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A Grsat National Work. Sometbing for cvory Citizen, Evcry Fireside, cvery Reader ! 1 ! Ly Xo l!uu, DO l', Do Uüicc Blioald bo without itThe onhj Corred and Complete llutory of the II 'ur. On WEDNE3DAY, AUGUST 2Ut, wl! I BB PÜBI Int:!, THE FIRST ÍUMBEROF V ORKATPOPUIAR XATIOXAl. Wl)RK,Of IN lIMAULh VALLK Tü ALL, VBLi SOUTHERN REBELLION, AD Tlili WAIt 1F0R THE UflION : A H1-1OUÏ OV CHI Rige aad Progresa of the Reboliioa, A N II Consecutivo Narrativo of Events ond Inciitciit, tVoin the Fhst Stnea of tha Titason agaiust the Rtubli üowii to th close of the Conflict. ín Weekly parts, 32 pages, large 8vo, PH.ICE 1O CE3STTS'! he v, &D1 of :'.n n.uthrntir nod tkitrougk llistory of tli tt, for present rererenoe and fu. ure preservaron, tbjectof general remArk, No woikot that uature hai I ■ sd to th public, and all wbo trias fur infi rmati mare oompeUed tu grope througa th Enana of tlie rumora, ïepmts, dispatches, letters and edltoriala of tbedaüy wwspapar, to precipítate, front) its confused columns, t&e gft Fuete udü Incident oi" the trii;: j Cor the Uaioa. Tü iu"et this Tuut, and to produce a work of pwmftnent valué ai weM ai of presen Interest, publfeher t uged for the issue ol thehUioryfta set foth - d I i"in and ataprice whicu shalireuder it acceptable lu all. ThUhfotory wllltellthe Stohv a tt ia, siringa clear, conaecutire narrativa ot' tho eutire m o vemen t, includíng aü the Incidonta and events in their exaot order, aud ctintüiniíiií the important documenta and extracta Erom remarcable aMeW It will aot be a mero dlary, aura more aumeration of dryaadnaked dates, nor a 0 mpllation of slípa frum newspaper, but portray iu ooonected and iatareating narrativo, the revolutionary ateps, as wU aa the measun of the Goverameat. Jt wiH careful'y dígest all evtdaenee - will si It all rumors ;in l reporta - wiU ftx upon faott, and eorreet su fax as poaaible th errors aad disci-epanciea iueideut to the j narrativos of the newapaperfl, It will be writteo Ln a atvia siiited to ita theme- t ones gniphÍG earnest and unninouB, íntroduciu such perBunal and social incident asma; ierre to show tho relations of Individuals and coinmuailieá to the grand events of the time. It ia true,eTeryiody reada the newpapri, bot the reporta "!' í)kj momant, aro not a correct, conoeetsd and complete hiatarj Xa abore pubücatioa, :ifLurvrardB b"L:Al i 11 a. bandeóme v huno, will te a hook for y , whiel: will lie valued líke the records of the War of IndejMsndence, or th Ufe of Washington, and to ti' kept for chüdren aud grand-children, asa . al of the present time. ltuil! thua nove definible, available and latiêfactory to every citi en i ■ ;■ í!,etry office, ovury lilu-ary; Fen to the public in the f uil wtaranca Uut it wul commanü the approoation nf every patriot) vrery 1 oitisen in uur tül Ulorius Laad. Tobe had of all newaaealem and postmaaten la th Önited States, and f bofdtsellen and nemdo&ltn in ,. Great Britaio and Australia. i .'.LAii in a gooj biH or pos. mps U VRD'K. GERSABD, General Affent for . lication, 81 KftBsau Street (Pobt Boï 4001) New Tork City, tü lioni all orden are to hu directed, will rebj mail, post pa-iáf, ten number. Partiea wisbing to furnlsh thir frienda in Breat Prilin, California, Canadá and Australia with the pabUca. paid, by steamer, wití seod (for ten numbera), : the postage, to Gret Britaln, $'2. '20 ; to Cali L.10; to Australia, J2.20 ; to Canada, tl.lü. Lg copies the fall and exaot addre, wah town, countv and State ahoald be giren En svery m.-itance. JAilKoli. ÏORREY, 814wé ihèr,13 gpru Street, K,Y. Great Eeduction in the Prioo of SINGEB & CO. 'S Standard Machine-a . Weültnown to Ie tle Best for Manujacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, forineily sold at 890, reduced to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for rnerly sold at $100, roduced to $75. SINGEÜ'S LETTER A MACHINE [á the best Machine in tho orld for Famüv Sewing and Uanufactuiiag Purpoaea : (with Hommer f) and beautifully omamected ió'J. b. 1 and 3 iUchinea are of greaf capacitj.and . manafacturing purposes. OurNo. 3 Macl peciaïly adapted to all kiuda of üglit and beav) Leatber Vork, ín Carriage Trimoot and Shoe Making, HaraeMMaking,e(c.,etc. of extra aize, and with an arm Umg ent :. i; and etitch the largesi "size daahea. Ihi i ■■ Ij any part i a 1 rimmers' stttchüig tli;it cannot 1 ■ better done with thoiu baan by band ; bo, too, the saving ni time and labor s vej great. Thetableof chmes ia 94 iochM long and thcsbuttle will the QBual piantHyof thread. nielazge machine worku fastas sta We would askfor our t-ster A Bfachlnss, the speQtion of Vest and Dre Makers .and tUoae who want Machines fox li&kt man ufaetttring pur. the pridciplea oí the standard ing Uke tbem ttw aterlockod aitch, and are dostined to be ae oel i rated for Famií.y ard hokt ïntiiiul'ue' urinrf purpoaea as [our sta min nl uw. ■ for manufac turing purpoae lo general V e bave a raj job band, ukkiukq cui..mik twist !Il, AD tXHT IS niKKADj OM BPOOIA, UBB HACiUHlJ 011 in bottleti, - te, etc. V mamü'act ure our own NeedWs, and woald wam all Ltsing our machinea oot ftay otbers . ffe know ilii-t theie are needleri soïd of Uè MOêt iafrriur guoiity at higher prícen than ve charge foi the best. I . lesBold bj ns are manufactured eapeciaily for i . . Inés. A bad needie may rendtr tht betí machiné atmost ui ra may rest asaured thatallour Braneh ished iriththe' genuiae aciicle J . of small purohatea, the m oej ma) be sent in I ;llk Ilutes. üorrespondents wül please wrïte theír aameá & ly. It i-; all mpoftant thut we should, meaehcaae, kaow th i 'ounty, aud State 85& A.l persona requiring iaformation about Sewing . h urking capacities, aud the best naethods of i utcliaaing', can obtain it by eendíng tu ua, or anyof ouj ;- . aoh i tfflees f c a 6opy -t I. BI. Smg9r & Co't Gazette, Which is a beautifu) Pictorial Paper IlUrely devotedto tho Buoject- It will besent gratie. - We have made the above REDUCTIOM IN PRICES witb the tw o-fold view of benefltiag the publjc and ours i-. ","- e ubïic I ■■ v ( "n Bwjfidledb spurious raachinea made in imïtationof oara. TUe metal in them, iron caHting to the smallosi iitice", isol Door bave qoI the m a os to do thgir '.. They are bid away in Becret placea, where it impossible to have at thoir command theprop, . ucea. Il ia oaly by Aoing a grea1 ■ : kving'extenaive manufácturing ostaolishmeats, iim irood mAfhinea tïaa bo madeatm prioea. best designed m chinea, BAPLY MAl'i-:, are '■ii of order, and are sure to cose ble Lroubíe and money to keepthemini to 06 looked for in a Machine ave : CtoT tainty of correct actiën at ;ill ratea oi' speed Taivp.Hcity of Cfraatructión', great dorablUty, andrapidity of p;r.ttii.n, with the least labor. Machines to crubine these tieo, {muat fet made of the best moial and i', i.: n d to i ■' r!( ction. Wc have the way and means, on a grand sea!:, fco din tlii1. The pur I i ers of machines, whosedsfly bread ittnay copcern, will fiad that thoae havJDg the aboi equalities Ij work wel! at rápidas well aw alow rates cf ■ a Ui e flnest posalble woi klng order. I as, will earn more money with lr.-s tabor than aoy othera whethfr m bnitatioa i . not. In f act, theyareeheaDer than any other machineaafl agift. I. M. VINGER 8e CO., 458 Broadwuy New York. etroít Office, 78 Griêwold Street, oppoite the Post Ollice. slltf M. U. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. THK FALL TKRM of -the severa! Public Söhöob f thkOity will open mi Uonday Aug. I9th, and cuntiouu 14 weeks. It in desirable that Bcoolara be in their j of the tri-m, The Boundarleaof the seveml ward Schools will re' retofore, except that pupila in tho Prima ry grades within thefollowing territory will bc required ti . h ffard School: Sast ot Poatiac and Page "■ui N'Ttli ol Kuiler Stiocts uw tlie KWer Road itreet, South on Pitcher street to üak ■ district Limita- ineludtng resideata i pidea d títreets named, Page Ftreet except6d ?- No cbil reu ander fint ye.arnld will be admitted. TEé following genera] rules for tlie governuent of the ■ i . '. 'iiion to such aahave been bereto■ lunced, Invc been adopted, and the eapecial atof paren ts are ïavited to tliem : Os ave expec ■ ■■. naence theïr attendance v at the begfnnittg of eaeh tevin, and bc rogular and punctual in their attendance ; to conform to Llationa of the school an 1 to obey promptly all eclions of the teachers ; to observe g ■ nijd propriety of deportmeni ; to bediñgent in study, r pectful to teaohern,and kfnd and obliging to school. to y. íraín entirely Drom the ose of profane or ■;■ language, and to be clean and oeat 'm peraoo and atl i II. Pupila of Ward sehool den&rtmenta are required □ i tne school estabtishe in the cUriaion ol the where thcy i III. No pupil preparing hls or hst Upsons In achool i to depart before the ifsual time of clon,il wrltten leqüest of parents ot a or on account af sieknemt; - and pupils per■ ■ i ui of school Bhall enter at the Ion or at recesa aud I&t ion. 1'. Any pupJl who ís Uabitually tardy or Iruaut, et ■ dience or Lnsubordiaátíon.or wha I in the use of profane or Improper langs ■ ia any form during school hoore, or whoae general oonduc leJnjuriouebaUbe reportad to hia or her guardUn and to the school B tard. uii'l shay be eubject to Huspen i. n V. Every pupil ia theHigh School who ahall be absent farr halj daga, and faj the (ímnmar Boheol wfoo shtll be absed ttx kalf da$$, and Ia the Ward ScböoU 1 -, iu four con ■ ■ . without an excuse fron the parentor gi u-riiten note, satiafying Lheteach■ ■ i ed by bisor bej pwn ■ sa in the family, hall forfelt hls or . ■ tie teacher eball iorthwith notify tha parent and the Board that the pupil isauspend N() pupil : ■ ided hall bérentored to the ■ i thecommencement of the ennuing term, ■ ■ ni or guardián shall give .-■ i that the pupil wül be punctual In the fu VI. Any pupil who taallfee giiUtyot tajarfng orde facïng the sohool property, ■li be suspended fro o acnool and i the Board VTI, Other ru . . aad dir I mpliue of the nspeottre Behools, may ba ttem tinwto tíine adopted and announced bj the teachers therein lectuallr to earry out the rules aud rrgulationn f Lbed by tho Board AV-W.1M1. E-BI'-Soci. of Board. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ü gf" íLÜ FiüENDS cjg IN TIIE RÍÜIIT PLACE. Ilarrick's Sugar Coated Pilis05BP, TUKUEsT FAMILY (a í ''-íVW tWu-tiü in Hit! WOtld, ; y'r 4 'V ;-ri tivt' milliuuH oí' persona t % .V ' ' " " iltiuuu' : aUa.)M iva i, ■ i VA -.iti-I'nciun , cui.pi.iu . VVaii1 '"'■ l'ttliiii njunous ; fl ,-- -f ,. - - " . '■ '- .--. ,}! i:iti liiiv.ü ),; Ul6 prtn r"WfciíCÍI physiciann IAd in the Union ; ',&% (K i.'l'-K!uUy cuatüd witli j' - ' '■'" "■■:-V:'fe ; ■■' -r ,- VvVV' Large Boxea 20 rpnts; BV r boxen lor l lïüilar. Kaiuram, Lsoa Cotnrrr, I Florida, July 1T,18O. j" ToD. Hemiick, Alhany, N y -y Dcar ÍJuctoi :- I wrii" ih;rt ín iiit-iim yon ,)f f wonderful effect of your 8n tar '"''i''-i PiMa on ay tlder teoghtwr. Fcrthrn yearsshe hai Mnaffilotad itli btllious tler&ngenumt of tlie y.-ítiui. Rftdlj laparing Lfr hclth, whicfa has beeo Hit'ailly failing darías that perlod. When Id New Vurk i ii Aprn [ast, fnendadvlM i me to test your pill. Hnvirijj[ the fullfst couö ltnce in tlie judgmeat oí my frientl, I oMaini'.l a .suppiy of Ufara, Humea A I'ark, DruggistSj Patk Bow, NVw Xofk. )u rturnii htime. we ceaíie.l all utlier tiejitmeiit, añil ft.ltnlnwttírwd your Pilis, oiie each The lm)iov-ra(;BtiQ hr feliDtfjt oomiilexloai dition, ate., MurbiiMd us [1. Á ruj l-Í an.l?irimaiifüt rtfftoTttlon to hfalth tm bíífii the Tfsult, Wb unl bMfl thiiu tivftnxe, hdií conrttdcT her entiiuly wi-11. I oo&Mdet the ahim a just tribute to yon a a Physioian, anl trust thut it vill bw themoati.s f itulucing nniiy tu adopt yoar Pilla as thcir family nivtUüined. I í-umaiu, asar íirj wíth many Lhaafcn, Vuur ubuii.ent urvfiut, Ö. ü. MOBRISO-f. Henick's Kld 3trensthenlag Plaater cure ia fivo huur.-i, pains ün'l weftknetM of thobrMAtt rfde aad back, and Khea toa tié Complaüitsia au equally ■hort perlod of time. Spread oo beautlfu] white latnlj skin, theír ma aubjeeta the wearor to no in(;ouveniecer aml each ooe ill ireat fríim une wtek to threo mouthe. Price l%% cehti. Herrick'B Sugar Coated Hila and K'nl Platten are boM oy Druggteta and Merchants ti all iJirts of the Unitpd nates, Guiada aod South America, and may be obtalned by calliug fur thom bv thyir í'ull na ni o. lyStfo UK. L. B. HERRICK, Cío. „__ Albany, N. Y. 1861. 18cT, NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.H.MILLEN&CO. Have rümyvefï t thelr Briok ítore receiitly occapied by A. DeFoiest, and are nuw reteivin a SPLENDID STOCK OP OO0D3 FOR THE SFRIISTG TRADE, Among which are Síapls Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NE W TYLSS , TRIMMIXGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNBTS. EIBBONS, &c, &c. Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SH0S3, &CR0CKERY. AJso an enlire New Stock of Carpets and Oi' Cloths, of New and Jjtauiul Puílerns, THESE GOODS WERE BOUGET AT FAIsriC PRICES! Anl we c;in satisfy all w'iu wilT cali airl cxaniiue üur Stock, thut (joods kre Chtuniií Spring fr CASH OH HEADY PAY. MILT.EN & CO, Aun Artar, Marcli 25 J881. 2m739 SCÍIOFí1 & MIL LEK HE STILI. OXIIAND ut tbcir oíd Slnnri, A No. 2, Franklin Block, witU theuiost complete assortmm w Boolis and Statioaesy, L'EKFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, COEDS, TASSELS, GILT C0RNT0E8, . CÜKÏAINS. HOOKS AND PINS, SÏEREOSCOPE3 & VIEWS &c. Ever oflbi-ed in this Martet ! and they would supge-st totliose in puvsuit ufanyíhingiu SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can segure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purcfaaMng f rom this stock, ai eaph pui ■ ï : íi h c r getw ;in additiona] protteat ol Jowelry, te. , líangiug in valué írom 50 cts. to $50. t3T They4rut thai thirlong experíeoce in ralectíng , íliis nrirkt't !nl stiict utieníu n lo the wants of Cu&tomers, maj entitíe tbeui tu u libc:ul-share of i a tronage. Aan ArbíDec. 5. 1860. 777tf d7l. w cüiTcöT" EATK JUST OPKNliD A LARGE & WELL SELECTED 8TOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING & SüMMER Trsde f 18G1 Híiving purcl'.aseil tfieir sluek t much les than the usual pricc8,thcy oro prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMËNTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thaukful for past f&vofi they -will b ever ready to 6how their Goods and by fair and liberal dealing'hope to receive tlicir full share of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arboj April 1861. Washtenaw Mutual Fi e Insurance Co. 1IHK Secretary wlll b for few weéka ut TVxtor on W ■'!,,■ ■':■■ v, !i! n; on Tinusihiy nii Satlir''''"" t "i ,'-:. .i'.i uu feVidajr to aeoommodate sueh Farmers u maj risjb tu becoinc ïaember. U. tENUT. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, 1861. 81üv3 WQTICE MYWIKEPAITOWSA CROWI,, baring W) my bed and b'i.-ini wltlwutjut cauieor proYoostlon all pat Bons aru fnrbi.l tmrborlng or (Tuetiog heroB mv accuont aa I ahall pay no debts of her DOHtmot in r. MAOT1M f.'ROW. ftlem, Atiue 21, 1S'"1. K12-


Old News
Michigan Argus