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A ttreat Jtational Work. SoinetLing for every Citizon, Every FiresiJe, overy Reader ! ! ! S- No Man, no Family, no Office should bu without ií The onhj Corred and Completo JTistory of the War. On WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21st, wnx i'K rii;: i-ilion, TUE FIRST NTJMBER OF A CÜKAT POPULAR XATIONAI. W0BK,OF INESTIMABLE VALUÉ ÏO ALL, VE.: THE SOUTHERN JIEDELLION, WAK :FOR THE UNION : a n iTOKY oí' 'iin: nise and Progresa of tlio Rebolllon, A N I Conseeutive Narrativo of Events aiul Incidtints, from tho Fitet Stages of the Tre&soo against tlio Republlo down to tlic cloee of the Conílict. ín Weekly parts, 32 pagcs, large 8vo, miCE 10 ceistts. The want ufan authentic añil thorongh WUVory of tlio Robellion, f ( t present rofcrenco a mi fuiure preaervation, ia tbc subject of general reinark. No work of that nature has yet been oflVrod to the public, and all who vían for Information are oompelled to gropo through tha hmws of the rumors, reports, dispatches, letters aud edtorials of the daily oewspaper, to precipítate, fiom] lta confused columns, the great facta and incidents of the strujííiK1 tor the Uuiou. To maet thifl want, and to produce a work of permanent value a.s wtll as of present inU-rcst, tho publisher lias arranged for tho issue oí the hi.story as set forth - in a furm and ata,rico whieh nhall render it acceptable to all. Thishistory will teil tlio Story as it is,givms ft clear, consecutivo narrativo of tlie entïre movement, including all the incident and events in their exact order, and cunt:iining the Important documenta and extract-i from remsrkable speeches. Itwillnotbea mere diary, ñora mere euumoration of dry and naked dates, nor a compilation of gllpB from aewapperfl , but portray In connectcd and iniercstinr narrative, the revointionary stops, as well as the mensures of the Oovernraent. It wilt carefully digest all cvidence - willsift alt rumora and reporta - will fix upon facts, and correct sofaras possible the orrois and discrepancias incidunt to the. hasty narrativos of the newspapors. It'willbe written ín a ntyle suited to its at oncographic, carneít and luminous, introducing such personal and Kicial incidcnts as tny serve to show the relations of individúala and communities to tho grand events of the time. It is true, everybody reads tho newspapera, hut the report of the moment, are not a correct, connected aad complete hi.story The above publieation, after wards bound in a haudsorae volume, will be a book for the l;unily, whicb will be valued like the records of the War of Indopendence, or the Ufe of Washington, and worthy to be kept for children and grand -children, asa memorial of the present time. It will thus prove dcriirablo, availablo and HtUfoctoty to evcry citizen, every family, every office, ewry lihrury ; and is given to the public in the füll assurance that it will command the approbation of every patriot, every Union man, every good citizen in our still Glorius hand. Tobe h:.l of aflnwrtóeftlero and postmasters in the United Statu, and of booksellerH and newsdeulers in Canada, Greot lïritain and Australia. ubscribers sending Ohb In a good bill or postage stampi to FKD'K GKRÏIARP, General Affent for thePublication, 81 Nassau Street (l'ost Bot 4001) New York City, t whom all orders are to be directed, will receive by mail, post paid, ten numbor. I'arties wishing to furnirih their friends in Great Uritain, California, Canada and Australia withthe publication jiost paid, by steanier, wiU send (fur ten numbers), nolading the postage-, to Oreat liritaln, S2.20 ; to Cali fornia, $1.10 ; to Australia, $2.20; to Canada, SI. 10. In ordering copies the full aud exact address, with town, count y and State should be given n every instance . JAMES I). TORRE Y , S14w4 l'ubhshe r, 13 Spruce Ftreet, N. Y. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGER & COS Standard Machines Well known to le fín Best for Manufaeturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, forrnorly sold at 90, roduced to 70. No. 2, of samo kind of Machine, for raerly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGEK'S LETTEK A MACHINE Is the best Machine ín the world f Family Poving ft&d Llghï Manufacturing Purposes : (tcith Hemmer,) and baautifullj ornamented $50. The Nos. 1 and 2 Machines are of great capacity and appiication for manufacturing purpoae. OurNo. 3 Machines ure espfcctaRj adapied to all kinds of Ugfat and heavy Leather VSnl;, in Gvetfogê Triinming. Boot and Sfaoe Making, HarncssMal;iii,etc., etc. They are of extra size, and vith an arm long enough to take ander it and stitt-h the largest 'size dashes. There is scarcely any part of a Trimmers' Btitcalng that cannot be better done with them than by hand ; so, too, the Baving oí time :md labor la wy great. Thetabtenf these maclime.s Ís 21 inches long, and the shuttle will hold six times tlie usual quuntity'f thn.'ail. The large machino works aftfiuitai sm;ill ones. We would ask for our Letter A Machines, tho special attention of Vt Makers and Dru Makers and all tfatoaa wbo want Macliincs f;r light mimvfaeturing purpose$. They embody the pridciples of tlie standurd machines, mkking like them, the fnterloekd altea, and are destiut-d to be as celebrated Family Sf.wixq acd Vght manufaeturlne purposes nsjour standard machines are for manufacturing purposes in general. AVc have ahvayson hand, hi;mmin; GADOi,Uirwiai LCfSH AND COTTO.V T1IREAD, OM ÉPÓOIi), IÏK.ST MACUINE OIL 11 bottlea, ete.. etc. We manufacture our own Xeedles, and wonidvara all persons uping our machines not to buy any others. We kntiw that there are needies sold of the most inferior quolity at higher pricen than we charge for the best. The needies sold DTTia are manufactured especially for our machines, 'A bad nccdletnay render the bctt niachint almost ustlcst. Our customera may rest a?sured that all our E ranch Üflices arefurniiihed with the 4t genuineacticle." ]n case of small purchawes, the money may be sest in poritage stampa, or bank notes. Correspondents will ilease write tbeir names distinctly. It a all inportant that we should, ineaclicase, know the l'ost Office, County, mul State, fL$T All porsons refjuiring information about Sewing Machines, theic fi?.e, prices, working capacities, and tlie best nn_'tho'l ■! purcliasinir, canobtain it by sending to ds, any of our Branch ODices for a copy of I. M. Singor & Co.'s Oazetto, ■1iich is a boautiful Pictorial Paper entirely devoted to the subject- It will bcstntgratis. jpS-We have made the above RKDTXTION IN PRICE with the two-fold view of benefiting the public nndourselves. The public have been swiadled by spurious marliines made in imitatiou of ours. The metal in them, from the iron. casting to the smallcst peice, is of poor quaüty. Their makers liave not the means to do their work weil. They arehid away in secret places, whure it would be impossible to havo at their command the proper mechanieal appliances. It is only by doing a great business, and havingoxtensive manufacturing efltaoHah ment?, thftt (rood machines can be made atmoderatprices, The best designed machines, BADLY MADE, are always liable to get out of order, and are stire to cose considerable trouble and money to keep them in repairt The qnalities to be looked for in a Machine are : eer tainty of correct action at all rates of speed, fiimplicity of construction, great durability, andrapidity of operation, with the least labor. Machines to combine these essential qnalUles, Dana1 be made of the beat melal and iinished to perfectlon. We have the way and means, on a grand scale, to do this. The purchasers of machine?, whosedaíly bread it rpay concern, will find tliat those liavingthe abovequalilii-s not only work will at r;ijúd as well as slow rates of speed, but lastlonger intlin finest posslble working order. Our machines, as made by na, wiïl earn more money with less labor than any others whotlier in iniitation of oursornot. Infact, they are chcaper than any otlier machines as a gift. I. M. SÍNÜER tz CO., 4Ó8 Broadway New York. #3" Petroit Office, 78 Grlmrold Street, oppoite tbe Post Oflice. 811tf M. IJ: GOODRICH, Agent-, Ann Arbor. Important National Works, Published by D. APPLETON & CO., 346 AND 348 BROADWAY NEW YORK The follmving works are sentto Subscribers in any part of tho country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or expres.s, prepaid: THE BÍÍ1WAMEHIAN C YCTOPiEDI A : A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. EdftoS by Gbo. Riplet and Charles a. Ií, aided by a numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Art and Literature. This worli is beiug published in about 15 large octavo volumes, cach containing TÖOtwo-column pages. Veta. I., II., III., IV. V., VI., Vil., VUT. t k IX. are now ready, each containing near 2.500original arti aléê, As a'ldi!ion;il volume will be published once in about tliree monthfl. Price, in Cloth, $3; Plieep, $3.50; ITalf Russia, $4.50 each. The New American Cyolopsedla is popular without being superficial, learned without beiug pedantic, comprehensivf butsufliciently detaQed, freefrom personal pique and party prejudice, fresb and yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is known upon every important topic within the scope of human intellígence.- Every importaat artícle In it haa been specially written for its pagos by men who are autltorities upon the topic on which they speak. They are requiredto bring the subject up to the present moment; to state just how it ftt&nds now. All the stntisiicul inforniation is from the latcst reports; thegeographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical mattors include th.e freshestjust views; the bíographlcal notices eCs ak nol only of the dcud but also of the living. It is a librarv of ïtself, AHRtDttEMBüVT OP TIITC DEBATES OF CüiVCrltESS BeinL a Politfeal Htstory of the United States, from the organization of tbr first Federal Conerese In 17S" to 1856. Efiitedand compiled by Hou Tuo Hakt Banraos-from the Official Beeorda ef CsiwroH. The work will be comploted in lñ royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11 of whfch Tare now ready. Au adnitionul volume will he published once in threemonths ClothJ8; Uw Slioep, Half Hor.. $4; Half Calf, $4.50 eaoh, A WAV or l'KOCURIXG THT C YCI.OPKDIA OB DEBATÍ Form a club of four, and remit the price of foor books, and Ora CQpioi wiU be scü! at the remitter's expensefor oarriage; or for ten Hubsrribors, eleven copies will be sent ut our expense for carriago. To Agenta. Ko other work wlH Bo überaUy reward tho exortions of ygents. An A(KT wantkh fy thisCOüNTÏ TtrmH made known on application to the Publisher. Ann Arbor, March, 1S50. 6902amt -ÍE; Bev. Tnof. Weiüiit, agent at Kinne & Smiths Cook Store, Ypsilanti. "Washtenaw Mutual Fite Insurance Co. TEfE SeweUry will be for n few week.? nt Pr-xter on Wedaeaday, al Ann Arbor on Thursday and Saturday, and ut Ypsilanti on Priday to accommodato such Farmers as may wlsh to become members. tf. KEN'NV. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, lSfil. 818w8 JVOT1CE. rr WIFE PAULOWNA CatOWL, having ]pft my hc Mud Ijiinnl fritboal just r.ruisenr nrov..r;i tion ail pr s'iim ju-p forbi.l y.w bortztt m truButag heron mv aceoubt au 1 shall pay uodolitii o) her contnicting. MAürw cgow. cts, Auguit ïd, 15C1. Ui IT OLD FUI EN DS jsgj IN THE RIÜIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coatod Pilla THBBBSTFAMILY Caw jtir ve wwl tweatj years ty yíi yfV IÉï .-"": V vt' Diilltons of persons i, irjL -"' k Iinliu;ií : alwiiys gívo ï íL A vS&ySí-'-i w s;itÍ''l!l"t.Í11" i contain■f IjBu'IL ' Tl'Ëlni uothing Injurious ; ïl "Ílót"" - 5rL 1 J::ilr"nií"''1 !l-v tIl l)riu tLJÉf;f clt'Rantlj coated with HjJJEsPiL j five boxea for 1 dol Uit. g3?ft?j"jgjgr:: KuUdiructiond withuiti L Tat.t.attasse, I.eox CorxTT, 1 Florida, July Httt69. ƒ ToDb. IIekrick, Albuny, N. Y - My IJear Itoctor :- I TTilfl thfa to iufoini jou ut' thf wonderlul effect of your 'ii'ïir C'iiit1'! l'ilts on my eHor daughttr. Fcrtluoo veins nho bu boen flfliicted with a billioua deraogenMDt if Ihf ijrstom, sndly imparing her heiilth, whicli h&a boen sU-;ullv tafilng darlQg that period. When in NVw York i ii April lust, u fi ii'in] ftdrlni me to tost your pill. II:ivin tbe fullcst confidoncö in tht? judmeut ol my friciKl, I ubtaincil a supply oí Mcs-ir.n, BuÉM & I'ark, Druggiita, l';uk Bow, New Vork. Od ratnraiiiff home. we luenion all other trentmeot, and ailministcrctl your 1'iUs, 00 cach cight. The Inipiovt'niont ia Iut feolinga. complexión, .UgusUou, etc, sarprtMd u.s a[l. A rapia andjpifriiiaupiit restoration to hcalth ïms b0n the result, We useil less thau iivöboxes, and consiilcr her entiidy 1T9Í1. I cousíiUt the aboTe a just tribute to you au a Physiciin, and trust that it will he tbomeans of inducing innny to adopt yu ur I'ilU as thcir faniily mtdiciïitiit. I rwniaiu, dL-ursir, with mauy thanks, Your obtJient sorvant, ti. r,M0&RT805, Hoviick's Kld Strengthening Piasters cure io five lioura, pftlai aml woiknes,i of thebreast, itda and back, and Kheunuitic Cumplaints in an equally short period üf timy. Spread on beautiful white larüb Kkin, tïieiruse aubjeeia tlie wearcr to no inconveníece, and each one willwear froni one week to threo monlha. I'rice 1S% contH. X Horrick 's Sugftr Coated Pilis and Kid Plastrrs aro sold oy DviMKlstfl KB 1 Mcruhants in alt parts of the United States , Canada and South America , and may bo obtained by calling for thom by tbeir f uil name, lyS05 DR. t. B. HERRTCK, & Co. Albany, N. Y. 1861, Í8cT, NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODSI C.H.MILLEN&CO. IïaTe removed to thelr Brick Store recenfly oecupied by A. Deorost, aud aro uow rceiviü u SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS FOK TUE SPRIla TEADE. Among which are Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NEW SiTYLES , TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &o. Choice FAMILY Groceries, boots, SH0E3, & crockebt. Aho an entire New Sfock of Carpeta and OU Cloths, of New and Beautiful Patterns, THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT PJLNIO PEICE8! Anr] wc can satisfy all who will Ciill and examine our Stock ) that Uood.sarc Chtaplhi-i Spring fur CASH OR RBADT PAT. O H MII.LEN & CO. Ann Aclor,March 20 1861. 2mT39 SCHOFF & MI'LLER A RE STII.I. OX HAND at thelr old Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete .issurtir.ent of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, PANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, „ CÜRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oflered izi tliis Mart et 1 and thoy wouM suggest tothoso in pursuit cf anythingin SANTA CLA VS1 LINE that they cao socure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pnrehasing f rom this siock, as eacli purchaser gets in additional present of Jewelry , ie. , Ranging invalue iroin 50 ets. to $50. jK5 Theytrust that tfaetrlong experience in splectinf pmxïs furtbiü m.uket, anti strict attention to tbe want of Cufitomers, may entitle tbcm to a liberal ehare of Patronage. Ann Arbor, Hpc. 5. 1860. 777tf D. L. W OÖDFCÖT" HATE JUST OPENliD A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING & SUMMER Trade f 1861 Having purcba8ed their stook at mucli less than the usual prices, they nro prepnred to oflFer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors tbey will be ever ready to show their Goods and by fair and liberal dealing'liope to receive tlieir fullshare of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann ArboJ April 18G1. New Remedies for SPERMATORRflffiA, HOWARD ASSOCIATION', PMILADELDIIA. A Jlrntvolent Instüntion cstttblislied by xperAal ew dowment for the relief of the Sir.k and Distresneed, njlicted tcith V.rultvt and Ckronic DUtaêU, and especially for the Ciireof Dtseaxfs of the. Sexual Orgn-n, MEDICAL ADV1CE given gratis, by the Aoting Snrgoon. V .'il.'.'AÜIi: BRPOBTS on Spormaiorrlioea, and other Distases of the .Sexual Orgnns, and on the NEW BEU KDIKS 0111 io 'it in 1l;e Diftpelmtry, sent in pen led lttfr envelopes, frtie of cliarge. ïwo or 1!ire Imnis [or postuge aMsptabX. Address, Dr. J. SKILI.1N HOU(JHv. -', IJnsrd AFpociatiou, No 1 5. .Viiiihbt., ihiU' delphlu.I-a. ly%.


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Michigan Argus