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FS RE! Ff RE! WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS JU2;uranco Oompany , t Qpi CAPITALvtSÜKPLUS; oiedits. 9200,000: W. Ni . TRONCi, Aent Ann Arb-.r. M.n-h. 20. 1861. 792lf IJ FU IWtlt,"AifCË. Tlic Co:.neeticut Wa'unl Life Insuranco Company. Accm1v1l.1t, 1 i'.-iit:il, - í.v"()%000. T' LIHStTRE I.IVE3 fï njr mounl VV 10-000 tor t te "hol1 ti-:m ot'l.itV -rior 1 term of cara onihei-s ravorable teraw. . , in M'-iy mutualand tlv er tl :'"' ■ '-' "f insur.„■.. i; :,,. moJatea tl nsnrod in Uu' o IK-meul of , ir premium!' ON UVE POL1CIES, f deslred, ■■ l'urone half the amtfunt, beariog Bteresi at sil nor ifllt, ["T . Jlicidends are Dcdared Anmially! and sincu thoy uow amouot to fiítv pet -.:it on pre■ . t and note, und re incrwuting thoy anf h ,.1. 1.1 oance) tbeaoteti. ',; - rhe rte ": preioiuma reaf low ;,- oy othor re..v and the ifge accuroulated fund of may bs svt'n l_v i-HVr1 !,iw, -ni Ble ni the office ufthe Canal j n Arbnr.B .1 wii..; ÖOODWIS-, Prert. Gtir ïï. Tnr! P8. Seoy. f ,r particnlanapplj to JAMES C. WAXS0N, geni ;it Aun Arbor Wi jli . NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMF'NY. Aecnmuluted Jan, 1360, $1,707,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLTN", rresidenf, J C. K 15 NI) ALL, Vire President, PLINY FEEEJ1AX, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED vi(h tliPCmnptroHerof the State of New York. DiviJouJs average 40 per cent. annuauy. ASSETS. r:,,l. inRink, ' 31,355,49 Inve8ted in seciritie,eireated mlor tltp lawsol „.. „f .- Vn,k and oftbe f. g., ■JSS.STO.TO Real Estáte uní Fixture, Nns. 112 umi 114 Broadway 132,45o f-l Ber !■; mi!. Hortgagesdrawingi irct. interest 683,998.39 1 percent.ofpremiaoMonlire . bearlng niiri-st, 07j,31i.85 QoartoriyaDdSeinl-aniolpremlwn,dnbae. qocnttoJanuryl,180 fATA[ntorost aocracl up to JaD. 1. 1860, "''í ; cruoduptoJan. 1,181. „Vlï?c Premiums 011 11 liftodB of Agonts, 2ü.J4n.l'.i $1,767,133.24 rrs WKLisand LIWTTT, Medical remmers. 71:J;r BEET S.M1T1I, gent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN ÍS THF vnKN'T Eor'the foll :tam companies: HOME IMSÜUANCB COMPANY, of New Vork City.- Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of H.irtfwd. andSorplus, 1400,000. COVTIXK-VTAL, INSmRA&GV COMPAXY, of New York Olty.- Capital and Bnrplu, $100,1100. Tfarec-nuartent of tbe nett proflta n this Coinpany in divided annually amoug itspoliey holden. C H MII.I.F.XAnn Arbor, December 13, 1S00. 6nl77S Conway i'lre Insurance Co., Of Conwa}-, Mass. Capitül paid np, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 2G9.963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 ü. C. Rokers, Jas. S Whitney, Seoretary. Presiden!. DIRECTORS, J S WIHTNEV, h. BODMAN. W. F.l.UOTT, 1S HOH I.AND D C. McGU.VKAl'.K. P. MORGAN IVUT BEMF.NT, JO8IA8 AI.I,IS. A. II. BI1' I.FN W. H. DICKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D.C.ROGER8. 4.1111 Arbor Refrrenrcs; Pr E WF.TJ.fl, L. JAMES. L. DODGE, KSUC1I JAUL8. CAPT. C.S. dOOTHUCH J, W. KN i GUT, A rent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. ññlIEPEOTCIA MARINE & FIRE JL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 1500,000 one of the BEAVIEST, SAFEST and BEST Insurance ..■ : in the D. s. loduros o raanftble tetms, nd al rayii pay promptly. Ttoere is uo better nre [naurane pompaoy. Mo ney Wanted, WI10 w i 1 1 L e inl M o 11 e y 1 r AMBEQÜEaTED !;V SEVERAL TERSONS to obtain I money for tliem at Ton Per Cent I itere st, (Or More.) Kor ;my inn rilling to land, I cnn Kt opee on eood uneDcumbereS ftbundant REAL ESTÁTE Becurfty ïnysuniH of money anü scethat the titlo aDd scenrity RIGBT. ■ ïhe büiTower paling all esii ;n;c-_, in. '.miingre. ! ■.,. , K. n. MOK(iANf Ann Arbor, Oct. 7. 1869. '15f General Land Agency. r :) n orce i PKRSONS wanting farmi, or reiiaeu. Mt I AnnArbor, can by culllng onme olecTrom .. lOO ParmsKor Salr! Ofva.'tbuisletr-jffl 3, to 130" aerc-ach ;(ome ,, goodiar.tlnthlCo-.'T,t?.) Morrthan ,SO Dwelins HlUe n.áUOUy,fromto iiundred to foarthoa Bnntfdo. ■ ri'jach; and of 2(M, BtJtl)IVi LOTSI pufabaser E w MOifiAS. Anr,ArhOJ.Jn l.t 1 - ■ v. Aí O li G A N , Agent tor ,.t,."tTireTn'iiirrmceumpany, $. 350,000 Capita!, rilMe '■ l' '■■ peori. W. feori Marino Je I' rf lnsuranco U., _hiv 1 N'o. 1 Fire Insuranct; to-a. j0O,O0O; Citpittti} , GÏIEAT BARGAINS BEADY ILJIDE C LOTHÏN C ! ! Cleveland Clolhing House Hurón Streot, a few acor West of Cook'E Hotel, AiVN ARBOR, MICH., In consequence of harJ times, and being comprlled to raise meney .n somo sliape, ?e have concluded to sell evcry thiug in our lioe, consisting oL Clothing, Hats, and Caps, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Sfo. At -wbatever prioe they may be it ever so little, This is no timo to stand Tor trifles. Pronta is no object at all! Give us a cali, and fet good Goods AT YOUK OWN PKICES! D Reraember tlic Place, Huron St.,5 doors West of Cook's Hotel. A, & C. LOEB. AnnArb,Jun,186J. C04m3


Old News
Michigan Argus