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Col. Brodhead's Cavalry

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Niño (Jompankts of Col. Buodhkad's Firít Michigan Qavnlry Regiment lef;. Oamp Lyon, Detroit, on Suiuhiy rrtorning la-M, en rnu'e tor Washington, na Cleveland, PitUburg, Harmburg, and !! ikiiiiDi'u 'ilireo companies, in corii.nand oí fiisut. Col. Oopeland, remaint'd in cauij lo reoeive, care for, ftnd take forward tho harsen wlit-n the umita huil havo been furnwhad. We . visl'ed tho Camp on Friday last, :iik1 fi.'iiii'i ot'icers aiid men nnxiotis to move. Co]. Brodhkad has gathered a fino i looking, iitelJigtint boalthy body of ■ üio!), ar.'! ulun they s-li:;ll bo anned, equipped, mönnted, and tak e tho field, : .ie predict thnt thoy wül gvo a gópd account of theinHüIves Col. B hut) had military öxprionoo, and is excuedÏBgly popular with hi meo. He wil] go whoro tho onemy p1, and w herever ho;.K-s lii.Ti eu:mnand wül follow; mark that. On Saturday ororning the Ilon. II '1'. BacKUS, in an a.'ipropriato npeedl, und n böhalf of many friendo, presentad the Regiment irli an elegant filk bunner, yhich Col. li. accojitod with the following neat responso. SiB- With hearts tnll of grntitude to tho gener us donors oí thia flag we aeoejit tho pift. [n iho hands nf thi-i regiment, I feo' well !issnr''d, that the gl rioufl envigo of our uoinmon country ill never bo dingraeed Tlio gnllant men whnin ynu see aroiind hro, bave K-ft homes and frienda to meet that stern and bitter arluti alion whïeh, torced upon us, can on!y be decided by tho malled and gHiintleted hand of war. That they wiH .1; their hole duty yon may Le well assured. It is a glorions ihij, sir - tliat old ensign of American liberty, I havo oitcn wondered how tho armed traitors fighting bonoath h nother banner feo! as they seo the Boldiera of the Union marohing' onder ihut Marry banner- "criinsoncd with tho record of a thousaml victories.'1 The 9ag bonoath which their fathert; and ours togeiber i allied. OursoMiers believe, sir, that they can nuiintain the honor of our national lüinner. They intönd that from its üashing folds re star .-hall bo erascd. In conclusión, I can only say, sip, that uuless, iho groen bosom of our eotnmon mother flhull receive us. this ffg fhull be returned with its ilds. nnturnished !y dishonór, Wc nppend a list of tho Kegisnental ufficers: Qelontl - T. F. Brodhaid. L ut. Gohml - 'I'. J. Gopeland; Senior BIijnr - Wüliain T. Atwood. Major - Angelo Puldt, Act mg Aiijutmit-?, J Daniels. Ct n [i 'am - J o n a 1 1 1 : n H n d son. iufgeon - (imufcu K Johnson. A&tiant Svrgeon - Geopge Nash. Qit'irt'-rmnstt r - J J. I) aid. Ciinrlcrmtintír S'-rg't. - M. A B:itrv. isOtninhtHTX) Sergfastt - 1'. Bailved, Fnrage Francia Dcrodu-s Q'l ii h'rmnstir x G'irlc-H. A. Sho'don. Atljutitnt s Cicrk - Oen S, Flctchoi. Culonel's O ihrlij- W C. Sli;r.v. Kuiler - II II. tí anton. Tho Ann Arbor Boys rrtembera of Comimny A, Oupt SrEBniNs. We saw severnl of them on Friday, and f inlid them in goud spirits.


Old News
Michigan Argus