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The Great Forward Movement

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Correapondonre of ihe Philaielpbia Presa. HHMOglOM, ÍV'pL tj. Without ntlernpting to dixcloae the niovoiiitDtH ol the army and the n:iw, I foei fret' to npeak of the op6i'titinttj it the corps iniilci General Andersen. in Keiitiii ky, and urnliT General : munt, in Mis.-ouri. Abou' tho lOtli of Octobef (Jt-neriil Auder.-on wil] have iuÍsmI M;ch mi urmy of Kentnekiuna and Kast Tortnesseeanf s u keep ihu Beceeskwihlti of TeoncBSüB, ti&vluully n check; an] il is to li i Imped ihat bn loro ilie samo period Fretnont v i II havo miiHtered ao army miffiüient to thrash the traitors in tlu! neifjtbrhiod of Sprircgfield, and then, t h choii8e,lo uttempt his expedición fm the decent ot' the Missi.vippi. The sliores ol tho Mis:r-M must be :1 aivil o' ,lj hostile batterieH and, in order to effect tbi;1, tba y1"1 oatd wilt piolialilv coOparate with wich a corpi ic armee as wil] converge lipón thein i'roin either uide. Whether thU will be puccestti'u] ds üpon iijforiutitUHi ecpt'ciu !y cnntii'eil to Mj"r Genera! Freinont. Tho great butilo, in any event, will have beguti ulong tho wliolu line Irom tlu; Atliifltio lo Kansas by the initKIle of October. ' ilitarv authoritie etttimnte thut we shall tlien have three baudred and liliy thnusuiid men under anus, escluKivtí ol' reserven and of Uie Ilmne (iaards in Kontuclsv, [arylund and II ssonri At bvépy ptiint nttacked, i tien-fort', wc oujjht to ont-rtumber the eneniy. Our ai;, es will be Mell dlipplivd, wull piovi.-ioiK'd, wull drilled, vil equipped i and 't;ll uoinmanded. l'ndur such I u rcuiustancfs t is nut extravagant to expéct sucres, nor is it ivasoiiablo to í i lic rrbvl lrcMi[:s Irom the (4ulf Htates will leinain paliently unOer anus in Virginia wtiilt' itieir homes aio bciiiii assailcd by cxpi-ditions irom the N'-rth. .Ttiey are uotoriously deficiënt in equipmentfi;, elotliinfc, shoes, urins', tnedièrneti, tind gei.eral su plie. Huw thcn.caii they coatend i iqiml uims v. ith i forca iioliisflv proviijcii til all tliese necesatirtes? Jet us retneiitbor thst it w;ij prowd ut Ii::ll Kun thut, whenever in)ri InMwrH ainl .-outherner ii. et in a lail iicld, the luriner wero lliu better men. Is il lila.-ly, Uien, thttt III inferior Houthwrn forcé will stand long aainst a superior nortliern torce? i think, thtjreioro, tbut the plilli ol' the cainpaiwn readers anecest iiioihIIv certmii to our ;;nnics, Our t.bject is to defeat and disperse the rebel armies now overruwung iImj Southern Öia es. Thut done, hot work a chievod. - When.théíj'iáriiiies ai-e gcutiered, the Houthert) p oj le will lie iuvitcd to exircise Uic pi i VÜego "f eleeiiiig ineinbers ol Conre.s . Pctitul tacililie WÍH be retnred to lliem, and they will be prol ected froin epoiintioo bv the buuditi, and cij.iy al] t o right.s uf ellizens ol' the Uniled Stntes. recent eleetionH tn Miiryland und Keiitueky, and the late dmauuHtratioilS ni fíortll Caiolii.a. ehow how iladly thi vhunge will be ue)i-omed 'I 'In-re wi .1 not bi: a Southern State in which :t rtbil tii-ket will ntiind any i.-'uaiii-o a fier Jeff. Uuvis' annies are dci'jalcd ín llie Üöld.


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