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GREAT.GREATER GBEATEST BAIiG.AIKS EVER QFFEUED 1859. 11-1859. In tliiïOity.are now being oflp.reil at tlift CHEAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & B o -XRJ & X i y StoxoMIH K Subscribir wnuldsiiy !o tlu' citizonfloi Ann ArI bnr, i partícula]! mi1 thf r.t of Waht6oaw Cnuolv 1d genernl, tbal hnhnsjuat l.MPOHl'ED DlRECTLY from KÜRÖPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watcli "s! Ali al wlm-h ha bind bbnaelf toni! CHEAPEB tban boughl o! New Vork (1'iv. i'ylitulrr Wntrhes triiin f-i to $!'■ ! 3 i o [.■■ver do do 8 to 21 [lunüog Case to do do 14 to :v. ï" do Cylinder do do 9 te floM Wutehea from 20 to 15(1 I i avu also the rKLEBRATKI) A ME 11' CAN VV AT CUES, which I will séli ttr -15. Every Vvatch wrranttrd to perform well, or tin mooúy retundid. Clooks, Jowelry, Piated War. '■' incy Goode, Gold Pens, Uuttoa] Itiiitruiin-i'ïs and i3trin6, Cutlery, &c, and in factavariety ofeTerythioa uually keptby Jcw el:r$ can bv ('ughtfortho oext tiircty di'ys at v.ur O W N P 11 I C E S ! Persons tvjying niiything fit this well known rstab; dI cw '■■!',' f.tact' y as rr'r Cal] í-arl . i cure the bost bargaio ever offered in Shl "y One word in regard to Repair i Dg : We re prepafed to malie nny rcpnïrs onfitu' or rom inon Watches, even to nutklngoer the estire wateh, il" neeesaary. Repaii ai d jewelry at usual. -'. fflctorlna oJ RINGS. BROOCHH, or mythinj derri], from Callf rntaOoid on short notice. Enravir.' lu RlHts b ranchea exeenteé wltfaneai n(?ae and dispatoh. J C. WATTfl Anri Arhor, Jam. !28thl?59. 7Iw HORACE WATERS, A G E N T 3 3 3 Broadway, Ni w York PublisUcr ofriiiHlc nn-.l .rIetsl Booits ASD DSAXZB IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexancire Organa Organ Accordeonp, Martin 's celebrated and other Guitara, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Fíatee, Pifes, Triangles, Clar'nnettSjTuning1 ■ andHammera, Violin Bow, I ian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Btüoie, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. St lx o o 't 1VE ix S i o, from uil the pubbaliers ín iiit l'. s., Bcrtitii's tiuQtin'g, and Modern School, and all Kinds pf [nstmetion Booko for the I ■ -iK-nts; Churcli Musio Books; Music . bound; Muslc paper, and all klnda ut' Sfusic A t t k-eLpwest Priees. New Pianos, At $17-r, t00, $225, $250, aud np to SSOO. S Hand 1'. ■ teiodi ons, t i.V . . bd up to $20 l; Sccoud ! [and M . ■rit stops, 39Q and $376; A !.' ■ ■ ..i i' . hts. Tlie Trailo stípUed aithöusüal difleounts Ttrstlniüiiïala of tïie Horacc Waters Planos e. iid Melodeons John Hewettj of Ca Vork, who has had one of the Horaccl ■ ■ i follows: - i(A TttenA of mïne vrishesmeto pinchase a piano Tor her, S) ■ tikes the one you sold me in D te place, and i thfuk 1 can introdizoooji 9T twoniore; th-y will be more pojiular than any other m iiM'( have two of Waters' I'ianos in use in n ■■ ■i scvcrcly tested Tor threi1 ■ i v. r oan tt-stifrto their ír(d quality and dura, Mounf Carroll, RL Sib: Havlng anea onoof your Piano Forlea for two vears past. I have fonud it a Tcry superior Instrument. AlOSZO GïAT, Principal Rrookïyn Keigkls Semmary. '!Tho Piano I reccived frooi yoo ei ■ . - isfáction, l regard it as oóo of the beal Instruments In thi plaeè." JjkMBsLa ('iahkk, Chqrlaton, Va. " l'lif UEdodepn hafl safeljf I feol obligeJ to vul; forv oor liberal discount." Rev. J. M. llcCoiuadc, YarqttesvilleS. C. "The pi no was duly receÍTed. Itcamft in excelleni conditiüii, and is ven mueh admirod hymy nwneroui üunily Aooepi uiv tnanka for your promptuest." - Robbkt COOPSS, Hrdrrenhamt Braájoed Co. Pa. "Your piano pleases ua wei!. It $ the best one in our . ",- Titojins A.!.o'. Ca npbclli&n. Ga. iiVf aü1 v-rv mnoh oblïged to you for haring sont Bch v ñne Inatrament forSllW.'- BbankHbu) i ('o.. í íí ífíiíü íemíicrxí. 'Tl. i Btoraoe Watara Pianos are known ;ik amonc tho ■ i We axfl enftblêd to BjMjak of theao Instru i .: rli confldence i al knoTledge f thefr excellent tone and durable quality." - iV. Y. ÉwatgeUei 'We oau speak of the morlts of the Horace Waters pi,i pemonal k baing the rery Snesi ■- ChrUtían InletlXgcncer. "The Horace Waters planos are ouilt of the beat and mo - ffior mgbly ■■:. ion ■! material. We Imve n ■ra can do m rcH,perhapa b ttter, ai lili ithan a1 any otherhouse m the ■ '- ■■." - Advocau and Journal. lons challenge oom pith thfl íneal Boade any where intbc oountry."- flonw j .i "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of ful!, rich and powerful - N. Y. Mutical (beta. "Onr frienda wiU ftnd a1 Mr. Waters1 rtore ti ■ besi asortmeni of Music and of Pianos to be fonnd ín ,-.,. Qnitfld Stol ■ "I:i" Mtiiem and western frtQodfi to 'íive h'.in a cali whenever they go to X ■■■■■ York." - Grnkam's Magazine Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. HabbathSchool Bel], 100000 issued I te Months. The unprecedented sale df thlsbookhas hiducedthe publisherto add lome '■'" new tunesand hymns tol wlthoui extra charge, except on theche Hon Among themany beautiful tunes andhymii found: - "J onghi tölovemy möther:" "OÏT1 .(il will." These and eïght others . . 1 :■-, the Sunda.i School Anmver '.,- i. r. Churcli al the Academy of Muslc, witli great applauw Tl e ; iH ooi talmt nearly 200 tunes and and isone of the best coUecttona erei ssued. ■ $1Opcrhundmtpostage Ie Degantly bound. Oper 100 ti haRbeen Introduced Into many of the Public Schools. The e is publishedin small nutober entitled AbniBd Sunday School Music Bookef Nos. 1,2, :ï, .v 4, in order to accommodate the mi ilion: price $2 k $3 per hundred Ño. 0 wBI soonbe Ib sued- coBomencement ol another book. Alao, Revtral Wluslc Books, W . price $1 í $2 per 100, postage lc. tforethaj 300,000 ; the above booka have been isstied 1 elghteeo monthe, and the demand Isrápldlj Increasing Published bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 8J :; Broadway, N. E. Pub] tsed by Hovace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. V il "Kind Wordscan oeyérdiej uThe Angels told me -■■;■ "Wilda of the W ol God;" "Qiramebacfa my Uountain ECome;" "Öay Oreams;11 ' Dandv Cocfc Robín;' "I'm with thee 8lill;Peti "Th i 'iv 's ti 1 1 darllng üke mine; "Satali ■ tneLeej""Erer of thfie;" uI'w lèaTidg thee In Sorrow;11 "Birdof Beauty;1' "Home of our bir&i;1 "Grave of Rosabel,'1 and 'Wake, lady, wftkeu' pxice 25ceacli. 1 [XSTRUHtNTAt, - ' 'I'alacc Garden, or inging Bird Polka 40c; "Swinging SchotÜsche;" "Mirabel Schottisch;" "Thomas Bakex'fl Sohottiscne;" "Piccolomini Polka 86 centa eaeh. Tho aboveTjieceshaTebeauüful Vignettee Wehner Polka;' "Arabjaii Wai cry March the verv last: ■ urka; Eeali hne Walt?." and "Lancers1 Qua drille "26c each. 'The Empire of Reich's Quadrille;11 a oew 'dance, and "The BBbernian QaadrUle," 86c each. j Uany of these pieoei! are playod by Baker's eelebrated i orhi't ni with groat Hpplrusc. 4Eg Mailed free. A t largelut of Foreign Music at half price. i Pianos, Mclodeons and Orgaus. ' The Horacc Waters Pianos and Mei deons,for deptu, purity of tone and durabllity, are unaurpaaaod. Priees pery low Socond Rand Pianos and Molodeons f rom $'J;") to $160. Uusic and Uusíca.l rnatructions of all kinds, at the i towesi pi '■ e :- IIORACE WATERS, Agent. i No. S3:ï Broadway, N. V. . Tkstimoniaï.s; - "Tiie Rorac Waters Pianos are known as among thevery best.' - Evangelist. , san speab of their meritsfroin personal g ' -CkrUtiaa ïntdugencer. "Notbingat toe Fair diaplayedgreatorexoeüanoe -"- . Chtirchman. w ■ ara' Pianos and Melodeons challenge comparison with th flnest made anywhere in the country." - Home , Journal. JlOtf J Irving's "Works - National Edition ] j 'ïMlls Fine Edition of the Works of Washington Ia , ! i im; (inoludlng the life uf V;ishingtt.u willbo ' lahed for SUBSCRTBERS ONLY In Montbly Volumes. Price $1.50 Payable on Delivery. ( BeantifuUy Printed on heavy Buperflne paper, of tlif vny best quality, and substimtUilly buuud in huiivj bevelled boards , OEach Volume illustrated with Vignettet t on Steel and Wood. ffj Knlokarboeker's New Vork, Sketch Book, Clotü. 1 Columbus, i volAi i Bneebiidge Hall, Astoria, Tales of a Travelev, Crayon Miscollany, i ('nit . BonneTÜlO) OUver Qoldsmith, Mahomet vote. . Grenri'la, ' Alhambr, Wolfort'a Roost, Life of Washington, 5 vola. Salmagundl. This edition wiD be old BZOLcaorraur to Subaoribori and will ba greatiy superior to any ever before Istued verv hanaaome sei of these unlTOraaUy popular work, iw thus placed witbln the m ana "f 11. i f i. PÜTNAM, Agt.,Pubuaher, 115 Nauan Street, New York AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOB PUEIFYDÍG THE BLOOD. And fur the Bpéedy euro of tho Ibllowlng complalnts: Scrofnlaanil Scrofulotis Aireot!ous,sH o Tamora, L'lccrs, HoveBt Einptiong, Pimples, Paatnle, Eüotvhes, iSollü, Blaiais, and all Skin AJiscuscs. Oaelahd, Iml., 6th June. 1859. J. 0. Arm & Co. Geul : 1 :■ I il my cluty to ackuowludge what your ëanaparjlla has done 'lor me. Having Inberlt' I . Scrofuloua (nfeotioo, I tuve sufterud :u vaii-i.s ways for years. Sometühea i( bant out in Glcers ou my bands umi arme; aometimes it turned Inmard aud dlstresaed me at the stomacb. Two go it broke out on my liend and cov i ■ I my soalp illlli ''uy wlll) ; '■■ was [mliifnl and louthaoiue beyond descrtpMon. 1 trted manj medicines and phyalciau, bul without mui b ■ . , [act, the tlfcurder grew worae. Al : Qgth [ wna rejoiced to raad in the 0 aq alterativa (:arauparüla), fur I Kn-w frum yow ■ Uu {lm! iiiy tbtng yon mi !■■ must bo good. i Cinclnuntlandgoi t,aud tued it UU Iteured me. 1 touk it. as you advl o, in sroall dosea . i montb, and ased almost tfrree bottles. New and Uealtby Bkin -■■■n began to form under tlio ttcab, wlifch silera while l'U ofl My sklu is oow dear, and l know by my feellngfl that the dlsease bac goue i. ■ ,. 'ni eau well Iwlieve. tbal I fee] what i am saying wjien I tull youj that I liold yon to i e one uf th apostlos uf ihuage. and ramain cvur grutel'ully AJJ jl:: B.TAILEY. St. Au (hony's Tirr, Rose or Ev sipeïns, Tettvr aatl Salt IUhum, Sea ld lcnl, Ringworm, Sore Bye, Dropay. Dr. Robert M. Preble writea firom Salem, N. Y., 12th Fej)t., 1859, tluit he has cu red an Invetérate caso of Drops;, wiiich thrcateinvl to termínate fatally, by the persevering uso of our Sarsaparilla, aud ai a dangerouf Mttlignant Bryripelas by largt doses of the sanie; aaya he cm'cs tho common Brupliont by it constantly. Bvonchocilc, Goilre or Swelled jtfeck. Zebnlon Sloan of Pronpcct, : : "ïbree i"ttles of your Sanaparilla cured me trom a (■' Ure - a bJdeous BWeillng on the ueok, tvhlch I had suffere tl fiom two years." Ijeucorrlkoea oriVhlloR.Ovnyinn Tumor, Uterino Ulceratiou, Feittal e Olscases. Dï J. B. S. Cbannlng, of Nen Fork City, wrll most cbeerfblly comply wlth tbe reqnest of your nent in sayinfï I Imvft fonnd yonr SarmtpArilla a nmt excellent alteratire in tbo nnmerons coniplaints Ibr wlildi wo employ bucIi a i em ly, bul ■■ ■ eci til in i of ScrofuJous dlaUn ■-i. l have cured many In veter - uf LcHCori'liooa by ii. and Home whore Ihc coniplalnt wn% eau d by nZccr rtómof the jf'i-,1'.. ulceration iteelf wassoon cured, lin 1113' kuowlede eqnals it (br Uieso tem ile.d m nt." Edwafd 8. ftfarrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, KA dangeroui i.'f ÍM. ou one of the females In my fomlly, vhlcli lmd defled nll the remedies we could em] at length been completely iur:- by your Bxtracl of SarBaparllia Our pliyslclan thought ootblngbut extirpation coulil aflbrd relief, but be advtsed the trial 1 f yom lilla na the hist renort hetero cuttinr, aml it proved effectual. After taklngyoor remedy eibt vt-cks no symptniu of the dlseafle reraalnB.1' SyjHilis and Atercnrlal Dïseasc. New Oi:t.i-: ■:.-=. 26tb August, I860L .Pr.J.0. Atbe: Slr, I obeerfully coniplj wltb the reÏueBt of your agent, and renort to yon aonio of the eflects have róallzed witli your Saraaparllla. I have cured with it. iti my frat'ifco, most of tïie complaints for wblch it is recommended, and bate fnnd its effecta truly wonderfni in the cure of Vf. curial DU . 1 my paUents had SypbUItíc ulcera in hie tluuiit. whlcb. wcro ooosamlng bis palate aod tin tp oí1 bia moutb. Vuur Barsaparllia, steadlly talcon, curtd hiui in öve weeks. Anotbor was attaoked ondury symptoms in bis nosc. and the uleeration bad eaten away h considerable part t' it, so thut 1 beltove tho disorder vroiild Boon 1 ■.. :li hls braiu an l !;ill htm. Kut it yiclded to my admloïstraÜOD of yoor Barsaparilla; tho uUiiM bealed, and 1l' ia well againj not of course without soine disDgumtion to hls fiice. A wuinau who luid been treatod for tho same diaorder by mercury ttíis mitTei'ing from thia poiBOU in her hom1". ïboy liad becouie bo seuPitive to the wenther thnt on a datnp iaj ehe snffered exeraclatlnji pain in lier joinis and bouw. She,too,was curod eoarely by your Sarsaparilla in n few weeks. I know from fa formula] wincU your agent gavo me, that tbis Preparatton from your laboratory must bea great remedy ; eoaaequentiy, fbtae truly remarkable results witb iL havo not Borpvj Fraternally jours, G. V. LAKIMETï, M. ï). Rlieumatism, Gout, Livcv Coaiplalnt iNDBfJMDBft . .■..'. July, 1859. Dr. J. C. Aï;i:: Slr, I have been afBIcted wlth a palaful cb ron le Rt untatitm for a long (line, whlch bafUed tho skill of pbysiclans, and stock to me In Bpite ofaU fho remediual cottld ñnd. un til 1 trfèd your Saraaparílla. One bottle cared me Ui tv, niy general health so rauoh ihut J am far betl r Üiaa before i wafl attacked. I thinl; ita wonderftil medicine. J. FttKAM. Jules Y. Qfltchell, of gt. Lonls, writes: ■ I hare hoen añile ted for j raí wltb an a '■ ■ of Ote Liiei; wbich deetroyed myliealUi. i -, y tliíng failed to relieve me : and 1 nave been a Drokeu-down man for som o years from no other cause ■ mentqf the Livir. My pautor, Uie Bev. SJr. Espy, advlsed me totry yonr&areaparllla, hécauae he mkl he knew u, aud any thibe yon uiade w'as worth tiying. By tl Ing of Uod ít has 1 ved me, and haa po puiiöod my blood as to mrike a new man i mo. 1 íwl young again. The best tbat can he siiitt of yon is not half good onough." ScliirrustCancer Tumor, Kiilnrcment, Ulcurntioai, Curies and K.iol üitioii of tlie ííoiM... A grent vaii-ty of CBSM bawbeen rapörted to nswhere cures of these fuiniidulfle complaiats have resulted fioin tho use of thi i'ftueily. hut our spaoe herowlll not admit them, Somo of tbeni inay lie found iti our Aa Almannc, whlch ihe ageuts beiow nauied are pleastd to furuisli gratín to all who cali for (hem. Dyapepsï, Ilenrt Tiseasc. Fits, Epïlcjiy, 3Icla)iIioly, Neuralgia Many renjarkabl cures of theae afiectf us havo been made by tho alterativo power of this medicine. It st mulates the Tltal functioR íntQ vigorous action, and Ihus overcomeB disorders which would be íupp ■■ ■! beyond ItS reoch. Bnch a reme ly lina long been n [irire ' by the nece&sities of the people, aud we are confident tbat lliis will do for them ill thrit medioUte cao do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron tim; u.rii CUBS or Coiip;ïts, Col ds, 1 11 II lienza, Iloursciiíss, Croiíji. Bronchitis, Ene lp tent ('ousuinptioii, and for lite Kelief of C' o lis iiiii]i ti ve 2a tienta Í nrt vniictíl Sin Res of tlic Distase. This Ís fi rpinrdy 80 univoisally known to snrpass any other for tliu core of throat md lung complalnts, tbat it is oselesa bere i" publísh tbe eTldonce of ii% vjrtues. (tfl Dnrlvalled excellence for cougbs and colds, and. its tioly wondtírful cines of pulmón a ry disenso, have made it known throuphout tlie clrilised catlons of the earth. Few aro the commúniUea, or eren hmlUes, among ihcui who have nol BOtno personal experienceof Itseífects- Borne living tropliy ín Ihelr mldst of lts victory over the Bubtlc and dangerons disorders of the throal 1 1 1 i lungs As all know tliu dreadfol liitality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the t-fficisi f this n-im-dy, wv need not do more than to assnre tbem that it has now ill tlie virtuea that it diit have v ln:ii making tbe cures jrhicb have won so stronjily opón tho confldenee of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB &- CO., LowaU, Masg. Maynard, Stebbms & Wüson FARRAÏJD, SHELET TO., Detroit. J II. BCRRH.L, Travelling ágent. RiSe Factory! A. J. fSlTHERLAKl) HASreinovoHliÍP fíun hoptothe New Rlock mi Ilutontreet,o'othüftbeCoTirtHi 1 ■ econd Soor, whert he Ls prepaïod to furnisfa Guns, Pistols, Ammxmition Flasks, Pouehes Game Bags, and Evcrj other article in bis Line. On the m ist rfJiS'ins'Mi' t rT:!!?, :' ?: rl ro 'fl o 11 Iindf o theshortest i irhe best mannVi í'iill issort os jat :tUv.tys fcopt o& liaz)d(ond uuulc to orOity Clieap Lumber Sas7i,, Doorn Blinth; 'laster Paris Grand Hiver PlasU r, íl ater Lime, NaiJs of all sises, Glasu, 1 id Putty, éso., l-c. . D. DeForest, HAV1NG incrensed hit facllitiw for dolng bnsltnd t-iil-u 'm d his Yard n ná á pro arod the present season, witli trt bes niii chefl esticsooad8tockevrln this martt to atiety the rtiaennablo expeotations o f all. Oui notto is not to bfl unrlrrsoJd tor cash on delivcry ! will not uiulnrtaltc t o frlghtenthe pub Me byeaylog hnt. ih-vwill get.ihaved li thy boy eUewhere, for we presume thut othero wilJselIuslow asthey can iffortí to. 411 kinds of Timbcr, Jolsts, md SoaBtÜAg] l'inr, Wiiítcwood, Basswooti . ot:k, Plaued and Matched Pine, WTaite'wood Uh Klam ing.Plaoedandrough Pineand vyhitewood [dina, Fe ic Post. Ok and Ccdaí Poflts and L'icket il all kircU. Pine íi'atl), anïi UHjHcujooïi IC. -H Ptne, Ashani Wbltewood Sbtngleif 3arn Boards and Bam Floor Plank, ttaekVva.aUt,and Cherry and tliin stutr', Wagouund BUaGY AXLES and TONGUEtí, lüXwnd liüdy Lumber, Muplr Lofl Timbar, Uickory, Oak, Ash, Ulm, Beech, OfíiUthickneseee.widths nndlcnjiths.&c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster (fal)kinrU. 3NTi,il)S "' ill aiztis, te, te. 8 ASÉ, 1)OOIS, & B LIN DS, nade by Int net to order as lowns fnctory p riere, on he shortostnoticc by the ucstof' workmeu, aud Best Seasoned Lumber. ïillf otnii deédHptloB in tho aboTG building line urnishfid on thft horten i of notice. for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. ful' lula perfect assortmiüH of the above nnc ithor kiiKÏè ut' Building Materials DouBtanüy ODhandattTn lowostpossibloratei Cali and be Convinced. A few rods snuth from R. II. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mic-'i roo f r n a. d.B. - I am now operating Bxtenaivelj iu tücPateat Cement Kooüng. DirOHlNG NOTÏCE. niIK l'NI EBSIGNED wil] offer for islo al pobüc l auction t" Ihe I ■ ::.'■ house "f mi the r iwnshïp t Fredum . 1 7 . uu 8e t!oD8 15 aud 1-. om. TON', ) Draini.L'..J. It STI!!:;, y r ■ l'r lom, Anïiisi 3Oth, iDSiCmrVG NOTICE, rHE I ) wlU offer for sata at public lucüi'ii to 'he towent bidder on the thirU daj i( v U. nl b ■ 'm, 107 i i i i sectaoDH 14 aa i 23 in d Tom N ihip ! eodom, : . Drainage ■f. ft. S i IBK, V CotnmisJOSl -il i-::.1, v. ) Bi Freclom August 3Qla, 1,861;, Mortgage Sale. DF'FAULT baviiMí I i the condttion of Mor' ' DJ Augustus R. II;il ;tt)i wife to WiUiti ■ ".. guardián for (rtrudt? Flèi her, ■ y. A. l!. 1 ."■■;, and rccordud in office of the U'-'Mit ui Deeds of Waa . ín I ibeï '. i " of Ihlortgfl ■ . (ü i BS nul V'. "ii the I : Marcíi A . ! ■■ i B53, at wO P. M .nu '. .,■! ; . I. ISi will annexed ( of the estiti of the aid Gerírwle Hetch: i t 27 tb, A. . M. . iiv v h - the power i) salr i-.oiiiaiiu-d n , ,.. ,.f ci:itii' ; and qó suit ■■ ■ . .. en instituted ut lw to recover th : ny par t tts-anra oCfomrteen i ■ I eeventyfive dol i ■ ; ii'i i .i . and Ñotíce i-; ] be ('in-Mortgage premist -. to-wlt: All D ' known nivl .'■ I ., . ■. .. . - -ii tbe west Line '-f viri. f vritv twd feot soiith ot" the north-eft:t ■!' lot Dumber i-even. Blocfc Nu. two north oí I! : . . N Rtrcet , Rangi I '-- :i Artior. andrufl i . Hel with the oorthl'nfö) and tw . tu. refrena, to the wetri end ' aaid .'i feet, thence Mbt paraUvl twenty'two feet therfrom,to Hals ie il;icoof be: ' tli reof at bubfi ■ ■ ■:n aul Countyon tht'seventh cember aext at qooq. .TAMICP KïN"(;I.i;v r wiili Wili i . . i ti'ufly Flctcber ril. !■:. W. UoñOAIT, Attornny. Dated, Anij ibor, Aug '28tb, A. D. 1861. Motfgagé Forcclosure. Di D made in the pnyment offhe la-t ii reet by a n ;ipd by ■ ftrat day of .luiy. A', D. 1857, and recorded in the H ■ :' ■ ■■ ■{ of Waabtênav, lo Líber 1 oc the .ücond day of ■'ulv. A■ " ' ck . a.'m., ■ lained ín fail ge agaín beci i . ■ . and do snit or in-oceediog luivinir havtog been inèfitnted atlaw t recover i ■ Uy B&k) mortage or ' lurhundred and eixiy i:íl s:ty-thr : n..w olaimed to IN; due thereÓQ. Notice ís thercfore herehy liivtn, tfi.-it tlnr laid mortge wilï be fon th mortt: All tii-it cc-rtain tjUCt OT parcel ■ lowa, to-n i : part oftbeuorth-eaít ijuarter of sectioo Xo. twpnty-nine o. two Koutb of raogv No. si east, bo th of ;i ooint of interof ;t line tl.v. B -troet in ■. of Aun Arbi -■ ''-.:. ace runiiinjr east tijatil It stri ■ lije of saïd aection, thence west ;ml parajlel with Baid line and streel until t sti . Fullorin April 1845, thenco north by lters ]:nn] almiit í];irtt'(.'ii roda lint il t strlkéfi - eet, thonconortfa bj aaid Pase tfrëel twcutvte to the öorth-west corner ofolock ■■ 1 rinsbj'fl adi i .nn Arbor, f' 11: ■ ■ ■ BOUth (Hl tlifï " ■ :' Rïrty rods to the place of ■ ■■■ ■■ e part thereof, at public pi o Lue ai thi Court House in the city of Ann Arbor on the afsthday tá ííoveinber next,át nooa " KI.iZA BOTSF0iU.Mrtgag. E. W. MobGai? Att'y. Pated, August Mth, a'. I) ,1861. 813td Mortgiigo Foreclosuro. HEFAÜLT haVlng : :-; tbe condítionQf a 1 Sfortgageexecutedby VUliau) '■' i, u WiHiam S. Maynard, dated tbe twelftb day j . A. D. Jüoo,íiii'1 recorded in the Register's ■■ ' 'ounty, it Líber 26 of 3ffoi .. . ■ ii the'day of itfi date a1 twentj Bve min ■ ■ i "'ciock,i. m by which de&nlt Ihe power .■ operatire. and ■ nstitnted at law te recover the debt sesnred by said mortgage ojc :my .art therw! . ■ ; i leven dolbe due tbereon m , ap i Emj tikt r f umd to bci:omedue Xoticc [Rtherefote hereby (dveD that said mortage will bé foreclosed by a sale of ta wil : Al', ; hat certaio tr&ct or parci i "i" land Ënown and 4 asfoliows, to-wif . n ' '■-:.■_; in thecity of Ann Arbor, I . la Wldfl OD the norlh sïde of i . two, nrtli of Humn strect. range one ;tt . to extend ■' bidet east aa ■y '.. the recor led plat of the village ol Ann Arbor, orsome public vene uc, at the Court iini Arbor on the fiftli day of October, next ;it nooD, WILLIAM S. MAYXAl'D, Mortgagee. E. W. Morc.w, Atty. Dated, July 9th, A. I). 1881. 80$td Chancery Xotice. ÖTAIK OI MiqEnOAN, the Circuit Cöari for the üi. Couj ■ FFonoral In the ca ■ ', complainaoi , and John W '■ :.:.ii[i .-. Maynai d, Lutl er ;. W. Parrar, Georgé Hyde, AIoüzo Furrar, Henrj W. ChamUer, Washington Warren, Ëdwa-rd Lim: tm W. Wright Dvvighi V . - . .■■ .. F. iilt-iv Kfïcliisin, John K. .Infïray, ArtJ:.i W. . Edward S. JaiTray, aud Riehmond W. Jafiray, rits. rily appearmg to the undersigned Circuit : ■ fourth Judicial circaitj by affidavit that Kojne oi -■ iealdQ 6ut oí tais . ■■ . Abijafa Wt Fanai - ■ ■ ![ ■■nry w.Chandler, ■ Ötftte of Massacbuselis and thai Edward ïambert, W'illiam H. Major. Henry stom', William W.Wrlght. Dwfght M.Batcock, JohnMickolson, i uw Ketchum, Jobn It. Jaflriy. Arthiir V Jaffrar, IMw.u.l 8. Jaffray, and Richmond r In tfaeStati ï"ork On t:. ■ the -otnplainuit. !t ordefqd thftt tho riiij no ' 'iilants -i' (nthiseaase tobe enten order. Arvi r ís for ther ordered tha4 wilbin twenty i in thifl c -- ■ ■: to oe published in tin Michigan Argust a newspaper pubhshed in tbe City of Aun Arbor in the County i Wash enaw,azd that bucIl publication be contlnuêd in . ■ al feftsl once in each week for '■i ■; eelts in bui that'lic ol this order te : i ■ r ■ !.-. oneach of said itefendaiits a.( teasl twenly days before r "■ r ;!it;:i ajijiciirance. (A Lrue ccpy of ihe original order.) . EjAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. O. HAWKisa.Soücitor for Compïainaat. Ann Ai :, lSül. 812td Chancery Notice. THK CIRCCTIT COURT fob THKcoinOs or wa.iitenaw, En Ch ofery: - U bei i tClne,C tnulaínant, ?a. Storra ; .ik Ariel Uboltun, Sybil Uoulton, Benjamin ;;. Cook, anti . ■ : . Adminifltrai" r upon ti estáte of Albert ;. sïuulton, deceased, de . . it Ratisfaetörily appearfng (o the andi CKrcnJt GourtCemmissioner, by affidavits that the defendant Ariel Uoulton i.s n non-resident of thia State, on umi y.i ■! Alpheus Felcb, Solicitor and of Counsel lor i defendant Ariel Miniton, cause hia appearanöe i;i tliis ca tered witiiin three monttis froia tbe date pi ihis order npnearance, ; answei iip'.ainaufs bültobefíled and . erved n th. c aai i m's solicitor, wiüfin twenty da ys af ter service of a copy of said bilt and win 'liTiuilt tbéreof raaf the said bilí be I ant, Ariel Moulton. And it Í- further ordered; tbat witiiii twenty i ause this order to be ptfb liMn'iiin the " Michigan Argus," ;t aowapi in saifï 'i'imty . and tbat said publication be continued in each week for abc ireeJta , or that he cause a copy of this order to tnally served on the sa Ui deféndant at leasi fere the time iibove prescribid fut bia agpearan . llth 1861. D. S. TWITCHETJ,, Circuit Oonrl O m . for Washten&n Co. . Mich. A. FKLCH, Sol. t'or Compl t. A truecopy, SOOwÖ R. J. Barrt, Register . Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, tuk CibCUXX Coiht fob the Coi sty of w . i a PerkbuTS. Sebrab l'er- .■. Clu iceryj Ii pursuance ol a decretal of the Circuit Court of tlio , y . mado in the above cause on the Beajpnd day ol : A. D. fighteen or order of this Court made on the Bixth dayjof February} A. 1' eigliteen hnn. i.i befloldj ander the dfreation of .iiiityof Wftsh ten& public auction, al tbe aouth r (ropt door of ri House, to the cityof Ann Arbor, on Saturday ■;i hundred ana wx$ day, -iil those certain tracU or pare of la ii lüg in tbfl towháhtp of Pnlem, in tbe County of Washtenaw aforesald, n descrlbed fn saïd half f i ■ Bi ■-.!. :'T'.; I quarter ofsectton twenty-two, ia township one smuU, of range aeren cast, or bo much to sattsty tlie rnnmiit duo upou -: : . : ge Uier with interest and (ipsta. 'IKI.L, Cir. Court Con. for the County ol WashtejiKW O. HAWKIKSjSolícitor for Complalnant and A Aun .- Xheal) ■ ! linil 'ie 15tli day of Nour and phtct. - th, 184 1. D. S. TWTTCHEIX, Circuit Court Com. Waahienaw Co,Uieb MANfFÖÖD How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Scalcd Envelope, ON HIK NATl'UH, TI'.KA'IMKXT AN11 RADICAL V!: AT0RRHOEA, or tl Debility, NsnrousneM and Involuntapotenoy, and Uental nnd 1 liic:tiH!Í(y. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Aulhor of the "Green Book," $"e. LowBed antlior, in thli admirable l.ecturn c !c;ir]v proces from hl rieficotbal thd awful b ofseU i uri'iiüili.v removed ao ;i ii-l without dan ;eroui lions, bonjfleB. instrumenta, rings or oordiav. jKiintin outa mode or euro nl odoq certain and efleotnal, 'y wliicli evi tcrwhathia conditjon ma eure hilll&elf c.hcaphj. prirauhj nnd radically. - turewiUproTe a-boon to tliousanda and thousandfl . t-nt nndar seftl to anj addreH, post paldi on tlie r(■Pipt "f two '' ■ ()IJ.' C. CUNE, l-T BoweVj Ni Fort Pol H. x, '586. "86 Ayefs Cherry Pectoral.


Old News
Michigan Argus