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The National Finances

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We are right glad to see the loyal proas generally calling attention to the i'üct that, large as are our own war oxpendituros, cornpared with otir previous expenonce, the whole outlay of the governmeni, both civil and military, will not bo much grea'er than the ordinary expenses of pome of the goveruments of Europe. The British islos have loas population than the United States, auil yottheirgovoniment expemlitures reach L70,000,000, or $330,000,001), and Franco, with about tlireo iiiíIIíoiih of peoplo inore than wo have, epends 1,801,000,000 írancs, or 310,000,000. Tb o usual answer to this of that al the present time we have not more than twenty millions f people in the free States from whicb to draw rovenue, and tliat, thorufore, the coruparison is noL a fair one. If wo admit thut Mis pouri, Kentuekv, Hnrytanc!; Westera Virginia, the District of üolumbia, and Déla ware, aro disloyal, this statomont would be truo. Bat thuy yet remuin with us, and may be oouutud in tho loval aggregate, whioh thus would reach about twenty-three millions of leople. in 1S21 the population of the British isles was but 21,000,000; iu 1831 it was 21,000,000; and so lato aa lStlitwas but 27,000,000. Iu 1851 it was Btill brido 28,000,000, and is even now, by the eonmus of this yoar, onlv 20,000,000. Ñow lut u see how, with an aggregate of population, so larga un oxpeuditure is met. Ilere is tho return of the income of tho British -govoynmeut for last year. From cus'oin houïe dutic - L23,000 000 Fromcxcuo .... 18.U0U.U() From property tai - - 12,üül!,()D0 From sUiups' ... - 8.0UO.OOO Fiom sraall taxea - - - a.SOO.OOÜ MUcellancous .... 6,ÜO0,üüü Total .... L70,000,000 Ilero are soveral eources trom which up to the present time, the United Stalos governtnout hus detivod no revenue, as excise, starnps and property tas. Thoy yiold in grosa L38,000,000, or about $200,000,000. The chief item, however, appears tobethe roveoue from custom duties, roaching 8125,550,000. The average income of the United States from custom duties is about $57,000,000, lesa tlian half that of England, despito our onormous importations ot foreign goods. This may surprise our readers, but in order lo show tho itema of the British tariff, wo append a statement: Dutieson sugdr - - - L6,094 000 Duties on tobáceo - - 5 674.000 Duties on tea - - 5,444,0C0 Duties on pirita - - - 2 .f.41, 000 Duties on winea - 1,174,000 All other articlei - - 2,243,000 Total .... L2:i, 165,000 The chiuf eources of the rovenuo thus appear to bo the taxes ou BUgstr, tobáceo, and tea. Wero our tarifl ou thosu articles to yield us such a íeveuue, we should have a great clamor Cor a reduction of the dutiea. The Freneh rovonue ure thus statod for 1860 : Direct tax, francs - 469 936,648 IlecorJing ul governmonts tamps 3."8,677,000 Revenue ÏVom foret-ts niitl fiisherie 37.755500 Ciutom hoaM ad tilla - - 89i#H,ü8ü Indirect tax - - - 485.489.UU0 Eerenue f the postoffice - 57,654,000 Product or sundry revenuo 146,67:2, b56 Divers produtions ... 41,618,375 To'fil. francs - - - 1,825,854,379 In thisschedule, tho direct and indirect taxes figure for noarly a thousand million of francs of revenue, being the larger part oT the general aggregate. Why England and Franoe ehould bo able in this manner to raiso such enormuus revenues, and we unable to do so in a country whose propority for half a century has boen unparalleled, we leuve to the public to discuss. -


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