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PATENTEB November lst, 1859. .-_ ■Uil-: MEABURE3 V BBy ( tliu Uitanee v Jb"" " Í O t" D? diitinco ƒ ■'! urouiul ti.' IdB __ '9 the Arm-pits. P"3 f. ,,.0-3 E te E, the ;jl U-nglii of thf BALLOÜ'8 hitcniííí! linproved Freuch Yokc SiïIRTS. PATESfTED SOV. lst, 1850 A New Style of 3 irt, warranted to Fit B; ■ ' ■' ■. '■ ' wemóasnr&i per ;nail ve eau guar ant-e i perfect iit t n;r oew gtyle of ■- ïi i :-t and rctiu n Uy (Nir.--s toan; pari of the United States, at $12, $iñ,$i8. 3"24, (bc. . fcc, por (k:it. Ho ordor forward t for loss tílftO fi:ilf-;i-'lo7,.. q Hiurts. Al-...IiHportcraaud Iic-alers in MEN 'S TUHNiMi: .'. GOODe. tü. Wboleaalfl tn Ion the uiinal terms. BALLOU BKOTHEES, 80fitf W-t Broadway, New York. MOURE & LOOMIS I LftVí Removed io the STOKK KEGKNTLY OCOUPIED BY C. MAUK, I'luenix Block.East sideof Maiu St., STOCK PJfe 0P BOOTS SHOES Of every descriptiou whioh will be THliV GAN BE BOUGH? IN ThbCttj. aIso a ï.irge Hssortmont Ol HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinda made iu the n.e-t Fashionaftlc Style EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, FRENCH CALF EOOTÜ are NOT sï'rpasskd thtt aide of New York City, and are wai'1'aníctl bot to i:ii. Our PTOGASAND KIPSs, are madt uf the bftst taftterials Üur stock of Moroeco Uootees for Tiilii' is tho the besí in towo , witli hoela r v. Ithoul We Plake 1o Order, and pover miss of srjïi.c tbe . I we wiïl lm'.F you oucstook free ofclmr.:'1 iiired tHe services qf two Ex ■■■ Wcat í8t .ituiiiicr, :i:. ■ i -. si notioe. Uur motto is Qüick Sales nml SmuM Proíiís Thaiikfui 'r past fa vors we hope bypaying stricatlontioii to our busioess to merit a liberal share f your patrona;;'1 t ;■ the ! u ! ure. Renieinber we are not fco be nndcrttoW. ■:S]!ti MUORE & LCOMIS NiSV aOO23S ■ WLXES &KNIGHT Aro iiow reèeivingthoir SKCON'D Siruig1 and onnut; 3 STOCK OF GÜÜDS In coiisequencG of tho Grcat Pressure in the avi o isr ia . 3M _'k. ïi. 3E5: ei M1 we havo been snabled to purohasc mr.ny kind of Goods at our own prioes. We can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LESS TIIATT WAS PATD FOR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in New YorlSIX WEEKS 1CE! We invite the attention of all to an nspeotion of our stock. WINES & KINlGliT. May 10. 1861. SPRING GOODS. RICH GOODS. CÜE.A.E1 QOODS. BACH PIERSOU HAVE jtiat opened a lnrge and weil selccted htoek of latest stylcs aud patterns iuclucïing POPLINS, CHALLIES, DE L AI NES, Ï1UMMIXGS, S U M M E R STDFFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLES, all Carefully selected, Waranted to please, and for aale clieap. 0O3VE33 jTí.TSTX3 S3333BACH & PIERSON March 26, 18K0 973tf Oval Pictwre Frames A IX SKKS, STYI.ra and TRICES just reccived and furaale ehaapfti HCHOFF & MILLER'S. GítEAT. GREATER GREATEST BUíGáJNS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859. &,O859. ín tliisCííy, arenow ijeingofïWral at tbf) CIIEAlCLOCK,VATCIí, & npHE Subscribe? wonldsay to theoltizensol Aun ArI bor. i-' particular t ao rest of V rnunf . tbal behasjust LMPORIËD l RECTLY from BOBOPK.i Treraendous Stock of Watchos! Ah of whicíi ha b.adahlixueJftoaeU CUEAPEH tbou boughl wesi of Nfiw York "ify. Open Faca Cylitítior Wtotehëi irom to $ ! do rio ver do do 8 to ül ! [Iirntiog Cae -' do do 11 to 3 ■i ■ do Cylindor do do 9 to iít; Id Watebei from 20 t 1 lave nlso tne CELE BR ATED AMERICAN WAT CHES, whlch I wlll er-u ttr $35. E&rery Vvatcfa warrantud to .-i wt:ll, orthe noDdy nrfnaded. Cloctta, Jewelry, Tiítted Ware, Fancy GnortV GuM Pins, Musical Iustrumnits ;uid ritringu, Cutlory, &c, and ín fact n vnrirfy of ever; bine usually kept by Jew e.Vrs can be hughífor tho next ninety days at y-nif O W N i' 1U C E S ! Pereons buying atiythtng at tiiis wíl known pBtat. Itiboae ni cao relyupon gettfog goodfl exactlj rt'scnt' d, crtri-'(ji"r:cy refuqdeds CaI3tnrly and te eme tbi best bargaloa evor offered iñ ihi -ity. One word in regard to Repairing : We are preparad to mnkn any repnirt onfltte or i molí Watohes, even i r tbe entlre wirh, Bary. ItapaJiing of locks und Jewelry af usual. Aleo tbe ■ .í fOCHB, or Htiythin" desfred, from Cal i I ttce. KnirriiviP'.' Ín fillits branches exented wttnnn neds and disp&tch. J C. WATTS. ' ábxx Arbor, Jan. 38thl&9. 7í4w HORACE WATERS, . G E A" T 3 3 3 II r o a íl W a y , X p w York l'iiïfii o3u r of Mupïc nil ."ïv.slc iíooks axd dkaii::í ín Pianos, JíclorJcí.ns, Alexandre Organs Organ Acordeoos, Martinas celebratéd ;:(1 other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viola, Violinceïlos, Accordeons, Flutínas, PlutesvFifes, Triangles, Clari nett8, Tuníng Porks,Pipea andHamroer, A iolin Íjow.-, best [talian Strings, Bass Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Í3 lx o o t OVE ix S 1 o, - in the i'. S., Bertini'n ' I : i. 'i ' - . , ..i'lull km.,-, oí [nstrnotion Books ,.■ ■ a ■ ■■ iu8trumflnt3 Church Muí elcgantly bouod; Music papr, and all kinds of Musió 1Í90, At t ii v j owest P 5' i c e s. New Planos, At $1Ï6, ÍS00, - p i W00. [f;ml Pía ■ ' ' .... !.■ , Si minarte ■■■I :i( tht.' usual trad" ■ fots Testimoniáis of tïie Hornee TVntCï Planos r.nií SEelodeon Jilin lU'wcit. of Cfertbage, ïfew Vork, who haa had ■, ..; - ;í A fi .■ oe topare! her. She likefl the one yoa sold me in Dei al r 185 . , an 1 t thiuk I hcj h til bé more popular thai) any oí 'We havo two f Wter i' Planos ín use En oí oe of whicta 1 ir three . , Moitnt Carrol!, Jll. "H, Wi í I ) oneof your Piano F . -i. 1 have fonud ita ver superior Instrument. Awcszo Ge.vt, vi?? Uroohíim fírtsfkis Semwart. "The Piano i o givesat EafacUon. Iregarditasono oftne bssi instrumenta ín the pjaee." Fams&L CIíABKe, CkarU&on. Va. ■■ . : rrived. i feel obliged to yo fory our ! count." Iïev. J. M. YarqtusoiUeS C was h-.y received. Itcnnip Ín ■ py much admlred byroy numerovi ■ i cppi my rrroftam, Bra4jotd Co. Pa. "Your piano pío i ■ ■ ■'!, (t i tbe best one tn oui _.):ictUit, Ga. sach ;■ ne Instrument for t0.f' - Bkaxkeld A CJo., ■ Dei .tíi'. Üorace Waters Pianos are known aeantong th .■:'.!■ moiits w of the i . - N. Y. Eva n treliet ■ ■ ■ , "The Horace Water pianos are oui!' of tlif I dtertftl. We haTe ■ wclljperhftpa better, nt this iiiv otnetifcönM m ti 'f and Journal. I . ;o coroparÍBon ' witli thfl ftnest made anywhi re in t lie country. v - iome ' Journal "Htírace Waters' piano Forton nr1 offnlT,rích and :!- .V. Y. M" RedevC: (Our Friends wlll ftnd al Mr. Waters' store (he rery ortment of tfnsic and of Pianon to be found Ín lbo Untted Stat ■■ l"r ioathern and wotrtérn to '_:i him i cali ffheneTOr t'uey go to New - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], ÍOO.OOO isscd ín ten Months. Tlie nnprecedentod -ale of tlite'book has iodocedtl n ! 1. 1 i ent BÏze, without flxtrft clitfrgie, excepi íi thech Among tUemanj beauüful tunen an I muy be fonnd: - ;I ungiii to lore my mother:" "O l'íl b a goodcHUd, Indesd Lwül." Thoaoand eight othera from the Bell.trere nng . ■ theSundo.T School . ■ lary ai the '■ ':- Churchai th le, t!i tnat iiiiiiiii'.i-" '!'■■' Bell cottalns neariy 200 tu Eymnmana uone úi tho b ! ooUeofion ewl Trice 13c: 10 perhundrcd.p' gilt, 26c, $20 per 100 Ithasbeen :::;■ . i „r ;].'■ PubiioSch The e '3 publiabed in amall nombers íMMrvtnd Sunday Sohool Mi -3, fc on;pricef2& ior h'un.ircj' "-"' 5 will oonlie ■ míncMneaí of ■nothn i.óok. Al, Sevíral Uusio B .?9iíi prico SI & $2 per 100, p tage le. '- il.r... .Ou.OOO copie of the !■( booka I olghteon months, aml the demuDÍ lawpidly toste : Pttbltohedb iioraCE WATERS, Agent, aa Broadway, .V. V. ( Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal "Kiml Worda ean mm 41: ' "The An: me so-" "WÍWh of th.' Wt;" "Thoughte of G 'Givo rae Kick my Mountaia Home;" J'Day i'i "Dandv Cock Robín;" "I'm wlth tlioc slillr'ivt n "Therí'sno darllng llke mine;" "Saiali íane Lee;'" Erer of ti " "I'"1 lainghee il Sorrow; "Bird of Baaaty;" "Home of our birtfc;" "Gtareol Bosabel, and Ij . rake,.1 prlee 26c sach. btCTRiüxTAU- 'Talace Garden, or m?f l -iv; ■■ i ,;;;;;; v"n,. loo Welmer Polka;" "Arablan Wíl cryS ,vlaaDónteltoMi.rk;';K.l. dïfllo"Mceac ;'''e; n t o" 'l,u ■ , á"l ■ orchest i. f Si!"lcd A , iualoal bali pnce. Iano9, Me'odpons and Orsan?. Tli Horace Water Plano and Melodeon, for deptk, iniiiiv of toue and Sur very loiv íeoond Hand Pianos Etnd Mel deona Froni $'-'5 to S15U. MmlcandMueieBl [nutructtonn of .-.II kinds, aHlie ' :JV,N. Y. ] TmiMo.viAU':- "tx Horace (ratera Pianoa are knows aaambngtheYerybest.'- tvmfM. ' "Wecan pik of thelí morltafro personal ■ eage."- Chrisíian Intríimcnccr. og at the Fair aisplayed greater excellence -"- Ckiin'lauan. Watere' Pianos and Melodeonj challengewm] with t!ie Bneat mdoanyherenitheBomtry5 - jw . .lmirnal. ___ Irving'8 Works - National Edition iimiis EdiUoo of the Work of Wasbjmoio Ii I nso(luoltt5ngthaUÍ8ol Wahlngti.D w,iibopulishod for SUBSCRIBBRS ONLY In Moiitlily Volumes Price $1.50 Payable on Deliverjr. Beauttfullv Prlnted on heTy íoperüne i.].cr. ii 0 v,.,'y bwt qiiaUty, and Babrtañflally bound In heavj bevelled board. O-Ertcli Volume il lust rat ed with Vignettet ou Steel and Wood. LD Knlekerbocker'fl New York, Sketch Book, Cloth. Columbas, " In. Bracebri.'.g"1 II:iH, Astoi-iit, ■Tales of i Travel!, Craj-on Miscellany, Tapt. BooneTUlB, Oüver QolÁsmitn, M:ili..iii.t ü vol. Gremi'la, Athambrfl . Wqlfert'e Boost, 1 'e of Washington, 5 vols. Thbédraonwin v sold xorOTrratï to Subscriben and will be greatly uperior I" any ever before iasnea4 reiy haalsome el "f these nnivcwally popular irorfc L, th,is rlaocd ltbb. pll i;1,!,., publlsl,er. 116 Nassau Stroet, New York


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