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AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYUÏG THE BLOOD. Anti for the speedy euro of tbo following complaints: Scrofuln anti Srrofltlon AfiVií íoiik,ku tl as Tumor, Ult-er, Sorc, Eruptlons, ' IMiiiiiU, Pustulea, lilotiix,, Bluiitv, una uil Skin Dieease, Oaki.and, Intl., 6th Judo, 1869. J. C. ATl;n Co. Oenti : 1 f.d it mj üuly to acknonledge hut your Larajrllla; hun done lor mo. Uamng ii.-.l . Scroliilou infection. I have suffered fr.iui it lo varlous waji for jmh. BoawUnm it burat out in Ulcer.i on int bands aod artos: sometlmes it turnsd bumrd tnd dMnuted mo it Ihe touiacb. 'fwo ji-ain ago ii 1. 1-!,, out on in? liaad Uud eovend mv tcalp uii' 1 .-ars unli i-iu-Kurii. nliich wa puinfni and loatbaome beyond dwi -i.ii..n. I tii.'i many medicine oíd sereral )iliHi'-iiiiix. bul without lunch relúf from any tliinz In ''"■'■ "'■ '!l ''■' g" ' . Ai length 1 kus rSoiced tu read in tbo (, ,,, I II „K,.r ihat you had prepared au alteratlve (Sarsuparilla), f..r I knew fio,„ y,,„r ,eVutati"ii thal any tMuu jou made muil ta gooOi I sent to ('m iMiNtiiaii.iK'.i ir, au.l uwd 11 Uil It cured me. 1 took it, uk you uiiii.,.. in Blnal) doses of a Imsponnful overa' moulh, tii'l uiied alinoat tluiv Bóteles. New and healthy kin B i Ifiíuii t li'iin miilfi the ocab, whicli aftera While l"ll oh". !y -kin is huw ( l.-ur, and I knuw Iry my f. liii." tUat the dlaeam liu gone froin mv sjstcm Yoi cii wt-ll Miera that 1 i-.-i urnal 1 am latng irtren I teil JOU, tliat I liuld you lo ba ülio uf tho a]atU of lliu agc, ' &nd ioiuttiu ever giatuiuliy. Yuurn, AL111KD B. TALr,ET. St. Anthony' Flrc. Rose or Kryalnelas. 'IVttiT mul SiiH itii.nm. Stuld ilead, lliigvom, Suio E)'ck, Ihiipsj'. Dr. Robwt M. Prbi wrltet frrm Salem, N. y., 12lh F"I't.. I-.'.t, liu ]i:ih cured au itivctorate cano of Dropt;, whidi tlircoliiu.l to tiiiniimto fatally, Ijy tbo jierhCveriDg h" of our Samuarllla, utxi alï-u a uangerüul Maliffnarit Bryripdat t'v larga doáea of tho .j.iuiu; says ho curen the opmmon t-'ntptwns by it cnnstantly. Briiiirlincrlc, Goltre or SlVtllcd IVeck. Zebulon gloan of ["ronpcct, Texai, wrilus: "Tbrce bottle of voiii Bai-saparllla curad mo trom a Mti-i hMeou sw.llins on tl. o uock, nliitli I had eullured from over two yoai." Lturorrhcrn or IVliUm, Ovnrlnn Tumor, Vterlne l Ut rut ion, Ftnmlc l)li.ris. Dr. J. I). S. ChannlDg, of Nuw York City, writt'B ; " I most chfoifully eompij wltb tho reqnOTt of'your agentia taring I liave found your Barakp&rilla amoflf excellent alteiativo in tho numeroni complalnfai for wbieh we empioj Bnch t reniedy, hut raélallj in Pmale IHstasa of the 8cro(ulot)8 dladiwla. I have etired uiuny iiiTeterate cases of Leucorrhou ly it. and nonie wbero tïie complaint wïis c;ms.'d by ukfnUiim of tho aleñó. Tbo ulceration itm'ir waa aoon cured. Noüdng witbin my knowldp nju.ils it for llicrtc fel&Ble deraiijiements." tklward 8. Marrow, of Newbory, Ala., wrilcs, " A ' pnnm ovarían tumor on ono of tbo IbiBuei In my fiunily, whicb had deled nll the remadim ve oonld emplay, taal at leiwlli been completely corad by your Kitract of 8ar(aparilla. Our pbyician tlmuelit notblng bilt tion could alTord relief, but bo advined tlie trial of vcur Sarflitpaiilla as uurt rfHort beforo euttJug, ftiid it . proved i'ITectual. AtVr ttUngJoar remeily eight ik Du flymptom of tbo diaoiic reniaioH." tij pliilia and Slercurlnl Dlsrnir. Nsw Obiíaus, 25th AiiRiist, 1859. Dr. J. C. Aria: Slr, I chnorfully comjily wlth tbo ronoHt ofyburageht, fthd report to you ome of the eliectfl I havo rpQljzeil witb your Sjirsnparilla. I b.avo cnrt-d with it, in my practice, mnst of the ■ plaintH for wbich it I reconiiiK-tided, nnd Iihto fonnd itfl effecta truly won-ivrful in tbe cure of Vtntrfal and Mercurial Dititat. One of my patieota bad BjphHHic nlrer lu In throat, wbicb were conntimin:; liis "píllale and the top of hii niuiith. V"iir Sar-:iúii'i[,i, n.üjilv taken, curodbim in Oïeweek. Anotbur mm uttacke.'l by eecondary n.vniptoins iti bia DOM, and the uleentlon had eateu away a bonaiaerable part of it, fco that 1 IXlieTe th i disorder wuuld poon reacli bis brain nd kill htm, lint it yk'lded to my udminiairaiiuu of jour Bfenaparilui; tbe ulcera healed,and he i; Keil auin, nut uf ooorae wlüiout ome duulguraUon to nis face. A womanwbo bad been treated for the amo diaordor by ruercnry wa etidering froüi tbis poison ia hr boue, They hni becomo so Keniitive to the Wtttther that "n a damp dy sbc sulfered excrucmtini; pain la lier jrjiiil and boncs. Shc, too, waa cured entirely by your SUMparlUa in a few weeks. I kiKiw ftum iu formula, Wbtcfa yotor ageüt Ravo me, that thiH l'H.aiatiuli from yoor l.ih.'1'alory muiit 1 a great remedy; lonsciïueutly, tbeae liuly reuiarkable results witli it bare not BUrpruwid me. i'raternally yours, G. V. I.ARIMKR, M. D. RUeuinatlsin, Gout, Mvrr omplalnt. l.NriEPENBKNCE, FtWton Co., Va.. Ctli July, 1850. Dr. J. 0. Aïii; : fir, 1 lmve been affllcted with a painful cbrnuic Bheumatilm for a lotiK time, which balllcil the Bkill of pbyaiclau, aad sluck to me in spite of all the ! remedies I ci'iild Bod, nutll I tried jaar Sareaparilla. Od I bottle cured mo iu two uet-ks, and natond niy general heallh so much tbat 1 am far l.ettor tban U-fore I was attackfd. 1 ihink it a wouderful medicine. J. FÜKAM. Jules Y. Getcliell.or Ft. Louis, n-rites: "I haro been afflicted for yearawltb an ajffketfon o the Zii-cr, wbirh destroye-.I my liealtll. I tried eVcry thluif, and every tiiiDg íáiled to relieve me ; and ] havo been a brokendowu man for somt! yean from no otber cause than (UraHgewnt of Vie IÁver. My belovetl pastor, the liev. Mr. Kpy, adv i?-etl me totry your Sanapalillai becauae be saidhuknew you, and ainribins you made waa wortti tryiiiR. By the bies Ing of Öod il lias curttl me, and Iihh bo purititd my blood as to mako a new man of me. 1 frel young agatb. The best that can he tjaid of you is not half goud euough." Sclilrrn,Cnnccr Tumors, Kiiiargemcnt, UlGernt ion, Curies anti ICxfolintion of tile liones. A great Tnrk-ty of rases haTe besa reported to ns where cures of these furmidabhi coniplalnfa baTe rejulted from the uso of this remedy, but our space bere will not adrnit : tlietn. Some of thetit ttiny )■ found in our American Aünanac whlch tho ageuui below anuiud uro pleasod to funiish giutis to uil who ih.II for them. Dyuiirpslii. Ii Rit niitant. Fita, Epllípsy, Mclniacholy, Neuralgia. ïïany remarkable cores of these affectlona have been made ly tbe alteratlve power of this medicine. It Htimulates the rltaJ fauclions loto vlgoroaa action, and tbus overcomes dienrdera bien wodld be supposed bevond ita rearh. feucb n remeily bas long been raquirad ifV tho neeeasltiei of the peoplO) anil ivo aro coufidciit tlmt this will do for tuem all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cheny Pectoral, POR THE &AFID CURE OF Couglis, C'olds, Ini"nc'i7H, tlonvnrncM, troiiji, lU'ttm Uitts, Xiicipieiit Con uiitpfion, and for tUe Kellcf of foiiSHHijitlvc Pntieikts in udvnnitiï Stnges of the Iistusr. Tbis I roTneily so ooivwMÜlv knowo to nurpnsn any other for tlie cure of tliroat rihI lung; complainte, tliat it is metéis bera t publfsh tlio cvMcnre of its viitucs. Iti unrivrtlled excellenco fur cougfas rtiid colUfl, and it truly Yonderfu] cines of pulmonary dfsease, lmve uiaile it kiiown tbrongltout ute civilii-d iiations of the enrtb. Few aio t!i" commuttttlé) or oven families, mong tbem wLo have not. Borne personal experivnee of itaolTects - eniny living trophy in their mWst of its victory over the iUDtïe ancTaongoroue disorder of tho throat and lungs. As all know tlio dreftdOul futality of tht'ee disorders, ad rb tïjey kimw, too, the cffoctsof this remedy, we need not do more tlian to awiiro thoni tlmt it bas duw all tbo virtncs that it djj havo wht-n ninkinK tho curfs which have won so siroi.iiiy upoa tbo oonfldenea of luankinj. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., LoweU, Maas. .i' '. : t i-aio by Kaynard, Stebbics & Wilscn, ■■ ., 1 ctroit. 800yl J H. BÜEKILL, frelling Agent. Hiñe Factor y! A. J. güTHERLAND HA.-' dhteGon íhoptotheNew BIocknHutoñ street, aoutfa tti thi (7our1 Honse.oi tiicáecond floor, wfaerc ie 3 prepnred to lu rnish Guns, Pistols, Ainmunition : Flasks, Pc;7ic$ Game Bags, and Every otlier artiele in Lis Line. On the m'istrcnsonnble trms.Rndto (lo all kii;da o X. 33 3EP -A. IÜ 1 1W 3t the abortn3t notice.Rnd in rïie bost mannet full nasortaiaiit always kept on ïiRud,OTid made to ordrr. , ■ i City Cheap kumber Sasli , Doors BUnds-, Piaster Paris, Grand Iïivcr Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass, Paint and PuLty, Lc, Le. . D. DeForcst, HAV1NG Increased hi& faoilitïe-s for doing business and enlarged his Yard and Stock ,ts pre;ared the present eeaaon, witli tt t bca ,. Inrgesi and cbca-est B(aaorieii (itoclï everin thig marktt to satis ( y the reaeonnblf expnctatlons ol' nll. öui mottn Is nut to bc undemold idr cnsli on deïivery I wlll nol ündertakelo f rïghtoothe public bysaylng tïrnt ihvwil! getshnvedl) th6y bayel#ewheré,for we prtiBumc that otherewilidrülhtslowastliey eau afl'ord to . All kinds of Timfoer, .loists, anil dcantUogi Pinc, Wlitow'ood, Basewuod, Hem lock. Planed and Matclied Pine, 'Wliite-wood Aeh Klootircr. Plftnod ind rouffb PinPiind Whitowood eiiünc, Pe lol i'oats, Uök undCedai Posts andl'ickcts ui uil kindi. Pint fatl), anU lHljiterooob L. .n Ptno, Ashani VVI.itcwood Sliingloi, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, 5Uek Wa.uUt.and Cherrj and thin stuff, Wagoo and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxttnd BoJy LumbortfaplQ Log Timbor, Ilickory, Oak7 üsh, Sim, Beech, Oi' i!l: hicknesc6,wi(Uh antllongtlie, &c. &.c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster of allkinds. ISTjdiXia ol " sijeo, Ac, &c. SASIL DOOIiS. BLINDS, TOfide by tiïtud toordei aslowas factory prins, on fao ihorèestQotiQe by the bestof workinen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. ïilis ofii' iicaoripllon Ín tlio tibovo building line arnlthedüDtheehorteetof nottce, f'ur We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful' and ti perfect asuortment oftheabovc nc otbcr kinds oJ Building Materials Constantly onhand at th( lowest possible rates Cali and be Convineed. A few roil outJi firom Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arhor, Mich. K O O F T N O, N.B.- I am novr operating Bxtenslvelj In the Patent Cement Roofing. DITCHING NöTICE. 'TUI!'. ÜNDERfiieRHD 1! offer (o ulo .it ptlblW 1 auttiontó the loifegt bidder on the ocowl itny uf " --■!■. 1 . r, ISlil, at li o'clock A M. ut thr )i(iUer WUIiain Ilusa, in tho township of Freedum, 167 3-5 rol of Ditrhin located ou scctioDH lö aud 10 in aaid TuwBsliip uf FreOiloiil. 3. H 'ARK, y CommiV JOSRPB 1T.AY, j turner. Freclom, Aoguul 30th, 18IS1. 1HTCH1NG NOTICJÜ. TUK L'NOfiKSIOMED ill offer for unie at publio aucttoQ to thn loirest bidder on tho third dav oí October, lötil ut, 10 o'elock A. M. at tho hottneof Mich&al pieierlein thu towoabip of Froedom. j 1.4 rUol h.toliinif located on sections 14 and 1W in naid Township oí tVeedonl, ACOD PRE3T0N", ) Drainage .T. it KT ARK, V Comraig. JpfiBPfi I'KAY, j ftonen. Freedom August 30th, 1361. Mortgago Sale. DSfjPATTLT haVfni? hoon made in the condition of Mortgage executed bj Augustus R. Hall umi wife to WlUiam .S. May aard. guardián Dhr Gertrude Fletclier, ■.■ Brat day ofFpbroary, A. D. 1853, and recofded i;i tin1 office oi the Efegister f Deeds of Waahttttair fountv. m T.i'Jer No. 10 of Hortgages, ozr page 69 aftd 70, on tirst da; of Mnrch, A.D. 1853, at fWO oVlock t'. M. .ui-1 un tí:"-' trenlv-Jlxth day of Augast, A. D. 1Öned in J;nnc-s ECingsley. Admïnis trator, vrlih the nriUannexèd, f tin; eatateof the sald Gertrude Ffetcber (lprca-pfl, by vrritten asi?nrnent, recordod acrons ■ i e ■"■■ ol tli e record oi soid mortgafre. August 27 th, A. 1). 1861, it itnn'clock A. M.,by whicli defaule tüe power D -al- nontained in aaid Mort gage became uporatire ; and no suit or procee-lin haviog been instituted at Uw to rn'im-r EbedtM seeared by til Mortgftge or any part thprcf ; ml the sum of fuurtoon hundred and Fovcntyfivc dniiarü beïog tuw dafiiièd [o be duo thraea, snd further [ïtttaUmfiBti to become due thorcon. NotieO ís thorefore hereby given that said Mortage will te fofff; clo-ed by n sale f tli1 Mortgügo, to-rlt ; Ail 1 iin iiiic-i r p.i role of land known and detcribed as follaws, to-fwit - commencing on the west line ot .M;i ii Street, twenty Uva feetsoutli of the uorth-cAiit corner of lot nuraber scven, Binck No. two north of Huron Htreot, Range thrrr, in the Ottf of Ann Arbor, and runninii west parallel with the nortli line of iaid lot, and twouty-two feet ihcrefrom. to the west enI of said 1m!, theoce aouth f-venty-two feet, thence eat parallel witb firai line, and twtdoty-two feet therelVom , io Main Street thence north twouty-two feet to the plnce of b(HUBtUfc. or aome.'pftrt fbcveof at public vomlue at tbe : GourtHousO) in Ami Arbor in aid Countyoa thesevt-utb day ut December next atnoon. JAMES KIN'OSI.KV, .Ailministrator wiih Will annexed,of Gertrude Kletcher lecca-i'l. E. V. ktOBOAN, Attornoy. Dated, Anu Arbor, Aug 28th, A. D. 1S6IMortgage Foreclosure. DF.FATLT having been maiïe in the payment ofgthe iiint:ilmeut stctixed by a murtgage esecuted by .'. iforrifl and iiaryP. Morris toÖwB Botftfnrfl, dated the flrat rtay of -ïuJy, .A. Í). 1857, and recorded in the fi'_'M..i"s olli.-e in tltecounty of Washteuav, in Liber N 28 oí moj tgagen, .it pag 679, on the second day of Jnly, A. I). lH57,atfiftL'eu minutes past 8 o'cluck , A.l., 1 defaull :':■ power of sale oontaioed iti said ■f aa:ain becaine operative, aud no uit or pro(■f'itnii huving having been in.-itituted atlaw f recover t'ie li.-t itihilnient of debt secured by saM rourtgage or iny i :irt tbereof, ;unl thesum of fourhundred and sixty dolíais an't sixty-tbree cents being now claimeil to be due tberéon. notice b therefore hereby irivf-n, the -,iM tooi tKBge wíll he fomdoèod by aeale of the mort- . to'Vfts All fcbat eertain tr.ict or parcel of latw known and de?cribed as folloire, to-wit : Heinj % part of the ubf f h-ea?t quarter ef gection N'o. twonty-cino In townsblp No. two ñoñth of renge No. stxeact, t-eginiüng at a siiko oigbty rods nortb of a point cf interHectfon of a line tbrougb tlie centre o{ Humn streut in the city of Aun Arbor aioresaid, thence running cast until it strikes the ca?t of s&1d section, thence west Mid parallel witli Rftidline andetreet nntlllt strikes Und owned hy Ut. Kuiler iu April 1845, thence north by saif] Pullex'a land about thirteen nxls until it strikes Pago street , thence uorth by said Paj;e strcot twentyfour rods to tlif Dortï-we#t corner (f block No. 25 on l'age c frnurby 'e adtion tothe rfllageoJ Ann Arbor, - ■ t ï-v fche Dortta Jme of said sec t ion to the north-ea-st corner of said Kectiuü, thence Kmth on the etui line of said sectlon aboiit íorW rods U the place uf beginning, eontainrng fonr acres; or somp part thereof, ai publia :tt the Ooitrt Honibé n the city of Anti Arbor on the ninth day of Kov4mbfr nestiftt noon l'.l.l.A BOTSFORD. MurtL'aKoe E. W. Moboan Atfy. Pated, August Mth, A. D ,1861. 8i3td Mortgage Foreclosure. TiEFAULT haviDg been made in the condition of a 1 Murtgftgeexecutodby Williaua Walker. aiul'Cyllauit, . to UttÜam s. Uaynard, aated the twelith day of May, 1. lSfiÜ, ami recorded in the Register' URice in Wasbtena County} i Líber 26 of Mortgagca, at pge7;;'", (in 1 day .f its date at twentv-five min utes past eight o'clocïijp. in by whicb default tho power ntainedin saï4 morieage became operatiTe, and uoBuit or proceeilir.g liaving been institutedat law toreC'over the debt se; u red by said mort;rage or any p.irt thercof.and the tftón of one hundred and eleven dollars belog now -l;uim-.l t.i be !ue liieryn as iutert ;mi oosts of iusurance, and furthersums to becomedun Notice itherefure hereby given that sait! inrirtgage will be forcclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premiseB, towit: AU that eertain tract or pnrc-l of laiul knövn and Qeseribed asfullnws, to-wif Lying anl being n the city of Ann Arbor, being five roda wide on the portfa side ot block 1 o. tVto t north nf Hurun strect. range oiiúeartt, to extend tlie whole length of said block eant and wost, agreeably to the reenried plat of the village o( Ann Arf' r. 1 r part public vengue, nt theCourt d tht city ai' Ann Arbor ou the fifth day of Ücto- ■ i at noon. WTLLIAM ir. MAYXAPD Morfacee. E. W. Moíoan, AtTy. Dated, July 9lh, A.D. 1861. 8C5td Chancery Notice. STATK OF .MIÍ1UCAX, the Circuit Court for tht County of Washeuaw, in Chancery. Beforo tho Honorable Kihviu Lavreoce, Circuit Judge at Chanibers. In the case f Alfred R WooJ L complaimint, and John W. . Mary .1. M.iynar-1. willinni s. llsynard, Luthcr uaná, AliL'iih '. Fairtr, (ïeoie HvUe, AI06M Farrar, Henry VV, Obándlep, Wotvbincfcen Warreof JSdward Lumbert, WHIIam II. Major,] Henry Stone, William W. Dwigtít Sí. Babcock, John NIckotson, James T. rorry.Anh-w Fvetchura, John R. Jaffrav, Arthui W. JaftVay, Kdard 3. JafTray, aud Richmond 4W. Jffrayt It B&tfafactoríly appearíng ;o the undersigned, Circuit Judge for the fourtn Judicial circuit, by affidavit that soüie of the defendanta in tln.s cause reside out of this State, to wit : Luther Duna, Abijah W. Karrar, Ceorge rfyde, AJonzo Fan ar, Henry W. Chandler, and Washington Warren, 'reside in the Ötute of Massachusettii ivnd that Edvraro LaraÉbert, William U. Major, Henry Stone, Wiiüain W. Wright, Ihvight M.Batcock, John NickoUon, J&soss F -W-ivy, andrew Ketchum, John R. Jaffraj, Arthur VV. Jaffrav, Bdward S. Jaffray, and Richmond W. JjUTiay 11 resuïe ín theState of New York On motioa ofO. Hawkln, .olicitcr for the complainnit, it is ordered. that iho saitl non-resident defendants ■ ir appearance in tbia cause tobo t-nïered within three months from the da te of this order. Andit ís furtberordered that witfain twenty days the complainant ín this cause, cause this order to be published. in the M'h van Argu$,& new spmer published in the City of Ann Ai hor in theCounty oí Wah:enaw, and that sucK pubUcaiion be continuad in fcaid newspaper at le&stoncfr Ín each weck for six suecessivo weeks in succese-ion, or tlmtlie cauté a oópy of thia order to be personal ly erved oneach' of said idefendants at IomI twenty davs bofor the time prescribe in fchfa order for their appearance. (A true ccpy of the origina! jrder.) E. LAWRKNCE, Circuit Judg. O. IlAWKi.vs.Rolicitor for Complaiuant. RoBBBT J. Bakky, Register. Ann Albur, Augusto, 181)1. 812td. Chancery Notice. npHE CTRCÜTC COÜET fór thcodtt of wuBnMXw, L in Chnncery: - Robert Kline, Complainant, vs. Storr ''.. M" ".fu, Ariel Moultun, Sybil Moulton, Bcnjamia FÓllett, Jambs R. Cook( and Joseph Folmer, Ad mi nistra - r upon tlie estáte of Albert G. Moulton, deceased, defendants. It satisfactorily ftppearlng to the undersigned, Ciicviit Court Oinniis.-iuiier, by affidavits, that the deAriflMoulton Ua non-resident of this State, on mot ion of Alpheus Felcli , Solicitor'and of Counsel for eomplaiiuuit. itis ordered that the said defeodant Ariel MoLiUon, cause his appearance in this cause to be euti'ri'il within three months from the date ofthisorder and that, in case of bis appearance, h cause hs aniwm to the oomplaia&nt's bilí to be filed and a copy thereoí ■ I on tht complainant' solicttor, withïn 1 wi'nty days ai'ttr BWrlefl of a copy of sa i il bill and notice n{ thiR onkr, and in default thereof that the said l'ill be taken as confessed by the said defendant, Ariel Moultoa. And it U furfber ordered; (hat within twenty Üays snij complainant cause this order to be pnblished in lbo ' Wchan Argus," a newspaper published! ,ü!y, and that said puMicalion be cntinued i er at least once iu each week for ix weeksin Buccession, or that he cause a copy of this order to aliy served on the eaid defendant at least hventy l:i y s beforethe time above prescribed ftr his appea ranee. Dated. Julyllth 1861. I). P. TWITCHELL, Circuit Court Cnm. for WnshtenawCo., Mich. A. FELCH, Sol. for Compl t. A traeoepy, 809w6 R. J. Barry, Regitr. Chanccry Sale. STATE OF MICHH;X, tuk Oibcxit Coürt tor tïik CVi .t of WasüTEHAW, Ölza.A I'erkinsvs. Sebrah Perkinr- In Chancery; In piUBOUDkOd oí a decretal of the Circuit Court of the CoupX of Waahteriaw, in Chancery. made in the above cause on tbc second day of December, A. D. 'ihteen hondredand fiftj-nine, and a further order of this Court toado "ii the Blxthdayfof February, A. P eighteen hun'■■]■.■ ï and slxty-'one, will be soM, under the direetion of the Circuit Court Comraissionerfor tlie Coimty of Washtenaw. at public molion, at tbe south or front door of tlw Court Hbnsft, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, on faturday the sixth dav of July,eighteen huntlred and sixty-one, at twelve o'clock, nnon, of said clay,ail tho?e certain tracts g and bing iu the tnwhship of Salem, in tlio Couüty of Waahtöïkaw aforesaid, and desoribe'l in aald defl'ee aafollowsyTiXi The wt-ai half of the south-cast aoarter of boqüod fifteen, and the weot half of the north-eust qu&rtor of section twentytwo, in tqwiuhip one south, of range Beven east, or so much tboreol u may be necessary tf satisiy tlio araount due upon süid (lecree, tügetluT with fntfirtst and costs. I. S. aWlïCHKIX, irt Oom. fitr the. County of WaabfcenfcW O. HAWKINS,Solicitnr for Cüinplainant and Assigneo Ann Albor May U), 1801. Theaboi i:rnod until tbe 15th day of Novembornoxt, at the ame bout aod place. Dated, JvlIj öth; 1861. I. S. TWiTCHELR,Circuit Court Com. Washtenaw Co., Michr MANH00D How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Seahd Envdope, A LKCTÜRE OX THE NATl'RK, TIÍKATMES'T ANO RADICAL CUBE Ot SPBBlUTOfiRHOEA, or Semlnil WeakDCB8,Sexill)ebili(v, NorvmiMu'ss nn.l Involunlaona i.iuciDg Iinpotencj, and Mental nd Pbyaloal lnpolty. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Author of 'the " Green Book," S(C. Tho wovl.l rouownprl author, m thÍR admirable Lecture clonrly proven fiom his own txpprience tliat the nwful ïonscquencOR of self abuso may be effectual'y removed rtitliout medicino aml without datigeroui.1 surRical iperaions, bouKu'K.intritm'nts, rings or cordial?, poinlin? itit a mode or cure at once certain and eflectual, by vhicb .-vory ;uin'eror, no mattf-r wlifit ïiis c-mlition may je.uiny euro himself cheaply.jirivatcly and radically - rhisLécture wl!l prove u boon to thousand and thousinda. Sent xin'ler (jcal to ftny .iddreRs, post paid, on the re■0!]it of two poatage stamp, by addressins Pr. Cl!. I C KLINE, 12" Bowery, New York Post Bol, 080. '86 Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus