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BnsincíS ïMrcrtnm. "wTÑTTEbÑcí JNTALL, DUN,CKLí;E & Co., TUnOI.'F ',I r hiv" KIT.MI. rioalors in Pry un-.' . CarVi petinirs PIootOH Olothfi, Ffeáthíw, Paper Hangiugs. ndagoneralasM.riincüt of furnisliini.' Gouds, No 74 Woodward .Avenue, Comer bfiarocdst}, - ■ - I ETI.OIT, MicV, . Icrí íolltcdand prnrapÚy ath-nded toïL1 EO9yl RAYMOND'S Photograiíhic aiul Fine Art (iAl-l-F.RY Nes. 2C5 '..'07 jelferson Avenuo, DETROIT. PhotO[;ihs. Life fizo, colorcd or Plain' caWnot '"V btti.1, rfelaimitjpe. D.guerrotype, Ambn.ty,. te -CARO by tfcí Dinm or hou Band. ___ÜliL_ lTo. . F. WSnTF.NTAW l.onnlï ïfo. 9, of the Inaependent orlH-of Odi Fallow meet ut their Lodg Room, .v-v Friclav eTetiinpr, at "M o'clnck. M. V. K. JONES, N G. J. F. KMLDIXO, ie r. LT'G SÜTÏÏÊÏÏLAND & SON. WHOLESALE AN"l' RETAtt Oreert edtomtssion Uerch mts, Kas', dde Main s-'treot Ann Arbor B. IIESSE, PltTfilcuN .t sckgkon aespeeifull.v tender ]s pro. ressiou&l ,-erviees to the citizena of Anri Jrb-.-r ;tmi ricinity. OOice in Jhick's Xcw Buihüng, ÍSaiii Strooi", Ann Arliór Mieh. N.B. Nlghtcalls pfromplj1 ttendedto. TWITCHELL St CLABK. TTORXEïSiiftilCounaollors ut Ijiw, General Life w T. Fiic Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall Block, onHuronSt. AnuAmir. CfeHoeUoni promptly made naremitte.l, tnd speciiü iittei.lion paid to Mmwyancmg. . s. nrrrcBxu., isti] e. p. clakk J. M. SCOTT. A mbrottfe i: PTOT08KFH AM1SIS, in tlio rooms f formerlyccoupie.l hy C.nlley.civerthe store ofSperry Mo.ire i'eriVct sttisfactloo junrMifeed. WINES & ivNTGHT. DULfltiln Stuplo. Kaney Dry Goodi, Bnnts and Shoe, kc. k:., MiilStre8t Ann Artr. MARTIN & TpüMPSOK. FüRNlTURE Ware-Rooms. Dealer n all kmda of Furniture, i;c. New Bloak. Mam Street. :'. BISIXm & HENDERSON, DBALEI-iin Hardware, Stoven. l:iu( fnrnUhinggooó's, Tin Ware .vc. Sc, New ülock, Main ijtreet. A. P. MILLS, Dmmt In Staplo Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots nd HlKMI and Kcaiiy .Made Clothlng, Huron Street Ann Irtaj , BEAKEj & ABEL, 4 TTOKÏETS & Cof.NSEl.inns AT UW, and Èk.'Jeitora in Chaneery. Oilice in City Hall Block, over Webster fc Co's Hoos Store. Arm r'-"' KÍÑGálEY c: iO UGAN, ttorxevs. Counsellors, Sotleitow, and Notarles Puli. lic h-TeBooksaadl'latBB-owingtitleaofa)! land n the ounty, ainlattend tcoy_cinga_dcolle( ting Cm luns, ,iu'l 10 paying taxea and .school interest 111 ai.y art of ilie_.tato. office eastsiie of the Square, Ann Arbor. JAMES li. COOK, " JiSTiCK of the Pkace. Office ncavthe Deoot, Ypsilanti, Miotdfran. Vm. J -KW ITT, M. L, PtlTSIdAX k Smavrl. nilice at lus rosidence, Korth _de ofihirou su-eet, ard il house Wi-al ol Divimod treot, Ann Arbor. (-.COL) -IKK, MAL'FCTriiEl anddea'.er in Boot and Shoos. Excjiauge lilocli, ■{ doova Soalh ol Uajuard, Stebbins t Wllson's Store, Ann Arbor, Slich. MCOtiE & J.OOML-3. T ixüF tcTuunüS an4 jealer in Boot and 3b oes, Vi 'rhoeuix Block, Main Streel, oue door North ui VaPhingtin'. M. GUliEKMAN te CO, ITTHOLKSAlEand Hetail dealers aivl manufaeturers of VV Beady Maíe (Sothing, Impbrters of Cloths, Cassioeres. üoeskka, A;c. No. 5, New ülock, Aun Arbor. C. B. POKTEli, ---j .. SunfïKON DKfTIST. Office cnrner of Main B__k'iV und Hurón stieets, uvcrl'. Bacli's store, TrW'ÍB& Aim Albor, Michigan. '" ' April, 1859, Wm. WAGNEIí, Dealer in Roady Made CU'ihing (,'Ioihs, C;i-imeres nnd Ve.sunjs, Hats, Capí, Iruuks, Carpet Baga, fee. lüüp it., Ann Aihor. 13 A OH FJERSON. Deílkks in Dry Gooda, Groeeries, Hardware, Boots & dhoea, &c, Main stro'et, AnnArbor. MAYNAUO, S'iEBBIKS cÊ CO., OKALl'.KS in Dry Uoodb, tiroceries, Drugs íc Medicines. P Boots k Shoe . jee., coiner of Main and Ann strets, ufit oei3 w the Exehange, .uin Arbor. ÖLAWSON & (tKEK, ""1 B0CKR8, FftOVISMS fc CuiiMM jsvi'jti Merc'n;int, ü H'l dea,T LeLia WatbáLimb, Laxd HlaütEi , and Plástex of ?Aitis,niio Jöbr EABtoi Cook's uötel. V, I'.LISS, Dfjé.HtiaClockAjWatcW, Jewey. awd Funcy Gooda, at the iign of the Mig W.itcli, Nn. 27, Phoenïx F.lock j7g7vattö. in Cloclïs , Wafchen, .Ipwehy and Silver Ware No 22. New Blok, Ann Aibor. T. V. PRËËMAN. Barbeh an'l Fasbionable llaïr Dresser, Main Strrot, Ann Arbor, Micli. Ilair Frotits and Curls kept iiinstantly on tand. SOaOFP & MILLER. Í KAï.ERS iaMisctliaiieous, ScllOttl, and Blank Iïook? Stu tJ tionery , iaper Haugings, &c. , Main Street Ann Krbor, "MISS JENNIE E. LINES, " rrfEACHER Of Piano Forte, Cuitar, and Singing. bef Dg L desirounofeniarging lier clan, wiil roceive pupil s at Ihe re.-iidence of Prof. WIKCHELL, wbich berog near the Union Schooi, wül bc very convenient fur sucli sc-holtrsatteadiag there vrb.9 ny wih t jjurisue the study of rausicin eOQBcÜoo witlï other ln-ancL(s. TermsSlO, h;vlf to be paid at the middle and the baluie at ihe close fo the termD. DbFOKEST. " iTTiïolksalf. and BetaU Dealerln 1-umber, Lath, Shin'V gleBj Sash, Doors, Blinde, WarteT Linie, Grand River laster, I' laster Parisj and Xails of all slzes. A f uil and perfr-nt fi-isortinent of thf above, nnd all othar tinds oí building material constantly on haod at the lowcst posslble ra tes, on ietroi1 Street, n few roda fi-om the ttallroad Depot. AIro oyerating extensiycly in the Patent Cement Koofing. VV SIITENAW COÜNTY BI15LIÏ SOcTeTï. Jepositouy of ffiblea ani Testament at tho Society pricoa .itV. C. VDcriii-is'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., SUCCESSOU S TO tjiXTIirX, OIÏAPIKTcfc Oo MNüfÁCTnF.RE Cl AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, AN AR KOU KUCH. CA.RD3! CAKDSü CARDSÜ! Haring parched ■ Ruaauffl .atan Dukok Caed '■'■'■ ''■'■' ' ■"!■.:,. 'tit ol C' tvpe, tbc Asui'k OIBcei prep:irel to print Carda of all kimls in Mie neatest pnuible Btyle and ai. a peni reductlon frrm 7ormer priccs.iuoUuliiiK Bunliipu Carde formen of all &vncationsandprnfessioQÍi, Rail. Wedrtingj and visitii g Cnls, nlc., eto. Cali, {ve u.i vour.s uiders nutl sw how Itln ■ ii"sEWIWG MACHINE FOR SALE. IJOR SALE CHÜAP ruw Dr-t clasa Family Pewing Jlachiao. VVarraated üo bttto in tnarkc-t. ïerms uj. E. B. r'Ö.VD. inn Artor, Jti)v l(h,Hia,


Old News
Michigan Argus