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Letter Of Ex-president Buchanan

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ReotcbMUr, r. nu., FruMj.Uet, 4. At the grent Union Meetujg at Ruyesville, Chester coonty, oñ the Int nut , th folluwing letter froin ' President Buehanan vvtis read; Wlu-alUm 1, near Lnncaster, 28. Duak Sik: I have. beun honored ly your kind invitation af Oliairinan of the anproprintv Commiitee to attend and address a Union Meeting of the :tins of C'iesier and Lancnster Conuties, to bo held at ILiyesvilla on lot of Oetober. TtiH I ihouid gladly accept, proeeeding, as it doe?, from a lunch valuad poition of my ld Congreísional ! dirttriet, lint tidvunctng ye:ns and tho present tutu (' my lio.iltli ïvnder it iinp 'sniblu. Yiiii esimate Ü:e doop interest I f'eel, in cinmon j with thecitizens who irtll there líe as-! scüihled, ii) the prtisent condition of uur CQUnlry. Tliisis, indeed, sering; bilt our ; recei:t military ieveit8 íh lar ffoffl produoin'g despondency iri the mindf of n loval and powertul peoplo, will only anininte theii) to n.oio mihty exerlions in susta'ning a war which has become inevitable by the assntiltuf the Confederíito S ates npon Fort ínmpter. ! Pfiir tlii.s retison, wero it possible, waiving all other topics, I shoukl con fine mysclf to a srlen.n iind eirnest nppeal to my countryinen,and especiully those without families, to volanteer for the war, and join the mnny thousands ol brave and patriotic vohintecrs who are alruady in the ti'ild. This is the moment t r action - for prompt, enorgetic and nniied action - and not tor the discusí-ion of pi-ace propositions. These we must kriow would be rejected by the States that hai'e seceded, unlest we iliould ofl'cr to recogni.e their in.depur.dence, which is enlirely out oí the question. Be ter counsel rhay here:.fter prevail, when these people shall bc convineed that the war is conchicted, not for their conquost or subjngation, bot solely ior the parpose of brir ging them back to their original position in the Union, without imparing in the slightest degree nny of their cont'tutional rihts. Whilst, therufore, wa shall cordially hail their return under our cómmoli glorious flug, and weieome them as Brothers, vet nntil t'nat happy doy shaU anivc, it will be our duty to support the President with nll the men and meaos at the commnnd" of thñ country, in a vigorous and successful prosecution of the war. Yours, vcry respccifuïlr(


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