houW, however, nol be Uken daring tn tb ree or foar months of pregnancy, though safe at any othcr li;ii ', ;ií miacarri&ge would ' CO Pilis. Price One Dollar, anl when desired will bö sent by mail repaid by any odver, jt of Ui'1 niüiicy. % Sold b ■ ia .nn Arbor, J. BRTAN, H -cheater, N. T., General Apont. II. ft L. SIMONKAü, Detroit, Wholesale Affpi.t fo Kïchigan. TOOtl Real éstate for Sale. O CC acrea of lHtl1 u'ii!l a wel! f F11"1' water, sone Attj house, barn and good nronard ai d onehusdred itngroTed. The farra ia situated in the townof Sein, andsouth of Mr. Boyden'a plains,and fout and a half ra !os from Aan Arhor. JULIA BftTBRAY VM. MUKKAY. Scio.Sept. 3J, 1861, 3w816. LOOMIS & TaïFP7 Succf.s.sorsto Chapín & Loomis.nndChapin, Tripp t Loom IlHEabove firm of Loomis & Tripp havlng ptircliaped the entire interest of the fi n ea wïll continue the business at the ld stands, where thoy will be ready, od the shortest notice, to fill all ordera .n the line of Castings and Machinery, fn ihe mot vorkmnnrtke raanner, and on as liberal tenas ai i I a te.Among i ■ 1 ired by ni, tre troald enumérate STEAM EÑGINKS of all kii . ■■ ■ ..■ I l'ixtures, wroughtand eut; allth ■ ■ fB for making and repairlng HorsePowera cThreslring Machines lach ;ss ares : . have formerly been in use in thií part of tb I . 11 as all the Tariout I castingfl au I ma ■ rorfc called Por by farmers Jand mochanic irthis seetión of the coaníry. rif aU tjie v.'ifions pati . ss, nrillbe : itantly on liandj got the naost modern aad im [ rored ■ ■ ; ' Brms, we ■ by all wishil Ld k TKHT. Ann ArW.Mav 18th, 1?59. COTt.f BYE and EAR. DK. F. A.CADV'ELL, 9SS& OrERiTOR ON TUK FYK ANÍ) KMI. For Deafhee. lïlliiflnefl, nnd al defect of Stlit and Ilf ai inj?. DU C. REIHQ A REGULAR Phyaiciin.wífh "HVENTY y;:.R -' es ■' ■ ■ ment of daeaes of t!m EYE ATÍÜ KAR, will be fonnd quaüüed to Heel a cure in any case within ihe reach ff yo tikarga fr mi cia.mZnv.tlcn or an opinión, ar or &9ti0tX tful fCTTAas. ln. C.'a Trkatí.-tí os thb h. of .00 pp., , ■ . Teatifnonj ila, J ■ . ionnf l'is . Gttfiea, and other important matter, illustratöd ffith Cute, to be hadi l w C#iii3 tg pn.j AddreBfl Dr. e-.; . . corner Deaborn, Chicago, Til, Lv76S Qlr3Ea:3A3P. A. DEFOREST, Aiways altead fu Lew rrirce H A VIXG REMOVED MTISTORE Co the Eest pide o Main stroel, one dour nortu of Guiterman's, 1 .un now reofltving New (oods, compneïng all kinds of G.oceries, Fruitft, Exiracts, Glasswj re, Larops, Lookipg Ula5e8,XftbltCutíery",Eilrer-plateü 6o LOWER ÏHAWEVER! I'rer.dh Chin.i Tea Set, from t -r'O to IS 00 French l hinn D nm r Set, from iO CO lo UO O'J tone China Tea Sets, froá 3 00 to M S. iDeCbina Dinner Sets, from 6 60 tol650 lïeautilut OIji G . 200prdozen (iiaH lv(.-rofcne Lamps from :7 to 60 MarbU Umpsfrom 7Lto30'J Fluid íiraps from ](; to 50 Ken sene OU, goodquallty, SOc per gallon All otlier Goo'ls at CorreBponding priecs. JSsr ' -: : ■ l'eoples Store, I A. Dr. roHTXT. THE PÜ3LIG SGH0OL3T rjtHE F ALL TERH oí Utt.aeveral Public Schootó of JL thifi City n ! a nd conble thiit Scliolari be in their ... -i i'ihv of tÊe term, The Bouadariespf . ■ Waxá Schools ivill reni.iin ;is heretof ore, eibept thatpupiÏB In tin Friraary gn lea vithia tbefollowing territory will be required to ■ ■ ;i Waj 1 School : r I Page Streetsand North of Fuller 3treets andtheBJver &oa Eftst tóPltc er street, South oo Pitcher i ■ street, thence East tb dintrUt Limita- luclu ding i ■ sfdex ol Streeta named, Page st ■ ■ ■■ ehil'ren umU-v Jioe yearvld will be aömitted. ral rules for ti . t of Ure Bsveral schools, In & Idi . l as liave bej n I d uneed, have been ad im : I. Papila are ezpected to commenc their attendance inning of ';:c!i term, and ' ular iinrl pancttial in their attendai aform to tlations of tbe Bchooland to dbey proïüptly all rections of the teachers ; to ol ■ ■ d order and proprioty of déportment ; to be diligent in Btudy, Zffipectful to,in 1 kin 1 anl ■ i otírely from t!ie aneoj profane or tt and ne at u and atti II. Pupiln of TTard school required to attend the nchool established in the difusión oí the district whel é they n ■ ■- III. fïq pupil preparing his nr lier lesiona in sohool shail be allowed to depart before the nsuul tinao "t cloa■ ■ ■ ;t by special written ;. ■ irenta rr ! or on accouni ol sicthes ;- and pnpilspermitted to prepare I beir tesai ni out of m I ter at the opening of the session nr at recess. and 'eave ar recesa or stoei ■ IV. Any pupil who ís hAbitut.lly tardy qr truant , rr gttilty of üjkjd ■ . i b Lïnatfotor who indulges In the use of proláneor i win) makefl uae of ' ■ hourg, or trhose general conduc ,-Iiailbe reporfe 1 to hïa nr her guardián and to the school Board, ■ -■ ipil in tb High School who hall be absent fúnr mlf dois, and -ir School who Bhaíl be absent Bixhalf day, audinthe i 1 be ab.-teiït eLkl half dayt in foür consecutive wet'!;K, wilh'mt an excusa (roH3 tii" pa rentor gnardian, pivr-n in peruon or by writfen note, sal i ifyiag Uieteaciier thftt tlip al . . bil of liet "vn ■ or by efcknesB in the family, ebfl.ll ferfeli kiri or in school ; and the tify the parent and the Board that tkcrpopüig raapend ed. Vu pupil " n :■'..... ,.s to The school pHor to th cm wuing tersa, 1 ' pareal or guardián shall ■'r? - ■ Buraaee tothe the fa VI. Any pupil who sïitU be gnütj o1 i i ■ I boot property, tl beBUHpeñded from scnool, aed ■ VU. (Kin-r rules for the interna! gotern ment and ais npline of the respective Bchoote, roay be frcmtimeto ; time ado moanoed by the teachers 1 lecruolly to earrj out the rules and rvg i prescribid by the Board E.B POWD, Secy. rf Boftrö. 4 - ■ Bth, 1ML,


Old News
Michigan Argus