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Rich Without Money

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Many a man id ríen witnout monoy. Thouuüds of men wiib nothuig iu tha pocket, and thousandá without eten a pocket, are rich. A man born with a good sound coustitution, a good stonr.ich, a good beart and gnod limba, and a pretty good bead-pieco, is rich.- Goud bonos are botter thau gold- tougb muscles, than silver; and nerres that flash fire and carry energy to every function, are botter Uian house aoil laods. It is botter ttian a Lindod estáte to have tho right kind of fulher and mothor. Good breeds and b:d breed exist among mea na really :s amotig herds and horítís. Educatiom raay da mach to check ovil tendencics, or to develop good ones; but it i a g"t?at thingto iuherit the right proportion of facuitias to start with. That :thíi is_ rich %vho has a giioi disposition - TOO is naturalíy kind, paticnt, cheeiful, hopeful, and who has a flavor of wit und fan in his composition. The hardest thing to got along with in this if3 is a rnan's own solf. - A eróse, selfish fellow, dosponding and complaining feliow- u timid, careburdened man - these are uil boen deformed on the inside Their feet may cot límp, bat their thoughts do.


Old News
Michigan Argus