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PRINTING . OF ALL K1XDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE, WE ARE P-REPAUED TO FÍLL ALL ÖRDSRS IN" THE LIJSE OF PRINTING AT TDK M08T REASONABLE RATIS. Wa have reoontly purol.saod a RTTÖGLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have nddfid tlie ]att etylcs of Card Type, wliioli enables us 'to print INYITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest stylfs, and ks oheap na any otlier house in ihe State. W ara ulo prepartd to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, c TLïL3 .A.IR.C3-TTS BOOK BINDEM iin c'uafge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURWALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Mar.iifACturüJ in sest ottls t Kew York Prlces, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-33ouncL All Work warrantcd to givo entire satisfnction. E. B. POND, Prtfp'r. Offico and Bindcry, cor. Main ás Hurón Sfcs Aun Arfoor ïïlarble Works. O !Bitol2LOlcaLo3. T AS on hand a iïne issortinent of Atneriuan and 1 TA L IA N k Á R B L E whichhois prepared to minufacture into imllUioir Trietles,aril1n % WORSHANUKE manner. Haring had oonnkltAblt iirpwteiitoí n Wí bu#tapBi hc !i,itters hh&MÜ t U:i t he will bc able to pipase all who inay lavar me witli their orr'orp. tíia priceí LOW AS THE L O WEST. tboRo wihmii any thinj in mr lint arf rt-Rpectfully in'ited to cali 'D. C. BATCflELDKB. Ann Arhnr. May 20, 18G1. 80Uf SEíSION LAWS, 1861. mtlE ACTS Oï THS LEC1SLATÜHE OT TUF. Stato n Í MicUigiin, panscd ut the Rgu2aT .'nul Kxtra ?e33on of lSfU, havr lirn rewivt;-! at inv oTico, an.l are roady for diftributiou. , , R J. PARRVj Ctyn . taa.irVsr. Aia. Il :!..'!.. SirilL 8,776,994,650 j TOLUNTEÏRS WAME Dij TO ASSIST IN THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! I . ibl Vhite folks, or of wliateyer color, cnste or nativity, whcther ïnarricd, single or ï' of doubtful connexion, ■willbeenÜ3ted in the noble causo of ei EMAÑCiPATINO tHE COMMUN1TV „ l! - FROM THE- li M rmULDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! u and will reoeive their outfit nt the h Exiensive Fumiahing Establislimoat ; -OF THE- o G TJITERMAN'H HEAD QÜARTERS! Í o having been eetaLlislied for tho LAST T JE N Y L A R 8 ! our known mie of wariare is an Undisguised Destruclion OF HIGH P RICES ! OIX OIjOTHING For all JLges! Sx and Conditions ! In conscquonco of the very fhttering cr.rouragomcnt whioh n- lmve ieeived since our location in this cry, we have increaaed our Stock of SU MM EK CLOTHINC! To moot tlic demamls of our cxistDmer?, v.r.ü having bccome more fully convinced than evor, fcbt our inoile of dealing, nmnely: at te. posaiblo ratcs Uit is tho only truc plan; we will continue t: eervf: tlie public fls liort'tofore ilurii; the coming fall and winter. Our Stock consiste in every variety of ÏÏEADY MADE CLOTIlliN'O ! Pliiin and FuncjCLOTHS, OASSIM-ERS, SILK, AND STLK VELVET. A birge lot of GENTLEMKN'S FÜRMSHINü GOODS, which ure all ivarranted DON'T FATL TO OXjXjja.1!? S. 3ÊC, Q, For past faroi-R we nro gratefnl fo all, Tbc eamc for lavije ones in proportion, And those w!.o see lït to cail Shajl receivc our best e:nilcs r.nd devotion. M. Guiieiman k Oo. U. li. Student and nll others ho want to see SONDHEIM'.S new 'mode of cuttiug ■will do well to ciilland teave their raeasurp For a Nice Fitting Fuit ! ca-TJXTiaiaiury.ixr o? c?o AnnAi"r. nopt SM, ÏW!. -.n; UNPARAJLLKLEli SUCcËS SECOND ARRIVAL py GOOB S. -AT ÍBE- Zlnnncr Storo, A. P. MILLS, PSOPEIETCS. (ïoods boaght fioder pnic prie, And sold at prices tliai will makt hard times cotne ogain tío more ! Facts for the Feopk -orWA9 HTEN A.-W ADJOTNING COUINTIES ! And tlicir numerous qnostions anaworod Whi b Evrryboily trading at the "BAHNER STORE? '-Becaute A. P. MILLS, the Propriotorof that Eètiil.'lislumnt haijuBt returnod from the Enstern Citioswr.h the Largest, Uandxomcst, Chcapcst, Most Attractive Stock of SUAPLE AND FANOT DRY COODS! ever brouglit o lliïa pari of t!ifi ?tatfi Wny is Ecerybody pleated vrith Ai Stoei? BMftnM hisflirVs nrc moro heaattful, qvallt; btt#rtftnd pnces lowftK tban at any olli'.'r itore in tha county. Why hm he aheays Ssnuthing New and Cheaj) to Show? IVenvjso h.i i!s a friond ennneotprï with on o of tbf !arEt Dr Gouds Houw in New York, vho la eont " liOBBlSCI ROt'FD" for clu av nrenins and Ihe latM otylea as tlw piar from tl!Dto th bis ny koepHhim upptn-l w) i yle, na conséqMi eil tomers canal.v.ivs fin-'. .- ■li.ifllimgKreKh, NEW CIIEAP and DESIRABLE I ' Why does he scll $o muck Cheaper than the rest f Tírenme lie bas n. buyer ín 1'ac city all the time ' aïvantiic:e oi tlM roiitiiiu;J chaDgv of the market, nnd in 1il:k wt buya his gooda much ebeaper than otliers ciin, aud lu-.-l he markfl tUfi(n down lo Ui LOXViiaT u'ica-Tcrrixscjt TV'iy (.'oí f'i Ladiet' and Childrcns' Shots so much chenppr than wa eter hrard ojby the oldcat Shoemakeit? Biuh Iw buyl his stock n tflc lni of .ilioenmtors, .1 the iha'tfftitïtureri, fully 26-per cnt clii'nptr tlinn the f Xow Vork Jgbbsra k'. .1 thoin, mi.i muob battor wi Ihoy ?i-nor:illy keep'. ÏMi ebune amble hia !■■ ■ bct'ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. linn othrrf BM l( M Mlit, a berta FOXEI1 G a öOooutn, than otín : oí', tl Í5 conts. fas he any Ilats a ml Caps? ' MM tlilnlt h has stacka of i],o:r.. r'ir-'n l i sgippty thO Statet at prioes lo#wc than ni everhc%rioí rouml tlioso )inrts. Wliy is hU Tea so much hrtter for iheprice nay than you ge.t atother pivce't nerausc li" Uliei trrat r%re In solcctns; it, and givrV.u'E custompii the ht-no!it of a rra! Loofl V j r:nt TEA FOE 50 CENTS. It i a way J:e hftAgot Where skould you go to get yaur CLOT11S ar.d have thmn Cut or Made? To tlir BAXN'ER STORE, wher the I'copie'a BaaBM is unfurlotlfor tlif Pnplf su-dtirj. South aido of Public Tnarf, a fowilonrs vr"t ofCQOíí'E noto!. A. P. Mlhl X.UNG&SL0OD I N F I R ffl A R Y j bakers Block Vt'rothvard Ave Fhtvmtj Df. S. J, CAÏtPWATliK ft RAitf ARD. D0CI0R9 gen. rally pretend that Cnnsumptkn i teourable, iii.'v cannot cure it themttlveí; ut 1 1 1 .s doei not rnakf it truc. Many mechanica wlllworke on a job all day and fï oíl the material thcy wil] t "ii it n.-' ■ ■ ■ ■ . . . uu wañt lu yapplyingtn a better woikman- one whü thoronchly 'vii-r-t tií butilMM - yon will gtt yoUT ork acuroplfaked insbí ín thin respect Lbere la i'. o same diffcnáce to bO ound in uil tradei aad profesaiobs. Tho bt.ngl'-ra iu Ti , Ín llií artí, in law, in tbeology, aixi i Mríil say such tilinga canco! be dona. .nd it ii .r'.ir tliat they eoulcí nol .1 wera likc thenlolves. Bu t fortuna teljf tl. ir cías of mtn, inri these, when they take your casa in hand, do tlio obaa you want it, oí restore you to liealth, temt ing o 'lc-.[f. W-e hare onlj tu rtmembet fita iact to inderttand wh3 one sbyeiclan abould jTonc-uDce that ucurable Whícü mi'.'.;itr can cure. 111 méchame, we-ftómetimea find thM by i pemtMfon f í:ii't'jii r r.ivan, by some new inventicn, oí which h lias tlie Míe u ■'. or by the frre&ter inpflity of lila win], one per :i will nu I 1 ot fi ffbat no otbtt ckn. Exactly it may be to in pbytio. And tbis is the v:tj reu son why I liave such great nuccc.-a over all othevs Jn the treatraent of Consutnpfton. By IistÍh t.i'.l gcniu-i, by posfteBKÏag tho Lufig-Koter. ■ btea me to -:arly ébU mu a tbc nature of tb nediefl for Conuiniptir,n na !i other ■ : ■ t had, make bolfl tl aay llmt I care of this dirense be) ond tho meh of any other man. To prove tLis to have heen , ■ you nuxnbers upon avtnbtra of certifícate fren, toen and vromen jrivon emt to the grave, ho ii ■ . ■ 1 ■ ned to lit-ahli by tli persevprii ■ ■ ' y fr Coaaumptfo. But it 8not ?. ■ o so liere, tor ilO fect Of ue ínfca ctoitg vbat another cnmtot cnnnnt. is 1 ali r.HMi ( f common ww. lt' Ibe Cousump' es further [roof th:m thi, 1 can ofily wy, i afttUfy yourself by tri.l ol' my nkïu 'm b ■ 'T compiail ' : r1 -Vi'.rT will visit TpBÍlíilrtf, n n'.1 Ann Arbor, p, ju Va ük'fl Houl, 3d an 4th of eacb ra ntl ; Hawkin llouae, ypuflastl, 6th,. and Cth oí' Cftch month. Tbe renioindcr of tl. e time, hs will be found 11 1 bis Iung Iníhui.-uy injcticií iyTTO. m Mrs.WïNSLOW, fiened Nurse woA Femalfl Pbysícianj ynsMStl to tbe at tent ion ol mottaer8,her SOOTHÍNG SYRUP, FOR. CHILDREX TEETHIXG, vbich z " ' " ' sbuk ol toctliir?, I?■ tnmatioD - wii] n!l:iy All PAIS niel aj 3oSt(i act! n, imtl ig SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. D'.';""n.! np n a, m t'L-r-;, it will give rest t(j yourafelveff Relief anO liealth to your Infanta Wclir.1.! '■■ ■;), ;n.l and fiolfl this sirticle for ovaj I CAN SAY, IV tONKIDKNCK ANU rRUTH of it, whot we have r.Mrr bt-'O fcWe 'i J of, any othermedhm - NhVJ .1: HAS li FAlí.M) -K ,A SINGLE 1NSTANCK, TO 1 1' T A I.CBE, wïA rmclr ued. Kever did we knw -n ncc of di.i■ ■ i. ohp who u&i t. (Jn tbe cutrary, all ■ r ■ ö 'ligbti ■ wïtli il ■ 1 ['t ti' ii , ui RjM-ak in u nn-i q 1 ; ir-. BKigic 1 effect and niediciíi ui.ttfr -nVIlAT WE 1 O 'nftcT tin yeais' ; rïence, ANDTI-KM-'i 1 ;!N FOR TfiK 1 i ::li.mi nt rF WHAT WJ ■ : , MTJ :n. tnct whPrellw n i ■ fr'ni? ffrm pali fihd (■hnustion,. reliet i i)i !hk t:n i in iittt-n r t-„ t-nty bustes nftt-r ;h" fyrrup is admlnisttrcd. ■ - 'i';ils ;i!:;.i '-"■ 1 f pi r'ition is tho prf"i;ij tion of cm oftha i. U una SKÏU1 VL NCItóES in New in' D-1, an Laá bi-eu i!=t-l wïth NEVER FALLili - - THOÜ8AÑP OF OASF.S. Ii. r.'.t ocly rtilieriM '-' '■ a, but nvi-,{( rHtci" the "tfimach anl W-t. Bd girêi f.r : ti] tnergy tu tiie ; i ■ :;i lt wil! almoitt iní relieve ■ 4 QSXtrm TN THE BOWJTÍJF, AXD TINB CCI.I-: :mi (ïreieomft ■ tf n r "peodly vmv e !, t-n i 1 d atli. We l'1 i ■' e it tbe U&VT and; sri;KT rtl MEI V IN THE W RI.P, in all cases ofpYKNTKRY.iittd [IAB CHTLliBlKÍ wh#tlwi ■ 1 r :r m any utbn canse. V# voaM Ray tn 1 ■. 1 lio h B B cMM pufferiin t; - VJ NOT IJKT , NOR THK IRF.IVI ICKS OF, i Wi 1 vonr suiTrrne child, Rorttíiei ill ■■■ 'iu-:- Yl s. ABiÖLUTtLYI ■ use of tliU me lic if imely uHcd. Ful] '". t'mis f"r imfng will ,T-f'mpany e#bh tmiT4,X q fnu.nn nu ■ lile i-r LT. 1 IS Í: hEKKJNS, JJew-Yoi I . ■ ■ '■.;■■■.' ,1 ]■ r, Pxld bv Drug?(tM . ■ i wrTld. , Principal Ace, jÜ (t'inv Sxrt, Ff. "t". PHICE 0NL1 I I nüTTLE. fora ' . : ' eb k Co. lyTS, Fbr the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Semind WeakncsSj Nocturnal and D i urn al Smisaiont Nervous and General Debility, Impotent, and all Discaseft arisingfrom Solitary Ilabits or Excessicc ïndulgcnce. rpiTERE aro thousaoda of Young Men, as wel! as MiDDt ,1 Aged and Old Men, who are suffer ing to som qxUd from the above diseases. JftffiT perhaps, ure not awt wt their true condition, or whu assistance is really ntM1!. For the benefit of such, we herewith give a few of Uit mart eommon symptoms, vis; lï?'iknrsi 0 the Batk and LimltM, Puin in th: Baad and Si.h Dimite of Siyht, Dot.' and Webt before the Ey.s, Pmlpitatfon th ftmrt, Dgmmria, Lo of Jfemon, Ctittfimon of idea, Dqprmño of Xpiriii , Averno to Society, Sclf-Ditm.i Timiditif, etc. For e ft" h aud all nf the above svmptoins tlicsa romedioa will bd foumi a " Uviiieign Balm' These remedios ombrae thrce prscriptions; A b'rx1 otíPastéis, a box of iVVreou. Tonic PM, and box of VtriU Tanii 1'illi, all of which havo important otTic.o to porform, and should bo asea tonbher in every HM. Thmr iupriorirtOTtr other modea of treatment may ba brieliy itatad m toiIow3, vii: _ They diminish the vioience of sexu! TcitémBl. jf ir Tliey lmmodjaUly arrest nocturnal and diarual !■■ Ion. jy They remove local weaknesi, caniing th rsa t Usume their natural tona and vigor. jy They strongthen the constitución by OTerconlng aTT O113 debility End peaeral weakaéH. Tley onliTen the spirit ,whtet ure otnully dprMK fcy expelling all eiciting can8e3,from th: systein. Jfj-Bj their inigorating propertios they reitor tf patiënt to his natural health and vigor of manbood. jftiy They cure when all other mcans have failed. 4 Thcy contain ho Mvenry, ne Ojñum, nor anytblag that can i any event provo itijuriou-. ÜLff They are easy and pleaaat to use, and will not inte fere with the patiënt1! nMml Emsineaa or !"asure. Jty Tbey can bo uácd without süsiñcion, or knoirledg of Ten a room-mate. That they may coire withtn tho reach of all, we have flxad tbs price of tho Pástete at $t ror box, and the PUU at 30 ents per box each. In ordering by mail, in nddition to th prioe, twelve cents in stamps shonld bo inclosed for return postftgo. St I-ADIKS in wnt of a af and fTectimï ■M(ÈOk reroedy for Irregularitia, 8itppretvm rf th ?6fei- Ii Me-nsei, or any di=rao peculiar to their sex, S fi Fhould nse Uu. Gatkss Femai.e MnsTut.T Mtm. 4 S riLi.3. Trice, by mail, $1 and mie ítnmp. i fflMjC8";' Cachón.- Theso Pili shntild not be n4 aju '3t during pregnancy, as m-írtirj'ig will b the iWB?L jftv' conscn'.iiMici?. ■- ■ IjADIES who, frnm ill-bealth, dífcnuHTfOT any other humano and reasonjible onxisc, decm it ifooaary to avoid au inerraso of family, c&n lo ao without :'ncurting danger to health or constitution by the nso of At. j. Craiuc's French Precentive Powdrê Price, l.y mail, $1 n ♦wo stampf. ■' These Powders can only be oïtairc.l by addresiinj ih& General Agents, aa bclow. Send for Dr. Gates's Private Hèdlrxa Treattêë on 5twl ZH5oj#, Price Tïït Cents. Addre-". H. O. MILI-EIÏ & CO., GooaraT.AitfmM. ,.. LoutsvilW, Kf, For ir'nlr by MAYXARD, 6TEBBIX8, t WI! SON. y783in Ann Arbor, Mich. PEOtU L.UILLEWS IIAÍH INVIG01UT0K. ■ Tl :■ . PAFÈ AND ECOXOMK AI. COÜPOÜND rORlN CIÍAY HAIR tn ita oHtifut hier tthng grjiy. U ÍK8S ftí enrtug Kvwbta theri ol vitalitj W secup .aiive euergr rruv:!nnr. MO ÏKO SC i -T.F AND DAN0RÜÏT, U all cutaneoua atFtjeiions ol' the SeaJp, -irnrtlngtoit nn tmequnll' .. mkit)g it soft and lilky - ■ ■■ '■■■ 1 ; ■ BbdHy, 1 e iocrefasiög dcfuand fortkli l .ure tbo pr 1tin,t on lo satiafy a disceruingputik of IXa ■ ■ ■ tber preparation a f pr.p-u Miit seaip from dndrifïm ■ ". neous distases. O uses the hair tti g'os' lu ■ , ;iud trivio il h rlch, Boft, glossy and fièr$le ppeajraaue,and albowbi ia loo.-oniBg and Ilnn.■ r to the roi.ia, sd restore the gruw)1' to thotte j.itrts vhiCh have becomè . . frth fOtciriJ pfhair', 3ïe and gentlcnen ft Xcw toha.TC.had their bair rnrtoid bv tho nm of Ui is In v; a all other prepata liona had ÍAflcd, tteas iiiuumerable testifylDg irhfst respoVt. bility. ally preveo t the han from turnivf gra$ nntilibè liffest perioiï of lïfe; nd in rappn vhero 1 , lbe iï-1 oí the [nTigaratol will witliVevtïnty rest-w t to its original hïi', griviug it ■ lottrty appêdranctB. Asa prrfumcfor the tniJet 1 ■■! ir!y recommpndeé. i ; ie " ffn-at faciütir it n dr tut in % the. hairt wbich,wheo moistwlth Ihe Iixvigotator caw h? dresaed ia u-.y requiyed forra so. a ■■', whMher plain or In miiR- ppé .. : tïemand for it by the ladíea a n &tmimr4tLfth me oughi te ï1 vithout, as the pricA" placeü it wlthin tbe reach of all, being ONLY TWENTV-FIVE ÓENT hai at all respectable rtrnggisf' iltf . ironM rail tl! r.!ionfin nf "ori-nt rd Cnnniinns to the usec orator, fn -"ifloj nhre l.cir inelilMB t-' b visi;. Xhi" viFe of it la? the foundation for n cwrt '.u-k'I of hair r s it mavm iiritiOK tlmt niM.v ïi.-vrft beenmf eonnet4 with tlit1 scal] 1 ) „,th for th henlthofthe I futnn pparno of it v- Xonp iPnuii'.e vithoai "ir imiV T.nrlS ■ , .., 1!,.. r.ilrr Tniii rr; ilw, I.. MIII.EB"8 h in (h-rfn. ■1 ftll íliopríncipl" Mereln M ■;!.,. ,v nrw. 1 ; ? ', uAntit.T, te mr ïi ov & Improvod ïiistantanoous Xtiquid Hair Bye fitter of xr'n tifie enprimfntitt(( I hrvr cl 01 ' 1 ■ rn inwtftxrtáü ■ to tin TT:: orhüu warrniitcd tbe b- in exii tBte. t rg-ICE ONIiST FIFTT


Old News
Michigan Argus