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1861. 1861. J$T3Zi'7JS7 PALL & WINTER GO...

1861. 1861. J$T3Zi'7JS7 PALL & WINTER GO... image
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1861. 1861. J$T3Zi'7JS7 PALL & WINTER GOODS NOW RECEmKQ AT Tl AVIXG to my CASH for ncnrlyall 11 of Gooái purchnsed in New Xork ■ are necessurily obliged torestrict our redit systeiu licro. Cuiiscqueutly we hall offer our Fall Good3 for Cash, il n very small acivance on the cosfc. C. H MILLElf & CO. Ann Arbor, 9pt . 94, 1861 . 819ni3 Hotice. rpHEüNnERSIffNEnbeivliy glves doüm ta all who t hitre accounts tobe amlitrd byUwBr-nd of Miper[ntenilint of tbc Vaabtenaw Counly Pooi Heuse : i r before the 5TÍI OF OCTOBEE. PEJÍJ. W. WAITE, ) ANDüKW BELL, Superintendent I' IIAV1S. J Ann Arbor, Sent. 24, 1801 . 819wi ON SATCKDAY D'ig! ! Uu4i Ulij wbJk ttf. F. A li-.irliii■ !.n:M i a man lv ! lio nffIQ6 ing on Main Htreet neartbejall tarned into el n ipftti ii hortit'H iK'luuging to 'Ai I!., siace hc.n-'l In in 1h ra. One 1 in ill whi para od ; Iha otber wük u 1 lt r. Any od6 ' igg inI ' i i ! , - bynneórbolli m.ty je seour ■ , wil] be Libvi-ully paid for thelp tr uble. Ut :.. A. DUUUVGAMR Ann Arbor, Sept. -:5. 1801 bl'Jul TIEAL ESTÁTE FPR SALE f)(í ' ■ ■ water, and au ) f l;rinff Bprfnp, stone hoi e. barn nnl new sherts, 1 I tie hUW ri '1 itiil lili v ;(■:■ ["'"Vi1 i . I ■ j;[ t in' toWO ' f M-Ím, juni -''inli ■'' ' ■ i , andfour and a half mita ■'... Arlur. iUXJA MUR1UY, V, M. Ml RRAY Scio, Stpt. 24, 1E61. 61ÖWC ËWDRD3, PI3TOL3, &c P-I.Mlis IJACH3 i. i-"1 ■ . Qg dalír. in , i; ■ cao manufacture, all jf Army and Navy IlcgulattonjxiiUrn, ',.: - Uogulation, Staff, Line, Surgeons', Chaplalns' " r T.-inis'.an.lNaíii SWOlihS ; CAVALRY SABRfcS, ím: BOWIK KN1VES, Le S . 1 the above are of tbeir own rannufnci ure, a ml are of (uftlity, ia 1 üli watrant-'ü to ttmd governmeni p ■ Ri'gulatioa !i.-lí'=. P.'ishi'.s, Fhtiulder Ftrapu, Vroftlw, :: [es,Ci :.■. ;, t and uthersolid and embroideitl Orna ,,i ■■ . Gilt, foc FíáÜT, Paptftin ;md ■ Leí t rs ai il Vumher Ibo, PISTOLS & RM OU I: , ■: ■ 1 n's Ilen's, aml i:niv other roak) : all kiiidy of Caitiídges. CaiS, l'he nbove wiH be aold al a smnll aévance, íot Cnali. ■it w li. (.-■, !' ;...'. ■ . ',- n t'icil Wlth Cure : l i : ■ 1 de patchj by Express, Celleei os úelivery. Ler.d fti (.'acular. PALMER3 &BATCHEDKKS, SU.O 103 Wi.sliuutril &t.,B0fitflfi. r'-EYS and EAB. ' DIÍ F. A. CADWELL, !-T oí'EKvroi: os tuk i.vk and -:ak. Fuíl lcafus. BUudneM, nntl all tií:fitt oí si Ut and Heailng DR C. REINO A REGÍ LAR Tliysiciin, wifh TUTNTY VEAR ' exclusive practioem the I rea! men l of ái easea of Lhe E Ví. AND .' II, wiH be fuand quftlipecl to giv relipl it et&pt a cura íu any caae within the reach of huma ti !ill ■ r.karge for an cxamlu&tlon or an opinión, orfor i' ituQ 'f ikful iervic $ Da. '.'■ I RBAnsB t thb Ets asd Ear, of 300 pp., . ■ ■ es, Tesi ni i alai h, tte cription of Oiaca-cs, ( ;i-os, and othi r ímp rtaní matter. Illuatrated w i' h Puts, tu be had ífratts, by I ■ i to paj i esa Dr. Cadwbxl ! ■ i Street córner Deafconr, Uuic&go 111. lvTCS Great Kcducíion inthe Price cf 8IN6KR & COS Star.dard Machines . II 'til . i-.nii.-7i ío e í.í Ví ur Manujactunny l'urpoae. No. 1, Suidard Shuttfe Machine, forincrly stld a'. $90, reducefl to S7ü No. 2 of sume kir.d OÍ Machine, for un i Iv snij n $100, retíuced tu S75. SJíGELi'S LETTBJS A MACHINE M n iUat' in I tre wi i ld f r 1 ami . i (ííí' lÍLturtcr,) and .. . .i 6o. The Nu. 1 aul - Machinen are of gre&tcapacity and ... ■ . ag ptirpofce, ciallj a iapted i" al] k! ida ni ligiit and !.riv Lentlier Vork, in (';t.rrJa;f Triroming, l' ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' f ''i ■.- etc., etc. l'hev :ii i' ni' i'x ra si o, aud witb u arm Long ein cake undtíi ii aüd titch tho 1 dadliesi i htre : acarcely any gfli i ufa Trimmers' stUching tbal cannoL be bettt-c ■■ -i'1 W'Üi thvna tUan by hand ; se, loo, thH avúig ñt time i ■ üreat. 'I v tableof líjese luacti n is 24 tnched Ion, and thesfauttle will in,l.l si ini;filit usual qaantitoi thred. Thelarge iiiacl.ii! f w.-i .vs.a.-. lit:i sinaíl o nos. We would aiíkr our ttttci' A, Machine, the apéela! attent ion " í V---r M.,í-.. aod 1 ress M ikera , and all theme wliu want Miel ' t mana faeiurirtg purpuna. '{':■■'■ i tiib .y pri ■ i tho standard .i ; like . lu ni tln1 1 ti -(■■!' H-Let BÍtch, iiii'l i . ratotl for L'aüily Skwinh si d jjB Bianufaoi uriug purj tniea a-, uur ntandai'd michine ure fuï manutacluring pbrpost in general Wu iia í awajf in haad, í;i:.imm; c.m le .mí k iwjai m v: IHB CtTTO.V T1ÍKKAD, 0 FütH , BU i MAiil iriiC olL in . etc., ■■ii ( inaDufftCture out bwn NeedWs, a ni would warn all ■. otherri. know thai there are needle; [ of te iñost itiftrior , .i. hest. Tiic nee lies roW by ne are manufti' turotl pbj eciallj t'or our m: Lints, lud ncnUcmay r:ndir thcboí machiné ustles. (ínr cuttnni nmy reni a ■ allour I ranch ■ , ■ Li-iiuiiii' acucie " (he ni Liry n::;y be sent in ■ ■ ■ : . ; I ;.:■ ivríte theirnameaáistínctlv. it I mi 3iit re ehoald, ineacbcase, know ! : . ■ iT5" A 1 persona requiriug ínftcmatin abo1 tliei ' síiie, p ■ héBt methods of Furcli ■ ibtain it b-j wndïng to ouï B anchütticeáfe c.y oí ï. M. Siajèr Lt Co öafette, Which is a bmufiful Píctorial Ptperefitirely devotedto the subect- 0 wUL be$ení gratis. -We have made thTbveBl DUCT1ONÏN PRICE-3 wth the two-ftild Íw I !; publicaodour gi Ivés. 'M-i' public In re beeD sh ndle] i -tl!; ■■ ■ iuti J aars. 'í e metal ín i lu tn, . 'i ■ i ■ ng ; ■ the ra ■''■- it pen ■-, i ■ o peor quality. '1 ln-:r niHkei'ri have aot the raeana to dn thair ■ ■ ! wml i bt' lo Imve ;t iheir cominaml the pcop; I ng ii grent ■ tteuiiire man ■ ■ ■ ifabllahiin-nt-i, that eo : . I cao Ue m.ul at modorut i, BAI Í.Y y.M'K, are alwityi ii. ble ■■: n il o-l trdei , e ad o poivsíleijibk troubiö and mn,ey tu kep Uieía in repairt ïhe quHlitieB to be looked for in a Machine are : c r tainty oi ■ un at all raten el sp'ed,mplicitj of cmstructíon, greal rturabi i;y. ndrfcpi(Hy ol operaln.n, with the leaei I ■ , ae tbes# ; nu:r,iíi-. _inui he roadeof tLebestme al and fini-li i! 'm . tie way and measuiton , tó du ! tus. prs of machín i, whoscflaüy Vreml it rmtv concern, will Qndtliai thuse Uaviug tbe aboví i ool odIj v. ni u #ell al rapi3 ;i-. r#11 as lew ratea vi ; I ; -i tl.r fine.-! posible working order. i , ■ ■ . : ■ with !' u any ethers whether ra jmitation ( ouror not. In fact, they are ches ter thnn any other tefacii d ■.■.- ; fejif t . I. l. lNGEfl A CO., 468 Br adway New York. tgSF Petroií Office, 78 GrUwold Street, oppönite the rust Ulïice. RH tí M. II. GOODRICIÏ, Agent, Ann Arbor. IN THE RIGÍIT PLAÜE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis. -? ïlli. HEBT FAMILY Ca' föA tharlic n the vorld, _ : k u.sed twenfy years ty . e ruilltyüH ol persona . [in ti: Hy : always give ' - ". " . ■ ■ . .■. "■ I act ion , i1 nol !ii ■■ lij urious ; , o prin . : ;i I iiliyrtk'uuiS' aml i . ; I i 'men ; j Cuiited wjth 1HLTf IjOTIPS'JS I i Mts; - VjiJ Fulidireotionawtlheucb TA1T.AJIASBB, T.rnv CorjïTY, 1 i, July 17. L860, ' ToD. ïlEKBicit, Albany, N T - ATy Pear l'ucto :- 1 writti Ui'iti i inioi ni you of t ' 9 wond ri'üi i ;■(■ of y out i ■ -.i' , i i ;,. . ' ti my eider dauffhter. V' eihree ■ iiiliions iierangement ol Ehe systero. km lly fnaparing her health, I '. llfi in New i rft in April laai . h fi eitiladvifed me to tent pilt. Quvioff the fulli'Si c mfitience in th judemeüt f my frlend, I ob e :i -d u ■ ippiv of Jl I A Park ■ pruKgitit ' , Hark ■ r'. . f)n returning home. ■ : nll othoi' t reatmei t , und r tminisr r- your PilU, une eïii h I iglit. The impioti mi u1 in h r feelïagf, i n. eic, ur] r ■ . ■■ A , a pid : i ■ ■ r .■' i f ■ has hetn t !m ■ re all . u i i i han ti ve boxea, and conoide r her ent'rel y Weli. 1 ■ ;.1j.ic h inst 1 1 iltnlc tf vi! n I iil bt? the naeans of inducin ta:in to adopt your 'Pilla ns their lanniy rucdicini-.. I iL-maiu, oeárslr, with many ihj Your obed eat nervant. Sí. G. MOKTIISON. Henick's Kíd Strengihenim; Pleisters curt) in h':r ■, pains ai.-l weal oeM of th brea it, - shi rt pw ktd ol . : : ■ ■ : '■ laflsb 1 i the weator to r. nconvenitle, ■ r FroQ3 weck to three ninnthu. Price 18JÍ .■■!... Herrlck's I upar Costad Pilli and Ell T i;i1 iré wld nv IVupgihtfl ín Mt-rrhanls In all parta of the United P1UNTLNG OF ALL KINDS N"eatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. HTS AKE PKEPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE 1IIÍE OF PRINTING AT THE HOST BEASONABLE RATES. W Uave reeently purs!aed a S.TXQ-Q-IES ROTARY CAED PIIESS, anU have luidc-rt tl;e lat' t st yl-s .f CarJ Type, whicb euable u to juiut INVITATIOX CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISIÏING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neategt Stylfi, an j as cheap ai any otber Uuusu iu ihu Statx. We u-u uUo pru[ md to riut POSTERS, HANDBILLii, BLANKS, BILL IIEADS, CIRCüLARS, PAMriILETS, &c THE ARQUS BOOK B1NDERY ia in charge of a Ï1RST CLSS WORKIAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNAL?, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, SÜLED TO ANY PATTERN Anl Manufacture in ïest stïli t New York Prices, Pcriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old 33ooks Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. 15. POND, Propr. Office nnd Bindery, coi1. Maii i Hurón Sts Ann Arbor Marble WorUg, DBcXtoliGlclox I AS uu lumi a Bao Mortant al Araüdc&u aud 1 TA L I A N MA R B L E wbicbbeis prepareil to minufacture uto in ülltheir variotu-x, nd in n Wt'RKMAXI.IKK m.innor. üavlni bd sonuMernlíli xpwienen In the bueineii ho flattsra hltuMll Ihai 1u' wlll be able In pleam !itl win m:iy Favor me wlth tlieir orf'erp. IIïs pzicea ÏÏOVV AS THE LOWEST. those wUhintr iny thinc In my 1'nr ar-1 respectfully ia 'ited to aal! !) c: BATCHBL1S. Aun irtnr. M:.v C0.1S61. SOI tl" 'laken Up. CA?ifF. IXTO 11 pnolnsure of tho Fuh-.crtber, on fho 13th cf .-i'lit., in Uie to'-rnahlp i f IVxtrr, Invoe miles went of Dextcr Villace cuthp 1'liiiUi Koil- .i jokf ofOxen- oneii ft blaak wilb whii siripe across ibe ihoulaor, and lómo whlteoatbe blly ; ihu (tbcr a


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