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3VI. C.5B. R f7" rSBHHfeEÜ i ■' '...i) uj i Passenger trains now leave Detroit and the fieveral Stations in this County,as i'ollows. COIKO WEST. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Ktefal Ex. Detroit. 7.15 A. m. 4 30 p. it. 6.30 p. t Y'psilanti, 8.30 " 6#.O5 " 7.60 AnnAruor, 8.53 " 6.30 " 8.15 " Dexter, U.15 " 7.05 " 8.40 " Chelseaj 8.30 " 7.30 " 0.00 " Ar. Chicago, 7.S0P. sr. 7.00 A. II. GOING EAST. NightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail Ex. Cheisea, 6.00 A. M. 4.00 I'. M. Dexter, 6.88 " 4.15 " Ann Arbor, 6.13 A.M 7.30 " 4,88 " Ypsilanü, 6 85 " 8.00 " 5.00 " Detroit, C.40 " 9.40 " 6.05 " Trains do not stop at stations where figures are omited in the table. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. 1801. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1861. lr:üns now run on lilis road, Pundaj-s excepted, as ollows' Iave Toledo for Cliicago at 9 00 A II. ,and9P. SI., and via Air I.ino at 9.05 A. M. Leave Detroit for Chicago at 7,15 A. II. and 6.30 P. M. Arriving in Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at 7,30 P. M. and 7,0Q A. M. . and via Air I.ino at 7.30 1'. M. Arrive at Detroit from Toledo, at 6:55 A. II., 6:05 P. M. Leavcs Detroit for Toledo at 7 15 A. II andC-50 T. M. Arrive in Detroit from Chicacroat 6; 05 P. SI. andCi55 A. M. Arrive in Toledo from Cliicapro 4,20 P. M. and 4.30 A. JI., and via air line at 4.15 }'. M. LmtS Jaokson fflp ToU'do at 4.45 M. and 1,05 1'. M. Arrive from Toledo at 8.65 A. 11., aud 4,20 I'. II' CONNECTIONS. At Toledo- Wïth Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, with Walj.ash V'alley Rail Road. At Detü'HT- With Grand Trunk Raihvay, with Grcat Western Raüvvav, also, wit& the Detroit and Miív.aiikrtRailroad. At New Albamy k Sai.em B. R. Cr.nsivG- Witli Train Tor Lafayette, Neiv Albany and Louisville. At Chicago - With Chicago and Rock Island, Galena, Milwaukee, Chicago, líuriington and Quincy - Nortb West Raihvay - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all l'cjints V,( and Pouth. Jfty Trains are run by Chicago time, which is 20 minutes slower than Toledo time. Patent Sleeping Cars accompany tlie Kighi Trains onthis Route. Salsbur'y3 l'atent Ventila tors and DusterR are used on all Summer Train?. ffë Time and Fare the same as by any other Rail Road Route. J.VO. D. CAJIPBKIiL. General Superintendent. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BR YAK '8 PÜLMONIC WAFEE8 Tin; Original Medicine Eitablisheí in Ï88T , and the firs article of the kind ever introduce! umier the Jianie o 11 Priyo.vic WaïTOW,'1 in thi or in miy other country all other Pálmenlo Wafers are connterfeits. The gen uine can be known by the namcBUYAN be ing .stam pc ou each WAFF.R. BRTAS'a PCUfO.TIC WJOFBÉM Relieve Cougliw.Colds, Soro Throat, Hoarseness. Brtan's Püixoirio Wafers Relieve Asthma, Brononftbi, Diflicult Breathing. Bktin's Puufosne Wafers Ilaliere Spittingof Blood, Païns In the Chest. Bktan's Pclmomo ViFSKfl Relieve Incipiont Consumption, Lung Diseasefl. BaTAir'fl Pnuioinc Wafebs Reliove Irritation of the Uvuia and Tonsiïs. Brtan's Pulmomc Wafkrs Relieve the abo vd Complaints in Ten Minutes. Bryas's PuiMoino WAwaw Are a t lessing to all Classes and Constttutions. BliVAN'S Pl.LMO.ViC WAFERS Are adapted to Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bkyax's Pulmonic Wafbïïs Are ín a BÜnplfl forra, and pleftsant to the taste, Bryax's Pclmomc AVafrbs Notonly relieve, but effect rfipid and lasting Curea, Bryan's PrLMONic Wafeks Arewarranted to give satisfaction to every one. Is'ofamily should be without a box of "Bryan's Pulmnnic Wafers " in the house. No traveler should be without a supply of "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" inhis pocket. No person will over object to p;ive for ''Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" Twenty-five Cents. JOB MOSES, SoleProprietor, Rochefiter,N.Y. Pnld by Grenville k Fuller, and all good druggists In tlio Cuited States and Cañadas. FRIZE POETRY. Let Cliieftains bout et deeds In war, Aii'l Minstrels tuno their swect guitar, A nobler tbome my Acari is TiUed - In oí IIbkiïick's roatchless pilla. Thoir cures are found in every land - Ami'l llussia'K snows - and Afric's sands ; ïhe wondrous works - the papers fill, Produced by Herbick's raatchless Pilis. Doos disease affiict you ? ncver doubt This charraing compnund will search it out, And bealth again your py stern (ill, If you Üy at once to llEURicK'sPüla. They're eafo for all - bnth old and young - Their praisei aro on every tongue ; Desease, disnrnied - no longer kille, gince we are bleased wlth IIerrick 3 Pilis. fl" Pui, up witfa English. típanisb, Germán and French direitions. Prico 25 cents per box. Suga Coated. See advertiseraent on thinl page. 804 New Medical Discovery. For the speedy and permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Strlcture, andl Affeciiom of the Kidneys and Bladder, ■which bas been uscd by npwanls of ONE HüNDRED PHYSIOIANS, in tbeir private practice, with entire success, pnprrsodingCcBKHS, Copaiba, Cai'scles, or tny compound hittwrBELL'S SPECIFIO PILLS, tn ipwdjr in ar-tion, often effecting a cure in a few (;i, nd vhen a enre U e&etd II is permanent. Thiy are prepared from vegetable extiac(aj that are harmless on the sj-stfin , and never nauseate tfle stomach or imprégnate the brcatii; and teing suëar-coated, al] naaeoui taste isavoided. ,o change of diet is ntcasary whiht using them j nor does their action nterferc with business pursuits. Each box contains Isix dozen Pilis -fCÏ l'IUCE ON'E.DOLI.AK, and will be sont by mail posl-paid by any advertised ARont, on recoipt of the money. Sold by Ilruggista in Alm Arbor. None germine witliont my pignatnre on the ivrapper J. HRYAN, Rorfiester, N. Y., General Agent. JT. k L. S1MONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Arents for, 80(Hf MOTHERS REAB THIS. The following ia an extract from a letter writtcn bv the pastor of a Baptist Clmrch lo the "Journal and Messeneer," Cincinnati, Ohio, and imaki 7olumea la favor ot that world-ronownt-d medicine- Ubs Wi.íí' iTjiiNr. Brem1 for CmLDUHTxcrmito: ';esee an advertisement in your eolsmns f Hsfl . ■nip. Rot It never said a word in favor of a patent medicine befóte in our life, but wefeelcnniiK-lledtoüay to yourreadors, that thin i no numbog - wt have tried it, and k.vow ittomuamit CU1MS. It s. probably, one of the most succossful medicinas of the day, beeause it is one of the best. And tnoM 01 your nadan whti havo baliies can't do it bcttortbMtol,yinpimPrly." 8ü iIvofljsüunMit ín ano'.lip solumii IMPORTANTE FEMALES IMS? THE HEALTII AND LIFE OF WOMAK ís continiwlly in peril If filie i-i mu! Mongtl to ncgloct or maltreat those sexual iTc-uluritles to whicll twolliirds of licr sex are more (ir hM subject. I)R. CIlrESI.MAN'? l'IILS, piepur! from tlii) Mm formula which tlic inventor, (TORNEMOS L. CHEE3EMAN, M. II., of Toi k , lias for twenly ye;irsise.l Kucwssfully in an estendc'l private practico- immodiatoly relieve witliout pain, all dist in bancos of the pcriodical discharge, whelher ansin from relaxation or IttppMS sion. Thpy act like a chavm In reiunving tho pama tliftt acc.mpany difficnlt or immoderate menstruation, and jrt thc ouly s.ilVamt ruUablt remoily for Flusliea, fiel; Hetdushe, PaiM intho Loins, Back and Pides, Talpitation of tlie Ileart Nerveus Tremor, Hysterie, fiiasm(, Broken Slop and other unpleasant and dangerous cfTects of an unnntural condition of tlie eesual functions. In tlie wont cases of Fluor Albuí or Wliites, they effect a ppoedy cure. To WI"VTnS and ISI-ATROaSTS DR. CHEEHEMAN'S PILLS are oflered as tlie only safe means of renewingmterrupted menstruation, but. I,ADIES MUST BEAU IX MIXD Thcre is onecondition of the f emole systcm in which the Pilis cannot bc taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. Thc candil ion rej erredlo ísPREGXANCY- the resuïf, MJSCARRTAGE. Such is the irresistible tendency of the medicine torestors the sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the reproductive power of ?i ature canñot resist it. Erplicit directions stating when, andwhen they should not be ttsedy with cach Box, - tho Price Que Dollar each Box, cbntahiing 50 PUls. A valuable Pamphlet, to be liad freo of the Agents. PilN sent hy mail promptlij, by enclosing pnce to any Agent. Sold by Druggisis generalij. R. B. IlUTCillKGS, Proprietor. ju Cedar-St.. New York. For Sale by MAYXARD STEBBINS & WILSON, and GREXVTXLE & lUI.Ulï. Important to Ladies, Dr. JOHN HABVET, havin for upwards of twer.ty years devoted hls professional t"me t-xcfusively to the treatmeutof Female üifficulties, and havfag succeeded in thousands uf cases ui restoring the aftlicted to sound health, has now entire confidence in offering publiely bis "great american remedy," x:r. harvey7s CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Which barenereryei feiled (viten the dlrcctiona liave bofn BtrfötJy fullowcl,) in remoying (liííiculties arÍKÍng frum Obstruction, or Stoppage of Kature, or la re&toriflg tha sy.stem to perfect healtb, when suf' FerlBg froni SPIHAXi AFKKCHOüIS, PboLAPBÜI ÜTBBT, Tl!R ' Wmm, or other of the Ctkrink OsOANs. Ai o in all cases of Deüimty or NBirvoca I'rostratio.v, Hy.stkrim, Palpitatiü.vs, jpc, &c, wliicü rreJtBe forrruiuiers of more strious discasc. t5 These Pilis are perfectly harmless on the constitution , and may be taken by the most delicate femále without causivg distress; at tlte same time they ACT LiKB A charm ly Ktrenirthenins, invigoiatinr,&nd resttnriztg the system to a Imalthy cuncltt'.on, and by btfngüig on tho montlily peziod with rogularity, Do matter from what cause the ob.atr.uctiona may ajdse. They should, however, not he taken during the first three or four monihs of prognancy, thougli safo at any other timp, as miscarriagfl ivould be the result. Eachbox contains 60 Pilis. Price One Dollar, and when desired will be sent by mail prpaid hy any advertised Asent, on leceipt of tlie money. tiold by Drnggista in Anu Arbor, J. BKVAK, RochBter, N". Y., General Agent. TT. k L. 8ÍMOMEAÜ, Detroit, Wholesale Agerrt fo Miohiffan. 806tf Real Estáte for Sale. .") (C acres of land with a well of good water, stone CJJ hooM, barn and good or bard, and oneliun-lrcd nftd üfty acres improved. ïho farm is situated in the towa of Soio, andsouth of Mr. Koydtín's plains,and four and a half ni loa from Ann Arbor. JüLTA MÜRRAY WM. MUKRAT. Scio,Sept. Sd, 1861. 3wS16. LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succeásorsto Chapín & Loomis.andChapin, Tripp fe Loomia THE abnve h'rm of Lnomis Í; Tripp baving purchased the entire interest of tho tonner companies will continue the business at the old stands, where tbey will be ready, on thc shortest notice, to till all order? in the lino c f Castings and Machinery, In tlie mout workmanlike niannrr, and on aa liberal terms as any oiln-r shop intho Mate. Among the various jirticleMiianufactured by u.s, we wou ld enumérate STEAMENGINES of all kinds; Slill Gearing and Elxtures, wrouglitand cast; all the various castuza for raakiog and repairing ITorse Powcrs & Tlireeliing Machines such as iire at present, or have formerly been in use in thifl part of tbfl St;ite, as well w all the varinus kinds of castina and machine work cailfdforby farmers ;uid mechanics inthis section of tlie country. of all the vario-js patterns, up in sizosand pricea, will be kept constantly on hand, got the most modern and improved stylefl. ïliankful for farmer patroaaffl to the old firmsfwe would soücit a continuance frnm old tVicnd-i, and atrial by all wifiluug foranything inour line of business. LOOMIS k, TK1PP. AnnArbor,Mar 18th, 1859. G97tf SYL and EAR. m BK. F. A. CADWELL, JËZr' OPERATOR ON THE KYE AND EAR. For IJcnfiires, niindness, atul all defects of Slgiit and Hearing. DR. O. BEING AHEGUI.ARrhysiciinj-withTWEXTT YKARS' exclusive practlee in the treatment of diseases of the KYK AND EAU, will be found qunlifled to give relief or effect a cure iu any case witliin the reach of human skill. No charge for an examln&llon or an opinión, ot for uvsuccessful services. Dr. Ca ThsIxeki on tuk Eyk and Eau, of 300 pp., containing refereucoR, Testimoniáis, Description of Jiseases, Cases, and othor important matter, illusfrated with Cute, to be. h.idraii'a, by sending Ten Cents to pay postage. Address Dr. Cahwell 93 Randolph Street corner Pealorn , Chicaso, 111. Iy768 A. DEFOREST, Always ahead in Low Frlt-efl tTAVIN'G REMOVED MYÍSTOHE to the East sde o tl Main Ptvcet, ome door north of Guiterman's. lam nofr roceiving N"ew Goods, comprislng all kinds of Groeeriei, Fruits, Extract, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses, TabltCutlery, Silver-idated Goods, &c,, LOWER THAWEVER! French China TeaSets, from $1 50 to 18 00 French China Dinner Bats, from 20 CO to 30 00 Stone China Tea Sets , frnm 3 00 to 4 50 Stone China Dinner Sets, from C 50 to 1650' Iteautiful (ilass Goblets, 200 prdosan Gl&fifl Kerosene Lamjis from 37 to 60 Maible Kerosene Lamps from 75 to ' OU Fluid T-amps from J6 to 50 Kerosene Oil, goodquality, 80c per gallon All other Gooda at Corresponding prieef, JSSf líímips of all kinds alteredand lepaired. Peopteí Store, 7O9tf A . De FOREST. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. THE FALL TERM of the uvera) Public Schools of this City will open on Monday Aug.l9th, and continue 14 weeks. It is desirable tliat Scliolara be in their places on tlie first dftj of the term, The Boundiiriesof the MTeral ward Schools wfl] remain as heretofore, except that papila in the Priinary grades within the following territory will be required to attend öth Ward School: Kast oí Pontiac and PafpQ Streetsand North of Kuiler Streetfl and the River Road Kast to Pitcher street, South on Pitcher streot to Oak street, thence Kast to district ümits - including resideutn on both sides of ötreets named,Page fitreet escepted. JS' No ehíláren untíer jioe years old will bc admitted. Thé following general rules for the government of the eeveral schools, in aldiüon to ffuch as have been heretofoie announced, have been adopted, and thc especial attentiön of parentsare invited to them : I. Pupila are expected to commeiicetheh attendance promptly at the beginning of each term, and be regalar and punctual in their attendance ; to conform V0 the regulaiiuiiH i[ tüe school and to obey promptly all the directions of the teachers ; to observe good order and propriety of deportnient ; to be diligent in study, respectfol to teachers, and kind and obliging to schoolmates ; to retVain entlrely from the aaeof profane or improper language, and to be clean and ne at iu persou and attiio. II. Pupils of Ward school dopartmenta aro roquírM to attend tho school cstiibli.shed In the división of the district whero they III. No pupil preparing bis or hcrlessons in school shall be allowed to depart befo re the usual tirae of closlug, except by special written request of parents ot guardián or on account of hicknesK ; - and pupilspermitted to prepare their lessons out of school sball enter at the openüig of thfl BMikm or at recesa, and 'cavo atrecesMor clo.=e of .ession. IV. Any pupil who is habitnally tanly or, or guilty of opea disobedience or insubordinaron, or who indulges intho use of profane or ímproper language, or who maken use of tobáceo in any form dunng school hours, or hose goneral conducL is injurious, shall be reportej to his or her guardián and to the school Board, and shall be subject to suspension V. Every pupil in thefliffh StJiool wlio hall be abfent four ha}f days, and Íd the Cirammar School who shall be absent six hklf days, and in the Ward Scbooüi who Bhatl be absent eight half day, in four consecutive weeks, without an excuse from the parentor guardián, given in person or by written note, Battarying the teacher that tho ab.scnces wero caused hy his or her own iicknees or by Blcknesn in the faniily, sball forfeit his or her seat in ftohool ; and the teacher fihall fortlnvith notify the. parent and tho Board that the pupil is suspended. No pupil tima suspended hall be restored to tlie school prior to thocommencement of the enanlng term, unless the parent or guardián hall give satisfactory assurance tothe Üoani that the pupil wU be punctual in the future, VI. Any pupíl who sball be guilty of injuring or do facing the school property, shall psy atl damagea. and reof Rhaíl be suspended from school, and be re admittad only by permÍRaíon o) the Board. vu, Other mies for the ínternal oprernmeni and dN eiplino of tbc rtspectiTO Bcbools1may be frcmtimeto dopted and announeed 03 th teachers therein, 1 lectually to earry out the rul-.-s and regulations prescribed by the í ird E. B PON'D, Sc-cy. of Boutf. Aug. b W1.


Old News
Michigan Argus