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I 'ÜNI.NG, Dl ■ [JSHK& AN1) Manufacturera, a New ;i .ek o! LAVV k. MEDICAL 11OOKS, School Sooks, Miscellancous Booltt, Blank Bocka ian STATXOIirEB.'r ! Wall fcnd V. il ■■ - l'.-itur, Drawing and tfathematioal Instrumenta, Music, Juvi.'liM. ■ ES &Qd l'aui. H"' -MWWW,iTn-..-,j .. gojjd And all ollier kind of Pens and Pencils i Wlaii Ixtnre, POCKET CÜTLEKY! And everyttthifr prrtái , and more to ivhici. o[ mu In oonducting our b ■ :■ allthatcan . :i or ellild sIljíII huilt. ss v.'iúc'i will enableuslö supply OU stomers ;it tiie Lowcst Posfiibie rifares. v.v - ■■ ■ ■ '' y PA V, atavtalladrance. espect a profit on Sur góo 1-. Ij it Cash Salos will Admit of low FIGURES. Webav i t service ofJAMBS F. 8PA1DINB, hrefoi ■ ; '■ fornisb Visilhig, Wedding and uil nher Carda wrttten to order, with neatness and dispalch, Ly mail, or ollierwise. Tliei;i ' ismanned by ag)od 'orew,' ml ili'-y wiii :i!'.:ivy be fbnnd on the "quartar deck," rady and villing to attend to alt with plensure, who vill favor tbem wi'a a culi. líeinetnber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R, WEJiSTER & Co Ann Arior, Miiv, 18(50. 7'( AÑTíJ'lü ARRI'V'AL AT TEEÖVS ÍOLDAND RELIA BLE 8H CLOTHKít EMPomuMü mÍKro. s MAIN STREET. Wm. ■Vr-C3-3?a"3ï33?5., has jint rcturnrl temn the Eaatera Citios, with a larg and desiviiblo stock of FALL AND WINTER Esr O E X I u'. ch he is now offering at uuusually Among ds Astíortmeut ma y be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, ifc VESTIKGS, of all deaoripttons, ospeolalïy for FALL AND WINTER WEAü ! which heia oatting and inakins to oriïor. in thelateal and l.-.-.-i b 3 .;-tment of UFAD Y MADE CL0TI11NG! TRU.VKS CARPET BAQS, UIIBREIJ.AS, and Gcntlemen's Furnisliing Goods, wfth numerous othor articlea usually fouiid ín sïmiLi; wtabUshments. As áNEMPOKIÜM OF FASHIOM-. thb subscrïber flat tors hïmself.that ÜfeltfDg experlenco nii'l generai 8uccess,will enablc hira to give thO i Batisuicti n toall who may trust himio the waj of manufiietiuiuti garmentfl to order. WM. WAONER. Ho ior the Mimmcth Cabinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TJAVK JU.ST OFENED I-N' IHEIRnew ana Elegant War e-R oom KAST EBDEOV MAM SI I jA.TSTTi .V. XI B G :El A cómplcrte stock of OSEWOOD, MAIIOGAÍNY . . AST) PARLOR FÜ11NIÏUHE mrtüDlxu BopM.Tete-a-Teto, Uahonkoy Bow W 1, Black Walnut, ll--i ti an'l Marble Topped ROSKWOOD. MAHOGANT, BLACK W.MATT, FANCi AND C0TTA9E CHAB18, ■., bc, & jm. icJ js öt 9 Elegnnt 1ORE0RS, BUREAUS, SECRETAKIE9, Complete OOM SETS, IXCLÜDING LATEST STYLES, -OFMATTBESSBS Of th M:"."''J1 ''; Fact the, [■] ing witb. whicU to furnish l'Ai;:."i:, ' BetJDOIB, SlïTOIG Rl ■ OH KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Datcoit or elrowbaM to rmd a large aasortmout. This PURISTITURE muanl be öld and wUÏ be sold at V E E Y LOW 1' R I C E S ! Ut every i":i '■ ' ; vvifLJ "r SU1U8 t0 be wift CU.MÏ: AM SEE. ï!,-va!io have a HE ARS E OARRIAGL, AnJ ar! Kuly ti :itt,n.l to Uk; baria) ofthj load in tbClt!rndaijoiningpunty. Ware-Rooms eat slde ,., Uajn itreot, between WasUngtonind Uberty O. lá. MAKT1N. t"7 THOMPSON Hangsterfer's Block. DPEAS & CO-, jNVliE-attcntioQ to tl.oiruew stock compvising all 1 kinds o( Crockei-y, Glaseare, Lamps, Gas Fixtures sndHboM-fiirniabJoggoodï.&U of whicli tliey are offer Ing At the Loiceü Possille Rales. Fri-ncli C&ni Ton sols from t W to 20 00 Frcnch Ohiuii dfnner Mta Irom Ï5 U0 %o 10 " Ston.' ohln Bw setofron 80 to I ilnner -, l Irom 8 50 t" - " ine luii]-; complete from 37 í to Bí ■ ■ Ki-r.iMn Umii complete from 80 tolOOU FlüMLamps front 18 to büi lamp of all kiDcls altereJ nnd repaircd. Summer Hill Nizxsery. THEODORE R. DuLOIS, TiHOI'RICTOUOFTIIKSrMMllRinM. Ni:i:SKRY,ANNT A Arbor, Jlicli., s now t. reci-ivc ordemfor Eall and Spring Séttlug, Hls 'oiik-rs fot l'ruit and Ornamental Twea, Vine, - n ■, , te ■ llboauedfromthel ■ ireerlM, and hWperoon! utUntum will be givin lo the Mteetlon and mug the un. Hfng bnregularljf Mucatailla UieNanw] busmo í.he la eoDÜdnl tht wli prompt aniloloscattention.aivlstrict boneny uivl lfctegrity,bí „II brsMa im ■: re .-itisfaction to evory eme conftdmg hetrorders to li:n. . . AOfatmergirtui( groworn wiUdowtll togivo bima enllbrforoii'iBïtliTuughotlierpartic. I,. ., ,:;,,:■ toi ,aoy dtlions ol tbe City and Coxay whu poroharad of him tha pul 8pnog tor the qualltj ef trocsbrouglitou by Un.ll wella foi tlie good OTO ! wbich thoj-Tcreri'Ci'ivixl amlflcllríiwl Sm3 GREATBARGAÏM Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. WE IIAV1' AC MN REPLEN1ETIED OIT. STORK WITJJ liie BV ■ tudjt vi bt WAS eycr oOfei ' In ;:iy oue eRtablüthmeal ba Ift-low a-; can lie found in the Union We want IVIoncy ! uu) wlll ñftko Grcat Sacrifices on Aoylhing wobrtve to obtaln ii, not exoeptliig OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We cnnliully invite ALL CASH CL' STOMERS to cali and examino Goods and Prtces. We alai mviif our Prompt Payirg Customsrs 10 come aml buy tin-ir trapptiefl Tor thn Winter. To thosf Ehsbful ones aro a 'n ld to ca il, WO MJ to Lí.ljl:, tuk. cominee without longer wnitiug for hlghet rriciSjOome in, oïd scoresj andthen :it siicli pri'-os as will ni -l;e up n 11 loBMfl It ib hni'iil; neccessary to enumérate out Cioods, for We jfiave ÜSverythingJ A lare asBöctment of UARPETIXO, CROtKERY DRY GOOUS, MEDIIKES, GEOEPJES, FAINTS, OILS, 11 T3, CAPS, BOOTS, SI] OES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &co &c. (715tf) MATNARD, STM.!I3I."S & WII.SO Stoves &. Hardware ! RISDON & HENDERSON Have now tn S f ore a lnrgo aflsoVtmentof ms rwr @ "w jïj as 9 Hardware and H0U30 '.i'urniahing O E3 jDÖ @ All i! ock wilï bo Bold a.s CIIEAI' u at any other Establishment in Michigan, They have gptth Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND l'LATE 8ÍCVE-9 I3KT TECIS STA'i-ja, And Will sollthem Choapor than THE CIlEAPItST, Please eall and see All kimïs of tin waie kept on tianfï. Particular at tent ion patd to all klndfl of n'liich will be lone wlth NEATNESS AND DlSPkTCII. S-rieiito calliiud ace thuir STÜVE ROOM in M ttory Bloeit. RISDON' & HEN'DKRSON. Aan ArboTJftPi 5f isol, O . BIjISS I a Still in the Field! WITH A LAEGE STOCK of GOODS in my line direct trom New York, BostóB, and the Manufacturera! I havo just recuived a large and well seloctedassorlmeut CLOCKS, VTATCHES, T 3 "W 3Fï Xj H. "3T. SILVER & PLATED WARE, Musical Instrumonts, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a great variety of Yankee Notions, feo. I wouldcfill particular attention to mj large stock of of Gold, Silvér, Steel, and Platcd, with PER SCOPIO GLASS A superior arttcle, atul r. (freftt nriflty of articltis ia the '"CKBAI? for CASH. Penone hBTfög ditfcult watöh08.fcO"flo iHtíiglatóeSj cao bc Kocommodated b i my itodc a Lugfl ml completo, 1" S, Particulrr atü'iiti"ii pail t" the REPAIRING of tl] UncU óf Van Wstoho,iBita au Making & Setting New Jewels, P1NI0NS, STAFFS and CYLINDER3, alao CLOCKS, AND JEWELEY, Neath' Repaicci ttüd warrant etl. C. BLISS. 1 AnguetSS, ISM. 76etl


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Michigan Argus