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Let The Teachers Rally

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A good teacher can do twice as mucli as a poor one, and do t with twico tbo ease. Thcre is no calling, indeed, in which skill and experieDCo so facilítate the vpork and multiply the producís as in teaching school. In the mochanic arts, n poor workmen can still do something; and, in the coarser parts of the work, can often accomplish as much as tho skilled mastcr of the art: but in toaching human souls,- that most deli cato and difficult oí all arts, - the unskilled workman s in constant dangor of doing harm. Exciting tho wrong tempers, avvakening the wrong motives, training to falso methoda and inculcating often untruths, he hinders his own werk and clogs tho powers he meant to 6timulato and strengthen. Tako specific departments,- a skillful teacher will oasily toach twico as much orthography in a winter as a poor one can, while not unfrequently the poor teacher's pupils wil] fail to make any progresa at al!. It is not a rare thing to find a school that can spell no better in the spring than thcy could at the opening ol tho winter term. So in all othor studies ; the trained teacher will accomplish fcur, if not fifcy-fold more than his inexperienced and ignorant compeer. Every School Board, therefore, owes it to Iho pupils in tho school under its charge to employ nono but well qualificd nnd prepared teachers. If good work is wantod and abundanco of it, a good ■workman must bo had; and tho timo and passing opportunities of childhood are too valuable to bo thrown away by a teacher who can only mook and mar the mincls of his pupils. And what shall bo said of tho duty of teachers to prepare themsolves thoroughly for the work they undertake to do? The man or woman tbntrashly undertakes to play tho responsiblo part oí teacher for a company of children, without using all poseible diligonco to prepnre for tho work is deserving of the execration of mankind. By so much as the true and faithful teacher is worthy of all praise, by so much tho wilfully ignorant and incompetont teacher is worthy oí public shame and reproach. The State Institutos for tho training of teachers havo been established from considerations of tho profoundest public policy. They aro the result of a desiro to furnish evcry teacher in the State some opportunity to prepare for his business; and they bring within the easy rcach of ovory teacher the chanco to learn tho last and best methoda of conducting schools and educating theyoung. Tho Instituto at Saline noxt week will oflor these opportunities to tho teachers of Washtenaw. Surely no teacher wbo would desorvo well of his country and do justico to his pupils, will willingly faiJ to avail himseli of tho privilege the State thus brings to his uoor. In the name of humanify, let the teachers rally. G.


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