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- James B. Clny, with sixteen mon, was arrestod -on the 25 tb, s:id to lüive been on thouay to join Gen. Zollicoffer. - Julin C. Breckinridge was with the partj, bat escaped. - Secrctary Cameron has forbid drafting i;i [owti. - Pol. Blair was released from arrest on the 20th uit. - Gen. Lañe ronted a large rebol forcé at Papinsville, Mo., on the lst i Sept. ]?bi:l loss largo, with a!l their tcnts. wagons, and supplies. - II. J. Qartstein, late of tlio TL S navy, ia siid to command the rebel ifi-v at Fretstone Poiut. - Gen Meigs has advertised for 60,000 bushela of oatt. 1 0,000 bushels of slietled Ooru, and 10,000 tuns of !i:i y, to bc cKlucr. d in U'n.-hiiigtoii by March löih, 18ÖJ2 - The Kentuoky Legislatura has endorscd the diicct tus lefried by Congross. j - The 12,000 Pcnneylvánia reserves have all bien vaeeinated. - John 0. Brackinridgfl is nained as a cai.didate for Vico President of the Southern Confederacj. - " Houest," John Bell, of Tenncssee, ditto. - And ditto Kx-GovtTuor Claib Jack son, of Missouri. - And Messrs. Rives, Preston and Masón, of Virginia. - l'ierec Butler, Fanny Keinble's liusliand, h:is been reteased from duraoca vile at Port Lafayette. - Fort Warren Boston harbor, is being (i'tcd for the reception of prisonurs of State - Bents in Philadelphia have fallen from 20 to 'lb per ceut. - All the oflieers taken by the rebels at LexmgtoD have been roltased, except Col Mulligan. He-refused parola - An order has been i.ssued fur the enrolment into compasies of all the males in Kansas betweeo tho ages of lö and -15. - Hon. Hornee Maynard, of Tenu., is at Frankfort, Ky. - A writ of hulean corput has been issucd by Judgó Catron, in belialf of Jas. B. Clajr. - Tho Kentucky Aseembly ha? pised a vote of thanks to Oliio. imliana, and Illinois, for prompt aid. - The Corainon Coancil of Cinoinnati ! has ordered works built i'ur the protectioü of the City. - "Doestieks" !as been nettng as Chaplain of the New York 26th Regiment. A burlesque on the fSee - we say. - Comrnissary General Gibson died at Wasbingtou on the SOtli. agrd ëö.


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