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From The Fourth Regiment

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Fort Woodbury, Vu.,) öept. 19, 1861, ) Fkiïsxd Pond: II bas been so long since I wrote you, tliat I am alinöst ashamed tq es: suy now to do it. I have been waitinjf lor sornething Btartling to occnr as a therni! - hut tima far I have vvaited in viiin; tberefore, I must Hiito you ;i thread-baro story. Tho Fourth in in rornarkably _.'' ld hoaíth and Spirits, arid continuos to hotd the envioble posición of being the best Uogiment in our división. ThÍ8 niny bc deeraed aelf-praiae, vet it is stiseoptible "Í deraonatration by tho testitnony of General.- McCleluab and I'okter - who have thus pronounccd it. As :in other evidenco I addtiee tho fact that tho Fort which wo asaisted in building haa been officially ehriatuned Fort Woudbunj - afler our most excellent j and galiant Colonel. Th:, I assure you is no trivial compliment; in fact, it is the highest honor, eonferred upon any Regiment. Tho formal ceremonies of naming the fort took place day betore yeaterday. They consiated of a salute of ihirty-four guns - raieiog tho oM " stars and tripes " - and an excellent prayer and adclress by Dr. It was a most intereating occasion. - Wo all feit it to bo an honor conferred upon onrselves, upon our Colonel, and up n (ur beloved 8t:ite - Michigan. Tbo remurks of our excellent Chaplain were pertinent and well timed. - Tho following is thcir subatance : Officers and Soldiers: - You mav remember to have read, that years ago certain presumptuous men in a distant land, went out frorn their legislativo halls to enact the Boleran right of buryingthoBible. They may have drearued, in thoiie hours of madnesa, that by their act they woukl blight tho hopea of immortal men, und in perpetuating their malice toyrarda God, perpetúate also the miserie of thoir oountrymen. Others, equally misguided, dwelüng in a portion of this fair country, nol long ago, in spiteful moekory, burieü the stars and Mtripcs- our patioo'a rlag - and eovered it with tho soil which ita ÍVeu lolda alone bad coneecrated. But you have learned, arnong thoao other sacrecl lessona óf tho nursery, that death hi.s in itself tho seed of futuro lifo ; that burial is G-od'a prophet of a coming resurrection. That buried Lilile livos ! It ligtit and lifo are afaared by niillions of fiittiful men, our home aod hcarta by it are hallowod. 'lhnt buried Flag- stripcd with our lather's blood - starrod with tho symbola of God's defending and protecting love - yet travos, our ilag, on raany a hilltop ; abovo many domes; 3-oa, atill wavea over our threatened Capítol. You are sununoned bere to delend it, and in it the Lans ol God - His Government in America. It symbols peace in the homes you have lelt; quiet at the hearthstones vhore your deftr ones kueel ; and reunión with thern is hinged upon its triumph over the rebellios. - To-day it ilont abnye this i'abric, roared mainly by Tour hands, üiven to the brecze amid our prayers, you, rny oomrades, wilt turn every eye on me, aod respond with the nobleat resol ution ol your soul-, vvhiie I say to these confuían lingi LÜcers, who are exercising Qotl'B iiithdiiiy over us ; [Generala Porter, Maiiindale and Morel I were present]; i.ot us tlio expression of the of the moment, but aa the educatiii ;ur[wne ol our heartn: - Lead us wberú yon d.irc lead brave men, we will provü l ha wordü'of our galiant Colonel (ei be triie; worda uttered wben he rucf i.vcd .t trio hands of fair womoii ;i:i' niinialure color of bis corps: " Soontr thuu trtui in fcaton, this Üng Bh all become the pa lol the Regiment," At tho conclusinn ol theso romarks, three ti:::es th rot) stentorian cheers inado tho weikin ring. So passed the most picasant episode dui ing our soldier life. Wehavea fine Fort, aaounlUlg five guns- iour tbirty-two pounder and one howilzor. Squads aro dotailed daily to d i i 1J on these guns, and they havo already beoome quito proficient in their use. A general Court Martial has been in fession at Fori Corcoran ten days tc day - consisting of twelvo oilicors, eclected i'roin different regimcDta of (ïcn. Portei's división. I am tho only one frorn our regiment. We have tried twenty odd cases and expoct to get throirgh tó-morrow. Tho court convenes at 9 A. M. and adjouros at 8 P. M. Fort Corcoran is half a luilo frorn Fort Woodbury towards Georgctovvn, and about one mile from Georgetown. We ficquoutly havo alarma oí' attack - but they tiro puro alarais, I havo no idea that tho rebels have periously contemplated an attack upon Washington. All I n-gret is that they have oot att'ackéd us, we iully prepared to receivo llicm. It seoms to bo the plan of Gen. McOlrBLiA to place Washington in Kuch a state of delense thnt a few men, comparatively, can protect t, leaving the Grand Arrny freo to pursuo the enemy, so soon as tl. e weather will peiinit. I ttiink an advanco will bo made socn ufter the September equinox. ïhis is mere apeculation, Gen. McOlbllan keepa bi own counsel as ho properly bhoukl. Thore is one good thing about our anny - it wiU keep. Virffinia has Rown tho wind, and is fast rea pi og the hirldwind. She is called the mother of Presidente, but she is geltirg her wriuklod visage terribly acratched. üur rcgirv.cnt is being paid offto-day. We receivo two month'a pay, that is pay for July and August. Tho boys have plenty of mooey and enough to eat and wear. These throo easentials, make an anny enthuaiaetio and efficiënt. I wish you couhl drop into our camp ono of tbe&e bright cvenings, anti listen to and witness the happinees of our resiment, You woukl think it one grand orcheslra. Luto, horn, cymbal. and harp, comrning'ed with swect tonod singers, make the air víbrate with harmonious joy. I must close. I intend to wrileof. tener Iban heretoforo. Yours truly, B. G. DeI'UY. H, The California election haa gone ' largely RopublicuD.


Old News
Michigan Argus