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A Brief Biography Of Brigadier-general Rosencrans

A Brief Biography Of Brigadier-general Rosencrans image
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Genera! vv íiliutn Starka Eosencrans was born in the couuty of Delaware, State of Obin, on the öth of September, 181.9; His aneestors on tlio futh er's side were originally írom Amsterdam, urjd oo the mothér'a they wcre of the Pennsylvania Hojikinsee, one oí' whöri) signed the declaraiion of Icdependence. At the BgB oí 18, on his OA-n direct application to tlio Seeretary Oí War, (the Hon. Joel K. Puinaett,) he was appointed cadet at West Point ia the year 1837. He graduated among the Five, and becarne brevet lieuteflant of eiigineers in 1842. His first rnilitatary station vvas Fortreeá [nroe, where he remained one year as first ass;stant to Col. 11. E. De Kussy. In August, If-i'ii, he married Miss Aun Eliza Hegeman, an accoinplished und wortby representativo of tho oíd New York funiily of that name, and was oí dered to West I'oint to aot as Assistnnt Professor of Engineering and Natural Philosophy. After reinaining four years at the Acaderny he was translerred to Newport, Rhode Island, and made Engineer-in-Chief of the lortitications at Fort Adarns. During bis stay there, from 1847 to 1853, he was charged with surveys of New Bedibrd Harbor and Taunton liiver Massachusetts, and plans of iortificatioDS, nh'iuh ho executed to the satisi'ai:rion of the war Department. In 1853 he was made ooostructiag engineer at the Navy Y ard, Washington, District of Columbia. In November, 1856, ho resigned his commission in tho army, and engaged in civil engineering and architecture in the city ol Cincinüati. In 1855 ba accepted the suporkUuiidenuy of the Cannel Coal Company, of Coal river, Kanawha Cotirt House, Virginia, and Piesidency oí ihe Coal Eiver Navigation Cornpany, whic.h he retained until April, 1857, when he removed to üincinnati, ana eugaged in the tnanufacturo oí coal oil and prussiate of potash. This was his bui.suess when he was called b}r Major-Geneial McOellan to act as chief engineer and aid-decamp, and thence, shoitly after, promoted to a Brigadier-G enerulship in the regular army. In all these various positiou, Gen. líosencrans has exhibitedthe most untiring iudustry, indomitable energy, and spotless integrity. None ever knew him wfcose respect ind oníidence I ho did not ootnmand ; and tho writer of thie i-ketch could not repross a smile wben, amoiig otber certain papers kindly subrnitted to his inspection by the smiinble and accomplished Mrs. Kofencrttns, he lit upon a letter dated Washinqrlon, August 14, 1854, testifying to " Mr. Kosencrans' high abüities, integrity, and energy," and sigr.ed " Jeflerson Davis." Socrally, the General euits to tho rei lüiücnt of tho rjtüitleTnan, tbe frank frne-spoken maiïneP, so tuking runong W8tern population. In per;on he is little abovethe middle h' rather thin, and very erect, wi'.h n I feature so striking as nis broad forohetii and olear gvny eyes Gen. Itosencrins is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. -


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