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An Englishman's View Of Mcclellan

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The Washington oorrespondent of the London Star says thíit ho has been introduued to Gen. McCleJlan, and ad ds : "I do not. remember to have met a more modest, unassumiog, and vet BeJfpossessed and energetio-looking man in any country I have visited. Tbere has boen a good deal of sickening aduiation bestoued upon the youthful General by tho press for the not vfify diffioult work he performed in Western Virginia, bilt, from what I could judgo of him in snme twen ty minutes' conversation, I for ono feel confident lie will jnstify the highest èspeetationj formeel by his fallotv-coijntrymen and thegovernrnent, He broiight to my mind tho linea begiQDing - "I saw j'oung with hitbeaver up." In pereon hu stands abont five fi;o live ioobes; ho is powerfully built, md bis head reminded me sornewhatof thut of the First Napoleon, ün my being introduced ho looked at me with a penetrating glanue - as they say here, right down into my boots' - and, after a short conversation, he said, 'I will giva yon a pass witliin my linos, but i notoutside. I don't think I wouldíeí Mr. Lincoln go outsido my pickets.' Tbecbaoges he lias produced durin-g the fortnight are really wonderful, when wj c.,iiri,!rL: i'u UrriL'ly demoralized condition in which lic fuund the army on his arrival A remark of Lieutenant Purker'e will demónstrate tliis: "Before Gen, MuClellan enme here," said that officér, 'we knew evervtbing that transpired aleng the ' irit?, bat now we kuow notbing bevond ourown forlj' and yot two or three thoustind troopa are arriving every day, and aro silently placed in potition. Ono sure proof of his abihty is the extraordinary respct and positivo affection he inspires in all wfao approaóh him - offieers, men, and civiiiuim alikè; and hia staff is composed of similar charactere to himself. L:ke oar own Havelock, he is said to bo exceedingly religioua, and thoso vvho acted nnder him in Western Virginia assuro mo he has i horror of bloodshod, nevtr attacking the enerny until viotory i.-i cer.ain."


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