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Effect Of Russell's Letters

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Au American now in England, in vrrïtiug to the Oiucinnati Gazette, sav.s : JJut Mr. Hussell's letters, already as partial as possible, have been but the toxt on whicli thé 'l'imeshns deiigntcd to couiinent. Utnost daily liave the Brit isli people been reniinded of the decisivo victories of' tho South - of our want of' both military knowludge aud of courage - of our ruiiied finalices - and of our want of self-confidence. Ths Times is üow reuping a " sonsation " harvest. No 8oaer ilocs a letter arrive from its ''special eorrespoodeut,"tliau the eleetrie wires aro employed to induce the jicople to maku a largor demand on ita next issue. On my return from Scotland a fe t dáys since, Í stopped at Manchester. - Tiie ears of the citizeua of that placo were tingling with a. dispatch rtwdiug as foflqws: ''America! - Another letter from Dr. Kusscll to the Times. The po .ir threatonccl with siarvation ! A íearful socialistic ïnovement ! Mass , meetings hjld ! The secues of tlic French lievolution probably to be reeuacted in the Noith ! ' I need not s:iy that I fonnd a tiumber of resident Ainericsns thre iu an uncomfortable state of miud. Nor are s ■- jouruers unaffected by tuch announccments. A gentleman, with his faruily, who have been travpljüg on the eöntlnöut have been staying at niy boarding lioute. in this city. feaniig to sail for their home ■ . " xr 'T ir . i_ ui t iic cuv 01 iiy o-oi"For all this ra on tJC Jin5" Ilsh jounials are re.-.']i.i:isiblo. j _r-:= Thougllt U tho wind, knowledge the sáil, ana mankind the vessel. E1 Kvorv hcart has a secret drawcr the spring of whicli, oniy knowa. to the 'i ii


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Michigan Argus