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Our Crisis Paragraphs

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- The propriStors of the National llotcl. Washington, have been arrestcd for si.-llinii liquors to soldiere. - Woik has been recommenced on Iho domo oj üm; Co] itol and tho treasury building. - The goVernmenl has been tendered a company t infantry from the Havvuinn Inlands. - Ex Gov. Moretead and othor Kentucky ei(.-tr-.--ijriitrt have been arreetod and eent to Fort Lajayette. - John C. Breckinridge and W. C. Preston havo Bed from Kentueky to " SBcefsia1." -Tho l'rinco dejoinevillo, two sons, íind nito arrived at Washington on the 18tb. - Two of the Prloce'fl suito havo en tereel the military nervice of the government, and one of his sons ha been adrnitted to the Naval Acaderny. - Brigadier-Üeneral Mitehell - the astronomer - ha beeD annigned to the Department of Ohio, with he&dqoarters at Cincinnuti. i - A regiment of cavalry ia being raieed in Colorado Tenitory. - A public meeting has been hvld at Ooi d water, and tho President consured for nstructing the rnodiñuation ■ of Fremont'e proclarnation. - Prir(;e Halm Sal m, of PriiBsia, has been appointed Coloael of Young's Kuntucky Cavalry. -Col. E. D. Baker- tho Oregon Senator - has buen appointed Major (ienerii!. - The raised stearaer Merrimac, at Norfolk, is boing converted ituo a floating büt try. - ïhe Confedérate troopa are ioitify ing Bowling Green, Ky. - The Southern papers arp cornplainingof the tardineMóf JefF. Duv'id. - (i-ov. Gamble, of Mo., baa cnlled for the re-aM-füriDÜng of the ítate Convention on the lOth öctober. - Suppofed object to order a poatponement of ;he State election to moro peaceable times. - Gen. Andereon'e headquarters are at Louisvillo, - The Federal prisoners are being sent from Bichmond to New Orleans. - It is RgftlD nirnored that Garibaldi has conditionally aeöepted a oorrmision in lbo Federal service at) BrigaaiarGerjeriil. - Report says drafting for the artny begun in Iovva on ilonday. - Gons. Sigol, Pope, Ahboth, and McKinetry have been deeirnated by Gön. Fremont as acting Major Generáis. - Tho iirst pkirniish in Kentucky occured at Barbouraville on the 18th. Sevan Confoderatea and tíiree horceí" lil!;d Oüe Union man trounded, and one taken [irioner. - lion Winans has ngain been reteaaed by thu governoieot, - Two full regi menta have been raised in Maryland. - TI. KeeaWhiting, lato "looal" of iho Detroit Adoertiitr bas been appointed Aideto Om. McKinstry, wilh the rank of Ca}tain. - Tho last company of the 8th regiment rendezvoased at Fort Wayne on Saturday. - A oavalry regiment has been authorize] to bo raised in Oregon. -The North Staf arrived at New York on Mondar, from Aspinwal), wiih $950,000. - Ëtapry Dent, City Marshal, bas bi?en appionted Provost Marshal oí Louisville, K_y. - Tho rebels aro lestroying the looka on Groen River, Kv. - Twonty aailora, o.xperienced gunnera, have been sent from Aiuxandria to tho Miesiaaipi flotilla. - D. W., Surgeon of the Michigan Third, haa beon appointed a Brigade Surgeon - The London Times ridiculos tho pasepon systern adopled by our government, To have been expected.


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