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From Stockton's Regiment

From Stockton's Regiment image
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Camp (,'..s;;v, Meridian Ilill. ) Washington, öept, 24, 18G1. Dkah BitoTiiKii : - As jou know wc loft Doti-oit on Mond;y Sept! lGtJi, on tbo City of 6evekmd] which wii.s crowded from stun to stern, o i . i and steerage, Soo:i after starting I took my blnnket, went to tlie dining room ii the Cubin, rolled inyself uudor tho t;iblo, and t ried to sleep. During the nif-!it a storin of wind and rain raged witli considerable forcé, tlic vesse] rulled and tumbled, and ghook a fcllow up sorné Karly in t!ic morning we were called up for rutious, niarcbcd around a toble, took r eantcLii ui coffeêj (thoáe wbo were for tíñate cnough to havo canteen, whieh I was i.ot,) fióme baker's bread, and sorao meat iu uur hands, and distributcd oursclvca prom'wcuously around to eat at pleasuro. Shortly after daylight we arrlvod at Cleveland, and alter casting an_ chor orders were giveu, '' Co. A swing blanketsl Fall in, in two ranks fall io I Forward, match 1" and we lánded on the wharf. lferc we were detained two hours, waitiug for the buggagc to bu unloaded, when we were aupplied eacli witli a oop, plate, spoon, and knif'e and fork ; and tben the order was given, '' each man supply himseif with rutious fmthroe days," when we received hard bread and bacon, whioh was deposited in our baversaeks, and we were marched to the cars, good passenger care, at least those OOCUpied by Cuiupany A. On the platform of the oor was tastetied u barrel of ice water for the eonvenience, of the Boys. Y hilo seated hero I saw tlio Michigan First, which left Detroit a littic ubead of us, pass on the Lake Shore Road. Hoon the went frrtli, "All eboard," tho whistló sounded, tbu car.s moved, and wo were off for Washington. From Cleveland to Hudson, 2'i milca, the road was lined witli people who sent up shout after shout amidst the waving of fia-s hnndkerobioftí, boqueta, &c. Girls hand-: cd bnijiiets to the Buya on sticks; and siuall boys Ouiona and oüier vegetables of all kinds. .: t Neivburg the girls went along md gave the boj's boijiifts with notes attached, ono of whicb fvll to niv jot witli the fullowing nüto : ■ 1 i f 1 'I' ■ Tllï, Accexil Utis i ji;u;t froia i Í ■iu;i i." Adsua im ■;, Nwburgf, Ohio. At Havenna the ïiien, womrn, and eblfdren turned out en mast, bringing pro visions ol' atl kit ds, liiling baversaeks, hands and la'ps, to overflowing. - Thus througb O'iio we went, md reacbed Pittsburg, Pa., in the eveuii g of Tues(ïy th ITth, ffhero we utre marched to a large sbed, where tables were set by tlu citiaöfl, and wc were furwwhed wi;h hot coffee, bread, &c , for whith all ere grateful. Again was the coinmand givet), "all aboard,"and we found ourselvea in fr cara, at whicb there was consiiierable of grumblïng As for niyseíf I uanaged tu make a very comifortable nigbt of it. I On the morüng of the l;h we met with rather a serious accident One of the boys got lipon the top of tho car.s, and a b'i .iré bit liiui on tbe head and hurí hiiu very scriously, so that we liad to leave biin at rfarrisbtirg, which place we reacii ed late in the afternoou of Wednesday, the IStb. That uigbt lbo wbole regiment was quartered Lu the depot, and you would have laughed to have seen us stretcbed upon the floor. Of eoureo there was no sloep, for the cirs were arri ving and departing all the niglit. late in the ioreuooB we found our selves on the ear.s agaiD, and as luok would have it in passenger cars, bound j for ]}al lüioro. Most all of the bri are guarded, by one man eacli, and as wo neared the border by more; ai.-d between the Pennsylvanid line and ialti:nore by Cuinpaiiies. We renched Baltiinore late in the evening. and fow lights and few ))eople were to bc seen. We were marched in frout of a hotel, Beated and uoiFee served out to the regiment; afterwards wero marched to the depot, and tbis time fuuud ourselves in passenger! cars, and there we sat uutil tho uiorning ot Friday, the 20th, when we stai-ted for Washington. Bet ween Baltiinore and i a ah ug ton the road is guarded by ' ltcgimonts; in faet it is liko ono vast cauip between the two places. We reaehed Washington in to afteifnuon, :iüd were marched to the ' Soldiers' : Rest," a building fitted up tbr the . tion of soldiers, and furni.-hed with batís' for wat-hing. Shortly after our ar rival j we were paraded for dinner, and bot coffee and bread dealt out to us, after which tho buya took a balh. Late in the ; noon, " fall in " was sounded, and we marebed to Meridfun 1 í i x 1 where we pitched our tents, and where we iiow are and expect to stay soine time. Ou Öut urday, the 21st, tho 31 ich. lst arnved and pitched tbeir tenía about one hi!f milo trom us, and on Snuday, the 2d, I i visited thena. All the Ann Arbor boys were well. The2d, 3d, -hh and 5th Michigan Regimenta are across the Potomac ; the 6th is ncar I' iltini )i-j. As yet wo have not reoeivód any anus but expect them every day. Wo aio now engaeed in drilling 6000 men havo arnved hero wiibin the last wei?k, and it is said upwards of 15000 have crossed the Chain Iiridge witbin the last ten days. You can uot imagine the nurober of troops that. is about bere. As fer na one ean sre nothing but tonta can be scen. - It looks likea city around hore From our pp3Ítion we eau .--ee balloons go ii[i on the nther gide ol' Mie river I have not yi t visited tho City, but shnll do so tbis week. I thiiik 1 nevcr enjoyed inyself better Ihan I do now. Am in tho best of bealth and have plenty to eat. I write this On my ki;. e, ahd have been ubliged to stop twica for drill andonee for liiiiucr. J. P.


Old News
Michigan Argus